7 research outputs found

    Труды Вычислительного центра. 36

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    Um estudo sobre alguns metodos hierarquicos para analise de agrupamentos

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    Orientador : Gabriela StangenhausDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: Dez métodos hierárquicos aglomerativos para Análise de Agrupamentos tiveram seus desempenhos comparados ante a diferentes estruturas de dados. Foi construido um experimento com estrutura fatorial, onde os fatores eram diferentes aspectos de estrutura de dados. A presença de grupos com sobreposição, a matriz de dispersão dentro dos grupos e a correlação entre as variáveis foram alguns dos fatores considerados. Amostras foram simuladas sob as diferentes condições determinadas pelos cruzamentos dos níveis dos fatores. Os métodos foram aplicados à essas amostras e seus desempenhos mensurados quanto a recuperação das estruturas de grupos embutidas nas amostras. Dentre os fatores estudados, as sobreposição dos grupos foi o que mais afetou o desempenho dos métodos. São feitas sugestões para o emprego de alguns dos métodos. Não sendo detectada a presença de observações com valores discrepantes nos dados é sugerido o emprego dos métodos da Média das Ligações e o Centróide. Ante a presença de observações com essa característica é sugerido o emprego dos métodos da Ligação de Densidades em Dois Estágios e do Beta-Flexível. Nos dois casos ou na falta de informações sobre os dados, é sugerido que o método. De Ward deve sempre ser empregadoAbstract: Not informedMestradoMestre em Estatístic

    Automatic classification and chemical structure-activity correlation.

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    Place in social process : an exploratory data analysis of outcomes from localised labour exchange

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    The principle tenet of this Study is that place and its role in social process is poorly understood. This is a serious problem in human geography where one of the major tasks is to elucidate the spatial elements in social process. The resulting difficulties are compounded in empirical analysis where the spatial and social are highly disaggregated. Any response must, therefore, address these features of the problem if the situation is to be redressed. A twofold response was formulated. The first, concentrates attention on labour exchange as a key element of social process and investigates spatial differences from the highly disaggregated local perspective. The second involves transferring Tukey's philosophy of EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS to geographical research. This has been done to overcome analytical rigidities which impede progress where theory concept or dat a are sufficiently suspect as to cause uncertainty. Implementation of this strategy progresses from comparatively simple and conventional treatments of place in labour exchange to more sophisticated examinations which explore spatial aspects of differentiation in controlled analytical environments. Substantive investigation of labour exchange, from an exploratory point of view, provides powerful insights into the role of place in labour exchange because it is less constrained than conventional treatments. These insights are manifest through analyses of extent and nature in differentiation between places. Results are of three types: structure in place and social process which establish a prima facie case for more general analysis; structure of place in a widely defined social environment; structure in social process which is sufficiently general as to sustain hypotheses of ubiquitous spatial structure. These interim findings, of merit in their own right, combine to provide a sound foundation for proposition of a model relating place to social process. This model is significant because it reverses the principal tenet of traditional empirical models, which reduce place to the status of an analytical convenience, and argues that it is inherent in considerations of social process