550 research outputs found

    Intelligent Management of Mobile Systems through Computational Self-Awareness

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    Runtime resource management for many-core systems is increasingly complex. The complexity can be due to diverse workload characteristics with conflicting demands, or limited shared resources such as memory bandwidth and power. Resource management strategies for many-core systems must distribute shared resource(s) appropriately across workloads, while coordinating the high-level system goals at runtime in a scalable and robust manner. To address the complexity of dynamic resource management in many-core systems, state-of-the-art techniques that use heuristics have been proposed. These methods lack the formalism in providing robustness against unexpected runtime behavior. One of the common solutions for this problem is to deploy classical control approaches with bounds and formal guarantees. Traditional control theoretic methods lack the ability to adapt to (1) changing goals at runtime (i.e., self-adaptivity), and (2) changing dynamics of the modeled system (i.e., self-optimization). In this chapter, we explore adaptive resource management techniques that provide self-optimization and self-adaptivity by employing principles of computational self-awareness, specifically reflection. By supporting these self-awareness properties, the system can reason about the actions it takes by considering the significance of competing objectives, user requirements, and operating conditions while executing unpredictable workloads

    Coordinated management of DVFS and cache partitioning under QoS constraints to save energy in multi-core systems

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    Reducing the energy expended to carry out a computational task is important. In this work, we explore the prospects of meeting Quality-of-Service requirements of tasks on a multi-core system while adjusting resources to expend a minimum of energy. This paper considers, for the first time, a QoS-driven coordinated resource management algorithm (RMA) that dynamically adjusts the size of the per-core last-level cache partitions and the per-core voltage–frequency settings to save energy while respecting QoS requirements of every application in multi-programmed workloads run on multi-core systems. It does so by doing configuration-space exploration across the spectrum of LLC partition sizes and Dynamic Voltage–Frequency Scaling (DVFS) settings at runtime at negligible overhead. We show that the energy of 4-core and 8-core systems can be reduced by up to 18% and 14%, respectively, compared to a baseline with even distribution of cache resources and a fixed mid-range core voltage–frequency setting. The energy savings can potentially reach 29% if the QoS targets are relaxed to 40% longer execution time

    Designing and Valuating System on Dependability Analysis of Cluster-Based Multiprocessor System

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    Analysis of dependability is a significant stage in structuring and examining the safety of protection systems and computer systems. The introduction of virtual machines and multiprocessors leads to increasing the faults of the system, particularly for the failures that are software- induced, affecting the overall dependability. Also, it is different for the successful operation of the safety system at any dynamic stage, since there is a tremendous distinction in the rate of failure among the failures that are induced by the software and the hardware. Thus this paper presents a review or different dependability analysis techniques employed in multiprocessor system

    Intelligent systems for efficiency and security

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    As computing becomes ubiquitous and personalized, resources like energy, storage and time are becoming increasingly scarce and, at the same time, computing systems must deliver in multiple dimensions, such as high performance, quality of service, reliability, security and low power. Building such computers is hard, particularly when the operating environment is becoming more dynamic, and systems are becoming heterogeneous and distributed. Unfortunately, computers today manage resources with many ad hoc heuristics that are suboptimal, unsafe, and cannot be composed across the computer’s subsystems. Continuing this approach has severe consequences: underperforming systems, resource waste, information loss, and even life endangerment. This dissertation research develops computing systems which, through intelligent adaptation, deliver efficiency along multiple dimensions. The key idea is to manage computers with principled methods from formal control. It is with these methods that the multiple subsystems of a computer sense their environment and configure themselves to meet system-wide goals. To achieve the goal of intelligent systems, this dissertation makes a series of contributions, each building on the previous. First, it introduces the use of formal MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) control for processors, to simultaneously optimize many goals like performance, power, and temperature. Second, it develops the Yukta control system, which uses coordinated formal controllers in different layers of the stack (hardware and operating system). Third, it uses robust control to develop a fast, globally coordinated and decentralized control framework called Tangram, for heterogeneous computers. Finally, it presents Maya, a defense against power side-channel attacks that uses formal control to reshape the power dissipated by a computer, confusing the attacker. The ideas in the dissertation have been demonstrated successfully with several prototypes, including one built along with AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) engineers. These designs significantly outperformed the state of the art. The research in this dissertation brought formal control closer to computer architecture and has been well-received in both domains. It has the first application of full-fledged MIMO control for processors, the first use of robust control in computer systems, and the first application of formal control for side-channel defense. It makes a significant stride towards intelligent systems that are efficient, secure and reliable

    Power Management for GPU-CPU Heterogeneous Systems

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    In recent years, GPU-CPU heterogeneous architectures have been increasingly adopted in high performance computing, because of their capabilities of providing high computational throughput. However, current research focuses mainly on the performance aspects of GPU-CPU architectures, while improving the energy efficiency of such systems receives much less attention. There are few existing efforts that try to lower the energy consumption of GPU-CPU architectures, but they address either GPU or CPU in an isolated manner and thus cannot achieve maximized energy savings. In this paper, we propose GreenGPU, a holistic energy management framework for GPU-CPU heterogeneous architectures. Our solution features a two-tier design. In the first tier, GreenGPU dynamically splits and distributes workloads to GPU and CPU based on the workload characteristics, such that both sides can finish approximately at the same time. As a result, the energy wasted on staying idle and waiting for the slower side to finish is minimized. In the second tier, GreenGPU dynamically throttles the frequencies of GPU cores and memory in a coordinated manner, based on their utilization, for maximized energy savings with only marginal performance degradation. Likewise, the frequency and voltage of the CPU are scaled similarly. We implement GreenGPU using the CUDA framework on a real physical testbed with Nvidia GeForce GPUs and AMD Phenom II CPUs. Experiment results with standard Rodinia benchmarks show that GreenGPU achieves 21.04% average energy savings and outperform several well-designed baselines
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