350 research outputs found

    A Multi-view Camera Model for Line-Scan Cameras with Telecentric Lenses

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    We propose a novel multi-view camera model for line-scan cameras with telecentric lenses. The camera model supports an arbitrary number of cameras and assumes a linear relative motion with constant velocity between the cameras and the object. We distinguish two motion configurations. In the first configuration, all cameras move with independent motion vectors. In the second configuration, the cameras are mounted rigidly with respect to each other and therefore share a common motion vector. The camera model can model arbitrary lens distortions by supporting arbitrary positions of the line sensor with respect to the optical axis. We propose an algorithm to calibrate a multi-view telecentric line-scan camera setup. To facilitate a 3D reconstruction, we prove that an image pair acquired with two telecentric line-scan cameras can always be rectified to the epipolar standard configuration, in contrast to line-scan cameras with entocentric lenses, for which this is possible only under very restricted conditions. The rectification allows an arbitrary stereo algorithm to be used to calculate disparity images. We propose an efficient algorithm to compute 3D coordinates from these disparities. Experiments on real images show the validity of the proposed multi-view telecentric line-scan camera model

    Rectification and intermediate view synthesis

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    In this project c++ code supporting intermediate view synthesis was developed. The idea was to create classes and functions which can be later easily used to create intermediate views. Main part of the code is responsible for rectification. Images from two cameras may be rectified and then further operations with the images can be done. In this case the next operation on the rectified images is intermediate view synthesis. Special function computes from two rectified images the virtual view. The virtual image can be computed for any place set between two cameras taking the real image

    Extrinsic Calibration and Ego-Motion Estimation for Mobile Multi-Sensor Systems

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    Autonomous robots and vehicles are often equipped with multiple sensors to perform vital tasks such as localization or mapping. The joint system of various sensors with different sensing modalities can often provide better localization or mapping results than individual sensor alone in terms of accuracy or completeness. However, to enable improved performance, two important challenges have to be addressed when dealing with multi-sensor systems. Firstly, how to accurately determine the spatial relationship between individual sensor on the robot? This is a vital task known as extrinsic calibration. Without this calibration information, measurements from different sensors cannot be fused. Secondly, how to combine data from multiple sensors to correct for the deficiencies of each sensor, and thus, provides better estimations? This is another important task known as data fusion. The core of this thesis is to provide answers to these two questions. We cover, in the first part of the thesis, aspects related to improving the extrinsic calibration accuracy, and present, in the second part, novel data fusion algorithms designed to address the ego-motion estimation problem using data from a laser scanner and a monocular camera. In the extrinsic calibration part, we contribute by revealing and quantifying the relative calibration accuracies of three common types of calibration methods, so as to offer an insight into choosing the best calibration method when multiple options are available. Following that, we propose an optimization approach for solving common motion-based calibration problems. By exploiting the Gauss-Helmert model, our approach is more accurate and robust than classical least squares model. In the data fusion part, we focus on camera-laser data fusion and contribute with two new ego-motion estimation algorithms that combine complementary information from a laser scanner and a monocular camera. The first algorithm utilizes camera image information to guide the laser scan-matching. It can provide accurate motion estimates and yet can work in general conditions without requiring a field-of-view overlap between the camera and laser scanner, nor an initial guess of the motion parameters. The second algorithm combines the camera and the laser scanner information in a direct way, assuming the field-of-view overlap between the sensors is substantial. By maximizing the information usage of both the sparse laser point cloud and the dense image, the second algorithm is able to achieve state-of-the-art estimation accuracy. Experimental results confirm that both algorithms offer excellent alternatives to state-of-the-art camera-laser ego-motion estimation algorithms

    Real Time Stereo Cameras System Calibration Tool and Attitude and Pose Computation with Low Cost Cameras

