20,497 research outputs found

    Impact of converter interface type on the protection requirements for DC aircraft power systems

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    The utilization of converter interfaces has the potential to significantly alter the protection system design requirements in future aircraft platforms. However, the impact these converters will have can vary widely, depending on the topology of converter, its filter requirements and its control strategy. This means that the precise impact on the network fault response is often difficult to quantify. Through the analysis of example converter topologies and literature on the protection of DC networks, this paper tackles this problem by identifying key design characteristics of converters which influence their fault response. Using this information, the converters are classified based on their general fault characteristics, enabling potential protection issues and solutions to be readily identified. Finally, the paper discusses the potential for system level design benefits through the optimisation of converter topology and protection system design

    Frequency support characteristics of grid-interactive power converters based on the synchronous power controller

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    Grid-interactive converters with primary frequency control and inertia emulation have emerged and are promising for future renewable generation plants because of the contribution in power system stabilization. This paper gives a synchronous active power control solution for gridinteractive converters , as a way to emulate synchronous generators for inerita characteristics and load sharing. As design considerations, the virtual angle stability and transient response are both analyzed, and the detailed implementation structure is also given without entailing any difficulty in practice. The analytical and experimental validation of frequency support characteristics differentiates the work from other publications on generator emulation control. The 10 kW simulation and experimental frequency sweep tests on a regenerative source test bed present good performance of the proposed control in showing inertia and droop characteristics, as well as the controllable transient response.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fault-Tolerant Control of a Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine

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    Je jasné, že nejúspěšnější konstrukce zahrnuje postup vícefázového řízení, ve kterém každá fáze může být považována za samostatný modul. Provoz kterékoliv z jednotek musí mít minimální vliv na ostatní, a to tak, že v případě selhání jedné jednotky ostatní mohou být v provozu neovlivněny. Modulární řešení vyžaduje minimální elektrické, magnetické a tepelné ovlivnění mezi fázemi řízení (měniče). Synchronní stroje s pulzním tokem a permanentními magnety se jeví jako atraktivní typ stroje, jejíž přednostmi jsou vysoký kroutící moment, jednoduchá a robustní konstrukce rotoru a skutečnost, že permanentní magnety i cívky jsou umístěny společně na statoru. FS-PMSM jsou poměrně nové typy střídavého stroje stator-permanentní magnet, které představují významné přednosti na rozdíl od konvenčních rotorů - velký kroutící moment, vysoký točivý moment, v podstatě sinusové zpětné EMF křivky, zároveň kompaktní a robustní konstrukce díky umístění magnetů a vinutí kotvy na statoru. Srovnání výsledků mezi FS-PMSM a klasickými motory na povrchu upevněnými PM (SPM) se stejnými parametry ukazuje, že FS-PMSM vykazuje větší vzduchové mezery hustoty toku, vyšší točivý moment na ztráty v mědi, ale také vyšší pulzaci díky reluktančnímu momentu. Pro stroje buzené permanentními magnety se jedná o tradiční rozpor mezi požadavkem na vysoký kroutící moment pod základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního momentu) a provozem nad základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního výkonu), zejména pro aplikace v hybridních vozidlech. Je předložena nová topologie synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem odolného proti poruchám, která je schopná provozu během vinutí naprázdno a zkratovaného vinutí i poruchách měniče. Schéma je založeno na dvojitě vinutém motoru napájeném ze dvou oddělených vektorově řízených napěťových zdrojů. Vinutí jsou uspořádána takovým způsobem, aby tvořila dvě nezávislé a oddělené sady. Simulace a experimentální výzkum zpřesní výkon během obou scénářů jak za normálního provozu, tak za poruch včetně zkratových závad a ukáží robustnost pohonu za těchto podmínek. Tato práce byla publikována v deseti konferenčních příspěvcích, dvou časopisech a knižní kapitole, kde byly představeny jak topologie pohonu a aplikovaná řídící schémata, tak analýzy jeho schopnosti odolávat poruchám.It has become clear that the most successful design approach involves a multiple phase drive in which each phase may be regarded as a single-module. The operation of any one module must have minimal impact upon the others, so that in the event of that module failing the others can continue to operate unaffected. The modular approach requires that there should be minimal electrical, magnetic and thermal interaction between phases of the drive. Flux-Switching permanent magnet synchronous machines (FS-PMSM) have recently emerged as an attractive machine type virtue of their high torque densities, simple and robust rotor structure and the fact that permanent magnets and coils are both located on the stator. Flux-switching permanent magnet (FS-PMSM) synchronous machines are a relatively new topology of stator PM brushless machine. They exhibit attractive merits including the large torque capability and high torque (power) density, essentially sinusoidal back-EMF waveforms, as well as having a compact and robust structure due to both the location of magnets and armature windings in the stator instead of the rotor as those in the conventional rotor-PM machines. The comparative results between a FS-PMSM and a traditional surface-mounted PM (SPM) motor having the same specifications reveal that FS-PMSM exhibits larger air-gap flux density, higher torque per copper loss, but also a higher torque ripple due to cogging -torque. However, for solely permanent magnets excited machines, it is a traditional contradiction between the requests of high torque capability under the base-speed (constant torque region) and wide speed operation above the base speed (constant power region) especially for hybrid vehicle applications. A novel fault-tolerant FS-PMSM drive topology is presented, which is able to operate during open- and short-circuit winding and converter faults. The scheme is based on a dual winding motor supplied from two separate vector-controlled voltage-sourced inverter drives. The windings are arranged in a way so as to form two independent and isolated sets. Simulation and experimental work will detail the driver’s performance during both healthy- and faulty- scenarios including short-circuit faults and will show the drive robustness to operate in these conditions. The work has been published in ten conference papers, two journal papers and a book chapter, presenting both the topology of the drive and the applied control schemes, as well as analysing the fault-tolerant capabilities of the drive.

