736 research outputs found

    Investigation of a mechatronic device for the remedial treatment of brain injured children.

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    To speed the recovery of brain injured children using the method of patterning; it must be made efficient. Efficiency can be achieved by automating the manual method, which will provide the patients with the necessary stimuli needed to help them enhance/restore their natural mobility. This thesis describes research into a novel moderate-cost single-axis Mechatronics device for the remedial treatment of brain injured patients. The device will enhance and/or improve their natural mobility by stimulating the undamaged brain cells responsible for mobility in the central nervous system through physical activity. A detailed review of rehabilitation robotics was undertaken, covering more than seventy projects relating to disabled people. This review helped to identify the main areas of this research regarding the most suitable structure of the machine and setting up the design specifications for the device. A critical investigation of past and present patterning machines and workstations helped avoid the mistakes made by previous designers in not including brain-injured patients in the initial stages of the design. Use of high technology video equipment has made practicable the development of mathematical expressions based on experimental data for the movements of human arms, feet and head. Measurements taken and ergonomic data used made it possible to implement a realistic practical novel kinematic arrangement for the patterning machine. A thorough review of direct drive electrical actuators, and surveys and measurements of the human body with respect to the kinematic arrangements, resulted in the selection of the most appropriate actuator for each axis. The selection of the motor and gearbox was based on the mass of each part of the human body in the prone position, the criteria of high peak torque to motor ratio, low cost, minimum maintenance, safety and compatibility. A computer model of the kinematic arrangement designed was created including the necessary motion constrains, using ADAMS and 3D Working Model simulation packages to test, verify and analyse the static and dynamic stability of the kinematic arrangements and the force interaction between the system and the patient. The simulation results led to some modification in the design regarding the kinematics and dynamic stability of the system by varying different design variables. A walking model of a human was created to simulate the real patient. The model was placed on two units where the feet were the only contact points with the moving belts; the model torso was supported by a harness to hold it in the upright standing position. The results obtained showed the movements of both feet (knees. hips and ankles) in addition to the right and left elbows. The system hardware was designed and implemented using custom-made safety critical software to control the device to carry out the desired tasks. Safety is considered to be one of the main issues that this research program has developed and implemented. An optimal control strategy was developed to drive the prototype. Smooth movements of the system were achieved through a PD control system enhanced with velocity feed forward gain with position accuracy of ± 0.168 mm. The desired positional accuracy of the Patterner Machine was ± 0.632 mm

    Limits to temporal synchronization in fundamental hand and finger actions

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    Coordinated movement is critical not only to sports technique and performance but to daily living and as such represents a fundamental area of research. Coordination requires being able to produce the right actions at the right time and has to incorporate perception, cognition, and forceful neuro-muscular interaction with the environment. Coordinated movements of the hands and fingers are some of the most complex activities undertaken where continuous learning and adaptation take place, but the temporal variability of the most basic movement components is still unknown. This thesis investigates the extent of temporal variability in the execution of four different simple hand and finger coordination tasks, with the purpose to find the various intrinsic temporal variability which limit the ability to coordinate the hands in space and time. Study one showed that in a synchronized bi-lateral two finger tapping test (<<1 cm movement to target) the best participant had a temporaltiming variability of 4.8 ms whereas the largest time variability could be as high as 24.8 ms. No obvious improvement was found after transfer practice, whereas the average time variability for asynchronized tapping decreased from 62.1 ms to 30.3 ms after instructed practice indicating a likely change in task grouping. Study two showed that in a unilateral thumb-index finger pinch and release test, the largest mean timing variability was 12 ms for pinching irrespective of performing the task in a slow alert manner or at a faster speed. However, the mean temporal variability for release was only 6.3 ms when the task was performed in a more alert manner and indicates that release is more accurately controlled temporally than grip. Study three suggested that in a unilateral sagittal plane throwing action of the lower arm and hand, that elbow and wrist coordination for dynamic index finger tip location was better with a radial-ulnar deviation, darts-type, throwing action than a wrist flexor-extensor type action, basketball free throw type action (the mean variability was 37.5 ms and 27.2 ms, respectively). Study four compared the variability in bi-lateral finger tapping between voluntary tapping and involuntary finger contraction tapping. Electrically stimulated neural contractions had significantly lower force onset variability than voluntary or direct magnetic stimulation of muscles (6 ms, 9.5 ms, and 10.3 ms for electrically stimulated, voluntary and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation stimulated contraction). This work provides a comprehensive analysis of the temporal variability in various fundamental digital movement tasks that can aid with the understanding of basic human coordination in sporting, daily living and clinical areas

    Dynamics of embodied dissociated cortical cultures for the control of hybrid biological robots.

