89 research outputs found

    Goal Translation for a Hammer for Coq (Extended Abstract)

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    Hammers are tools that provide general purpose automation for formal proof assistants. Despite the gaining popularity of the more advanced versions of type theory, there are no hammers for such systems. We present an extension of the various hammer components to type theory: (i) a translation of a significant part of the Coq logic into the format of automated proof systems; (ii) a proof reconstruction mechanism based on a Ben-Yelles-type algorithm combined with limited rewriting, congruence closure and a first-order generalization of the left rules of Dyckhoff's system LJT.Comment: In Proceedings HaTT 2016, arXiv:1606.0542

    Loop-free construction of counter-models for intuitionistic propositional logic

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    We present a non-looping method to construct Kripke trees refuting the non-theorems of intuitionistic propositional logic, using a contraction-free sequent calculus.União Europeia (UE) - project ESPRIT BRA 7232 GENTZEN.Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT)

    Two loop detection mechanisms: a comparison

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    In order to compare two loop detection mechanisms we describe two calculi for theorem proving in intuitionistic propositional logic. We call them both MJ Hist, and distinguish between them by description as `Swiss' or `Scottish'. These calculi combine in different ways the ideas on focused proof search of Herbelin and Dyckhoff & Pinto with the work of Heuerding emphet al on loop detection. The Scottish calculus detects loops earlier than the Swiss calculus but at the expense of modest extra storage in the history. A comparison of the two approaches is then given, both on a theoretic and on an implementational level

    Contraction-free sequent calculi in intuitionistic logic : a correction

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    We present a much-shortened proof of a major result (originally due to Vorob’ev) about intuitionistic propositional logic: in essence, a correction of our 1992 article, avoiding several unnecessary definitionsPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    From Proof-theoretic Validity to Base-extension Semantics for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic

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    Proof-theoretic semantics (P-tS) is the approach to meaning in logic based on \emph{proof} (as opposed to truth). There are two major approaches to P-tS: proof-theoretic validity (P-tV) and base-extension semantics (B-eS). The former is a semantics of arguments, and the latter is a semantics of logical constants in a logic. This paper demonstrates that the B-eS for intuitionistic propositional logic (IPL) encapsulates the declarative content of a basic version of P-tV. Such relationships have been considered before yielding incompleteness results. This paper diverges from these approaches by accounting for the constructive, hypothetical setup of P-tV. It explicates how the B-eS for IPL works

    Cut-elimination and a permutation-free sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic

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    We describe a sequent calculus, based on work of Herbelin's, of which the cut-free derivations are in 1-1 correspondence with normal natural deduction proofs of intuitionistic logic. We present a simple proof of Herbelin's strong cut-elimination theorem for the calculus, using the recursive path oredering theorem of Dershowitz.Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT).União Europeia (UE) - Programa ESPRIT - grant BRA 7232 GENTZEN

    Proof search in constructive logics

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    We present an overview of some sequent calculi organised not for "theorem-proving" but for proof search, where the proofs themselves (and the avoidance of known proofs on backtracking) are objects of interest. The main calculus discussed is that of Herbelin [1994] for intuitionistic logic, which extends methods used in hereditary Harrop logic programming; we give a brief discussion of similar calculi for other logics. We also point out to some related work on permutations in intuitionistic Gentzen sequent calculi that clarifies the relationship between such calculi and natural deduction.Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho (CMAT).União Europeia (UE) - Programa ESPRIT - BRA 7232 Gentzen