3,737 research outputs found


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    According to exiting literature, most change programs fail to manage and/or meet the expectations of stakeholders; leading to the failure of larger strategic organisational and transformational initiatives. Undoubtedly, change management necessitates introspective planning and responsive implementation but a failure to acknowledge and manage the external stakeholder environment will undermine these efforts. This article presents some practical frameworks for managing the delivery of change that were used collectively in different situations and contributed to the successful implementation of change programs. It does not recommend any specific approach to yield successful outcomes, but it considers a range of approaches for practitioners to take into account to assure seamless integration of programs with the formulation of overall strategy and implementation planning. Understanding the components of each program is asserted to support organisations to better understand the people and non-technology dimensions of their projects and the need to ensure effective, consultative communications to gain and maintain support for the program of change.people Management, change Management tactics

    Developing a theory of total quality management - using the delphi technique

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    Quality has become an important determinant of competitiveness, to the point that it is now widely considered to be the foundation upon which other factors that contribute to competitive advantage, such as cost, speed of delivery, reliability of delivery and flexibility, must be built. Total Quality Management (TQM) has emerged as a prominent tool for organisations in pursuit of lasting improvements in quality, business performance and, for introducing change. A large and increasing number of organisations are starting to adopt TQM in recognition of its strategic importance. The importance of quality is also recognised by governments and industrialists throughout the developed world. The increasing number of awards expounding the value of TQM is a manifestation of the importance placed on the concept. All the signs indicate that the adoption of TQM is unlikely to diminish. Despite the interest, and the attention of many researchers and writers, TQM remains an imprecise subject. Examination of the large volume ofTQM related publications revealed that the literature is dominated by prescription and anecdote and highlights a lack of empirical work. A number of broad areas can be identified where it would appear that the literature has remained irreconcilable or under-developed. Moreover, it appears that the domination of TQM's development by practitioners has resulted in the absence of a theoretical grounding for TQM. These findings pointed to the need for substantive research to extend the current knowledge and understanding of TQM and to support its future development. The aim of this study was to address these broad areas and to fill an important gap in the existing knowledge and understanding ofTQM. More specifically, the aim was to develop an inductive theory o/TQM based on the expert opinion o/practitioners in the leading organisations. For the purpose of this study "theory" is defined as comprising three components: concepts, relationships and underlying logic. The study achieves this aim through the explication of the views of a sample of best practice TQM organisations representing a wide range of industry sectors. The design of the research was motivated by the distinctive shortfalls in the domain and strategy of previous TQM research. After evaluating the methodological options available, the Delphi method was identified as the most relevant and practical research technique. A modified Delphi survey comprising four planned rounds of postal questionnaires was used to collect the study's primary data. Conversion of this primary data into the proposed theory involved a profound process of interpretation and refinement which centred around explaining the logic underlying the salient TQM variables that were identified. Exploratory factor analysis was used to aid the interpretive processes. The salient variables were heuristically organised into a set ofTQM concepts and the interrelationship digraph technique was used to facilitate the extraction of the salient relationships between the concepts from the core body of underlying logic. The study identifies nine key concepts of the TQM approach and puts forward seven key propositions that explain the important relationships between them. The three core concepts are Customer Focus, Internal Collaboration and DynamiclEnergetic Leadership. The study corroborates the belief evident in the more recent TQM literature that TQM is a management philosophy. The idea that TQM is a "management fad" is refuted. The study provides strong evidence that TQM is universally applicable to 'for profit' organisations. It is also shown that the impact of TQM goes beyond management practice. TQM is undeniably concerned with the attitude, the values and the behaviour of all of the members of an organisation. The primary data in this study came from a sample that comprised 'for profit' organisations only. The proposed theory has therefore been derived in this context. This represents the main boundary to which generalisation can be taken. An objective of the study was to test the proposed concepts in order to refine the proposed theory. This objective was only partially met due to unexpected diversity in some of the qualitative primary data. This study has expanded understanding by contributing an inductively developed theory of TQM to the present knowledge. This interpretation of TQM, which identifies the logic underlying the relevance of the important TQM variables, transcends a description of TQM which is specified purely in terms of the relevant variables. The study also contributes an understanding ofTQM that explicitly distinguishes its purpose from its mechanics. The core practical contribution of the study is that it can act as a conduit to improve practitioner understanding. Practitioners seeking to improve the performance of their organisation to a position of sustainable competitive advantage through the introduction of a TQM approach can have an understanding of TQM that is based on proven practice. The study also contributes a set ofTQM concepts and an interrelationship digraph that can act as a base-line from which existing TQM approaches may be critically examined. Furthermore, the study contributes a theory of TQM to the development of a sound theoretical framework that can systematically and appropriately guide future research

