4,022 research outputs found

    News Reporting of Injury Prevalence in Football: A Study of Selected Nigerian Online Newspapers

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    Despite the importance of football as an effective means of developing physical activity and fitness, routine data of football-related injuries are either inadequate or underreported, particularly in Nigeria. To develop an understanding of the football-related injuries and determine the prospects for prevention, logical and useful information specifying the occurrence of these incidents is necessary. Using a content analysis of 94 football-related news articles, this study identified the most commonly reported football-related injuries in Nigerian newspapers and determined their extent of coverage from agenda-setting perspectives. Altogether, five national newspapers with the highest readership and online popularity were selected using purposive sampling. Only football-related news articles were collected from the respective websites of the newspapers using internet-based searches between January 2015 and September 2019.The findings showed that knee, ankle, and hamstring are the most commonly affected locations in football-related injuries according to the news reports.This study shows that media-based analysis of football-related injuries could supplement other methods, such as prospective and retrospective analyses, particularly in the Nigerian context

    The Convergence of Media, Candidate, and Public Agendas as Predictors of Voter Choice

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    This thesis examined the role of agenda setting effects in creating conditions that could predict vote choice within the context of the 2010 general election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. This survey utilized a mail survey sent to independent voters to measure the public agenda and thorough content analyses of local television news, the major local newspaper, candidate television advertisements and candidate websites to measure the media and candidate agendas. These agendas were compared using an innovative convergence score which reported the percent similarity between any two given agendas. This thesis found that relationships do exist between agenda convergence and vote choice and suggests the possibility of a model that could direct campaign activities. While this research focuses on the aggregate, campaign level, the methodologies and data herein may be used to examine complex individual level processes of political influenc

    How much do you care about education? Exploring fluctuations of public interest in education issues among top national priorities in the U.S.

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    It is well known that a strong education system produces citizens who are more engaged in civil and social duties, with obvious benefits to society and the individuals. Policymakers who have the power to help improve the education system frequently rely on the news or the polls to better understand the issues involved, but these tools are often unable to answer customized questions on the public view with a large enough coverage. Monitoring the American public interest in education over the years is not new. In fact, a number of national polling agencies have tracked education as part of their larger polls asking people to name the most burning issues facing the US. While these polls provide a fair indication of the changes in importance of education in the eyes of the public, they do not identify the factors which have historically been associated with the major fluctuations of such importance. Most importantly, these traditional national polls do not track public concern about specific subtopics within education. This mixed methods study includes the creation of a software instrument with the objective of exploring the salience of education as a national priority over time and analyzing the possible factors associated with these fluctuations of interest. In addition to discovering the most prominent latent subtopics affecting education (such as academic achievement, sexual assault and freedom of speech), this study also seeks national-level issues that may have recently been associated with the largest declines. The only source of data utilized is the text of tens of thousands of published news articles. Terms extracted from the text using natural language processing serve as the basis for automated qualitative analysis. As topics emerge from the data, the frequencies of the terms are utilized to associate the articles with the most relevant ones. The analysis shows that public interest in education has declined the most during election times. It is also found that the areas that contributed the most during the largest surges of public interest in education from 2015 to 2020 were school budget, academic achievement gaps and mental health

    The Convergence of Media, Candidate, and Public Agendas as Predictors of Voter Choice

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    This thesis examined the role of agenda setting effects in creating conditions that could predict vote choice within the context of the 2010 general election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. This survey utilized a mail survey sent to independent voters to measure the public agenda and thorough content analyses of local television news, the major local newspaper, candidate television advertisements and candidate websites to measure the media and candidate agendas. These agendas were compared using an innovative convergence score which reported the percent similarity between any two given agendas. This thesis found that relationships do exist between agenda convergence and vote choice and suggests the possibility of a model that could direct campaign activities. While this research focuses on the aggregate, campaign level, the methodologies and data herein may be used to examine complex individual level processes of political influenc

    The Convergence of Media, Candidate, and Public Agendas as Predictors of Voter Choice

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    This thesis examined the role of agenda setting effects in creating conditions that could predict vote choice within the context of the 2010 general election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. This survey utilized a mail survey sent to independent voters to measure the public agenda and thorough content analyses of local television news, the major local newspaper, candidate television advertisements and candidate websites to measure the media and candidate agendas. These agendas were compared using an innovative convergence score which reported the percent similarity between any two given agendas. This thesis found that relationships do exist between agenda convergence and vote choice and suggests the possibility of a model that could direct campaign activities. While this research focuses on the aggregate, campaign level, the methodologies and data herein may be used to examine complex individual level processes of political influenc

    Climate Change in Indonesian National Online Media Coverage: Agenda Setting and Sentiment Analysis

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    This study aims to analyze how Indonesia’s national online media covers the issue of climate change. Media coverage of climate change is a fairly important issue in Indonesia to analyze how the media makes the issue of climate change a media agenda and, at the same time, monitor how the government’s commitment to the issue of climate change both in terms of policy, prevention, and handling. The method used is a descriptive quantitative content analysis method using a sentiment analysis approach. This study analyzed 3608 titles of news articles published in five Indonesian national online media, namely Antaranews, Detik.com, and Republika.co, Tempo.co, and Tribunnews.com during the five years 2019-2023. The study results show that the frequency of the coverage of climate change issues is most widely reported by Antaranews at 51% and is dominated by positive sentiments as a media company owned by the Indonesian government. In contrast to non-government-owned media, namely Detik.com, Republika, Tempo.co, and Tribunnews.com, the issue of climate change is also on the media agenda, although more than Antara news. This media agenda setting is close to the media framing of climate change issue policies, not merely the amount of coverage but climate change is highlighted on the focus of how weak the handling of the impacts of climate change is.

    A Map of the Nanoworld: Sizing up the Science, Politics, and Business of the Infinitesimal

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    Mapping out the eight main nodes of nanotechnology discourse that have emerged in the past decade, we explore how various scientific, social, and ethical islands of discussion have developed, been recognized, and are being continually renegotiated. We do so by (1) identifying the ways in which scientists, policy makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and environmental groups have drawn boundaries on issues relating to nanotechnology; (2) describing concisely the perspectives from which these boundaries are drawn; and (3) exploring how boundaries on nanotechnology are marked and negotiated by various nodes of nanotechnology discourse.Comment: 25 page

    Framing Middle Eastern Ethnic Minorities in the U.S. Press

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    The main purpose of this study is to map out how leading newspapers in the U.S. are framing different ethnic groups in the Middle East in their daily reporting. For this analysis, a systematic random sample was drawn from published articles focused on two main ethnic groups in the Arab region, namely, Amazigh Berbers and Copts. There are 391 news stories in The New York Times and 408 news stories in Washington Post about Berbers and Copts during the last eight years (2011-2019). The study came out with the findings that American newspapers dedicated large spaces to cover the issues of minorities in the Middle East, and there was a greater tendency in the newspapers to cover Coptic minority compared to the Berber minority. The study newspapers heavily relied on minorities sources, both NYT and WP relied on 61% Coptic sources and 67% on Berbers sources. However, the data showed that Arabic sources were the least cited in stories published about minorities in the Middle East (6% in both NYT and WP). Different frames were used by NYT and WP, while NYT focused more on presenting Copts issues through international frames, WP tends to present Berbers through the cultural frame