    The small wind turbine field lab extensive field tests for small wind turbines

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    This paper describes the research possibilities at the Small Wind Turbine Field Lab and the involved research groups of Ghent University, covering different aspects of a small wind energy system. In contrast to large and medium-sized wind turbines, small wind turbines are still plagued by relatively high production and purchase costs, and low reliability and energy yield. Furthermore, most of them have not been subjected to a field test program. Power-Link, the energy knowledge platform of Ghent University, has for three years operated a modest field test site for small wind turbines, that drew the attention of a lot of manufacturers of small wind turbines. In response, Ghent University decided to launch the Small Wind Turbine Field Lab (SWT Field Lab), to subject small wind turbines to more extensive field tests. Now not only the energy yield is tested, but also topics such as grid integration, structural strength, noise propagation, generator and drive train design and tower construction are studied. All of these parameters are correlated with meteorological data measured on-site

    Power Converters and Power Quality

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    This paper discusses the subject of power quality for power converters. The first part gives an overview of most of the common disturbances and power quality issues in electrical networks for particle accelerators, and explains their consequences for accelerator operation. The propagation of asymmetrical network disturbances into a network is analysed. Quantitative parameters for network disturbances in a typical network are presented, and immunity levels for users' electrical equipment are proposed. The second part of this paper discusses the technologies and strategies used in particle accelerator networks for power quality improvement. Particular focus is given to networks supplying loads with cycling active and reactive power.Comment: 26 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Modal Analysis of Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generators

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    This paper presents the modal analysis of a gridconnected doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The change in modal properties for different system parameters, operating points, and grid strengths are computed and observed. The results offer a better understanding of theDFIG intrinsic dynamics,which can also be useful for control design and model justification. Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generator, eigenvalue analysis, nonlinear dynamic model, small-signal stability.Published versio

    Energy efficiency measurement procedure for gearboxes in their entire operating range

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    Over the last decade, forced regulations and a growing social awareness with respect to energy efficiency have resulted in a renewed interest in the research for high efficient electrical machines. When an electrical motor is coupled to a machine, in many cases a gearbox or belt transmission is used. Research shows a lack of information on energy efficiency of these components. In comparison to electrical motors and drives, there is very few regulation and if efficiency values can be found in catalogues, there is no regulated test procedure available to validate the data. As a result, the reliability of these efficiency values is unknown and comparison between manufacturers and technologies is impossible. In this paper a test bench is proposed to measure the energy efficiency of a gearbox with an accuracy up to 0.4%. The test bench is used to measure the efficiency of gearboxes in their entire speed and torque range. Contour maps are used to visualize these measurement results. Moreover, a measurement campaign using different gearboxes is carried out to compare the energy efficiency in the manufacturers catalogue and the measured efficiency

    Torque-ripple minimization in modular permanent-magnet brushless machines

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    This paper discusses the suitability of four-phase, five-phase, and six-phase modular machines, for use in applications where servo characteristics and fault tolerance are key requirements. It is shown that an optimum slot number and pole number combination exists, for which excellent servo characteristics could be achieved, under healthy operating conditions, with minimum effects on the power density of the machine. To eliminate torque ripple due to residual cogging and various fault conditions, the paper describes a novel optimal torque control strategy for the modular permanent-magnet machines operating in both constant torque and constant power modes. The proposed control strategy enables ripple-free torque operation to be achieved, while minimizing the copper loss under voltage and current constraints. The utility of the proposed strategy is demonstrated by computer simulations on a four-phase fault-tolerant drive system

    Acoustic noise radiated by PWM-controlled induction machine drives

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    This paper investigates the acoustic noise radiated from two nominally identical induction motors when fed from sinusoidal, and asymmetric regular sampling subharmonic and space-vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converters. The theory for analyzing the noise spectrum is developed further to account for the interaction between the motor and the drive. It is shown that manufacturing tolerances can result in significant differences in the noise level emitted from nominally identical motors, and that mechanical resonances can result in extremely high noise emissions. Such resonances can be induced by stator and rotor slot air-gap field harmonics due to the fundamental component of current, and by the interaction between the airgap field harmonics produced by the fundamental and the PWM harmonic currents. The significance of the effect of PWM strategy on the noise is closely related to the mechanical resonance with vibration mode order zero, while the PWM strategy will be critical only if the dominant cause of the emitted noise is the interaction of the fundamental air-gap field and PWM harmonic

    A wave emulator for ocean wave energy, a Froude-scaled dry power take-off test setup

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    A dry laboratory environment has been developed to test Power Take-O_ (PTO) systems for Wave Energy Converters. The costs accompanied by testing a wave energy converter and its PTO at sea are high due to the di_cult accessibility of (remote) test locations. Next to easy accessibility, the lab setup provides controllable waves at a relatively lower cost. The setup enables extensive analysis of the dynamics of a PTO during its mechanical towards electrical energy conversion. The scaled setup is designed such that it resembles as close as possible the real system. Froudes similarity law provides easy transformation. The oater and waves are represented by a Wave Emulator, the motion of which is determined by a time series of the wave exciting forces supplemented with the actual hydrodynamic reaction forces due to the motions of the oater. A real-time calculation method is introduced, accounting for the actual PTO actions. Furthermore, the inertia of the oater is represented in the emulators rotary inertia, and a compensation method is proposed enabling an identical normalized PTO load curve as at full scale. Comparison between experimental and simulation results have been performed and good correlation between the movement of setup and simulations has been found