1,249 research outputs found

    A word on grids

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    A WORD ON GRIDS A word on grids / Ropenus, Stephanie (Rights reserved) ( -

    Self-Repairable Smart Grids Via Online Coordination of Smart Transformers

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    The introduction of active devices in Smart Grids, such as smart transformers, powered by intelligent software and networking capabilities, brings paramount opportunities for online automated control and regulation. However, online mitigation of disruptive events, such as cascading failures, is challenging. Local intelligence by itself cannot tackle such complex collective phenomena with domino effects. Collective intelligence coordinating rapid mitigation actions is required. This paper introduces analytical results from which two optimization strategies for self-repairable Smart Grids are derived. These strategies build a coordination mechanism for smart transformers that runs in three healing modes and performs collective decision-making of the phase angles in the lines of a transmission system to improve reliability under disruptive events, i.e., line failures causing cascading failures. Experimental evaluation using self-repairability envelopes in different case networks, ac power flows, and varying number of smart transformers confirms that the higher the number of smart transformers participating in the coordination, the higher the reliability and the capability of a network to self-repair

    Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    In the last decade, distribution systems are experiencing a drastic transformation with the advent of new technologies. In fact, distribution networks are no longer passive systems, considering the current integration rates of new agents such as distributed generation, electrical vehicles and energy storage, which are greatly influencing the way these systems are operated. In addition, the intrinsic DC nature of these components, interfaced to the AC system through power electronics converters, is unlocking the possibility for new distribution topologies based on AC/DC networks. This paper analyzes the evolution of AC distribution systems, the advantages of AC/DC hybrid arrangements and the active role that the new distributed agents may play in the upcoming decarbonized paradigm by providing different ancillary services.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-RUnión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 76409

    Improvement of steady state and voltage stability of a strong network overlayed with higher voltage transmission lines using phase shifting transformers.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.This research work deals with the application of the phase shifting transformer in improving the steady state performance and voltage stability of transmission network that has transmission lines at different voltage levels running in parallel to each other. Transmission power system networks are usually developed using lines built at a certain voltage level initially. As power demand requirements increase, building of the new lines at the same voltage level becomes necessary. However, lesser and lesser improvements in transfer capacity are realised when the additional lines are built. This prompts utilities to consider higher voltages for future lines as these have a higher transfer capacity. Utilities usually lay, i.e., they build in parallel, newer, higher voltage transmission lines along side the existing lower voltage ones. Power flow in power system is mainly influenced by impedances of equipment. If the combined impedance of the existing, lower voltage transmission system is relatively less than the impedance of the newer, higher voltage ones, power may primarily flow through it rather than via the newer, parallel higher voltage transmission network. This may lead to a serious underutilisation of the newer infrastructure with a higher transmission capacity. Transmission networks similar to the one described above are common throughout the world. This study was undertaken towards finding solutions to the problem of under utilisation of such transmission lines. The study was performed by first reviewing the literature on the use of phase shifting transformers to redirect power flow in transmission networks throughout the world. This was followed by analysis of the theory on how and what determines the power flow in power networks. Several simulations of varying the phase of the phase shifting transformer were performed on the Cape network, as a case study, to investigate the impact on the power flow distribution and voltage stability performance of the 765 kV and 400 kV transmission lines carrying power to the Western Cape. In this dissertation, it has been demonstrated that a phase shifting transformer can be used to alter the power flow patterns so that power flows are restructured or redistributed, such that power which originally flowed via the low impedance, lower voltage system is transferred to the parallel higher voltage transmission system of lines. It is shown that once the power flows are redistributed, steady state and voltage stability performance of the total system can be enhanced and an increase in its power transfer capacity can be realised

    Battery Energy Storage Systems in the United Kingdom: A Review of Current State-of-the-Art and Future Applications

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    The number of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) installed in the United Kingdom and worldwide is growing rapidly due to a variety of factors, including technological improvements, reduced costs and the ability to provide various ancillary services. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comprehensive literature review on this technology, its applications in power systems and to identify potential future developments. At first, the main BESSs projects in the UK are presented and classified. The parameters provided for each project include rated power, battery technology and ancillary services provided, if any. In the next section, the most commonly deployed ancillary services are classified and described. At the same time, the nomenclature found in the literature is explained and harmonised. The second part of the paper focuses on future developments and research gaps: ancillary services that currently are not common but that are likely to be deployed more widely in the future will be described, and more general research topics related to the development of BESSs for power system applications will be outlined