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    The thesis presents a new paradigm for studying the importance of interactions between an organism and its environment using a combination of biology and technology: embodying cultured cortical neurons via robotics. From this platform, explanations of the emergent neural network properties leading to cognition are sought through detailed electrical observation of neural activity. By growing the networks of neurons and glia over multi-electrode arrays (MEA), which can be used to both stimulate and record the activity of multiple neurons in parallel over months, a long-term real-time 2-way communication with the neural network becomes possible. A better understanding of the processes leading to biological cognition can, in turn, facilitate progress in understanding neural pathologies, designing neural prosthetics, and creating fundamentally different types of artificial cognition. Here, methods were first developed to reliably induce and detect neural plasticity using MEAs. This knowledge was then applied to construct sensory-motor mappings and training algorithms that produced adaptive goal-directed behavior. To paraphrase the results, most any stimulation could induce neural plasticity, while the inclusion of temporal and/or spatial information about neural activity was needed to identify plasticity. Interestingly, the plasticity of action potential propagation in axons was observed. This is a notion counter to the dominant theories of neural plasticity that focus on synaptic efficacies and is suggestive of a vast and novel computational mechanism for learning and memory in the brain. Adaptive goal-directed behavior was achieved by using patterned training stimuli, contingent on behavioral performance, to sculpt the network into behaviorally appropriate functional states: network plasticity was not only induced, but could be customized. Clinically, understanding the relationships between electrical stimulation, neural activity, and the functional expression of neural plasticity could assist neuro-rehabilitation and the design of neuroprosthetics. In a broader context, the networks were also embodied with a robotic drawing machine exhibited in galleries throughout the world. This provided a forum to educate the public and critically discuss neuroscience, robotics, neural interfaces, cybernetics, bio-art, and the ethics of biotechnology.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Steve M. Potter; Committee Member: Eric Schumacher; Committee Member: Robert J. Butera; Committee Member: Stephan P. DeWeerth; Committee Member: Thomas D. DeMars

    Organizing principles underlying the formation of arm trajectories

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Harvard--Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology Program in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics, 1983.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE.Bibliography: leaves 200-214.by Tamar Yashin-Flash.Ph.D

    Spinocerebellar Ataxia

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    This book is about spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), which is among the most challenging pathologies in the neurological landscape. It covers basic concepts, functional classification, and new approaches to medical and non-medical treatment including rehabilitation/palliative care approaches. The volume also describes a wide spectrum of generalities and particularities about various forms of clinical and genetic presentations of ACS that have life-threatening characteristics and long-standing presentation with tremendous variability in presentation and clinical severity. In addition, the book presents important aspects of cerebellar anatomy, nutrition impact, genetic subtypes, and functional classification of medical and non-medical interventions related to stem cells, rehabilitation, and palliative care

    Perceptual-motor development and its relationship to academic achievement and/or cognitive development

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    It was the purpose of this paper to study perceptual-motor development, and by so doing, to define more thoroughly the perceptual-motor relationship to academic achievement and/or cognitive learning

    An evaluation of brain gym as a technique to promote whole brain learning: a personal and professional perspective