    The evolution of management control system in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The purpose of the thesis is to go deep into the management contro system and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on it. The first chapter provides an overview of management control system, its functions, its responsible subjects and its techniques, highlighting its different types. In the second chapter is presented the role of management control system in the COVID-19 emergency. A focus is done on the impact of remote working, the role of budgeting and the consequent employee stress during pandemic. The third and fourth chapter are about my case study of a firm in which I try to investigate, with a small questionaire with open and close question, the impact of management control system in the pandemic. To conclude, are provided some insights and final observations.The purpose of the thesis is to go deep into the management contro system and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on it. The first chapter provides an overview of management control system, its functions, its responsible subjects and its techniques, highlighting its different types. In the second chapter is presented the role of management control system in the COVID-19 emergency. A focus is done on the impact of remote working, the role of budgeting and the consequent employee stress during pandemic. The third and fourth chapter are about my case study of a firm in which I try to investigate, with a small questionaire with open and close question, the impact of management control system in the pandemic. To conclude, are provided some insights and final observations

    The Impact of Leadership and Organisational Career Management Practices on Individual Work Related Attitudes

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    The overall aim of this study is twofold; first to investigate the extent to which, in an Arab context, leadership and organisational career management practices predict individual career-related perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, and second to examine the extent to which the employees’ perceptions about organisational justice and politics mediate the relationship between the quality of the leader-member exchange (LMX) and work outcomes, and the relationship between the corporate succession planning and career development (SPCD) and work outcomes. Drawing on several theoretical perspectives, such as the social exchange, organisational justice and organisational politics, this dissertation has developed an integrated perception-based approach to examine the possibility that employees' perceptions are associated with certain attitudes and behaviours. Within this framework, LMX and SPCD were treated as independent variables; they were assessed as predictors of employees’ perceptions about justice and politics, and work outcomes. LMX represents the organisational leadership model, and the corporate SPCD represents the organisational career management practices. The study also tested four work outcomes that included career success (CS), job satisfaction (JS), organisational commitment (OC) and turnover intentions (TOI), in addition to two variables related to the employees’ perceptions about organisational justice and organisational politics. iv A prediction was made that in a relationship-oriented Arab society like Bahrain, the quality of the dyadic relationship between the leader and followers strongly impacts the employees’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviours. The results supported this prediction; both LMX and SPCD had positive correlations with OC, JS and CS, while they had negative relationships with TOI. Apart from that, both LMX and SPCD had positive relationships with organisational justice and negative relationships with organisational politics. Another prediction was made regarding the mediation effects of organisational justice and politics on the relationship between LMX and SPCD, and work outcomes. The results revealed that both procedural justice (PJ) and distributive justice (DJ) had full mediation effects on the relationships between LMX and CS, and LMX and TOI. PJ had full mediation effects on the relationships between LMX and OC, and LMX and JS. DJ had partial mediation effects on the relationships between LMX and OC, and LMX and JS. Furthermore, the results revealed that both forms of organisational politics i.e. general political behaviour (GPB) and get along to get ahead (GATGA) had full mediation effects on the relationship between LMX and TOI. GPB had no mediation effects on the relationships between LMX and OC, LMX and JS, and LMX and CS. However, it had partial mediation effects on the relationships between LMX and OC, and LMX and JS. GATGA had a full mediation effect on the relationship between LMX and CS. v Regarding the mediation effects of organisational justice on the relationship between SPCD and work outcomes, the results revealed that both PJ and DJ had partial mediation effects on the relationships between SPCD and OC, SPCD and JS, and SPCD and CS. PJ had a partial mediation effect on the relationship between SPCD and TOI. However DJ had no mediation effect on the relationship between SPCD and TOI. Another set of mediation tests was conducted to assess the effect of the two forms of organisational politics on the relationship between SPCD and work outcomes. GPB had no mediation effect on the relationship between SPCD and the four work outcomes. GATGA had partial mediation effects on the relationships between SPCD and OC, SPCD and JS, and SPCD and CS. GATGA had a full mediation effect between SPCD and TOI. A total number of three hundred and thirty three (333) complete questionnaires were received and analysed using SPSS v. 18 in order to assess the study’s hypothesized model. The results have been discussed with specific relevance to the Arab Middle Eastern context. The theoretical and managerial implications are suggested, alongside the directions for future research