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    The Engineering in autonomous systems has many strands. The area in which this work falls, the artificial vision, has become one of great interest in multiple contexts and focuses on robotics. This work seeks to address and overcome some real difficulties encountered when developing technologies with artificial vision systems which are, the calibration process and pose computation of robots in real-time. Initially, it aims to perform real-time camera intrinsic (3.2.1) and extrinsic (3.3) stereo camera systems calibration needed to the main goal of this work, the real-time pose (position and orientation) computation of an active coloured target with stereo vision systems. Designed to be intuitive, easy-to-use and able to run under real-time applications, this work was developed for use either with low-cost and easy-to-acquire or more complex and high resolution stereo vision systems in order to compute all the parameters inherent to this same system such as the intrinsic values of each one of the cameras and the extrinsic matrices computation between both cameras. More oriented towards the underwater environments, which are very dynamic and computationally more complex due to its particularities such as light reflections. The available calibration information, whether generated by this tool or loaded configurations from other tools allows, in a simplistic way, to proceed to the calibration of an environment colorspace and the detection parameters of a specific target with active visual markers (4.1.1), useful within unstructured environments. With a calibrated system and environment, it is possible to detect and compute, in real time, the pose of a target of interest. The combination of position and orientation or attitude is referred as the pose of an object. For performance analysis and quality of the information obtained, this tools are compared with others already existent.A engenharia de sistemas autónomos actua em diversas vertentes. Uma delas, a visão artificial, em que este trabalho assenta, tornou-se uma das de maior interesse em múltiplos contextos e focos na robótica. Assim, este trabalho procura abordar e superar algumas dificuldades encontradas aquando do desenvolvimento de tecnologias baseadas na visão artificial. Inicialmente, propõe-se a fornecer ferramentas para realizar as calibrações necessárias de intrínsecos (3.2.1) e extrínsecos (3.3) de sistemas de visão stereo em tempo real para atingir o objectivo principal, uma ferramenta de cálculo da posição e orientação de um alvo activo e colorido através de sistemas de visão stereo. Desenhadas para serem intuitivas, fáceis de utilizar e capazes de operar em tempo real, estas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua integração quer com camaras de baixo custo e aquisição fácil como com camaras mais complexas e de maior resolução. Propõem-se a realizar a calibração dos parâmetros inerentes ao sistema de visão stereo como os intrínsecos de cada uma das camaras e as matrizes de extrínsecos que relacionam ambas as camaras. Este trabalho foi orientado para utilização em meio subaquático onde se presenciam ambientes com elevada dinâmica visual e maior complexidade computacional devido `a suas particularidades como reflexões de luz e má visibilidade. Com a informação de calibração disponível, quer gerada pelas ferramentas fornecidas, quer obtida a partir de outras, pode ser carregada para proceder a uma calibração simplista do espaço de cor e dos parâmetros de deteção de um alvo específico com marcadores ativos coloridos (4.1.1). Estes marcadores são ´uteis em ambientes não estruturados. Para análise da performance e qualidade da informação obtida, as ferramentas de calibração e cálculo de pose (posição e orientação), serão comparadas com outras já existentes

    A Factorization Based Self-Calibration for Radially Symmetric Cameras

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    The paper proposes a novel approach for planar selfcalibration of radially symmetric cameras. We model these camera images using notions of distortion center and concentric distortion circles around it. The rays corresponding to pixels lying on a single distortion circle form a right circular cone. Each of these cones is associated with two unknowns; optical center and focal length (opening angle). In the central case, we consider all distortion circles to have the same optical center, whereas in the non-central case they have different optical centers lying on the same optical axis. Based on this model we provide a factorization based self-calibration algorithm for planar scenes from dense image matches. Our formulation provides a rich set of constraints to validate the correctness of the distortion center. We also propose possible extensions of this algorithm i

    Review of Calibration Methods for Scheimpflug Camera

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    The Scheimpflug camera offers a wide range of applications in the field of typical close-range photogrammetry, particle image velocity, and digital image correlation due to the fact that the depth-of-view of Scheimpflug camera can be greatly extended according to the Scheimpflug condition. Yet, the conventional calibration methods are not applicable in this case because the assumptions used by classical calibration methodologies are not valid anymore for cameras undergoing Scheimpflug condition. Therefore, various methods have been investigated to solve the problem over the last few years. However, no comprehensive review exists that provides an insight into recent calibration methods of Scheimpflug cameras. This paper presents a survey of recent calibration methods of Scheimpflug cameras with perspective lens, including the general nonparametric imaging model, and analyzes in detail the advantages and drawbacks of the mainstream calibration models with respect to each other. Real data experiments including calibrations, reconstructions, and measurements are performed to assess the performance of the models. The results reveal that the accuracies of the RMM, PLVM, PCIM, and GNIM are basically equal, while the accuracy of GNIM is slightly lower compared with the other three parametric models. Moreover, the experimental results reveal that the parameters of the tangential distortion are likely coupled with the tilt angle of the sensor in Scheimpflug calibration models. The work of this paper lays the foundation of further research of Scheimpflug cameras

    Flexible and User-Centric Camera Calibration using Planar Fiducial Markers

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    The benefit of accurate camera calibration for recovering 3D structure from images is a well-studied topic. Recently 3D vision tools for end-user applications have become popular among large audiences, mostly unskilled in computer vision. This motivates the need for a flexible and user-centric camera calibration method which drastically releases the critical requirements on the calibration target and ensures that low-quality or faulty images provided by end users do not degrade the overall calibration and in effect the resulting 3D model. In this paper we present and advocate an approach to camera cal-ibration using fiducial markers, aiming at the accuracy of target calibration techniques without the requirement for a precise calibration pattern, to ease the calibration effort for the end-user. An extensive set of experiments with real images is presented which demonstrates improvements in the estimation of the parameters of the camera model as well as accuracy in the multi-view stereo reconstruction of large scale scenes. Pixel re-projection errors and ground truth errors obtained by our method are significantly lower compared to popular calibration routines, even though paper-printable and easy-to-use targets are employed.