186 research outputs found

    Numerical characterization of protein sequences based on the generalized Chou\u27s pseudo amino acid composition

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    The technique of comparison and analysis of biological sequences is playing an increasingly important role in the field of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. One of the key steps in developing the technique is to identify an appropriate manner to represent a biological sequence. In this paper, on the basis of three physical-chemical properties of amino acids, a protein primary sequence is reduced into a six-letter sequence, and then a set of elements which reflect the global and local sequence-order information is extracted. Combining these elements with the frequencies of 20 native amino acids, a (21+λ) dimensional vector is constructed to characterize the protein sequence. The utility of the proposed approach is illustrated by phylogenetic analysis and identification of DNA-binding proteins

    Empirical Relationship between Intra-Purine and Intra-Pyrimidine Differences in Conserved Gene Sequences

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    DNA sequences seen in the normal character-based representation appear to have a formidable mixing of the four nucleotides without any apparent order. Nucleotide frequencies and distributions in the sequences have been studied extensively, since the simple rule given by Chargaff almost a century ago that equates the total number of purines to the pyrimidines in a duplex DNA sequence. While it is difficult to trace any relationship between the bases from studies in the character representation of a DNA sequence, graphical representations may provide a clue. These novel representations of DNA sequences have been useful in providing an overview of base distribution and composition of the sequences and providing insights into many hidden structures. We report here our observation based on a graphical representation that the intra-purine and intra-pyrimidine differences in sequences of conserved genes generally follow a quadratic distribution relationship and show that this may have arisen from mutations in the sequences over evolutionary time scales. From this hitherto undescribed relationship for the gene sequences considered in this report we hypothesize that such relationships may be characteristic of these sequences and therefore could become a barrier to large scale sequence alterations that override such characteristics, perhaps through some monitoring process inbuilt in the DNA sequences. Such relationship also raises the possibility of intron sequences playing an important role in maintaining the characteristics and could be indicative of possible intron-late phenomena

    DV-Curve Representation of Protein Sequences and Its Application

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    Based on the detailed hydrophobic-hydrophilic(HP) model of amino acids, we propose dual-vector curve (DV-curve) representation of protein sequences, which uses two vectors to represent one alphabet of protein sequences. This graphical representation not only avoids degeneracy, but also has good visualization no matter how long these sequences are, and can reflect the length of protein sequence. Then we transform the 2D-graphical representation into a numerical characterization that can facilitate quantitative comparison of protein sequences. The utility of this approach is illustrated by two examples: one is similarity/dissimilarity comparison among different ND6 protein sequences based on their DV-curve figures the other is the phylogenetic analysis among coronaviruses based on their spike proteins

    Molecular Distance Maps: An alignment-free computational tool for analyzing and visualizing DNA sequences\u27 interrelationships

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    In an attempt to identify and classify species based on genetic evidence, we propose a novel combination of methods to quantify and visualize the interrelationships between thousand of species. This is possible by using Chaos Game Representation (CGR) of DNA sequences to compute genomic signatures which we then compare by computing pairwise distances. In the last step, the original DNA sequences are embedded in a high dimensional space using Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) before everything is projected on a Euclidean 3D space. To start with, we apply this method to a mitochondrial DNA dataset from NCBI containing over 3,000 species. The analysis shows that the oligomer composition of full mtDNA sequences can be a source of taxonomic information, suggesting that this method could be used for unclassified species and taxonomic controversies. Next, we test the hypothesis that CGR-based genomic signature is preserved along a species\u27 genome by comparing inter- and intra-genomic signatures of nuclear DNA sequences from six different organisms, one from each kingdom of life. We also compare six different distances and we assess their performance using statistical measures. Our results support the existence of a genomic signature for a species\u27 genome at the kingdom level. In addition, we test whether CGR-based genomic signatures originating only from nuclear DNA can be used to distinguish between closely-related species and we answer in the negative. To overcome this limitation, we propose the concept of ``composite signatures\u27\u27 which combine information from different types of DNA and we show that they can effectively distinguish all closely-related species under consideration. We also propose the concept of ``assembled signatures\u27\u27 which, among other advantages, do not require a long contiguous DNA sequence but can be built from smaller ones consisting of ~100-300 base pairs. Finally, we design an interactive webtool MoDMaps3D for building three-dimensional Molecular Distance Maps. The user can explore an already existing map or build his/her own using NCBI\u27s accession numbers as input. MoDMaps3D is platform independent, written in Javascript and can run in all major modern browsers

