5 research outputs found

    Spectral Pattern Analysis of Propofol Induced Spindle Oscillations in the Presence of Auditory Stimulations

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    This study’s primary objective is to analyze human EEG spindle oscillations during propofol-induced anesthesia and to address possible activation sources. Such an analysis also has a secondary role of investigating the short- term spectral patterns and their functional role

    Brain function assessment in different conscious states

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    Background: The study of brain functioning is a major challenge in neuroscience fields as human brain has a dynamic and ever changing information processing. Case is worsened with conditions where brain undergoes major changes in so-called different conscious states. Even though the exact definition of consciousness is a hard one, there are certain conditions where the descriptions have reached a consensus. The sleep and the anesthesia are different conditions which are separable from each other and also from wakefulness. The aim of our group has been to tackle the issue of brain functioning with setting up similar research conditions for these three conscious states.Methods: In order to achieve this goal we have designed an auditory stimulation battery with changing conditions to be recorded during a 40 channel EEG polygraph (Nuamps) session. The stimuli (modified mismatch, auditory evoked etc.) have been administered both in the operation room and the sleep lab via Embedded Interactive Stimulus Unit which was developed in our lab. The overall study has provided some results for three domains of consciousness. In order to be able to monitor the changes we have incorporated Bispectral Index Monitoring to both sleep and anesthesia conditions.Results: The first stage results have provided a basic understanding in these altered states such that auditory stimuli have been successfully processed in both light and deep sleep stages. The anesthesia provides a sudden change in brain responsiveness; therefore a dosage dependent anesthetic administration has proved to be useful. The auditory processing was exemplified targeting N1 wave, with a thorough analysis from spectrogram to sLORETA. The frequency components were observed to be shifting throughout the stages. The propofol administration and the deeper sleep stages both resulted in the decreasing of N1 component. The sLORETA revealed similar activity at BA7 in sleep (BIS 70) and target propofol concentration of 1.2 μg/mL.Conclusions: The current study utilized similar stimulation and recording system and incorporated BIS dependent values to validate a common approach to sleep and anesthesia. Accordingly the brain has a complex behavior pattern, dynamically changing its responsiveness in accordance with stimulations and states. © 2010 Ozgoren et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Continuous time wavelet entropy of auditory evoked potentials

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    In this paper, the continuous time wavelet entropy (CTWE) of auditory evoked potentials (AEP) has been characterized by evaluating the relative wavelet energies (RWE) in specified EEG frequency bands. Thus, the rapid variations of CTWE due to the auditory stimulation could be detected in post-stimulus time interval. This approach removes the probability of missing the information hidden in short time intervals. The discrete time and continuous time wavelet based wavelet entropy variations were compared on non-target and target AEP data. It was observed that CTWE can also be an alternative method to analyze entropy as a function of time. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Wavelet entropy automatically detects episodes of atrial fibrillation from single-lead electrocardiograms

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    This work introduces for the first time the application of wavelet entropy (WE) to detect episodes of the most common cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation (AF), automatically from the electrocardiogram (ECG). Given that AF is often asymptomatic and usually presents very brief initial episodes, its early automatic detection is clinically relevant to improve AF treatment and prevent risks for the patients. After discarding noisy TQ intervals from the ECG, the WE has been computed over the median TQ segment obtained from the 10 previous noise-free beats under study. In this way, the P-waves or the fibrillatory waves present in the recording were highlighted or attenuated, respectively, thus enabling the patient's rhythm identification (sinus rhythm or AF). Results provided a discriminant ability of about 95%, which is comparable to previous works. However, in contrast to most of them, which are mainly based on quantifying RR series variability, the proposed algorithm is able to deal with patients under rate-control therapy or with a reduced heart rate variability during AF. Additionally, it also presents interesting properties, such as the lowest delay in detecting AF or sinus rhythm, the ability to detect episodes as brief as five beats in length or its integration facilities under real-time beat-by-beat ECG monitoring systems. Consequently, this tool may help clinicians in the automatic detection of a wide variety of AF episodes, thus gaining further knowledge about the mechanisms initiating this arrhythmia.This work was supported by the projects TEC2014-52250-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and PPII-2014-026-P from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha.Ródenas, J.; García, M.; Alcaraz, R.; Rieta, JJ. (2015). Wavelet entropy automatically detects episodes of atrial fibrillation from single-lead electrocardiograms. Entropy. 17(9):6179-6199. https://doi.org/10.3390/e17096179S61796199179Drachman, D. A. (2006). Aging of the brain, entropy, and Alzheimer disease. Neurology, 67(8), 1340-1352. doi:10.1212/01.wnl.0000240127.89601.83Schulz, S., Bär, K.-J., & Voss, A. (2015). Analyses of Heart Rate, Respiration and Cardiorespiratory Coupling in Patients with Schizophrenia. Entropy, 17(2), 483-501. doi:10.3390/e17020483Du, Q., Nie, K., & Wang, Z. (2014). Application of Entropy-Based Attribute Reduction and an Artificial Neural Network in Medicine: A Case Study of Estimating Medical Care Costs Associated with Myocardial Infarction. Entropy, 16(9), 4788-4800. doi:10.3390/e16094788Alcaraz, R., & Rieta, J. J. (2010). A review on sample entropy applications for the non-invasive analysis of atrial fibrillation electrocardiograms. 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