62 research outputs found

    A Three-dimensional Convolutional-Recurrent Network for Convective Storm Nowcasting

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    Very short-term convective storm forecasting, termed nowcasting, has long been an important issue and has attracted substantial interest. Existing nowcasting methods rely principally on radar images and are limited in terms of nowcasting storm initiation and growth. Real-time re-analysis of meteorological data supplied by numerical models provides valuable information about three-dimensional (3D), atmospheric, boundary layer thermal dynamics, such as temperature and wind. To mine such data, we here develop a convolution-recurrent, hybrid deep-learning method with the following characteristics: (1) the use of cell-based oversampling to increase the number of training samples; this mitigates the class imbalance issue; (2) the use of both raw 3D radar data and 3D meteorological data re-analyzed via multi-source 3D convolution without any need for handcraft feature engineering; and (3) the stacking of convolutional neural networks on a long short-term memory encoder/decoder that learns the spatiotemporal patterns of convective processes. Experimental results demonstrated that our method performs better than other extrapolation methods. Qualitative analysis yielded encouraging nowcasting results.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted by 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge The copyright of this paper has been transferred to the IEEE, please comply with the copyright of the IEE

    Relative Importance of Radar Variables for Nowcasting Heavy Rainfall: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Highly short-term forecasting, or nowcasting, of heavy rainfall due to rapidly evolving mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) is particularly challenging for traditional numerical weather prediction models. To overcome such a challenge, a growing number of studies have shown significant advantages of using machine learning (ML) modeling techniques with remote sensing data, especially weather radar data, for high-resolution rainfall nowcasting. To improve ML model performance, it is essential first and foremost to quantify the importance of radar variables and identify pertinent predictors of rainfall that can also be associated with domain knowledge. In this study, a set of MCS types consisting of convective cell, mesoscale convective cell, diagonal squall line, and parallel squall line, was adopted to categorize MCS storm cells, following the fuzzy logic algorithm for storm tracking, over the Korean Peninsula. The relationships between rain rates and over 15 variables derived from data products of dual-polarimetric weather radar were investigated and quantified via 5 ML regression methods and a permutation importance algorithm. As an applicational example, ML classification models were also developed to predict locations of storm cells. Recalibrated ML regression models with identified pertinent predictors were coupled with the ML classification models to provide early warnings of heavy rainfall. Results imply that future work needs to consider MCS type information to improve ML modeling for nowcasting and early warning of heavy rainfall

    A Deep Learning Approach to Radar-based QPE

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    In this study, we propose a volume-to-point framework for quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) based on the Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensor (QPESUMS) Mosaic Radar data set. With a data volume consisting of the time series of gridded radar reflectivities over the Taiwan area, we used machine learning algorithms to establish a statistical model for QPE in weather stations. The model extracts spatial and temporal features from the input data volume and then associates these features with the location-specific precipitations. In contrast to QPE methods based on the Z-R relation, we leverage the machine learning algorithms to automatically detect the evolution and movement of weather systems and associate these patterns to a location with specific topographic attributes. Specifically, we evaluated this framework with the hourly precipitation data of 45 weather stations in Taipei during 2013-2016. In comparison to the operational QPE scheme used by the Central Weather Bureau, the volume-to-point framework performed comparably well in general cases and excelled in detecting heavy-rainfall events. By using the current results as the reference benchmark, the proposed method can integrate the heterogeneous data sources and potentially improve the forecast in extreme precipitation scenarios.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Published in Earth and Space Scienc

    Prediction of severe thunderstorm events with ensemble deep learning and radar data

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    The problem of nowcasting extreme weather events can be addressed by applying either numerical methods for the solution of dynamic model equations or data-driven artificial intelligence algorithms. Within this latter framework, the most used techniques rely on video prediction deep learning methods which take in input time series of radar reflectivity images to predict the next future sequence of reflectivity images, from which the predicted rainfall quantities are extrapolated. Differently from the previous works, the present paper proposes a deep learning method, exploiting videos of radar reflectivity frames as input and lightning data to realize a warning machine able to sound timely alarms of possible severe thunderstorm events. The problem is recast in a classification one in which the extreme events to be predicted are characterized by a an high level of precipitation and lightning density. From a technical viewpoint, the computational core of this approach is an ensemble learning method based on the recently introduced value-weighted skill scores for both transforming the probabilistic outcomes of the neural network into binary predictions and assessing the forecasting performance. Such value-weighted skill scores are particularly suitable for binary predictions performed over time since they take into account the time evolution of events and predictions paying attention to the value of the prediction for the forecaster. The result of this study is a warning machine validated against weather radar data recorded in the Liguria region, in Italy

    Physically Explainable Deep Learning for Convective Initiation Nowcasting Using GOES-16 Satellite Observations

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    Convection initiation (CI) nowcasting remains a challenging problem for both numerical weather prediction models and existing nowcasting algorithms. In this study, object-based probabilistic deep learning models are developed to predict CI based on multichannel infrared GOES-R satellite observations. The data come from patches surrounding potential CI events identified in Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Doppler weather radar products over the Great Plains region from June and July 2020 and June 2021. An objective radar-based approach is used to identify these events. The deep learning models significantly outperform the classical logistic model at lead times up to 1 hour, especially on the false alarm ratio. Through case studies, the deep learning model exhibits the dependence on the characteristics of clouds and moisture at multiple levels. Model explanation further reveals the model's decision-making process with different baselines. The explanation results highlight the importance of moisture and cloud features at different levels depending on the choice of baseline. Our study demonstrates the advantage of using different baselines in further understanding model behavior and gaining scientific insights

    CEMA-LSTM: Enhancing Contextual Feature Correlation for Radar Extrapolation Using Fine-Grained Echo Datasets

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    Accurate precipitation nowcasting can provide great convenience to the public so they can conduct corresponding arrangements in advance to deal with the possible impact of upcoming heavy rain. Recent relevant research activities have shown their concerns on various deep learning models for radar echo extrapolation, where radar echo maps were used to predict their consequent moment, so as to recognize potential severe convective weather events. However, these approaches suffer from an inaccurate prediction of echo dynamics and unreliable depiction of echo aggregation or dissipation, due to the size limitation of convolution filter, lack of global feature, and less attention to features from previous states. To address the problems, this paper proposes a CEMA-LSTM recurrent unit, which is embedded with a Contextual Feature Correlation Enhancement Block (CEB) and a Multi-Attention Mechanism Block (MAB). The CEB enhances contextual feature correlation and supports its model to memorize significant features for near-future prediction; the MAB uses a position and channel attention mechanism to capture global features of radar echoes. Two practical radar echo datasets were used involving the FREM and CIKM 2017 datasets. Both quantification and visualization of comparative experimental results have demonstrated outperformance of the proposed CEMA-LSTM over recent models, e.g., PhyDNet, MIM and PredRNN++, etc. In particular, compared with the second-ranked model, its average POD, FAR and CSI have been improved by 3.87%, 1.65% and 1.79%, respectively on the FREM, and by 1.42%, 5.60% and 3.16%, respectively on the CIKM 2017
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