44 research outputs found

    フィンランド・ネウボラの理念と現状 : ハメーリンナのネウボラナース養成校の現地調査から

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    本研究の目的は、フィンランドの家族支援を通して、子育ての社会化および脱ジェンダー化について考察することにある。本稿では、2016 年10 月に実施したフィンランド・ハメーリンナ市におけるネウボラおよびネウボラナースの養成校である応用科学大学におけるフィールド調査について報告する。現地における聞き取り調査から、フィンランドのネウボラ注の理念を抽出して述べたい。ネウボラの理念のひとつは、⽛子どもは私たち(社会)のものである⽜という子育ての社会化規範である。今一つはネウボラナースによる、親との対等な信頼関係を基盤とした対話支援(conversational help)である。ネウボラナース養成校において、これらの理念はカリキュラム中の特定の科目で養われるのではなく、全てのカリキュラムを通して涵養されることが明らかになった。以上の結果から、日本版ネウボラの在り方に言及する

    Automatic Issue Identification and Clustering

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    Search engines and virtual assistants receive a large number of queries, and also report a large number of issues such as user queries that didn’t work, triggered the wrong features, or were not understood due to speech recognition errors, etc. This disclosure presents techniques that cluster similar issues, identify issues with the largest impact, and identify the root cause of an issue. The techniques scale easily, detect large patterns of similar issues, and prevent one-off fixes that need repeated application across similar issues. The techniques help improve the search engine or virtual assistant to provide responses that are more reliable, accurate, and satisfactory to the user

    Converting Analog Objects into Speakers Using Intelligent HRTF Aware Panning

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    While multiple smart devices may be present in a home environment and respond to spoken commands from a user, in current configurations, users can interact with only one smart device at a time. Based on detecting a spoken command from a user, a smart device that is close to the user’s current location within the home. generates and provides a response. This disclosure describes techniques that enable a user to provide a spoken command while facing or being near any object (an analog object or a non-smart device) in their surroundings, not necessarily a smart device, and to receive an audible response such that the audio appears to come from the direction of the object. In a calibration stage, relative topology of smart devices within a home is determined, e.g., distances and angles between pairs of devices are calculated. At the time of use, beamforming techniques are used to have microphones of multiple devices detect the spoken command. A response is determined and played back via multiple devices using a head-related transfer function (HRTF) to create an illusion of the audio coming from the object near the user. In this manner, the multi-device setup is used to create the illusion that the object can perform the smart function of responding to spoken commands

    Vuorovaikutus päihderiippuvaisen kanssa : Sairaanhoitajan näkemyksiä päihderiippuvaisen hoitotyöstä Akuuttiosastolla

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    Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin sairaanhoitajien näkemyksiä päihderiippuvaisten hoitotyöstä Akuuttiosastolla. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten sairaan-hoitajat voivat työssään tukea ja ohjata päihderiippuvaisia. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa siitä, millaisia menetelmiä sairaanhoitajat voivat työssään hyödyntää ja mihin voivat tarvittaessa ohjata päihderiippuvaisia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli teemahaastattelu. Haastateltiin viittä sairaanhoitajaa ja vastaukset käsiteltiin sisällönanalyysillä. Haastatteluiden avulla selvitettiin, millaista päihderiippuvaisen hoito on tällä hetkellä, millaiset ovat sairaanhoitajien kokemukset ja miten päihderiippuvaisten hoitoa tulisi kehittää. Alkoholinkulutus on maassamme korkea, alkoholi on tärkein päihderiippuvuuden aiheuttaja. Päihderiippuvuus lisää merkittävästi terveysmenoja yhteiskunnassa. Yksilön terveyshaitat ovat niin fyysisiä, psyykkisiä kuin sosiaalisia eli vaikuttavat kokonaisvaltaisesti heikentäen terveyttä, toimintakykyä ja elämänlaatua. Opinnäytetyön tulosten mukaan päihderiippuvaisten hoito osastolla oli perushoitoon ja oireenmukaiseen hoitoon painottuvaa. Potilaille tarjotaan keskusteluapua sekä kerrotaan, millaisia mahdollisuuksia on jatkohoitoon. Haasteena koettiin samojen potilaiden pitkään jatkunut päihderiippuvuus ja toistuvat osastojaksot. Motivaation puutetta ja turhautumista oli sekä hoitajilla että potilailla. Sairaanhoitajat eivät olleet saaneet erityistä koulutusta päihderiippuvaisten hoitoon. Johtopäätöksenä opinnäytetyön pohjalta sairaanhoitajat tarvitsevat koulutusta ja työkaluja päihderiippuvaisten hoitotyön toteuttamiseksi. Mini-intervention käyttöönotto systemaattisesti esimerkiksi AUDIT -kyselyn avulla voisi tuoda toivottuja tuloksia. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi tutkia, miten päihderiippuvaisia voitaisiin motivoida jatkohoitoon. Esiin nousi sairaanhoitajilta tarve potilaalle annettavasta tietopaketista, missä kerrottaisiin eri yhteistyötahoista.This thesis explains nurses' view on substance abusers' care work in acute ward. The target was to find out how nurses can support and guide substance abusers in their work. In addition, the aim was to provide information about the methods that could benefit nurses in their work, and where they could guide substance abusers. A qualitative research method was used in this thesis. The research method was the theme interview. Five nurses who were interviewed, and the answers were processed using content analysis. The interviews helped to explain what kind of substance abuse care work is available now, the nurses' experiences, and how to develop substance abuser care work. Alcohol consumption is high in our country. Alcohol is the main cause for substance abuse. Substance abuse significantly increases health care expenses in our society. Individual health problems are physical, mental and social, and therefore they influence comprehensively health, performance and life quality in negative way. According to the results of this thesis, substance abusers care work on the ward is emphasized in basic care and symptom care. The patients are provided conversational help and are informed about the opportunities they have in follow-up care. Challenging was that same patients have substance abuse for long and ward periods repetitively. The patients and nurses suffer from motivation deprivation and frustration. Nurses do not have special training for care work with substance abusers. The conclusion of this thesis is that nurses need training and tools to work with substance abusers. Taking mini-interventions for systematic use, for example with the help of AUDIT -test, could lead to the wanted outcome. Follow-up research could concentrate on how substance abusers could be motivated in follow-up care. The results indicate that nurses need an information package for patients, containing information on different cooperation parties


