5,402 research outputs found

    Seamful interweaving: heterogeneity in the theory and design of interactive systems

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    Design experience and theoretical discussion suggest that a narrow design focus on one tool or medium as primary may clash with the way that everyday activity involves the interweaving and combination of many heterogeneous media. Interaction may become seamless and unproblematic, even if the differences, boundaries and 'seams' in media are objectively perceivable. People accommodate and take advantage of seams and heterogeneity, in and through the process of interaction. We use an experiment with a mixed reality system to ground and detail our discussion of seamful design, which takes account of this process, and theory that reflects and informs such design. We critique the 'disappearance' mentioned by Weiser as a goal for ubicomp, and Dourish's 'embodied interaction' approach to HCI, suggesting that these design ideals may be unachievable or incomplete because they underemphasise the interdependence of 'invisible' non-rationalising interaction and focused rationalising interaction within ongoing activity

    "It's cleaner, definitely": Collaborative Process in Audio Production.

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    Working from vague client instructions, how do audio producers collaborate to diagnose what specifically is wrong with a piece of music, where the problem is and what to do about it? This paper presents a design ethnography that uncovers some of the ways in which two music producers co-ordinate their understanding of complex representations of pieces of music while working together in a studio. Our analysis shows that audio producers constantly make judgements based on audio and visual evidence while working with complex digital tools, which can lead to ambiguity in assessments of issues. We show how multimodal conduct guides the process of work and that complex media objects are integrated as elements of interaction by the music producers. The findings provide an understanding how people currently collaborate when producing audio, to support the design of better tools and systems for collaborative audio production in the future

    Advancing Medical Imaging with Language Models: A Journey from N-grams to ChatGPT

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    In this paper, we aimed to provide a review and tutorial for researchers in the field of medical imaging using language models to improve their tasks at hand. We began by providing an overview of the history and concepts of language models, with a special focus on large language models. We then reviewed the current literature on how language models are being used to improve medical imaging, emphasizing different applications such as image captioning, report generation, report classification, finding extraction, visual question answering, interpretable diagnosis, and more for various modalities and organs. The ChatGPT was specially highlighted for researchers to explore more potential applications. We covered the potential benefits of accurate and efficient language models for medical imaging analysis, including improving clinical workflow efficiency, reducing diagnostic errors, and assisting healthcare professionals in providing timely and accurate diagnoses. Overall, our goal was to bridge the gap between language models and medical imaging and inspire new ideas and innovations in this exciting area of research. We hope that this review paper will serve as a useful resource for researchers in this field and encourage further exploration of the possibilities of language models in medical imaging

    The hippocampus and the flexible use and processing of language

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    Fundamental to all human languages is an unlimited expressive capacity and creative flexibility that allow speakers to rapidly generate novel and complex utterances. In turn, listeners interpret language “on-line,” incrementally integrating multiple sources of information as words unfold over time. A challenge for theories of language processing has been to understand how speakers and listeners generate, gather, integrate, and maintain representations in service of language processing. We propose that many of the processes by which we use language place high demands on and receive contributions from the hippocampal declarative memory system. The hippocampal declarative memory system is long known to support relational binding and representational flexibility. Recent findings demonstrate that these same functions are engaged during the real-time processes that support behavior in-the-moment. Such findings point to the hippocampus as a potentially key contributor to cognitive functions that require on-line integration of multiple sources of information, such as on-line language processing. Evidence supporting this view comes from findings that individuals with hippocampal amnesia show deficits in the use of language flexibly and on-line. We conclude that the relational binding and representational flexibility afforded by the hippocampal declarative memory system positions the hippocampus as a key contributor to language use and processing

    Spoken language-mediated anticipatory eye-movements are modulated by reading ability - Evidence from Indian low and high literates

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    We investigated whether levels of reading ability attained through formal literacy are related to anticipatory language-mediated eye movements. Indian low and high literates listened to simple spoken sentences containing a target word (e.g., "door") while at the same time looking at a visual display of four objects (a target, i.e. the door, and three distractors). The spoken sentences were constructed in such a way that participants could use semantic, associative, and syntactic information from adjectives and particles (preceding the critical noun) to anticipate the visual target objects. High literates started to shift their eye gaze to the target objects well before target word onset. In the low literacy group this shift of eye gaze occurred only when the target noun (i.e. "door") was heard, more than a second later. Our findings suggest that formal literacy may be important for the fine-tuning of language-mediated anticipatory mechanisms, abilities which proficient language users can then exploit for other cognitive activities such as spoken language-mediated eye gaze. In the conclusion, we discuss three potential mechanisms of how reading acquisition and practice may contribute to the differences in predictive spoken language processing between low and high literates

    The simultaneity of complementary conditions:re-integrating and balancing analogue and digital matter(s) in basic architectural education

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    The actual, globally established, general digital procedures in basic architectural education,producing well-behaved, seemingly attractive up-to-date projects, spaces and first general-researchon all scale levels, apparently present a certain growing amount of deficiencies. These limitations surface only gradually, as the state of things on overall extents is generally deemed satisfactory. Some skills, such as “old-fashioned” analogue drawing are gradually eased-out ofundergraduate curricula and overall modus-operandi, due to their apparent slow inefficiencies in regard to various digital media’s rapid readiness, malleability and unproblematic, quotidian availabilities. While this state of things is understandable, it nevertheless presents a definite challenge. The challenge of questioning how the assessment of conditions and especially their representation,is conducted, prior to contextual architectural action(s) of any kind

    Exploring the dynamic interplay of cognitive load and emotional arousal by using multimodal measurements: Correlation of pupil diameter and emotional arousal in emotionally engaging tasks

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    Multimodal data analysis and validation based on streams from state-of-the-art sensor technology such as eye-tracking or emotion recognition using the Facial Action Coding System (FACTs) with deep learning allows educational researchers to study multifaceted learning and problem-solving processes and to improve educational experiences. This study aims to investigate the correlation between two continuous sensor streams, pupil diameter as an indicator of cognitive workload and FACTs with deep learning as an indicator of emotional arousal (RQ 1a), specifically for epochs of high, medium, and low arousal (RQ 1b). Furthermore, the time lag between emotional arousal and pupil diameter data will be analyzed (RQ 2). 28 participants worked on three cognitively demanding and emotionally engaging everyday moral dilemmas while eye-tracking and emotion recognition data were collected. The data were pre-processed in Phyton (synchronization, blink control, downsampling) and analyzed using correlation analysis and Granger causality tests. The results show negative and statistically significant correlations between the data streams for emotional arousal and pupil diameter. However, the correlation is negative and significant only for epochs of high arousal, while positive but non-significant relationships were found for epochs of medium or low arousal. The average time lag for the relationship between arousal and pupil diameter was 2.8 ms. In contrast to previous findings without a multimodal approach suggesting a positive correlation between the constructs, the results contribute to the state of research by highlighting the importance of multimodal data validation and research on convergent vagility. Future research should consider emotional regulation strategies and emotional valence.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to the manuscrip