573 research outputs found

    Image-space visibility ordering for cell projection volume rendering of unstructured data

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    Direct volume rendering of unstructured grids

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    This paper investigates three categories of algorithms for direct volume rendering of unstructured grids, which are image-space, object-space, and hybrid methods. We propose three new algorithms. Cell Projection algorithm, which falls into object-space category, is capable of rendering non-convex meshes through a simple yet efficient sorting schema that exploits both image and object space coherencies. Existing hybrid methods use object-then-image traversal order that enforces the processing of each cell. Thus, these algorithms perform redundant operations and do not support early ray termination. We propose a hybrid method, called Span-Buffer Ray Casting (SBRC), that can support early ray termination discarding redundant operations by employing image-then-object traversal order. Another hybrid method, called Koyamada-SBRC (K-SBRC), is proposed with the motivation of refining image-space and hybrid methods to extract the best features of them. This method is developed by blending SBRC approach with Koyamada's algorithm, which is an efficient image-space algorithm. All proposed algorithms are capable of handling acyclic non-convex meshes and generating images of acceptable quality. SBRC and K-SBRC algorithms have the additional capabilities of rendering cyclic meshes and supporting early ray termination. The proposed algorithms and Koyamada's algorithm are implemented and experimented in a common framework for analyzing their relative performance. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Exploiting coherence in time-varying voxel data

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    We encode time-varying voxel data for efficient storage and streaming. We store the equivalent of a separate sparse voxel octree for each frame, but utilize both spatial and temporal coherence to reduce the amount of memory needed. We represent the time-varying voxel data in a single directed acyclic graph with one root per time step. In this graph, we avoid storing identical regions by keeping one unique instance and pointing to that from several parents. We further reduce the memory consumption of the graph by minimizing the number of bits per pointer and encoding the result into a dense bitstream

    Ray Tracing in Non-Euclidean Spaces

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    This dissertation describes a method for modeling, simulating and real-time rendering piecewise linear approximations of generic non-Euclidean 3D spaces. The 3D rendering pipeline most commonly used, where one multiplies each vertex coordinate by a 4x4 matrix to project it on the screen does not work for all cases where the space does not obey Euclid’s postulates (non-Euclidean space). Furthermore, while other non-Euclidean rendering tools only work for a limited type of spaces, our approach allows us to model, simulate, and render any isometrically embeddable non-Euclidean space and eventual objects lying therein. We envision at least two main applications for our approach. The first for helping mathematicians get a better understanding of what arbitrary spaces look like (e.g., hyperconical space, hyper-spherical space, and so forth). The second for assisting physicists to visualize and simulate the effects of bent space (e.g., black holes, wormholes, Alcubierre drive, and so forth) on light, and on physical objectsEsta dissertação descreve um método para modelar, simular e renderizar aproximações lineares de espaços não Euclideanos de forma genérica e em tempo real. A técnica de renderização 3D mais comum, que multiplica a matriz de projeção 4 x 4 por cada vértice para determinar as coordenadas do respetivo pixel no ecrã, nem sempre funciona quando o espaço não obedece a um postulado de Euclides (espaço não-Euclideano). Além disso, enquanto outras ferramentas para renderizar espaços não-Euclideanos só funcionam para certos tipos de espaços, a nossa técnica permite modelar, simular e renderizar qualquer espaço não-Euclideano embebível isometricamente, bem como eventuais objetos nele existentes. Antevemos pelo menos dois usos para a nossa técnica. A primeira para ajudar matemáticos a compreender melhor o aspeto de espaços arbitrários (e.g., espaço hiper-cónico, espaço hiper-esférico, etc.). A segunda para ajudar físicos a visualizar e simular os efeitos de espaço curvo (e.g., buracos negros, buracos de minhoca, deformações Alcubierra drive, etc.) em luz e objetos físicos circundantes


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    Providing an understanding of space in game and simulation environments is one of the major challenges associated with moving artificially intelligent characters through these environments. The usage of some form of navigation mesh has become the standard method to provide a representation of the walkable space in game environments to characters moving around in that environment. There is currently no standardized best method of producing a navigation mesh. In fact, producing an optimal navigation mesh has been shown to be an NP-Hard problem. Current approaches are a patchwork of divergent methods all of which have issues either in the time to create the navigation meshes (e.g., the best looking navigation meshes have traditionally been produced by hand which is time consuming), generate substandard quality navigation meshes (e.g., many of the automatic mesh production algorithms result in highly triangulated meshes that pose problems for character navigation), or yield meshes that contain gaps of areas that should be included in the mesh and are not (e.g., existing growth-based methods are unable to adapt to non-axis-aligned geometry and as such tend to provide a poor representation of the walkable space in complex environments). We introduce the Planar Adaptive Space Filling Volumes (PASFV) algorithm, Volumetric Adaptive Space Filling Volumes (VASFV) algorithm, and the Iterative Wavefront Edge Expansion Cell Decomposition (Wavefront) algorithm. These algorithms provide growth-based spatial decompositions for navigation mesh generation in either 2D (PASFV) or 3D (VASFV). These algorithms generate quick (on demand) decompositions (Wavefront), use quad/cube base spatial structures to provide more regular regions in the navigation mesh instead of triangles, and offer full coverage decompositions to avoid gaps in the navigation mesh by adapting to non-axis-aligned geometry. We have shown experimentally that the decompositions offered by PASFV and VASFV are superior both in character navigation ability, number of regions, and coverage in comparison to the existing and commonly used techniques of Space Filling Volumes, Hertel-Melhorn decomposition, Delaunay Triangulation, and Automatic Path Node Generation. Finally, we show that our Wavefront algorithm retains the superior performance of the PASFV and VASFV algorithms while providing faster decompositions that contain fewer degenerate and near degenerate regions. Unlike traditional navigation mesh generation techniques, the PASFV and VASFV algorithms have a real time extension (Dynamic Adaptive Space Filling Volumes, DASFV) which allows the navigation mesh to adapt to changes in the geometry of the environment at runtime. In addition, it is possible to use a navigation mesh for applications above and beyond character path planning and navigation. These multiple uses help to increase the return on the investment in creating a navigation mesh for a game or simulation environment. In particular, we will show how to use a navigation mesh for the acceleration of collision detection