    Utilisation of transformer condition monitoring data

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    Electricity grids are getting older and demand of electricity is rising. The critical com-ponents in electricity transmission systems should be monitored for assessing the need for maintenance. The electricity grid works more reliable when the condition infor-mation of important components are available continuously and thus larger catastrophic failures are preventable. Transformers are one of the critical components in electricity transmission. It is im-portant that they operate continuously. Transformers are reliable and long life compo-nents but the older the transformer is, the more sensitive it is about to fail. Condition monitoring provides improved data on the condition of transformer. With on-line condi-tion monitoring it is possible to detect developing failures and then a corrective action can be made in time. This study focuses on the utilization of transformer condition monitoring system in tra-ditional grid and in upcoming smart grid. The aim is to find out, where the condition monitoring data is needed in electricity transmission and distribution system manage-ment and how it is possible to carry the information to right place. This thesis introduces first the basics of a power system, the construction of a trans-former, transformer condition monitoring methods and condition monitoring data pro-cess. After that the management of a power system within traditional and smart grid is analyzed. The asset management process of both type power systems is explored through case study of transformer failure situations. In traditional power system the transformer maintenance bases mostly on time scheduled inspections. In smart grid the management is all time aware on the condition information of transformers which al-lows using of better fault prevention strategies.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Control and Energy Management of Standalone Interconnected AC Microgrids

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    This thesis considered microgrids as local area distribution mini-power grids formed by distributed generation sources, energy storage systems and loads. They are reliable and can operate at different voltages and frequencies to meet the requirements of the load. Microgrids have limited renewable energy source (RES) capacity, which can only supply a limited load and increasing the load beyond a specifically designed limit can lead to stability issues. Irrespective of its limited capacity, there has been an increased widespread deployment of renewable energy-based microgrids worldwide orchestrated by the 2015 Paris Agreement and the war in Ukraine and as a solution to meet the global demand for energy in electricity deficit zones aimed to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy. Fast forward to the future, flooded singly operated microgrids face the problem of more curtailing of RES and load shedding. Multiple microgrids can be interconnected to mitigate the limitations of single microgrids and improve supply reliability, enhance power supply availability, stability, reserve capacity, reduce investment in new generating capacity and control flexibility. As a result, this thesis proposes a new structure and control technique for interconnecting multiple standalone AC microgrids to a common alternating current (AC) bus using a back-to-back power electronic converter and a traditional transformer. Each microgrid considered in this thesis comprises a renewable energy source (RES), battery, auxiliary unit, and load. The battery maintains the AC bus voltage and frequency and balances the difference in power generated by the RES and that consumed by the load. Each microgrid battery’s charge/discharge is maintained within the safest operating limit to maximise the RES power utilisation. The back-to-back converters are used to decouple the connecting standalone microgrid frequencies and facilitate power exchange between microgrids. The transformer is used to transmit electric power over long distances efficiently. The control technique for all the connecting bidirectional back-to-back converters is developed to manage the bidirectional power flow between each microgrid and other microgrids in the network and to balance the energy in the global bus of the interconnected microgrid with no communication. The control strategy uses a frequency signalling mechanism to limit the power demand of individual global converters and adjusts its droop coefficients accordingly and in proportion to deviation in frequency. The global droop controllers of the global connecting converters receive information about the status of the frequencies of individual microgrids using a low bandwidth communication link to enhance network power flow. MATLAB/Simulink results validate the performance of the proposed structure and control strategy. A decentralised control scheme is further proposed for the standalone interconnected AC microgrid structure. This thesis presented a high-level global droop controller that exchanges power between the interconnected microgrids. Renewable power curtailment and auxiliary power supplement mechanisms are designed based on the bus frequency signalling technique to achieve balance and continuity of supply. In case of power shortage in one microgrid, priority will first be given to power import from other microgrids. A power supplement is used if the power imported is insufficient to control the battery state of charge (SOC). Similarly, in case of a power surplus, priority will be given to power export, and if this is not enough, power from RES will be curtailed. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed controller maximises renewable power utilisation and minimises auxiliary power usage while providing better load support. The performance validation of the proposed structure and control strategy has been tested using MATLAB/Simulink. Furthermore, this thesis investigated a centralised control and energy management of multiple interconnected standalone AC microgrids using the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm (Fminsearch optimisation toolbox in MATLAB) based on the new proposed model. The main objective is to minimise the total cost of energy from the auxiliary unit produced from gas. The results obtained are compared with those obtained from an unoptimised system. The performance evaluation investigation results are compared with the unoptimised results to determine the percentage optimal performance of the system. The comparison outcome shows that the proposed optimisation method minimises the total auxiliary energy cost by about 9% compared with the results of the unoptimised benchmark