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    Many learners start school at a disadvantage and stay disadvantaged. This results in an increasing number of learners needing extra support in order to benefit from schooling, obtain a qualification and become independent and part of an agile workforce. Failure to learn at school results in dependent adults with low self-esteem and low employability. Reasons for learning failure can mostly be ascribed to diversity in: socioeconomic milieu, levels of sensory stimulation and sensory integration, thinking language and learning styles. Diversity in learner needs, necessitates identifying a common denominator amongst all learners, which when stimulated results in greater learning effectiveness for all learners. Whole brain learning is a common denominator and can be defined as receiving input equally through sight, hearing and active participation, processing the sensory input simultaneously with the left and right brain while filtering perceptions through emotions for appropriate and accurate verbal or active output. Brain Gym® is claimed to be a simple and cost effective technique that stimulates whole brain learning. The aim of this research study was to scrutinise Brain Gym as a technique that promotes whole brain learning and contributes to learner success and independence. This scrutiny was approached from a Personal and Professional Leadership perspective, whose domain is (amongst others) the value of selfmastery through mental- and emotional-state management resulting in selfactualisation. A multi-layered action research strategy was followed incorporating concept analysis, a descriptive and analytical literature study, qualitative and quantitative research methods and programme development. The literature study indicated that the prevalent learning difficulties could be categorised in the following themes: language and literacy difficulties, math difficulties and difficulties in concentration and motivation. The list of difficulties Brain Gym claimed to address were narrowed down according to the themes and the following criteria: the concepts had to easily and accurately be evaluated in groups pre and post a Brain Gym intervention within a six-week time frame. Only the following concepts were evaluated: 1 Logic and gestalt brain integration 2 Crossing of the visual midline 3 Eye-hand co-ordination 4 Self image 5 Mathematical computation 6 Concentration. Developing and implementing a Brain Gym programme for a period of six weeks and evaluating the resultant changes examined causality. Quantitative data was collected by means of the Aptitude test for School Beginners and qualitative data through focus group interviews and artefacts. The qualitative data was analysed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics regarding group distribution and tests indicated that the design was scientifically sound and presented a comparative basis for analysing the test results in terms of inferential statistics. The inferential yielded no significant results, which indicate that the Brain Gym intervention did not have a measurable effect on their ASB test scores. The quantative data was analysed by means of a descriptive narrative and presented in terms of the six concepts. Feedback from the principal educators, facilitators and the researcher indicated a noticeable improvement in all six concepts. The findings indicated that the learners have improved on a physical, emotional and social level in terms of sensory-integration, confidence, attitude, concentration and motivation. As indicated in the literature study physical, emotional and social development occurs prior to cognitive development. Due to the research period only being six weeks and thus an inadequate for measurable cognitive development, it may account for the lack of improvement on a cognitive level. It can be concluded that a Brain Gym is a technique that can stimulate the whole brain state and as such address the vast array of learning difficulties effectively in the classroom conditional to regular implementation and for a period longer than 6 weeks. Stimulating the whole brain state is the first step towards learning receptiveness and higher levels of literacy and numeracy resulting in an agile and competent workforce in South Africa.Prof. D.P.J. Smit

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 261)

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    This bibliography lists 281 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July 1984

    Cell lineage specification during postembryonic brain development in drosophila : "expression and function of the cephalic gap gene empty spiracles"

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    The cephalic gap gene empty spiracles (ems) encodes a homeodomain transcription factor that is essential for the regional specification of the early embryonic brain in Drosophila. This thesis presents the analysis of ems expression and function during larval and pupal development of the brain. In the late larval brain eight neuroblast lineages express ems. In seven lineages ems is only transiently expressed and expression disappears in the early pupa. In contrast, all adult-specific neurons of the medial-most lineage (EM lineage) continuously express ems throughout larval and pupal development as well as in the adult brain. In a first study (Chapter II) we have investigated the function of ems in the EM lineage. The cell bodies of the EM lineage are located ventral to the antennal lobes from where they extend fine neurite arborizations into the suboesophageal ganglion and a prominent projection into the superior medial protocerebrum. Clonal mutant analysis of the adult-specific cells in the EM lineage has revealed three distinct functions of ems during larval development. First, the number of cells was reduced by half. This could be rescued by blocking apoptosis in ems mutant clones suggesting a function of ems in cell survival. Second, all mutant clones extended undirected misprojections into the surrounding neuropile. Third, the projection into the superior protocerebrum was missing in half of the clones. A closer examination of the projection patterns of ems mutant single-cell clones demonstrated that ems is required cell-autonomously in postmitotic neurons for the correct extension of the protocerebral projection. In our second study (Chapter III) we have examined the role of ems in development of the olfactory projection neurons (PNs). Two of the transiently expressing ems-positive lineages in the larval brain correspond to the adult-specific anterodorsal and lateral PN lineages (adPN and lPN, respectively). Clonal mutant analysis of the GH146-positive PNs revealed different roles of ems in the two lineages. In the adPN lineage transient ems expression is required for precise dendritic targeting. In the lPN lineage ems function is necessary for the formation of the correct number of progeny during larval development. Furthermore, timely down-regulation of ems expression is necessary for the proper connectivity of PNs. The finding that ems and its mammalian homologs Emx1/Emx2 are both expressed in second order olfactory PNs suggests conserved genetic mechanisms for the specific relay of olfactory information to higher brain centres
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