10,540 research outputs found

    Approximation of the Laplace and Stokes operators with Dirichlet boundary conditions through volume penalization: a spectral viewpoint

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    We report the results of a detailed study of the spectral properties of Laplace and Stokes operators, modified with a volume penalization term designed to approximate Dirichlet conditions in the limit when a penalization parameter, η\eta, tends to zero. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are determined either analytically or numerically as functions of η\eta, both in the continuous case and after applying Fourier or finite difference discretization schemes. For fixed η\eta, we find that only the part of the spectrum corresponding to eigenvalues λâ‰Čη−1\lambda \lesssim \eta^{-1} approaches Dirichlet boundary conditions, while the remainder of the spectrum is made of uncontrolled, spurious wall modes. The penalization error for the controlled eigenfunctions is estimated as a function of η\eta and λ\lambda. Surprisingly, in the Stokes case, we show that the eigenfunctions approximately satisfy, with a precision O(η)O(\eta), Navier slip boundary conditions with slip length equal to η\sqrt{\eta}. Moreover, for a given discretization, we show that there exists a value of η\eta, corresponding to a balance between penalization and discretization errors, below which no further gain in precision is achieved. These results shed light on the behavior of volume penalization schemes when solving the Navier-Stokes equations, outline the limitations of the method, and give indications on how to choose the penalization parameter in practical cases

    Bayes and maximum likelihood for L1L^1-Wasserstein deconvolution of Laplace mixtures

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    We consider the problem of recovering a distribution function on the real line from observations additively contaminated with errors following the standard Laplace distribution. Assuming that the latent distribution is completely unknown leads to a nonparametric deconvolution problem. We begin by studying the rates of convergence relative to the L2L^2-norm and the Hellinger metric for the direct problem of estimating the sampling density, which is a mixture of Laplace densities with a possibly unbounded set of locations: the rate of convergence for the Bayes' density estimator corresponding to a Dirichlet process prior over the space of all mixing distributions on the real line matches, up to a logarithmic factor, with the n−3/8log⁥1/8nn^{-3/8}\log^{1/8}n rate for the maximum likelihood estimator. Then, appealing to an inversion inequality translating the L2L^2-norm and the Hellinger distance between general kernel mixtures, with a kernel density having polynomially decaying Fourier transform, into any LpL^p-Wasserstein distance, p≄1p\geq1, between the corresponding mixing distributions, provided their Laplace transforms are finite in some neighborhood of zero, we derive the rates of convergence in the L1L^1-Wasserstein metric for the Bayes' and maximum likelihood estimators of the mixing distribution. Merging in the L1L^1-Wasserstein distance between Bayes and maximum likelihood follows as a by-product, along with an assessment on the stochastic order of the discrepancy between the two estimation procedures

    Transparent boundary conditions based on the Pole Condition for time-dependent, two-dimensional problems

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    The pole condition approach for deriving transparent boundary conditions is extended to the time-dependent, two-dimensional case. Non-physical modes of the solution are identified by the position of poles of the solution's spatial Laplace transform in the complex plane. By requiring the Laplace transform to be analytic on some problem dependent complex half-plane, these modes can be suppressed. The resulting algorithm computes a finite number of coefficients of a series expansion of the Laplace transform, thereby providing an approximation to the exact boundary condition. The resulting error decays super-algebraically with the number of coefficients, so relatively few additional degrees of freedom are sufficient to reduce the error to the level of the discretization error in the interior of the computational domain. The approach shows good results for the Schr\"odinger and the drift-diffusion equation but, in contrast to the one-dimensional case, exhibits instabilities for the wave and Klein-Gordon equation. Numerical examples are shown that demonstrate the good performance in the former and the instabilities in the latter case

    The Hausdorff moments in statistical mechanics

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    A new method for solving the Hausdorff moment problem is presented which makes use of Pollaczek polynomials. This problem is severely ill posed; a regularized solution is obtained without any use of prior knowledge. When the problem is treated in the L 2 space and the moments are finite in number and affected by noise or round‐off errors, the approximation converges asymptotically in the L 2 norm. The method is applied to various questions of statistical mechanics and in particular to the determination of the density of states. Concerning this latter problem the method is extended to include distribution valued densities. Computing the Laplace transform of the expansion a new series representation of the partition function Z(ÎČ) (ÎČ=1/k BT ) is obtained which coincides with a Watson resummation of the high‐temperature series for Z(ÎČ)
