535 research outputs found

    On the Convexity of Level-sets of Probability Functions

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    In decision-making problems under uncertainty, probabilistic constraints are a valuable tool to express safety of decisions. They result from taking the probability measure of a given set of random inequalities depending on the decision vector. Even if the original set of inequalities is convex, this favourable property is not immediately transferred to the probabilistically constrained feasible set and may in particular depend on the chosen safety level. In this paper, we provide results guaranteeing the convexity of feasible sets to probabilistic constraints when the safety level is greater than a computable threshold. Our results extend all the existing ones and also cover the case where decision vectors belong to Banach spaces. The key idea in our approach is to reveal the level of underlying convexity in the nominal problem data (e.g., concavity of the probability function) by auxiliary transforming functions. We provide several examples illustrating our theoretical developments

    Metric regularity and quantitative stability in stochastic programs with probabilistic constraints

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions for metric regularity of (several joint) probabilistic constraints are derived using recent results from nonsmooth analysis. The conditions apply to fairly general nonconvex, nonsmooth probabilistic constraints and extend earlier work in this direction. Further, a verifiable sufficient condition for quadratic growth of the objective function in a more specific convex stochastic program is indicated and applied in order to obtain a new result on quantitative stability of solution sets when the underlying probability distribution is subjected to perturbations. This is used to establish a large deviation estimate for solution sets when the probability measure is replaced by empirical ones

    The Analysis and Optimization of Probability Functions

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    A problem of probability function optimization is considered. This function represents probability that some random quantity depending on deterministic parameters does not exceed some given level. The problem is motivated by studies of safety domains and risk control problems in complex stochastic systems. For example, pollution control includes maximization of probability that some given levels of deposition at reception points are not exceeded. Optimization of probability function is performed over a given range of parameters. To solve the problem stochastic quasi-gradient method is applied under quasi-concavity assumption on functions and measures involved. Convergence and rate of convergence results are presented

    Informational Herding and Optimal Experimentation

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    We show that far from capturing a formally new phenomenon, informational herding is really a special case of single-person experimentation -- and 'bad herds' the typical failure of complete learning. We then analyze the analogous team equilibrium, where individuals maximize the present discounted welfare of posterity. To do so, we generalize Gittins indices to our non-bandit learning problem, and thereby characterize when contrarian behaviour arises: (i) While herds are still constrained efficient, they arise for a strictly smaller belief set. (ii) A log-concave log-likelihood ratio density robustly ensures that individuals should lean more against their myopic preference for an action the more popular it becomes.Bayesian learning, value function, herding, experimentation, log concavity, Gittins index, team equilibrium


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    Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Informational Herding and Optimal Experimentation

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    We show that far from capturing a formally new phenomenon, informational herding is really a special case of single-person experimentation - and `bad herds' the typical failure of complete learning. We then analyze the analogous team equilibrium, where individuals maximize the present discounted welfare of posterity. To do so, we generalize Gittins indices to our non-bandit learning problem, and thereby characterize when contrarian behaviour arises: (i) While herds are still constrained efficient, they arise for a strictly smaller belief set. (ii) A log-concave log-likelihood ratio density robustly ensures that individuals should lean more against their myopic preference for an action the more popular it becomes.herding; optimal learning; experimentation; contrarianism

    Concavity and Efficient Points of Discrete Distributions in Probabilistic Programming

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    We consider stochastic programming problems with probabilistic constraints involving integer-valued random variables. The concept of a p-efficient point of a probability distribution is used to derive various equivalent problem formulations. Next we introduce the concept of r-concave discrete probability distributions and analyse its relevance for problems under consideration. These notions are used to derive lower and upper bounds for the optimal value of probabilistically constrained stochastic programming problems with discrete random variables. The results are illustrated with numerical examples

    On the origin of r-concavity and related concepts

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    In a less widely known contribution, Béla Martos (1966, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) introduced a generalized notion of concavity that is closely related to what is nowadays known as r-concavity in the operations research literature, and that is identical to what is nowadays known as ρ-concavity in the economics literature. The present paper aims at making the original contribution accessible to a wider audience and illustrating its importance from a modern perspective. To this end, we offer a translation of those parts of Martos (1966) that are directly related to generalized concavity. Reviewing the virtues of r-concavity and ρ-concavity, we find a surprisingly short proof of the univariate Prékopa-Borell theorem. We also survey a number of applications of the considered concepts in operations research and economics

    Chance constrained problems: a bilevel convex optimization perspective

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    Chance constraints are a valuable tool for the design of safe decisions in uncertain environments; they are used to model satisfaction of a constraint with a target probability. However, because of possible non-convexity and non-smoothness, optimizing over a chance constrained set is challenging. In this paper, we establish an exact reformulation of chance constrained problems as a bilevel problems with convex lower-levels. We then derive a tractable penalty approach, where the penalized objective is a difference-of-convex function that we minimize with a suitable bundle algorithm. We release an easy-to-use open-source python toolbox implementing the approach, with a special emphasis on fast computational subroutines