    Change and culture : the balanced scorecard and the Egyptian fertilizer manufacturing sector

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    This study aims to explore the influence of culture within the context of the Egyptian fertilizer industry, as being part of a non-Western culture, on the adoption of the BSC, as a typical Western change vehicle. Adopting a holistic and integrative approach, this relationship is examined, in terms of both process and content, and from different dimensions (the BSC, national culture, organisational culture). Within each dimension, related literature is critically reviewed to guide the discussion and frame the investigation of the link between culture and the BSC. More specifically, detailed comparisons between the BSC and other change and innovation management frameworks, such as TQM, JIT, and BPR have been made. Such comparisons serve to increase the understanding of both their common and their unique features. Several methods have been devised to conceptualize and assess culture including those, for example, by (Schwartz, 1999; Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). Here in this study, the frame of reference developed by Geert Hofstede (1980 – 2001) is used to analyse cultural phenomena. By using multiple-case study, semi-structured interviews, and content analysis, in the spirit of action research, data was collected and analysed. This action research was proven to be of great value as a research technique and a vehicle for development and change. The main findings reveal that there are, from a general perspective, salient differences in cultural values between American culture, i.e. the contextual origin of the BSC, and Egyptian culture, i.e. the research context. These cultural defences no doubt influence the adoption of Western management practices, such as the BSC. In other words, the findings reveal that there cultural differences, diversities and contradictions within Egyptian society and organisations, despite commonalities and similarities at the macro level

    Entrepreneurship and community economic development : exploring the link.

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN014423 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    In pursuit of best practice : Benchmarking tools and processes for the management of hazardous substances in the workplace

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    Many organisations now strive to achieve excellence in various aspects of occupational health and safety. Benchmarking of the techniques and approaches of other organisations is becoming a popular way of bridging gaps and seeking to achieve high levels of performance. There exist many sources of guidance in the form of external and internal standards, regulations, codes of practice, publications by professional institutions and similar. However, there are clear shortfalls in terms of tools and processes needed to identify areas of opportunity and to overcome barriers to the efficient transfer of ideas and techniques from one enterprise to another. This is true for all organisations, but particularly so for small/medium sized facilities with limited resources and expertise. This study has sought to develop and test new tools and processes to make benchmarking activity and the transfer of technology, ideas and approaches more efficient and meaningful. It has drawn heavily from state-of-the-art management theory and has sought to establish the linkage between the people factor, the workplace environment factor and the organisation of work factor as they contribute to workplace health and safety performance. It has used qualitative inquiry methodologies and an approach based on personal contact and insight, as expressed by Patton (1990, p. 46), to generate data. The fieldwork component of the study was conducted at eight mining, mineral processing and related industry sites within Western Australia. The subject of the study was the facility\u27s processes and practices in regard to the management of hazardous materials. This was chosen partly because chemical-induced injury and disease remain a significant problem for workers in industry (Winder, 1999b, p. 168) and partly because of its complexity and degree of difficulty. Data collection was based on the three qualitative inquiry methods, namely in-depth, open-ended interviews with the Site Manager and the Site Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Professional, direct observation and review of written documents. Also tested was the assumption that if the materials developed during the study can be applied successfully in the area of hazardous materials, then other less complex areas under the OHS umbrella could be approached with confidence. There is potential for the tools and processes developed and evaluated in this work to be used widely in the transfer of best practice, that is, to be deployed beyond the hazardous substances focus of this study and beyond the Mining Industry of Western Australia. Study outcomes and the new materials that have been generated will assist with the selection of benchmarking partners and will help to identify pockets of excellence for focused attention. This will encourage and assist organisations to take steps towards identifying and implementing Industry best practice in the element of interest. There is potential for study outcomes to impact positively on OHS practices within many organisations - and thereby to reduce the personal and societal cost of injury and illness outcomes associated with the use of hazardous materials at work