    Smart operation of transformers for sustainable electric vehicles integration and model predictive control for energy monitoring and management

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    The energy transmission and distribution systems existing today are stillsignificantly dependent on transformers,despite beingmore efficient and sustainable than those of decadesago. However, a large numberof power transformers alongwith other infrastructures have been in service for decades and are considered to be in their final ageing stage. Anymalfunction in the transformerscouldaffect the reliability of the entire electric network and alsohave greateconomic impact on the system.Concernsregardingurban air pollution, climate change, and the dependence on unstable and expensive supplies of fossil fuels have lead policy makers and researchers to explore alternatives to conventional fossil-fuelled internal combustion engine vehicles. One such alternative is the introduction of electric vehicles. A broad implementation of such mean of transportation could signify a drastic reduction in greenhouse gases emissions and could consequently form a compelling argument for the global efforts of meeting the emission reduction targets. In this thesis the topic of a high penetration of electric vehicles and their possible integration in insular networksis discussed. Subsequently, smart grid solutions with enabling technologies such as energy management systems and smart meters promote the vision of smart households, which also allows for active demand side in the residential sector.However, shifting loads simultaneously to lower price periods is likely to put extra stress on distribution system assets such as distribution transformers. Especially, additional new types of loads/appliances such as electric vehicles can introduce even more uncertaintyon the operation of these assets, which is an issue that needs special attention. Additionally, in order to improve the energy consumption efficiencyin a household, home energy management systems are alsoaddressed. A considerable number ofmethodologies developed are tested in severalcasestudies in order to answer the risen questions.Os sistemas de transmissão e distribuição de energia existentes hoje em dia sãosignificativamente dependentes dos transformadores, pese embora sejammais eficientes e sustentáveis do que os das décadas passadas. No entanto, uma grande parte dos transformadores ao nível dadistribuição, juntamente com outras infraestruturassubjacentes, estão em serviço há décadas e encontram-se nafasefinal do ciclo devida. Qualquer defeito no funcionamento dos transformadorespode afetara fiabilidadede toda a redeelétrica, para além de terum grande impactoeconómico no sistema.Os efeitos nefastos associadosàpoluição do arem centro urbanos, asmudançasclimáticasea dependência de fontes de energiafósseis têm levado os decisores políticos e os investigadores aexplorar alternativas para os veículos convencionais de combustão interna. Uma alternativa é a introdução de veículos elétricos. Umaampla implementação de tal meio de transporte poderia significar uma redução drástica dos gases de efeito de estufa e poderiareforçar os esforços globais para ocumprimento das metas de redução de emissõesde poluentes na atmosfera.Nesta tese é abordado o tema da elevada penetração dos veículos elétricose a sua eventual integração numarede elétricainsular. Posteriormente, são abordadas soluções de redeselétricasinteligentes com tecnologias específicas, tais como sistemas de gestão de energia e contadores inteligentes que promovamo paradigmadas casas inteligentes, que também permitem a gestão da procura ativano sector residencial.No entanto, deslastrando significativamente as cargaspara beneficiar de preçosmais reduzidosé suscetíveldecolocarconstrangimentosadicionaissobre os sistemas de distribuição, especialmentesobre ostransformadores.Osnovos tipos de cargas tais como os veículos elétricospodem introduzir ainda mais incertezassobre a operação desses ativos, sendo uma questão que suscitaespecial importância. Além disso, com ointuitode melhorar a eficiência do consumo de energia numa habitação, a gestão inteligente daenergia é um assunto que também éabordadonesta tese. Uma pletora de metodologias é desenvolvida e testadaemvários casos de estudos, a fim de responder às questões anteriormente levantadas

    Distribution System Operators Observatory 2018

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    The distribution system is a key part of the electricity chain. It links bulk production with end consumers. Recently, radical changes have taken place in every segment of the power industry. These are calling for a changing role of the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in Europe. This report provides a clear picture of the features of distribution grids in Europe, on the way they are operated and how far DSOs are from the paved provisions proposed in the recent Electricity Directive of the European Commission.JRC.C.3-Energy Security, Distribution and Market