18,721 research outputs found

    Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production

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    Purpose – Sustainable agriculture implies the ability of agro-ecosystems to remain productive in the long-term. It is not easy to point out unambiguously whether or not current production systems meet this sustainability demand. A priori thinking would suggest that organic crops are environmentally favourable, but may ignore the effect of reduced productivity, which shifts the potential impact to other parts of the food provision system. The purpose of this paper is to assess the ecological sustainability of conventional and organic leek production by means of life cycle assessment (LCA). Design/methodology/approach – A cradle-to-farm gate LCA is applied, based on real farm data from two research centres. For a consistent comparison, two functional units (FU) were defined: 1ha and 1?kg of leek production. Findings – Assessed on an area basis, organic farming shows a more favourable environmental profile. These overall benefits are strongly reduced when the lower yields are taken into account. Related to organic farming it is therefore important that solutions are found to substantially increase the yields without increasing the environmental burden. Related to conventional farming, important potential for environmental improvements are in optimising the farm nutrient flows, reducing pesticide use and increasing its self-supporting capacity. Research limitations/implications – The research is a cradle-to-farm gate LCA, future research can be expanded to comprise all phases from cradle-to-grave to get an idea of the total sustainability of our present food consumption patterns. The research is also limited to the case of leek production. Future research can apply the methodology to other crops. Originality/value – To date, there is still lack of clear evidence of the added value of organic farming compared to conventional farming on environmental basis. Few studies have compared organic and conventional food production by means of LCA. This paper addresses these issues

    Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) - a case study of leek production

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    Purpose – Sustainable agriculture implies the ability of agro-ecosystems to remain productive in the long-term. It is not easy to point out unambiguously whether or not current production systems meet this sustainability demand. A priori thinking would suggest that organic crops are environmentally favourable, but may ignore the effect of reduced productivity, which shifts the potential impact to other parts of the food provision system. The purpose of this paper is to assess the ecological sustainability of conventional and organic leek production by means of life cycle assessment (LCA). Design/methodology/approach – A cradle-to-farm gate LCA is applied, based on real farm data from two research centres. For a consistent comparison, two functional units (FU) were defined: 1ha and 1?kg of leek production. Findings – Assessed on an area basis, organic farming shows a more favourable environmental profile. These overall benefits are strongly reduced when the lower yields are taken into account. Related to organic farming it is therefore important that solutions are found to substantially increase the yields without increasing the environmental burden. Related to conventional farming, important potential for environmental improvements are in optimising the farm nutrient flows, reducing pesticide use and increasing its self-supporting capacity. Research limitations/implications – The research is a cradle-to-farm gate LCA, future research can be expanded to comprise all phases from cradle-to-grave to get an idea of the total sustainability of our present food consumption patterns. The research is also limited to the case of leek production. Future research can apply the methodology to other crops. Originality/value – To date, there is still lack of clear evidence of the added value of organic farming compared to conventional farming on environmental basis. Few studies have compared organic and conventional food production by means of LCA. This paper addresses these issues

    Single-Board-Computer Clusters for Cloudlet Computing in Internet of Things

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    The number of connected sensors and devices is expected to increase to billions in the near future. However, centralised cloud-computing data centres present various challenges to meet the requirements inherent to Internet of Things (IoT) workloads, such as low latency, high throughput and bandwidth constraints. Edge computing is becoming the standard computing paradigm for latency-sensitive real-time IoT workloads, since it addresses the aforementioned limitations related to centralised cloud-computing models. Such a paradigm relies on bringing computation close to the source of data, which presents serious operational challenges for large-scale cloud-computing providers. In this work, we present an architecture composed of low-cost Single-Board-Computer clusters near to data sources, and centralised cloud-computing data centres. The proposed cost-efficient model may be employed as an alternative to fog computing to meet real-time IoT workload requirements while keeping scalability. We include an extensive empirical analysis to assess the suitability of single-board-computer clusters as cost-effective edge-computing micro data centres. Additionally, we compare the proposed architecture with traditional cloudlet and cloud architectures, and evaluate them through extensive simulation. We finally show that acquisition costs can be drastically reduced while keeping performance levels in data-intensive IoT use cases.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-82113-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-098062-A-I00European Union’s Horizon 2020 No. 754489Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/209

    Ancient and historical systems

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    A Service-Oriented Co-Simulation: Holistic Data Center Modelling Using Thermal, Power and Computational Simulations

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    Holistic modelling of a data center to include both thermodynamics and computational processes has the potential to revolutionize how data centers are designed and managed. Such a model is inherently multi-disciplinary, bringing together the computational elements studied by computer scientists; thermodynamics studied by mechanical engineers; and other aspects in the domain of electrical engineering. This paper proposes the use of the Internet of Simulation to allow engineers to build models of individual complex elements and deploy them as simulation services. These services can then be integrated as simulation system workflows. A proof of concept server simulation is presented, incorporating simulations of CPUs, heat sinks, and fans exposed using the SIMaaS paradigm. The integrated workflow of the server is then exposed as a service (WFaaS) to facilitate the building of an entire virtual data center. Unlike other data center simulations, this approach requires no direct characterisation of the hardware being simulated. Preliminary results are presented showing the effectiveness of the simulation technique and representative behaviour under various simulated cloud workloads. The benefits and future applications of this rapid prototyping approach extend to data center design and data center efficiency research