    Transformational Leadership And Leader-Member Exchange Organisational Learning And Behaviour In Nigerian Road Transport

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    This study suggests that transformational leadership (TFL) and leader-member exchange (LMX) play a mediation role in the relationship between organisational learning (OL) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). At the same time, it suggests that resistance to change (RTC) or change serves as a moderator in the changing environment present within Nigerian road transport companies. The goal of this study is to assess how TFL and LMX can improve organisational citizenship behaviour (Wang et al. 2005; Sherwani & Natheer, 2021). More specifically, this thesis addresses issues outlined within previous research by examining the different factors influencing the relationship between transformational leadership and organisational citizenship behaviour (Kim & Park, 2019). In order to examine these relationships, quantitative method which follows a positivist paradigm was utilised. This research adopted a deductive approach, in which hypotheses were formed based on existing theories and then empirically tested. A survey of company employees was undertaken to investigate the links between the research constructs. As a result, this study should be particularly useful to Nigerian road transport companies because it will enable subordinates to determine the most appropriate leadership style for their changing work environment. A convenience sample of 250 employees was recruited from the terminals of transport companies in Nigeria. A questionnaire with accurate and reliable scales was used to collect data on participant perceptions of their management’s ability in the areas of transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, organisational learning, resistance to change, and organisational citizenship behaviour. The relationships between the independent variable (organisational learning), dependent variable (organisational citizenship behaviour), mediating variable (transformational leadership and leader-member exchange), and moderating variable (resistance to change) were investigated using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, mediation analysis, and moderation analysis from the PROCESS procedure for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results from all 250 respondents are then reported. Overall, the findings demonstrate that transformational leadership has a considerable impact on organisational learning and organisational citizenship behaviour. Organisational learning also has a positive effect on organisational citizenship behaviour, and transformational leadership and leader- member exchange have a strong positive relationship (Sherwani & Natheer, 2021). Additionally, as expected, the quality of transformational leadership style influences the relationship between organisational learning and organisational citizenship behaviour. In terms of moderating effects, resistance to change partially moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and organisational citizenship behaviour. The findings of this study contribute to leadership and management theory, in addition to being useful to road transport companies. This thesis contributes to the research field by studying two different relationship-oriented leadership styles simultaneously in an effort to understand their mediating influence on organisational learning and organisational citizenship behaviour. A further important contribution is made by focusing holistically on the interaction between the five constructs of organisational learning, transformational leadership, leader-member-exchange, organisational citizenship behaviour, and resistance to change within a dynamic environment. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the breath of literature on organisational learning and organisational citizenship behaviour in relation to leadership. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is one of the first studies to simultaneously examine the interactions between these constructs. In practical terms, this study could be particularly useful to the under-researched sector of Nigerian road transport companies. Human Resource practitioners in change-oriented road transport companies may also find the study useful for informing the design and delivery method of training, development, and employee focused culture transformation workshops used to enhance organisational citizenship behaviour
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