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    フィンランドのクオピオ市を訪れ、日本で課題となっている精神障害をもつ親への支援に焦点を当て、ネウボラと精神科医療機関の連携について視察を行った。人口約10万人のクオピオ市は妊産婦ネウボラ11か所、子どもネウボラ16か所があり、妊娠期?就学前の子どもをもつ家族を対象に健康診査・相談支援が行われていた。ネウボラはクオピオ大学病院精神科と密接に連携しており、大学病院のリハビリテーションセンターでは精神障害をもつ親へのプログラムが提供されていた。また、軽度・中等度の精神障害について、医療センターのかかりつけ医(GP)や保健センターのDepression Nurseによるプライマリケアが行われ、ネウボラとの連携が図られていた。支援と連携において対話が重視され、支援者と家族全体との信頼関係づくりが、精神障害をもつ親への支援の基盤となっていると考えられた

    Using Native Speakers in Chat

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    SLA research indicates that negotiation promotes interlanguage development and that learners are most likely to negotiate if opportunities for oral interaction are provided. In the case of campus-based students, learners ' progress is supported and monitored mainly through classroom interactions. If students do not attend classes on campus, how do they gain the reported benefits of oral interaction? Recent studies indicate that chatting provides opportunities for the negotiation of meaning, as occurs in oral interaction. However, most of these have been conducted on interactions between learners, with teacher supervision, often in task-based instructional settings. This study considers implications for distance language learning of negotiations by a group of intermediate learners of Italian interacting in dyads on a Web based Italian native speaker (NS) chat program. The research specifically explores (a) whether live chat with native speakers offers opportunities for negotiation of meaning in open ended tasks carried out in single session interactions with unfamiliar NS without teacher supervision, (b) the principal triggers for negotiation and modification of interlanguage in these interactions, and (c) whether public NS chat rooms are likely to offer an optimal environment for SLA, even for learners studying at a distance who need to chat without supervision. Chat logs indicate that learners do in fact negotiate for meaning and modify their interlanguage when engaged in open ended conversational tasks with unfamiliar interlocutors, with lexical and structural difficulties triggering most negotiations. Though further research needs to probe whether these negotiations and modifications lead to acquisition in the longer term, they would be particularly valuable for distance learners who need opportunities to negotiate within authentic target language contexts

    The self-perceived needs of adolescents with suicidal behaviour: a scoping review

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    Suicidal behaviour in adolescents is a major public health problem. Much research on this issue has focused on epidemiology and risk factors for suicidal behaviour, paying less attention to the self-perceived needs of adolescents. However, to increase engagement in suicide prevention, it is important to include the views of adolescents. A scoping review was performed to identify the available empirical study findings, of any study design, related to the self-perceived needs of adolescents with suicidal behaviour. The literature databases Medline, Embase, Psycinfo, CINAHL, ERIC, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched. Twenty-nine studies from 14 predominantly Anglo countries were included in the scoping review. The review showed that girls were overrepresented and that studies predominantly used qualitative approaches. The identified needs of adolescents with suicidal behaviour can broadly be grouped into needs related to the following areas: the importance of connecting with other people; adolescents’ self-help strategies and personal growth after self-harm; mental healthcare; school or study programs; and needs related to society in relation to taboo on suicidal behaviour. Prevention of suicidal behaviour in adolescents will need to focus on development and strengthening of interventions fitting the needs of adolescents in these areas