173,777 research outputs found

    Continuity as a computational effect

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    The original purpose of component-based development was to provide techniques to master complex software, through composition, reuse and parametrisation. However, such systems are rapidly moving towards a level in which software becomes prevalently intertwined with (continuous) physical processes. A possible way to accommodate the latter in component calculi relies on a suitable encoding of continuous behaviour as (yet another) computational effect. This paper introduces such an encoding through a monad which, in the compositional development of hybrid systems, may play a role similar to the one played by 1+, powerset, and distribution monads in the characterisation of partial, nondeterministic and probabilistic components, respectively. This monad and its Kleisli category provide a universe in which the effects of continuity over (different forms of) composition can be suitably studied.This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692.The first author is also sponsored by FCT grant SFRH/BD/52234/2013, and the second one by FCT grant SFRH/BSAB/113890/2015. Moreover, D. Hofmann and M. Martins are supported by the EU FP7 Marie Curie PIRSES-GA-2012-318986 project GeTFun: Generalizing Truth-Functionality and FCT project UID/MAT/04106/2013 through CIDMA

    A selectively reduced degree basis for efficient mixed nonlinear isogeometric beam formulations with extensible directors

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    The effect of higher order continuity in the solution field by using NURBS basis function in isogeometric analysis (IGA) is investigated for an efficient mixed finite element formulation for elastostatic beams. It is based on the Hu-Washizu variational principle considering geometrical and material nonlinearities. Here we present a reduced degree of basis functions for the additional fields of the stress resultants and strains of the beam, which are allowed to be discontinuous across elements. This approach turns out to significantly improve the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the results. We consider a beam formulation with extensible directors, where cross-sectional strains are enriched to avoid Poisson locking by an enhanced assumed strain method. In numerical examples, we show the superior per degree-of-freedom accuracy of IGA over conventional finite element analysis, due to the higher order continuity in the displacement field. We further verify the efficient rotational coupling between beams, as well as the path-independence of the results.Comment: 50 pages, 23 figure

    Prior context in audition informs binding and shapes simple features

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    A perceptual phenomenon is reported, whereby prior acoustic context has a large, rapid and long-lasting effect on a basic auditory judgement. Pairs of tones were devised to include ambiguous transitions between frequency components, such that listeners were equally likely to report an upward or downward ‘pitch’ shift between tones. We show that presenting context tones before the ambiguous pair almost fully determines the perceived direction of shift. The context effect generalizes to a wide range of temporal and spectral scales, encompassing the characteristics of most realistic auditory scenes. Magnetoencephalographic recordings show that a relative reduction in neural responsivity is correlated to the behavioural effect. Finally, a computational model reproduces behavioural results, by implementing a simple constraint of continuity for binding successive sounds in a probabilistic manner. Contextual processing, mediated by ubiquitous neural mechanisms such as adaptation, may be crucial to track complex sound sources over time

    Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for constructing IGA-suitable planar B-spline parameterizations from given complex CAD boundaries consisting of a set of B-spline curves. Instead of forming the computational domain by a simple boundary, planar domains with high genus and more complex boundary curves are considered. Firstly, some pre-processing operations including B\'ezier extraction and subdivision are performed on each boundary curve in order to generate a high-quality planar parameterization; then a robust planar domain partition framework is proposed to construct high-quality patch-meshing results with few singularities from the discrete boundary formed by connecting the end points of the resulting boundary segments. After the topology information generation of quadrilateral decomposition, the optimal placement of interior B\'ezier curves corresponding to the interior edges of the quadrangulation is constructed by a global optimization method to achieve a patch-partition with high quality. Finally, after the imposition of C1=G1-continuity constraints on the interface of neighboring B\'ezier patches with respect to each quad in the quadrangulation, the high-quality B\'ezier patch parameterization is obtained by a C1-constrained local optimization method to achieve uniform and orthogonal iso-parametric structures while keeping the continuity conditions between patches. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by several examples which are compared to results obtained by the skeleton-based parameterization approach

    An adaptive grid refinement strategy for the simulation of negative streamers

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    The evolution of negative streamers during electric breakdown of a non-attaching gas can be described by a two-fluid model for electrons and positive ions. It consists of continuity equations for the charged particles including drift, diffusion and reaction in the local electric field, coupled to the Poisson equation for the electric potential. The model generates field enhancement and steep propagating ionization fronts at the tip of growing ionized filaments. An adaptive grid refinement method for the simulation of these structures is presented. It uses finite volume spatial discretizations and explicit time stepping, which allows the decoupling of the grids for the continuity equations from those for the Poisson equation. Standard refinement methods in which the refinement criterion is based on local error monitors fail due to the pulled character of the streamer front that propagates into a linearly unstable state. We present a refinement method which deals with all these features. Tests on one-dimensional streamer fronts as well as on three-dimensional streamers with cylindrical symmetry (hence effectively 2D for numerical purposes) are carried out successfully. Results on fine grids are presented, they show that such an adaptive grid method is needed to capture the streamer characteristics well. This refinement strategy enables us to adequately compute negative streamers in pure gases in the parameter regime where a physical instability appears: branching streamers.Comment: 46 pages, 19 figures, to appear in J. Comp. Phy