33 research outputs found

    Динамічна координація програмних агентів на основі онтологічної структури

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    Координація – це процес управління можливими взаємодіями між діями і процесами; механізм управління такими взаємодіями відомий як процес координації. Координація може розглядатися як процес, завдяки якому індивідуальні рішення агентів приводять до успішних спільних рішень для групи агентів. Успішний процес координації запобігає негативним взаємодіям (наприклад, запобігання одночасного доступу двох процесів до обмеженого ресурсу) і можливо покращить позитивні взаємодії (наприклад, гарантувати не дублювання дій). Ефективні механізми координації вимагають сумісного використання знань про процеси, ресурси і їх властивості в різнорідному оточенні. В роботі пропонується підхід, в якому для динамічної координації використовується онтологія, яку апріорі розроблено з метою визначення семантики мережних процесів.Coordination is the process of managing the possible interactions between activities and processes; a mechanism to handle such interactions is known as a coordination regime. Coordination can be regarded as the process by which the individual decisions of the agents result in good joint decisions for the group. A successful coordination regime will prevent negative interactions occurring (e.g., by preventing two processes from simultaneously accessing a non-shareable resource), and wherever possible will facilitate positive interactions (e.g., by ensuring that activities are not needlessly duplicated). Effective coordination mechanisms require the sharing of knowledge about activities, resources and their properties in a heterogeneous environment. In this paper an ontological approach to coordination is appropriate

    On the Identification of Agents in the Design of Production Control Systems

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    This paper describes a methodology that is being developed for designing and building agent-based systems for the domain of production control. In particular, this paper deals with the steps that are involved in identifying the agents and in specifying their responsibilities. The methodology aims to be usable by engineers who have a background in production control but who have no prior experience in agent technology. For this reason, the methodology needs to be very prescriptive with respect to the agent-related aspects of design

    Game theoretical multi-agent modelling of coalition formation for multilateral trades

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    In recent years, electric utility industries worldwide have been undergoing deregulation to introduce competitiveness in the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. The once centralised system planning and operation management must be remodelled to adapt to the new market structure. In particular, the trading mechanism needs to be totally revised as any party may now get involved in this free-market, subject to the unavoidable constraints such as generation volumes, physical transmission means and days-ahead scheduling. This paper presents a multi-agent model in conjunction with game theory to resolve the coalition formation for multilateral trades. The authors have implemented the model using the Java language and the JATLite/JAT0.3 agent development tools developed by Stanford University.published_or_final_versio

    Investigating Strategies for Cooperative Planning of Independent Agents through Prototype Evaluation

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    This paper discusses the application of the prototyping approach to investigating the requirements on strategies for cooperative planning and conflict resolution of independent agents by means of an example application: the strategic game "Scotland Yard". The strategies for coordinating the agents, which are parallel algorithms, are developed with a prototyping approach using ProSet-Linda. ProSet-Linda is designed for prototyping parallel algorithms. We concentrate on the techniques employed to elicit the requirements on the algorithms for agent interaction. The example application serves to illustrate the prototyping approach to requirements elicitation by means of a non-trivial instance for investigating algorithms for cooperative planning and conflict resolution

    Investigating strategies for cooperative planning of independent agents through prototype evaluation

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    This paper discusses the application of the prototyping approach to investigating the requirements on strategies for cooperative planning and con ict resolution of independent agents by means of an example application: the strategic game \Scotland Yard". The strategies for coordinating the agents, which are parallel algorithms, are developed with a prototyping approach using ProSet-Linda. ProSet-Linda is designed for prototyping parallel algorithms. We concentrate on the techniques employed to elicit the requirements on the algorithms for agent interaction. The example application serves to illustrate the prototyping approach to requirements elicitation by means of a non-trivial instance for investigating algorithms for cooperative planning and con ict resolution

