95,137 research outputs found

    Research on the time optimization model algorithm of Customer Collaborative Product Innovation

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    Purpose: To improve the efficiency of information sharing among the innovation agents of customer collaborative product innovation and shorten the product design cycle, an improved genetic annealing algorithm of the time optimization was presented. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the analysis of the objective relationship between the design tasks, the paper takes job shop problems for machining model and proposes the improved genetic algorithm to solve the problems, which is based on the niche technology and thus a better product collaborative innovation design time schedule is got to improve the efficiency. Finally, through the collaborative innovation design of a certain type of mobile phone, the proposed model and method were verified to be correct and effective. Findings and Originality/value: An algorithm with obvious advantages in terms of searching capability and optimization efficiency of customer collaborative product innovation was proposed. According to the defects of the traditional genetic annealing algorithm, the niche genetic annealing algorithm was presented. Firstly, it avoided the effective gene deletions at the early search stage and guaranteed the diversity of solution; Secondly, adaptive double point crossover and swap mutation strategy were introduced to overcome the defects of long solving process and easily converging local minimum value due to the fixed crossover and mutation probability; Thirdly, elite reserved strategy was imported that optimal solution missing was avoided effectively and evolution speed was accelerated. Originality/value: Firstly, the improved genetic simulated annealing algorithm overcomes some defects such as effective gene easily lost in early search. It is helpful to shorten the calculation process and improve the accuracy of the convergence value. Moreover, it speeds up the evolution and ensures the reliability of the optimal solution. Meanwhile, it has obvious advantages in efficiency of information sharing among the innovation agents of customer collaborative product innovation. So, the product design cycle could be shortened.Peer Reviewe

    Research on the time optimization model algorithm of Customer Collaborative Product Innovation

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    Purpose: To improve the efficiency of information sharing among the innovation agents of customer collaborative product innovation and shorten the product design cycle, an improved genetic annealing algorithm of the time optimization was presented. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the analysis of the objective relationship between the design tasks, the paper takes job shop problems for machining model and proposes the improved genetic algorithm to solve the problems, which is based on the niche technology and thus a better product collaborative innovation design time schedule is got to improve the efficiency. Finally, through the collaborative innovation design of a certain type of mobile phone, the proposed model and method were verified to be correct and effective. Findings and Originality/value: An algorithm with obvious advantages in terms of searching capability and optimization efficiency of customer collaborative product innovation was proposed. According to the defects of the traditional genetic annealing algorithm, the niche genetic annealing algorithm was presented. Firstly, it avoided the effective gene deletions at the early search stage and guaranteed the diversity of solution; Secondly, adaptive double point crossover and swap mutation strategy were introduced to overcome the defects of long solving process and easily converging local minimum value due to the fixed crossover and mutation probability; Thirdly, elite reserved strategy was imported that optimal solution missing was avoided effectively and evolution speed was accelerated. Originality/value: Firstly, the improved genetic simulated annealing algorithm overcomes some defects such as effective gene easily lost in early search. It is helpful to shorten the calculation process and improve the accuracy of the convergence value. Moreover, it speeds up the evolution and ensures the reliability of the optimal solution. Meanwhile, it has obvious advantages in efficiency of information sharing among the innovation agents of customer collaborative product innovation. So, the product design cycle could be shortened.Peer Reviewe

    The Research And Development Performance Of Various EU Social Regimes

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    The paper provides a new approach to the classification of EU countries into innovation-performance groups, taking into account their social regime. In the Introduction, it draws on some empirical evidence of synchronised research and development (R&D) performance within a social regime. In the second and third parts it reviews the literature on measuring R&D performance, and in the fourth part it summarizes social regime classifications. The fifth and longest part of the paper proceeds to a comparative analysis of the empirical data, pointing out disparities, both respects to numbers and members, in the composition of innovation-performance groups. In the final part, the paper summarizes key findings.W artykule przedstawiono nowy sposób klasyfikacji krajów UE z punktu widzenia stopnia ich osiągnięć innowacyjnych z uwzględnieniem systemu społecznego. Wstęp nawiązuje do wybranych danych empirycznych, dotyczących powiązania osiągnięć badawczo-rozwojowych (B&R) z typem systemu społecznego. Część druga i trzecia zawiera przegląd literatury dotyczącej pomiaru osiągnięć badawczo-rozwojowych. Część czwarta to podsumowanie klasyfikacji systemów społecznych. Piąta i najdłuższa część artykułu zawiera analizę porównawczą danych empirycznych, wskazującą różnice dotyczące zarówno danych liczbowych jak i systemów społecznych wchodzących w skład poszczególnych grup. W końcowej części pracy przedstawiono streszczenie najważniejszych wniosków