    Machine Learning with Digital Signal Processing for Rapid and Accurate Alignment-Free Genome Analysis: From Methodological Design to a Covid-19 Case Study

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    In the field of bioinformatics, taxonomic classification is the scientific practice of identifying, naming, and grouping of organisms based on their similarities and differences. The problem of taxonomic classification is of immense importance considering that nearly 86% of existing species on Earth and 91% of marine species remain unclassified. Due to the magnitude of the datasets, the need exists for an approach and software tool that is scalable enough to handle large datasets and can be used for rapid sequence comparison and analysis. We propose ML-DSP, a stand-alone alignment-free software tool that uses Machine Learning and Digital Signal Processing to classify genomic sequences. ML-DSP uses numerical representations to map genomic sequences to discrete numerical series (genomic signals), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to obtain magnitude spectra from the genomic signals, Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) as a dissimilarity measure to compute pairwise distances between magnitude spectra of any two genomic signals, and supervised machine learning for the classification and prediction of the labels of new sequences. We first test ML-DSP by classifying 7396 full mitochondrial genomes at various taxonomic levels, from kingdom to genus, with an average classification accuracy of \u3e 97%. We also provide preliminary experiments indicating the potential of ML-DSP to be used for other datasets, by classifying 4271 complete dengue virus genomes into subtypes with 100% accuracy, and 4710 bacterial genomes into phyla with 95.5% accuracy. Second, we propose another tool, MLDSP-GUI, where additional features include: a user-friendly Graphical User Interface, Chaos Game Representation (CGR) to numerically represent DNA sequences, Euclidean and Manhattan distances as additional distance measures, phylogenetic tree output, oligomer frequency information to study the under- and over-representation of any particular sub-sequence in a selected sequence, and inter-cluster distances analysis, among others. We test MLDSP-GUI by classifying 7881 complete genomes of Flavivirus genus into species with 100% classification accuracy. Third, we provide a proof of principle that MLDSP-GUI is able to classify newly discovered organisms by classifying the novel COVID-19 virus

    Predicting Proteome-Early Drug Induced Cardiac Toxicity Relationships (Pro-EDICToRs) with Node Overlapping Parameters (NOPs) of a new class of Blood Mass-Spectra graphs

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    The 11th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Computational ChemistryBlood Serum Proteome-Mass Spectra (SP-MS) may allow detecting Proteome-Early Drug Induced Cardiac Toxicity Relationships (called here Pro-EDICToRs). However, due to the thousands of proteins in the SP identifying general Pro-EDICToRs patterns instead of a single protein marker may represents a more realistic alternative. In this sense, first we introduced a novel Cartesian 2D spectrum graph for SP-MS. Next, we introduced the graph node-overlapping parameters (nopk) to numerically characterize SP-MS using them as inputs to seek a Quantitative Proteome-Toxicity Relationship (QPTR) classifier for Pro-EDICToRs with accuracy higher than 80%. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the nopk values present in the QPTR model explains with one factor (F1) the 82.7% of variance. Next, these nopk values were used to construct by the first time a Pro-EDICToRs Complex Network having nodes (samples) linked by edges (similarity between two samples). We compared the topology of two sub-networks (cardiac toxicity and control samples); finding extreme relative differences for the re-linking (P) and Zagreb (M2) indices (9.5 and 54.2 % respectively) out of 11 parameters. We also compared subnetworks with well known ideal random networks including Barabasi-Albert, Kleinberg Small World, Erdos-Renyi, and Epsstein Power Law models. Finally, we proposed Partial Order (PO) schemes of the 115 samples based on LDA-probabilities, F1-scores and/or network node degrees. PCA-CN and LDA-PCA based POs with Tanimoto’s coefficients equal or higher than 0.75 are promising for the study of Pro-EDICToRs. These results shows that simple QPTRs models based on MS graph numerical parameters are an interesting tool for proteome researchThe authors thank projects funded by the Xunta de Galicia (PXIB20304PR and BTF20302PR) and the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (PI061457). González-Díaz H. acknowledges tenure track research position funded by the Program Isidro Parga Pondal, Xunta de Galici


