193 research outputs found

    Part Description and Segmentation Using Contour, Surface and Volumetric Primitives

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    The problem of part definition, description, and decomposition is central to the shape recognition systems. The Ultimate goal of segmenting range images into meaningful parts and objects has proved to be very difficult to realize, mainly due to the isolation of the segmentation problem from the issue of representation. We propose a paradigm for part description and segmentation by integration of contour, surface, and volumetric primitives. Unlike previous approaches, we have used geometric properties derived from both boundary-based (surface contours and occluding contours), and primitive-based (quadric patches and superquadric models) representations to define and recover part-whole relationships, without a priori knowledge about the objects or object domain. The object shape is described at three levels of complexity, each contributing to the overall shape. Our approach can be summarized as answering the following question : Given that we have all three different modules for extracting volume, surface and boundary properties, how should they be invoked, evaluated and integrated? Volume and boundary fitting, and surface description are performed in parallel to incorporate the best of the coarse to fine and fine to coarse segmentation strategy. The process involves feedback between the segmentor (the Control Module) and individual shape description modules. The control module evaluates the intermediate descriptions and formulates hypotheses about parts. Hypotheses are further tested by the segmentor and the descriptors. The descriptions thus obtained are independent of position, orientation, scale, domain and domain properties, and are based purely on geometric considerations. They are extremely useful for the high level domain dependent symbolic reasoning processes, which need not deal with tremendous amount of data, but only with a rich description of data in terms of primitives recovered at various levels of complexity

    Prior Knowledge Based Motion Model Representation

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    This paper presents a new approach for human walking modeling from monocular image sequences. A kinematics model and a walking motion model are introduced in order to exploit prior knowledge. The proposed technique consists of two steps. Initially, an efficient feature point selection and tracking approach is used to compute feature points' trajectories. Peaks and valleys of these trajectories are used to detect key frames-frames where both legs are in contact with the floor. Secondly, motion models associated with each joint are locally tuned by using those key frames. Differently than previous approaches, this tuning process is not performed at every frame, reducing CPU time. In addition, the movement's frequency is defined by the elapsed time between two consecutive key frames, which allows handling walking displacement at different speed. Experimental results with different video sequences are presented

    Range Image Segmentation for 3-D Object Recognition

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    Three dimensional scene analysis in an unconstrained and uncontrolled environment is the ultimate goal of computer vision. Explicit depth information about the scene is of tremendous help in segmentation and recognition of objects. Range image interpretation with a view of obtaining low-level features to guide mid-level and high-level segmentation and recognition processes is described. No assumptions about the scene are made and algorithms are applicable to any general single viewpoint range image. Low-level features like step edges and surface characteristics are extracted from the images and segmentation is performed based on individual features as well as combination of features. A high level recognition process based on superquadric fitting is described to demonstrate the usefulness of initial segmentation based on edges. A classification algorithm based on surface curvatures is used to obtain initial segmentation of the scene. Objects segmented using edge information are then classified using surface curvatures. Various applications of surface curvatures in mid and high level recognition processes are discussed. These include surface reconstruction, segmentation into convex patches and detection of smooth edges. Algorithms are run on real range images and results are discussed in detail

    Research on Symbolic Inference in Computational Vision

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    This paper provides an overview of ongoing research in the GRASP laboratory which focuses on the general problem of symbolic inference in computational vision. In this report we describe a conceptual framework for this research, and describe our current research programs in the component areas which support this work

    An Active Observer

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    In this paper we present a framework for research into the development of an Active Observer. The components of such an observer are the low and intermediate visual processing modules. Some of these modules have been adapted from the community and some have been investigated in the GRASP laboratory, most notably modules for the understanding of surface reflections via color and multiple views and for the segmentation of three dimensional images into first or second order surfaces via superquadric/parametric volumetric models. However the key problem in Active Observer research is the control structure of its behavior based on the task and situation. This control structure is modeled by a formalism called Discrete Events Dynamic Systems (DEDS)

    HEAP: A Sensory Driven Distributed Manipulation System

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    We address the problems of locating, grasping, and removing one or more unknown objects from a given area. In order to accomplish the task we use HEAP, a system of coordinating the motions of the hand and arm. HEAP also includes a laser range finer, mounted at the end of a PUMA 560, allowing the system to obtain multiple views of the workspace. We obtain volumetric information of the objects we locate by fitting superquadric surfaces on the raw range data. The volumetric information is used to ascertain the best hand configuration to enclose and constrain the object stably. The Penn Hand used to grasp the object, is fitted with 14 tactile sensors to determine the contact area and the normal components of the grasping forces. In addition the hand is used as a sensor to avoid any undesired collisions. The objective in grasping the objects is not to impart arbitrary forces on the object, but instead to be able to grasp a variety of objects using a simple grasping scheme assisted with a volumetric description and force and touch sensing

    Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: Application to Heart Wall Modeling

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    This paper develops a new class of physics-based deformable models which can deform both globally and locally. Their global parameters are functions allowing the definition of new parameterized primitives and parameterized global deformations. These new global parameter functions improve the accuracy of shape description through the use of a few intuitive parameters such as functional bending and twisting. Using a physics-based approach we convert these geometric models into deformable models that deform due to forces exerted from the datapoints so as to conform to the given dataset. We present an experiment involving the extraction of shape and motion of the Left Ventricle (LV) of a heart from MRI-SPAMM data based on a few global parameter functions

    Generalized ellipsoids and anisotropic filtering for segmentation improvement in 3D medical imaging

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    Deformable models have demonstrated to be very useful techniques for image segmentation. However, they present several weak points. Two of the main problems with deformable models are the following: (1) results are often dependent on the initial model location, and (2) the generation of image potentials is very sensitive to noise. Modeling and preprocessing methods presented in this paper contribute to solve these problems. We propose an initialization tool to obtain a good approximation to global shape and location of a given object into a 3D image. We also introduce a novel technique for corner preserving anisotropic diffusion filtering to improve contrast and corner measures. This is useful for both guiding initialization (global shape) and subsequent deformation for fine tuning (local shape).This work was supported by the Spanish Government and the Xunta de Galicia by projects TIC2000-0399-C02-02 and PGIDT99PXI20606B, respectively.2005-04-01S

    Superquadric representation of scenes from multi-view range data

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    Object representation denotes representing three-dimensional (3D) real-world objects with known graphic or mathematic primitives recognizable to computers. This research has numerous applications for object-related tasks in areas including computer vision, computer graphics, reverse engineering, etc. Superquadrics, as volumetric and parametric models, have been selected to be the representation primitives throughout this research. Superquadrics are able to represent a large family of solid shapes by a single equation with only a few parameters. This dissertation addresses superquadric representation of multi-part objects and multiobject scenes. Two issues motivate this research. First, superquadric representation of multipart objects or multi-object scenes has been an unsolved problem due to the complex geometry of objects. Second, superquadrics recovered from single-view range data tend to have low confidence and accuracy due to partially scanned object surfaces caused by inherent occlusions. To address these two problems, this dissertation proposes a multi-view superquadric representation algorithm. By incorporating both part decomposition and multi-view range data, the proposed algorithm is able to not only represent multi-part objects or multi-object scenes, but also achieve high confidence and accuracy of recovered superquadrics. The multi-view superquadric representation algorithm consists of (i) initial superquadric model recovery from single-view range data, (ii) pairwise view registration based on recovered superquadric models, (iii) view integration, (iv) part decomposition, and (v) final superquadric fitting for each decomposed part. Within the multi-view superquadric representation framework, this dissertation proposes a 3D part decomposition algorithm to automatically decompose multi-part objects or multiobject scenes into their constituent single parts consistent with human visual perception. Superquadrics can then be recovered for each decomposed single-part object. The proposed part decomposition algorithm is based on curvature analysis, and includes (i) Gaussian curvature estimation, (ii) boundary labeling, (iii) part growing and labeling, and (iv) post-processing. In addition, this dissertation proposes an extended view registration algorithm based on superquadrics. The proposed view registration algorithm is able to handle deformable superquadrics as well as 3D unstructured data sets. For superquadric fitting, two objective functions primarily used in the literature have been comprehensively investigated with respect to noise, viewpoints, sample resolutions, etc. The objective function proved to have better performance has been used throughout this dissertation. In summary, the three algorithms (contributions) proposed in this dissertation are generic and flexible in the sense of handling triangle meshes, which are standard surface primitives in computer vision and graphics. For each proposed algorithm, the dissertation presents both theory and experimental results. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithms using both synthetic and real range data of a large variety of objects and scenes. In addition, the experimental results include comparisons with previous methods from the literature. Finally, the dissertation concludes with a summary of the contributions to the state of the art in superquadric representation, and presents possible future extensions to this research

    \u3cem\u3eGRASP News\u3c/em\u3e, Volume 6, Number 1

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    A report of the General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, edited by Gregory Long and Alok Gupta
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