    Nonparametric approach to evaluation of economic and social development in the EU28 member states by DEA efficiency

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology is used in this study for a comparison of the dynamic efficiency of European countries over the last decade. Moreover, efficiency analysis is used to determine where resources are distributed efficiently and/or were used efficiently/inefficiently under factors of competitiveness extracted from factor analysis. DEA measures numerical grades of the efficiency of economic processes within evaluated countries and, therefore, it becomes a suitable tool for setting an efficient/inefficient position of each country. Most importantly, the DEA technique is applied to all (28) European Union (EU) countries to evaluate their technical and technological efficiency within the selected factors of competitiveness based on country competitiveness index in the 2000-2017 reference period. The main aim of the paper is to measure efficiency changes over the reference period and to analyze the level of productivity in individual countries based on the Malmquist productivity index (MPI). Empirical results confirm significant disparities among European countries and selected periods 2000-2007, 2008-2011, and 2012-2017. Finally, the study offers a comprehensive comparison and discussion of results obtained by MPI that indicate the EU countries in which policy-making authorities should aim to stimulate national development and provide more quality of life to the EU citizens.Web of Science122art. no. 7

    Spectral gaps and error estimates for infinite-dimensional Metropolis-Hastings with non-Gaussian priors

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    We study a class of Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for target measures that are absolutely continuous with respect to a large class of non-Gaussian prior measures on Banach spaces. The algorithm is shown to have a spectral gap in a Wasserstein-like semimetric weighted by a Lyapunov function. A number of error bounds are given for computationally tractable approximations of the algorithm including bounds on the closeness of Ces\'{a}ro averages and other pathwise quantities via perturbation theory. Several applications illustrate the breadth of problems to which the results apply such as discretization by Galerkin-type projections and approximate simulation of the proposal

    Three-axis attitude determination via Kalman filtering of magnetometer data

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    A three-axis Magnetometer/Kalman Filter attitude determination system for a spacecraft in low-altitude Earth orbit is developed, analyzed, and simulation tested. The motivation for developing this system is to achieve light weight and low cost for an attitude determination system. The extended Kalman filter estimates the attitude, attitude rates, and constant disturbance torques. Accuracy near that of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model is achieved. Covariance computation and simulation testing demonstrate the filter's accuracy. One test case, a gravity-gradient stabilized spacecraft with a pitch momentum wheel and a magnetically-anchored damper, is a real satellite on which this attitude determination system will be used. The application to a nadir pointing satellite and the estimation of disturbance torques represent the significant extensions contributed by this paper. Beyond its usefulness purely for attitude determination, this system could be used as part of a low-cost three-axis attitude stabilization system

    Eigenvector continuation with subspace learning

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    A common challenge faced in quantum physics is finding the extremal eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hamiltonian matrix in a vector space so large that linear algebra operations on general vectors are not possible. There are numerous efficient methods developed for this task, but they generally fail when some control parameter in the Hamiltonian matrix exceeds some threshold value. In this work we present a new technique called eigenvector continuation that can extend the reach of these methods. The key insight is that while an eigenvector resides in a linear space with enormous dimensions, the eigenvector trajectory generated by smooth changes of the Hamiltonian matrix is well approximated by a very low-dimensional manifold. We prove this statement using analytic function theory and propose an algorithm to solve for the extremal eigenvectors. We benchmark the method using several examples from quantum many-body theory.Comment: Version to appear in Physical Review Letters, 4 + 6 pages (main + supplemental materials), 1 + 6 figures (main + supplemental materials