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    Recent events in the area of public health have to lead to the need for advancements in techniques to better understand viruses. A method of graphically representing biological sequences known as chaos game representation(CGR) was proposed by H.J. Jeffrey in 1990 [1] and has proved useful eventoday in the field of bioinformatics. CGR uses the midpoint distance formula to transform a sequence of characters into a graph that can help distinguish between biological sequences through pattern recognition. Initially,CGR was applied to DNA sequences, but in our case, we apply it to protein sequences. For this report, CGR is used for the identication of several hundred protein sequences into their respective viral groups through feature extraction using python programming language. These feature include, CGR centroid, amino acid frequency, compounded frequency, Shannon entropy,and Kullback-Lieber Discrimination Information. In turn better classication and identication of viruses is achieved

    Insights to Protein Pathogenicity from the Lens of Protein Evolution

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    As protein sequences evolve, differences in selective constraints may lead to outcomes ranging from sequence conservation to structural and functional divergence. Evolutionary protein family analysis can illuminate which protein regions are likely to diverge or remain conserved in sequence, structure, and function. Moreover, nonsynonymous mutations in pathogens may result in the emergence of protein regions that affect the behavior of pathogenic proteins within a host and host response. I aimed to gain insight on pathogenic proteins from cancer and viruses using an evolutionary perspective. First, I examined p53, a conformationally flexible, multifunctional protein mutated in ~50% of human cancers. Multifunctional proteins may experience rapid sequence divergence given trade-offs between functions, while proteins with important functions may be more constrained. How, then, does a protein like p53 evolve? I assessed the evolutionary dynamics of structural and regulatory properties in the p53 family, revealing paralog-specific patterns of functional divergence. I also studied flaviviruses, like Dengue and Zika virus, whose conformational flexibility contributes to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). ADE has long complicated vaccine development for these viruses, making antiviral drug development an attractive alternative. I identified fitness-critical sites conserved in sequence and structure in the proteome of flaviviruses with the potential to act as broadly neutralizing antiviral drug target sites. I later developed Epitopedia, a computational method for epitope-based prediction of molecular mimicry. Molecular mimicry occurs when regions of antigenic proteins resemble protein regions from the host or other pathogens, leading to antibody cross-reactivity at these sites which can result in autoimmunity or have a protective effect. I applied Epitopedia to the antigenic Spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. Molecular mimicry may explain the varied symptoms and outcomes seen in COVID-19 patients. I found instances of molecular mimicry in Spike associated with COVID-19-related blood-clotting disorders and cardiac disease, with implications on disease treatment and vaccine design

    Unsupervised identification of significant lineages of SARS-CoV-2 through scalable machine learning methods

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    Since its emergence in late 2019, SARS-CoV-2 has diversified into a large number of lineages and caused multiple waves of infection globally. Novel lineages have the potential to spread rapidly and internationally if they have higher intrinsic transmissibility and/or can evade host immune responses, as has been seen with the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron variants of concern. They can also cause increased mortality and morbidity if they have increased virulence, as was seen for Alpha and Delta. Phylogenetic methods provide the "gold standard" for representing the global diversity of SARS-CoV-2 and to identify newly emerging lineages. However, these methods are computationally expensive, struggle when datasets get too large, and require manual curation to designate new lineages. These challenges provide a motivation to develop complementary methods that can incorporate all of the genetic data available without down-sampling to extract meaningful information rapidly and with minimal curation. In this paper, we demonstrate the utility of using algorithmic approaches based on word-statistics to represent whole sequences, bringing speed, scalability, and interpretability to the construction of genetic topologies. While not serving as a substitute for current phylogenetic analyses, the proposed methods can be used as a complementary, and fully automatable, approach to identify and confirm new emerging variants
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