70 research outputs found

    Applications of computer-graphics animation for motion-perception research

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    The advantages and limitations of using computer animated stimuli in studying motion perception are presented and discussed. Most current programs of motion perception research could not be pursued without the use of computer graphics animation. Computer generated displays afford latitudes of freedom and control that are almost impossible to attain through conventional methods. There are, however, limitations to this presentational medium. At present, computer generated displays present simplified approximations of the dynamics in natural events. Very little is known about how the differences between natural events and computer simulations influence perceptual processing. In practice, the differences are assumed to be irrelevant to the questions under study, and that findings with computer generated stimuli will generalize to natural events

    The Computation of Surface Lightness in Simple and Complex Scenes

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    The present thesis examined how reflectance properties and the complexity of surface mesostructure (small-scale surface relief) influence perceived lightness in centresurround displays. Chapters 2 and 3 evaluated the role of surface relief, gloss, and interreflections on lightness constancy, which was examined across changes in background albedo and illumination level. For surfaces with visible mesostructure (“rocky” surfaces), lightness constancy across changes in background albedo was better for targets embedded in glossy versus matte surfaces. However, this improved lightness constancy for gloss was not observed when illumination varied. Control experiments compared the matte and glossy rocky surrounds to two control displays, which matched either pixel histograms or a phase-scrambled power spectrum. Lightness constancy was improved for rocky glossy displays over the histogram-matched displays, but not compared to phase-scrambled variants of these images with equated power spectrums. The results were similar for surfaces rendered with 1, 2, 3 and 4 interreflections. These results suggest that lightness perception in complex centre-surround displays can be explained by the distribution of contrast across space and scale, independently of explicit information about surface shading or specularity. The results for surfaces without surface relief (“homogeneous” surfaces) differed qualitatively to rocky surfaces, exhibiting abrupt steps in perceived lightness at points at which the targets transitioned from being increments to decrements. Chapter 4 examined whether homogeneous displays evoke more complex mid-level representations similar to conditions of transparency. Matching target lightness in a homogeneous display to that in a textured or rocky display required varying both lightness and transmittance of the test patch on the textured display to obtain the most satisfactory matches. However, transmittance was only varied to match the contrast of targets against homogeneous surrounds, and not to explicitly match the amount of transparency perceived in the displays. The results suggest perceived target-surround edge contrast differs between homogeneous and textured displays. Varying the mid-level property of transparency in textured displays provides a natural means for equating both target lightness and the unique appearance of the edge contrast in homogeneous displays

    The Computation of Surface Lightness in Simple and Complex Scenes

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    The present thesis examined how reflectance properties and the complexity of surface mesostructure (small-scale surface relief) influence perceived lightness in centresurround displays. Chapters 2 and 3 evaluated the role of surface relief, gloss, and interreflections on lightness constancy, which was examined across changes in background albedo and illumination level. For surfaces with visible mesostructure (“rocky” surfaces), lightness constancy across changes in background albedo was better for targets embedded in glossy versus matte surfaces. However, this improved lightness constancy for gloss was not observed when illumination varied. Control experiments compared the matte and glossy rocky surrounds to two control displays, which matched either pixel histograms or a phase-scrambled power spectrum. Lightness constancy was improved for rocky glossy displays over the histogram-matched displays, but not compared to phase-scrambled variants of these images with equated power spectrums. The results were similar for surfaces rendered with 1, 2, 3 and 4 interreflections. These results suggest that lightness perception in complex centre-surround displays can be explained by the distribution of contrast across space and scale, independently of explicit information about surface shading or specularity. The results for surfaces without surface relief (“homogeneous” surfaces) differed qualitatively to rocky surfaces, exhibiting abrupt steps in perceived lightness at points at which the targets transitioned from being increments to decrements. Chapter 4 examined whether homogeneous displays evoke more complex mid-level representations similar to conditions of transparency. Matching target lightness in a homogeneous display to that in a textured or rocky display required varying both lightness and transmittance of the test patch on the textured display to obtain the most satisfactory matches. However, transmittance was only varied to match the contrast of targets against homogeneous surrounds, and not to explicitly match the amount of transparency perceived in the displays. The results suggest perceived target-surround edge contrast differs between homogeneous and textured displays. Varying the mid-level property of transparency in textured displays provides a natural means for equating both target lightness and the unique appearance of the edge contrast in homogeneous displays

    Nondestructive Testing Using Magnetic Field Visualization Technique

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    This paper describes a new technique to detect cracks or flaws in conducting or ferromagnetic materials using a magnetic field visualization system. In this system there are two sources for magnetic field generation, i.e. electrical current and magnetization. And the magnetic field generated by the source could give us useful information on cracks or flaws included in the material. Thus, visualization of magnetic field would enable us to identify the shape and size of cracks. We developed a preliminary system to verify the validity of the speculation and applied it to both ferromagnetic and conducting materials with flaws. The applicability of magnetic visualization has been confirmed to be an effective method in NDE and diagnosis of magnetic equipments in the present experiment. Furthermore, combination of this method with numerical prediction could demonstrate more potential capability in the field of NDE</p

    Lazy visibility evaluation for exact soft shadows

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    International audienceThis report presents a novel approach to compute high quality and alias-free soft shadows using exact visibility computations. This work relies on a theoritical framework allowing to group lines according to the geometry they intersect. From this study, we derive a new algorithm encoding lazily the visibility from a polygon. Contrary to previous works on from-polygon visibility, our approach is very robust and straightforward to implement. We apply this algorithm to solve exactly and efficiently the visibility of an area light source from any point in a scene. As a consequence, results are not sensitive to noise, contrary to soft shadows methods based on area light source sampling. We demonstrate the reliability of our approach on different scenes and configurations

    A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffuse Reflection

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    International audienceWe analyse some recent approaches to the global illumination problem by introducing the corresponding reflection operators, and we demonstrate the advantages of a two-pass method. A generalization of the system introduced by Wallace et al. at Siggraph '87 to integrate diffuse as well as specular effects is presented. It is based on the calculation of extended form-factors, which allows arbitrary geometries to be used in the scene description, as well as refraction effects. We also present a new sampling method for the calculation of form-factors, which is an Mternative to the hemi-cube technique introduced by Cohen and Greenberg for radiosity calculations. This method is particularly well suited to the extended form-factors calculation. The problem of interactive display of the picture being created is also addressed by using hardware-assisted projections and image composition to recreate a complete specular view of the scene

    Realism in Computer Graphics: A Survey

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    Daylight simulation with photon maps

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    Physically based image synthesis remains one of the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics field, whose applications have evolved along with the techniques in recent years, particularly with the decline in cost of powerful computing hardware. Physically based rendering is essentially a niche since it goes beyond the photorealistic look required by mainstream applications with the goal of computing actual lighting levels in physical quantities within a complex 3D scene. Unlike mainstream applications which merely demand visually convincing images and short rendering times, physically based rendering emphasises accuracy at the cost of increased computational overhead. Among the more specialised applications for physically based rendering is lighting simulation, particularly in conjunction with daylight. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the applicability of a novel image synthesis technique based on Monte Carlo particle transport to daylight simulation. Many materials used in daylight simulation are specifically designed to redirect light, and as such give rise to complex effects such as caustics. The photon map technique was chosen for its efficent handling of these effects. To assess its ability to produce physically correct results which can be applied to lighting simulation, a validation was carried out based on analytical case studies and on simple experimental setups. As prerequisite to validation, the photon map\u27s inherent bias/noise tradeoff is investigated. This tradeoff depends on the density estimate bandwidth used in the reconstruction of the illumination. The error analysis leads to the development of a bias compensating operator which adapts the bandwidth according to the estimated bias in the reconstructed illumination. The work presented here was developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) as part of the FARESYS project sponsored by the German national research foundation (DFG), and embedded into the RADIANCE rendering system.Die Erzeugung physikalisch basierter Bilder gilt heute noch als eine der rechenintensivsten Aufgaben in der Computergraphik, dessen Anwendungen sowie auch Verfahren in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt wurden, vorangetrieben primär durch den Preisverfall leistungsstarker Hardware. Physikalisch basiertes Rendering hat sich als Nische etabliert, die über die photorealistischen Anforderungen typischer Mainstream-Applikationen hinausgeht, mit dem Ziel, Lichttechnische Größen innerhalb einer komplexen 3D Szene zu berechnen. Im Gegensatz zu Mainstream-Applikationen, die visuell überzeugend wirken sollen und kurze Rechenzeiten erforden, liegt der Schwerpunkt bei physikalisch basiertem Rendering in der Genauigkeit, auf Kosten des Rechenaufwands. Zu den eher spezialisierten Anwendungen im Gebiet des physikalisch basiertem Renderings gehört die Lichtsimulation, besonders in Bezug auf Tageslicht. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation liegt darin, die Anwendbarkeit eines neuartigen Renderingverfahrens basierend auf Monte Carlo Partikeltransport hinsichtlich Tageslichtsimulation zu untersuchen. Viele Materialien, die in der Tageslichtsimulation verwendet werden, sind speziell darauf konzipiert, Tageslicht umzulenken, und somit komplexe Phänomene wie Kaustiken hervorrufen. Das Photon-Map-Verfahren wurde aufgrund seiner effizienten Simulation solcher Effekte herangezogen. Zur Beurteilung seiner Fähigkeit, physikalisch korrekte Ergebnisse zu liefern, die in der Tageslichtsimulation anwendbar sind, wurde eine Validierung anhand analytischer Studien sowie eines einfachen experimentellen Aufbaus durchgeführt. Als Voraussetzung zur Validierung wurde der Photon Map bezüglich seiner inhärenten Wechselwirkung zwischen Rauschen und systematischem Fehler (Bias) untersucht. Diese Wechselwirkung hängt von der Bandbreite des Density Estimates ab, mit dem die Beleuchtung aus den Photonen rekonstruiert wird. Die Fehleranalyse führt zur Entwicklung eines Bias compensating Operators, der die Bandbreite dynamisch anhand des geschätzten Bias in der rekonstruierten Beleuchtung anpasst. Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit wurde am Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE) als teil des FARESYS Projekts entwickelt, daß von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) finanziert wurde. Die Implementierung erfolgte im Rahmen des RADIANCE Renderingsystems
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