    Integración entre agentes inteligentes y servicios web

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    Los rápidos y continuos cambios que se producen en el entorno de las organizaciones/empresas, hacen que sea necesario que el software que utilizan para realizar sus actividades, acompañe esos cambios y se adapte a los nuevos requerimientos para seguir siendo útil y mantener así la satisfacción de los usuarios. En este punto, las técnicas provenientes de la Programación Adaptativa y su integración con los sistemas web resultan fundamentales para construir sistemas con mayor capacidad de adaptación. En particular, una de las técnicas que ha demostrado un gran potencial son los Agentes Software. Este trabajo se propone analizar y evaluar los métodos, las arquitecturas y las herramientas disponibles en esta tecnología para, posteriormente, diseñar agentes software que puedan emplearse para adaptar sistemas que operen entornos abiertos y complejos como la web.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    From Active Perception to Active Cooperation Fundamental Processes of Intelligent Behavior

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    In the ten years since we put forward the idea of active perception (Bajcsy 1985, Bajcsy 1988) we have found that cooperative processes of various kinds and at various levels are often called for. In this paper we suggest that a proper understanding of cooperative processes will lead to a foundation for intelligent behavior and demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for some of the difficult and open problems in the understanding of intelligent behaviors

    Zur Verbundintelligenz integrierter Mensch-Computer-Teams:ein organisationstheoretischer Ansatz

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    Der Beitrag führt zunächst in neuere organisationstheoretische Arbeiten zur "Organisatorischen Intelligenz" ein. Diese setzen u.a. voraus, kognitive menschliche und maschinelle Arbeit durch entsprechenden Einsatz informationstechnischer Maßnahmen organisatorisch zu integrieren. Die Berücksichtigung aktueller Anforderungen an die Führungsorganisation (Dezentralisierung und Delegation, Kooperation statt zentraler Vorgaben, Erweiterung der Bereichsautonomie) führt zu dem auf den Kooperationsparadigmen der Informatik basierenden Vorschlag einer föderativen Informationssystemarchitektur. Diese enthält als einen wesentlichen Bestandteil ein wissensbasiertes Koordinationsmanagement, welches die Arbeit integrierter Mensch-Computer-Teams wirkungsvoll unterstützt und das Verhalten kooperativ-intelligenter Informationssysteme an den Zielen der Organisatorischen Intelligenz auszurichten erlaubt

    Distributed Search Systems with Self-Adaptive Organizational Setups

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    This paper studies the effects of learning-induced alterations of distributed search systems’ organizations. In particular, scenarios where alterations of the search-systems’ organizational setup are based on a form of reinforcement learning are compared to scenarios where the organizational setup is kept constant and to scenarios where the setup is changed randomly. The results indicate that learning-induced alterations may lead to high levels of performance combined with high levels of efficiency in terms of reorganization-effort. However, the results also suggest that the complexity of the underlying search problem together with the aspiration level (which drives positive or negative reinforcement) considerably shapes the effects of learning

    Coordinación basada en argumentación en sistemas multi-agente

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    Este artículo describe, en forma resumida, parte de los trabajos de investigación y desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo en la línea “Agentes y Sistemas Multi-agente” del LIDIC, en conjunto con investigadores del LIDIA. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las principales temáticas que están siendo abordadas actualmente en el área de agentes cognitivos, para posibilitar un intercambio de experiencias con otros investigadores participantes del Workshop, que trabajen en líneas de investigación afines. Uno de los objetivos principales de esta línea, es el estudio y desarrollo de modelos de coordinación para agentes que forman parte de un sistema multi-agente; actualmente, uno de los objetivos parciales del grupo de trabajo, es analizar la utilización de técnicas de argumentación en modelos de coordinación de alto nivel. Este estudio se abordará con un enfoque teórico/práctico abarcando modelos teóricos de sistemas multi-agente y su aplicación en problemas complejos del mundo real. En particular, el énfasis estará puesto en problemas que involucren coordinación de múltiples robots.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI