210 research outputs found

    Imitating Human Responses via a Dual-Process Model Approach

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    Human-autonomous system teaming is becoming more prevalent in the Air Force and in society. Often, the concept of a shared mental model is discussed as a means to enhance collaborative work arrangements between a human and an autonomous system. The idea being that when the models are aligned, the team is more productive due to an increase in trust, predictability, and apparent understanding. This research presents the Dual-Process Model using multivariate normal probability density functions (DPM-MN), which is a cognitive architecture algorithm based on the psychological dual-process theory. The dual-process theory proposes a bipartite decision-making process in people. It labels the intuitive mode as “System 1” and the reflective mode as “System 2”. The current research suggests by leveraging an agent which forms decisions based on a dual-process model, an agent in a human-machine team can maintain a better shared mental model with the user. Evaluation of DPM-MN in a game called Space Navigator shows that DPM-MN presents a successful dual-process theory motivated model

    From movement tracks through events to places : extracting and characterizing significant places from mobility data

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    Best VAST 2011 paperInternational audienceWe propose a visual analytics procedure for analyzing movement data, i.e., recorded tracks of moving objects. It is oriented to a class of problems where it is required to determine significant places on the basis of certain types of events occurring repeatedly in movement data. The procedure consists of four major steps: (1) event extraction from trajectories; (2) event clustering and extraction of relevant places; (3) spatio-temporal aggregation of events or trajectories; (4) analysis of the aggregated data. All steps are scalable with respect to the amount of the data under analysis. We demonstrate the use of the procedure by example of two real-world problems requiring analysis at different spatial scales

    Improving k-nn search and subspace clustering based on local intrinsic dimensionality

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    In several novel applications such as multimedia and recommender systems, data is often represented as object feature vectors in high-dimensional spaces. The high-dimensional data is always a challenge for state-of-the-art algorithms, because of the so-called curse of dimensionality . As the dimensionality increases, the discriminative ability of similarity measures diminishes to the point where many data analysis algorithms, such as similarity search and clustering, that depend on them lose their effectiveness. One way to handle this challenge is by selecting the most important features, which is essential for providing compact object representations as well as improving the overall search and clustering performance. Having compact feature vectors can further reduce the storage space and the computational complexity of search and learning tasks. Support-Weighted Intrinsic Dimensionality (support-weighted ID) is a new promising feature selection criterion that estimates the contribution of each feature to the overall intrinsic dimensionality. Support-weighted ID identifies relevant features locally for each object, and penalizes those features that have locally lower discriminative power as well as higher density. In fact, support-weighted ID measures the ability of each feature to locally discriminate between objects in the dataset. Based on support-weighted ID, this dissertation introduces three main research contributions: First, this dissertation proposes NNWID-Descent, a similarity graph construction method that utilizes the support-weighted ID criterion to identify and retain relevant features locally for each object and enhance the overall graph quality. Second, with the aim to improve the accuracy and performance of cluster analysis, this dissertation introduces k-LIDoids, a subspace clustering algorithm that extends the utility of support-weighted ID within a clustering framework in order to gradually select the subset of informative and important features per cluster. k-LIDoids is able to construct clusters together with finding a low dimensional subspace for each cluster. Finally, using the compact object and cluster representations from NNWID-Descent and k-LIDoids, this dissertation defines LID-Fingerprint, a new binary fingerprinting and multi-level indexing framework for the high-dimensional data. LID-Fingerprint can be used for hiding the information as a way of preventing passive adversaries as well as providing an efficient and secure similarity search and retrieval for the data stored on the cloud. When compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms, the good practical performance provides an evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for the data in high-dimensional spaces

    Searching and mining in enriched geo-spatial data

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    The emergence of new data collection mechanisms in geo-spatial applications paired with a heightened tendency of users to volunteer information provides an ever-increasing flow of data of high volume, complex nature, and often associated with inherent uncertainty. Such mechanisms include crowdsourcing, automated knowledge inference, tracking, and social media data repositories. Such data bearing additional information from multiple sources like probability distributions, text or numerical attributes, social context, or multimedia content can be called multi-enriched. Searching and mining this abundance of information holds many challenges, if all of the data's potential is to be released. This thesis addresses several major issues arising in that field, namely path queries using multi-enriched data, trend mining in social media data, and handling uncertainty in geo-spatial data. In all cases, the developed methods have made significant contributions and have appeared in or were accepted into various renowned international peer-reviewed venues. A common use of geo-spatial data is path queries in road networks where traditional methods optimise results based on absolute and ofttimes singular metrics, i.e., finding the shortest paths based on distance or the best trade-off between distance and travel time. Integrating additional aspects like qualitative or social data by enriching the data model with knowledge derived from sources as mentioned above allows for queries that can be issued to fit a broader scope of needs or preferences. This thesis presents two implementations of incorporating multi-enriched data into road networks. In one case, a range of qualitative data sources is evaluated to gain knowledge about user preferences which is subsequently matched with locations represented in a road network and integrated into its components. Several methods are presented for highly customisable path queries that incorporate a wide spectrum of data. In a second case, a framework is described for resource distribution with reappearance in road networks to serve one or more clients, resulting in paths that provide maximum gain based on a probabilistic evaluation of available resources. Applications for this include finding parking spots. Social media trends are an emerging research area giving insight in user sentiment and important topics. Such trends consist of bursts of messages concerning a certain topic within a time frame, significantly deviating from the average appearance frequency of the same topic. By investigating the dissemination of such trends in space and time, this thesis presents methods to classify trend archetypes to predict future dissemination of a trend. Processing and querying uncertain data is particularly demanding given the additional knowledge required to yield results with probabilistic guarantees. Since such knowledge is not always available and queries are not easily scaled to larger datasets due to the #P-complete nature of the problem, many existing approaches reduce the data to a deterministic representation of its underlying model to eliminate uncertainty. However, data uncertainty can also provide valuable insight into the nature of the data that cannot be represented in a deterministic manner. This thesis presents techniques for clustering uncertain data as well as query processing, that take the additional information from uncertainty models into account while preserving scalability using a sampling-based approach, while previous approaches could only provide one of the two. The given solutions enable the application of various existing clustering techniques or query types to a framework that manages the uncertainty.Das Erscheinen neuer Methoden zur Datenerhebung in räumlichen Applikationen gepaart mit einer erhöhten Bereitschaft der Nutzer, Daten über sich preiszugeben, generiert einen stetig steigenden Fluss von Daten in großer Menge, komplexer Natur, und oft gepaart mit inhärenter Unsicherheit. Beispiele für solche Mechanismen sind Crowdsourcing, automatisierte Wissensinferenz, Tracking, und Daten aus sozialen Medien. Derartige Daten, angereichert mit mit zusätzlichen Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen, Text- oder numerische Attribute, sozialem Kontext, oder Multimediainhalten, werden als multi-enriched bezeichnet. Suche und Datamining in dieser weiten Datenmenge hält viele Herausforderungen bereit, wenn das gesamte Potenzial der Daten genutzt werden soll. Diese Arbeit geht auf mehrere große Fragestellungen in diesem Feld ein, insbesondere Pfadanfragen in multi-enriched Daten, Trend-mining in Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken, und die Beherrschung von Unsicherheit in räumlichen Daten. In all diesen Fällen haben die entwickelten Methoden signifikante Forschungsbeiträge geleistet und wurden veröffentlicht oder angenommen zu diversen renommierten internationalen, von Experten begutachteten Konferenzen und Journals. Ein gängiges Anwendungsgebiet räumlicher Daten sind Pfadanfragen in Straßennetzwerken, wo traditionelle Methoden die Resultate anhand absoluter und oft auch singulärer Maße optimieren, d.h., der kürzeste Pfad in Bezug auf die Distanz oder der beste Kompromiss zwischen Distanz und Reisezeit. Durch die Integration zusätzlicher Aspekte wie qualitativer Daten oder Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken als Anreicherung des Datenmodells mit aus diesen Quellen abgeleitetem Wissen werden Anfragen möglich, die ein breiteres Spektrum an Anforderungen oder Präferenzen erfüllen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert zwei Ansätze, solche multi-enriched Daten in Straßennetze einzufügen. Zum einen wird eine Reihe qualitativer Datenquellen ausgewertet, um Wissen über Nutzerpräferenzen zu generieren, welches darauf mit Örtlichkeiten im Straßennetz abgeglichen und in das Netz integriert wird. Diverse Methoden werden präsentiert, die stark personalisierbare Pfadanfragen ermöglichen, die ein weites Spektrum an Daten mit einbeziehen. Im zweiten Fall wird ein Framework präsentiert, das eine Ressourcenverteilung im Straßennetzwerk modelliert, bei der einmal verbrauchte Ressourcen erneut auftauchen können. Resultierende Pfade ergeben einen maximalen Ertrag basieren auf einer probabilistischen Evaluation der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Eine Anwendung ist die Suche nach Parkplätzen. Trends in sozialen Medien sind ein entstehendes Forscchungsgebiet, das Einblicke in Benutzerverhalten und wichtige Themen zulässt. Solche Trends bestehen aus großen Mengen an Nachrichten zu einem bestimmten Thema innerhalb eines Zeitfensters, so dass die Auftrittsfrequenz signifikant über den durchschnittlichen Level liegt. Durch die Untersuchung der Fortpflanzung solcher Trends in Raum und Zeit präsentiert diese Arbeit Methoden, um Trends nach Archetypen zu klassifizieren und ihren zukünftigen Weg vorherzusagen. Die Anfragebearbeitung und Datamining in unsicheren Daten ist besonders herausfordernd, insbesondere im Hinblick auf das notwendige Zusatzwissen, um Resultate mit probabilistischen Garantien zu erzielen. Solches Wissen ist nicht immer verfügbar und Anfragen lassen sich aufgrund der \P-Vollständigkeit des Problems nicht ohne Weiteres auf größere Datensätze skalieren. Dennoch kann Datenunsicherheit wertvollen Einblick in die Struktur der Daten liefern, der mit deterministischen Methoden nicht erreichbar wäre. Diese Arbeit präsentiert Techniken zum Clustering unsicherer Daten sowie zur Anfragebearbeitung, die die Zusatzinformation aus dem Unsicherheitsmodell in Betracht ziehen, jedoch gleichzeitig die Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes auf große Datenmengen sicherstellen

    Generación de resúmenes de videos basada en consultas utilizando aprendizaje de máquina y representaciones coordinadas

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    Video constitutes the primary substrate of information of humanity, consider the video data uploaded daily on platforms as YouTube: 300 hours of video per minute, video analysis is currently one of the most active areas in computer science and industry, which includes fields such as video classification, video retrieval and video summarization (VSUMM). VSUMM is a hot research field due to its importance in allowing human users to simplify the information processing required to see and analyze sets of videos, for example, reducing the number of hours of recorded videos to be analyzed by a security personnel. On the other hand, many video analysis tasks and systems requires to reduce the computational load using segmentation schemes, compression algorithms, and video summarization techniques. Many approaches have been studied to solve VSUMM. However, it is not a single solution problem due to its subjective and interpretative nature, in the sense that important parts to be preserved from the input video requires a subjective estimation of an importance sco- re. This score can be related to how interesting are some video segments, how close they represent the complete video, and how segments are related to the task a human user is performing in a given situation. For example, a movie trailer is, in part, a VSUMM task but related to preserving promising and interesting parts from the movie but not to be able to reconstruct the movie content from them, i.e., movie trailers contains interesting scenes but not representative ones. On the contrary, in a surveillance situation, a summary from the closed-circuit cameras needs to be representative and interesting, and in some situations related with some objects of interest, for example, if it is needed to find a person or a car. As written natural language is the main human-machine communication interface, recently some works have made advances in allowing to include textual queries in the VSUMM process which allows to guide the summarization process, in the sense that video segments related with the query are considered important. In this thesis, we present a computational framework to perform video summarization over an input video, which allows the user to input free-form sentences and keywords queries to guide the process by considering user intention or task intention, but also considering general objectives such as representativeness and interestingness. Our framework relies on the use of pre-trained deep visual and linguistic models, although we trained our visual-linguistic coordination model. We expect this model will be of interest in cases where VSUMM tasks requires a high degree of specification of user/task intentions with minimal training stages and rapid deployment.El video constituye el sustrato primario de información de la humanidad, por ejemplo, considere los datos de video subidos diariamente en plataformas cómo YouTube: 300 horas de video por minuto. El análisis de video es actualmente una de las áreas más activas en la informática y la industria, que incluye campos como la clasificación, recuperación y generación de resúmenes de video (VSUMM). VSUMM es un campo de investigación de alto dinamismo debido a su importancia al permitir que los usuarios humanos simplifiquen el procesamiento de la información requerido para ver y analizar conjuntos de videos, por ejemplo, reduciendo la cantidad de horas de videos grabados para ser analizados por un personal de seguridad. Por otro lado, muchas tareas y sistemas de análisis de video requieren reducir la carga computacional utilizando esquemas de segmentación, algoritmos de compresión y técnicas de VSUMM. Se han estudiado muchos enfoques para abordar VSUMM. Sin embargo, no es un problema de solución única debido a su naturaleza subjetiva e interpretativa, en el sentido de que las partes importantes que se deben preservar del video de entrada, requieren una estimación de una puntuación de importancia. Esta puntuación puede estar relacionada con lo interesantes que son algunos segmentos de video, lo cerca que representan el video completo y con cómo los segmentos están relacionados con la tarea que un usuario humano está realizando en una situación determinada. Por ejemplo, un avance de película es, en parte, una tarea de VSUMM, pero esta ́ relacionada con la preservación de partes prometedoras e interesantes de la película, pero no con la posibilidad de reconstruir el contenido de la película a partir de ellas, es decir, los avances de películas contienen escenas interesantes pero no representativas. Por el contrario, en una situación de vigilancia, un resumen de las cámaras de circuito cerrado debe ser representativo e interesante, y en algunas situaciones relacionado con algunos objetos de interés, por ejemplo, si se necesita para encontrar una persona o un automóvil. Dado que el lenguaje natural escrito es la principal interfaz de comunicación hombre-máquina, recientemente algunos trabajos han avanzado en permitir incluir consultas textuales en el proceso VSUMM lo que permite orientar el proceso de resumen, en el sentido de que los segmentos de video relacionados con la consulta se consideran importantes. En esta tesis, presentamos un marco computacional para realizar un resumen de video sobre un video de entrada, que permite al usuario ingresar oraciones de forma libre y consultas de palabras clave para guiar el proceso considerando la intención del mismo o la intención de la tarea, pero también considerando objetivos generales como representatividad e interés. Nuestro marco se basa en el uso de modelos visuales y linguísticos profundos pre-entrenados, aunque también entrenamos un modelo propio de coordinación visual-linguística. Esperamos que este marco computacional sea de interés en los casos en que las tareas de VSUMM requieran un alto grado de especificación de las intenciones del usuario o tarea, con pocas etapas de entrenamiento y despliegue rápido.MincienciasDoctorad

    Similarity search and data mining techniques for advanced database systems.

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    Modern automated methods for measurement, collection, and analysis of data in industry and science are providing more and more data with drastically increasing structure complexity. On the one hand, this growing complexity is justified by the need for a richer and more precise description of real-world objects, on the other hand it is justified by the rapid progress in measurement and analysis techniques that allow the user a versatile exploration of objects. In order to manage the huge volume of such complex data, advanced database systems are employed. In contrast to conventional database systems that support exact match queries, the user of these advanced database systems focuses on applying similarity search and data mining techniques. Based on an analysis of typical advanced database systems — such as biometrical, biological, multimedia, moving, and CAD-object database systems — the following three challenging characteristics of complexity are detected: uncertainty (probabilistic feature vectors), multiple instances (a set of homogeneous feature vectors), and multiple representations (a set of heterogeneous feature vectors). Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop similarity search and data mining techniques that are capable of handling uncertain, multi-instance, and multi-represented objects. The first part of this thesis deals with similarity search techniques. Object identification is a similarity search technique that is typically used for the recognition of objects from image, video, or audio data. Thus, we develop a novel probabilistic model for object identification. Based on it, two novel types of identification queries are defined. In order to process the novel query types efficiently, we introduce an index structure called Gauss-tree. In addition, we specify further probabilistic models and query types for uncertain multi-instance objects and uncertain spatial objects. Based on the index structure, we develop algorithms for an efficient processing of these query types. Practical benefits of using probabilistic feature vectors are demonstrated on a real-world application for video similarity search. Furthermore, a similarity search technique is presented that is based on aggregated multi-instance objects, and that is suitable for video similarity search. This technique takes multiple representations into account in order to achieve better effectiveness. The second part of this thesis deals with two major data mining techniques: clustering and classification. Since privacy preservation is a very important demand of distributed advanced applications, we propose using uncertainty for data obfuscation in order to provide privacy preservation during clustering. Furthermore, a model-based and a density-based clustering method for multi-instance objects are developed. Afterwards, original extensions and enhancements of the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS for handling multi-represented objects are introduced. Since several advanced database systems like biological or multimedia database systems handle predefined, very large class systems, two novel classification techniques for large class sets that benefit from using multiple representations are defined. The first classification method is based on the idea of a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. It employs a novel density-based technique to reduce training instances and exploits the entropy impurity of the local neighborhood in order to weight a given representation. The second technique addresses hierarchically-organized class systems. It uses a novel hierarchical, supervised method for the reduction of large multi-instance objects, e.g. audio or video, and applies support vector machines for efficient hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects. User benefits of this technique are demonstrated by a prototype that performs a classification of large music collections. The effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed techniques are discussed and verified by comparison with conventional approaches in versatile experimental evaluations on real-world datasets