41 research outputs found

    Mazur-like topological linear spaces and their products

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    summary:Topological linear spaces having the property that some sequentially continuous linear maps on them are continuous, are investigated. It is shown that such properties (and close ones, e.g., bornological-like properties) are closed under large products

    E-compactness in pointfree topology

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    Bibliography: leaves 100-107.The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a point-free notion of E-compactness. Our approach follows that of Banascheski and Gilmour in [17]. Any regular frame E has a fine nearness and hence induces a nearness on an E-regular frame L. We show that the frame L is complete with respect this nearness iff L is a closed quotient of a copower of E. This resembles the classical definition, but it is not a conservative definition: There are spaces that may be embedded as closed subspaces of powers of a space E, but their frame of opens are not closed quotients of copowers of the frame of opens of E. A conservative definition of E-compactness is obtained by considering Cauchy completeness with respect to this nearness. Another central notion in the thesis is that of K-Lindelöf frames, a generalisation of Lindelöf frames introduced by J.J. Madden [59]. In the last chapter we investigate the interesting relationship between the completely regular K-Lindelöf frames and the K-compact frames

    Normality in terms of distances and contractions

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    The main purpose of this paper is to explore normality in terms of distances between points and sets. We prove some important consequences on realvalued contractions, i.e. functions not enlarging the distance, showing that as in the classical context of closures and continuous maps, normality in terms of distances based on an appropriate numerical notion of Îł\gamma-separation of sets, has far reaching consequences on real valued contractive maps, where the real line is endowed with the Euclidean metric. We show that normality is equivalent to (1) separation of Îł\gamma-separated sets by some Urysohn contractive map, (2) to Kat\v{e}tov-Tong's interpolation, stating that for bounded positive realvalued functions, between an upper and a larger lower regular function, there exists a contractive interpolating map and (3) to Tietze's extension theorem stating that certain contractions defined on a subspace can be contractively extended to the whole space. The appropriate setting for these investigations is the category of approach spaces, but the results have (quasi)-metric counterparts in terms of non-expansive maps. Moreover when restricted to topological spaces, classical normality and its equivalence to separation by a Urysohn continuous map, to Kat\v{e}tov-Tong's interpolation for semicontinuous maps and to Tietze's extension theorem for continuous maps are recovered

    Functorial uniformization of topological spaces

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    AbstractLet T be the forgetful functor from uniform spaces to completely regular topological spaces. We study T-sections, i.e. functors right inverse to T. We develop as tool the notion of spanning a T-section by a class of uniform spaces, and the order-dual notion of cospanning. Coarsest and finest uniform bireflectors and coreflectors associated with a T-section are characterized. Certain effects of the uniform completion reflector on a T-section are expressed in terms of the associated bireflectors

    Unique Lifting to a Functor

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    We develop a functorial approach to quotient constructions, defining morphisms quotient relative to a functor and the dual concept of unique liftings relative to a functor. Various classes of epimorphism are given detailed analysis and their relationship to quotient morphisms characterized. The behavior of unique lifting morphisms with respect to products, equalizers, and general limits in a category are studied. Applications to generalized covering space theory, coreflective subcategories of topological spaces, topological groups and rings, and Galois theory are explored. Finally, we give conditions for the product of two quotient morphisms to be quotient in a braided monoidal closed category

    A Classification of Hull Operators in Archimedean Lattice-Ordered Groups With Unit

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    The category, or class of algebras, in the title is denoted by W. A hull operator (ho) in W is a reflection in the category consisting of W objects with only essential embeddings as morphisms. The proper class of all of these is hoW. The bounded monocoreflection in W is denoted B. We classify the ho’s by their interaction with B as follows. A “word” is a function w : hoW → WW obtained as a finite composition of B and x a variable ranging in hoW. The set of these,“Word”, is in a natural way a partially ordered semigroup of size 6, order isomorphic to F(2), the free 0 −1 distributive lattice on 2 generators. Then, hoW is partitioned into 6 disjoint pieces, by equations and inequations in words, and each piece is represented by a characteristic order-preserving quotient of Word (≈ F(2)). Of the 6: 1 is of size ≄ 2, 1 is at least infinite, 2 are each proper classes, and of these 4, all quotients are chains; another 1 is a proper class with unknown quotients; the remaining 1 is not known to be nonempty and its quotients would not be chains