31 research outputs found

    Control of Dynamic Gaits for a Quadrupedal Robot

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    Quadrupedal animals move through their environments with unmatched agility and grace. An important part of this is the ability to choose between different gaits in order to travel optimally at a certain speed or to robustly deal with unanticipated perturbations. In this paper, we present a control framework for a quadrupedal robot that is capable of locomoting using several gaits. We demonstrate the flexibility of the algorithm by performing experiments on StarlETH, a recently-developed quadrupedal robot. We implement controllers for a static walk, a walking trot, and a running trot, and show that smooth transitions between them can be performed. Using this control strategy, StarlETH is able to trot unassisted in 3D space with speeds of up to 0.7m/s, it can dynamically navigate over unperceived 5-cm high obstacles and it can recover from significant external pushes

    Design a Fall Recovery Strategy for a Wheel-Legged Quadruped Robot Using Stability Feature Space

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    In this paper, we introduced a conceptual analysis to select stability features when performing predefined and precise motions on robots. By analyzing the different stable poses named features and the possible transitions towards different ones, the introduced concept allows to design more predictable and suitable motions when performing particular tasks. As an example of how the concept can be applied we use it on the fall recovery of the quadruped robot CENTAURO. This robot, which is equipped with a custom hybrid wheel-legged mobility system, have good intrinsic stability as other quadrupeds. However, the characteristics of the rough terrains where it might be deployed require complex maneuvers to cope with possible strong disturbances. To prevent and more importantly recover from falls, realignment of postural responses will not be adequate, and effective recovery procedures should be developed. This paper introduces the details of how the presented conceptual analysis provides and an effective fall recovery routine for CENTAURO based on a state machine. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated with extensive simulation trials using the dynamic model of the CENTAURO robot showing good effectiveness in recovering the robot after fall on flat and inclined surfaces

    Influence of Compliant Joints in Four-Legged Robots

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    Legged animals are capable of rapid movements, are efficient from the energy point of view, and are able to adapt their gaits to environmental conditions. Motions like walking, trotting, galloping, and jumping, are difficult to evaluate and replicate due to their being consequences of complex interactions of different systems (such as the musculoskeletal system and the central and peripheral nervous systems, including also the influence of the environment). In this paper, we analyzed the behavior of a four-legged robot constituted by one active DOF in each leg (using commercial servomotors) and one passive DOF in each knee and in the spine (using springs). Our objective was to increase the motion performances of the robot by varying the stiffness of the springs. The results obtained from the simulation underline how the stiffness of the spine influences the performance of the robot by increasing the speed and reducing the energy required by the servomotors

    Robust Footstep Planning and LQR Control for Dynamic Quadrupedal Locomotion

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    In this paper, we aim to improve the robustness of dynamic quadrupedal locomotion through two aspects: 1) fast model predictive foothold planning, and 2) applying LQR to projected inverse dynamic control for robust motion tracking. In our proposed planning and control framework, foothold plans are updated at 400 Hz considering the current robot state and an LQR controller generates optimal feedback gains for motion tracking. The LQR optimal gain matrix with non-zero off-diagonal elements leverages the coupling of dynamics to compensate for system underactuation. Meanwhile, the projected inverse dynamic control complements the LQR to satisfy inequality constraints. In addition to these contributions, we show robustness of our control framework to unmodeled adaptive feet. Experiments on the quadruped ANYmal demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for robust dynamic locomotion given external disturbances and environmental uncertainties

    Quadruped Bounding Control with Variable Duty Cycle via Vertical Impulse Scaling

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    This paper introduces a bounding gait control algorithm that allows a successful implementation of duty cycle modulation in the MIT Cheetah 2. Instead of controlling leg stiffness to emulate a ‘springy leg’ inspired from the Spring-Loaded-Inverted-Pendulum (SLIP) model, the algorithm prescribes vertical impulse by generating scaled ground reaction forces at each step to achieve the desired stance and total stride duration. Therefore, we can control the duty cycle: the percentage of the stance phase over the entire cycle. By prescribing the required vertical impulse of the ground reaction force at each step, the algorithm can adapt to variable duty cycles attributed to variations in running speed. Following linear momentum conservation law, in order to achieve a limit-cycle gait, the sum of all vertical ground reaction forces must match vertical momentum created by gravity during a cycle. In addition, we added a virtual compliance control in the vertical direction to enhance stability. The stiffness of the virtual compliance is selected based on the eigenvalue analysis of the linearized Poincare map and the chosen stiffness is 700 N/m, which corresponds to around 12% of the stiffness used in the previous trotting experiments of the MIT Cheetah, where the ground reaction forces are purely caused by the impedance controller with equilibrium point trajectories. This indicates that the virtual compliance control does not significantly contributes to generating ground reaction forces, but to stability. The experimental results show that the algorithm successfully prescribes the duty cycle for stable bounding gaits. This new approach can shed a light on variable speed running control algorithm.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (M3 Program

    A Model-based Hierarchical Controller for Legged Systems subject to External Disturbances

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    Xin G, Lin H-C, Smith J, Cebe O, Mistry M. A Model-based Hierarchical Controller for Legged Systems subject to External Disturbances. In: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. 2018.Legged robots have many potential applications in real-world scenarios where the tasks are too dangerous for humans, and compliance is needed to protect the system against external disturbances and impacts. In this paper, we propose a model-based controller for hierarchical tasks of legged systems subject to external disturbance. The control framework is based on projected inverse dynamics controller, such that the control law is decomposed into two orthogonal subspaces, i.e., the constrained and the unconstrained subspaces. The unconstrained component controls multiple desired tasks with impedance responses. The constrained space controller maintains the contact subject to unknown external disturbances, without the use of any force/torque sensing at the contact points. By explicitly modelling the external force, our controller is robust to external disturbances and errors arising from incorrect dynamic model information. The main contributions of this paper include (1) incorporating an impedance controller to control external disturbances and allow impedance shaping to adjust the behaviour of the motion under external disturbances, (2) optimising contact forces within the constrained subspace that also takes into account the external disturbances without using force/torque sensors at the contact locations. The techniques are evaluated on the ANYmal quadruped platform under a variety of scenarios

    Online Planning for Autonomous Running Jumps Over Obstacles in High-Speed Quadrupeds

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    This paper presents a new framework for the generation of high-speed running jumps to clear terrain obstacles in quadrupedal robots. Our methods enable the quadruped to autonomously jump over obstacles up to 40 cm in height within a single control framework. Specifically, we propose new control system components, layered on top of a low-level running controller, which actively modify the approach and select stance force profiles as required to clear a sensed obstacle. The approach controller enables the quadruped to end in a preferable state relative to the obstacle just before the jump. This multi-step gait planning is formulated as a multiple-horizon model predictive control problem and solved at each step through quadratic programming. Ground reaction force profiles to execute the running jump are selected through constrained nonlinear optimization on a simplified model of the robot that possesses polynomial dynamics. Exploiting the simplified structure of these dynamics, the presented method greatly accelerates the computation of otherwise costly function and constraint evaluations that are required during optimization. With these considerations, the new algorithms allow for online planning that is critical for reliable response to unexpected situations. Experimental results, for a stand-alone quadruped with on-board power and computation, show the viability of this approach, and represent important steps towards broader dynamic maneuverability in experimental machines.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (M3) ProgramKorean Agency for Defense Development (Contract UD1400731D