    Dynamic service chain composition in virtualised environment

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    Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) has contributed to improving the flexibility of network service provisioning and reducing the time to market of new services. NFV leverages the virtualisation technology to decouple the software implementation of network appliances from the physical devices on which they run. However, with the emergence of this paradigm, providing data centre applications with an adequate network performance becomes challenging. For instance, virtualised environments cause network congestion, decrease the throughput and hurt the end user experience. Moreover, applications usually communicate through multiple sequences of virtual network functions (VNFs), aka service chains, for policy enforcement and performance and security enhancement, which increases the management complexity at to the network level. To address this problematic situation, existing studies have proposed high-level approaches of VNFs chaining and placement that improve service chain performance. They consider the VNFs as homogenous entities regardless of their specific characteristics. They have overlooked their distinct behaviour toward the traffic load and how their underpinning implementation can intervene in defining resource usage. Our research aims at filling this gap by finding out particular patterns on production and widely used VNFs. And proposing a categorisation that helps in reducing network latency at the chains. Based on experimental evaluation, we have classified firewalls, NAT, IDS/IPS, Flow monitors into I/O- and CPU-bound functions. The former category is mainly sensitive to the throughput, in packets per second, while the performance of the latter is primarily affected by the network bandwidth, in bits per second. By doing so, we correlate the VNF category with the traversing traffic characteristics and this will dictate how the service chains would be composed. We propose a heuristic called Natif, for a VNF-Aware VNF insTantIation and traFfic distribution scheme, to reconcile the discrepancy in VNF requirements based on the category they belong to and to eventually reduce network latency. We have deployed Natif in an OpenStack-based environment and have compared it to a network-aware VNF composition approach. Our results show a decrease in latency by around 188% on average without sacrificing the throughput

    Chapter Energy-Aware Software Engineering

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    Polystyrene (PS) is a petroleum‐based plastic made from styrene (vinyl benzene) monomer. Since it was first commercially produced in 1930, it has been used for a wide range of commercial, packaging and building purposes. In 2012, approximately 32.7 million tonnes of styrene were produced globally, and polystyrene is now a ubiquitous household item worldwide. In 1986, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that the polystyrene manufacturing process was the fifth largest source of hazardous waste. Styrene has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, and in 2014, it was listed as a possible carcinogen. Yet, despite mounting evidence and public concern regarding the toxicity of styrene, the product of the polymerisation of styrene, PS, is not considered hazardous. This chapter draws on a series of movements called the ‘new materialisms’ to attend to the relational, unstable and contingent nature of PS, monomers and other additives in diverse environments, and thus, we highlight the complexities involved in the categorisation of PS as ‘hazardous’ and the futility of demarcating PS as ‘household waste'. While local examples are drawn from the New Zealand context, the key messages are transferrable to most policy contexts and diverse geographical locations

    Energy-Aware Software Engineering

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    A great deal of energy in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems can be wasted by software, regardless of how energy-efficient the underlying hardware is. To avoid such waste, programmers need to understand the energy consumption of programs during the development process rather than waiting to measure energy after deployment. Such understanding is hindered by the large conceptual gap from hardware, where energy is consumed, to high-level languages and programming abstractions. The approaches described in this chapter involve two main topics: energy modelling and energy analysis. The purpose of modelling is to attribute energy values to programming constructs, whether at the level of machine instructions, intermediate code or source code. Energy analysis involves inferring the energy consumption of a program from the program semantics along with an energy model. Finally, the chapter discusses how energy analysis and modelling techniques can be incorporated in software engineering tools, including existing compilers, to assist the energy-aware programmer to optimise the energy consumption of code

    Study of Instruments and Tools to Anticipate the Effects of Industrial Change - Portuguese report

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    This study was produced for the “Study of Instruments and Tools to anticipate the effects of industrial change on employment, trades and vocational qualifications” and for DG V (Employment) of the European Commission in the late 1994. It started when the previous Portuguese government was still ruling, the main policies were defined, and the available instruments were not used in a minimum extend. The new Government, issued from the 1995 elections, proposed “employment” as a major objective with horizontal responsibility. That’s also why there is now a Ministry for Qualifications and Employment, and another one for Solidarity and Social Affairs, not one for Employment and Social Affairs as the previous Government had. But more than that, this objective is considered to need a coordinated and consistent action that involves external affairs, industrial and regional policies, and the policies on education, training and employment, among others. The promotion of the “quality of employment” is being recently done at the working conditions, remuneration, social protection, occupational promotion levels, and the equality of opportunities towards employment and vocational training levels, and finally, the levels of qualification of human resources for a better labour market, education policy and training policy developments. In Portugal, the influence of the industrial change is produced in a top-down way; with (in some cases) an ex post analysis process to formulated training needs. This means that the industrial change impact is produced (normally, unexpectedly), and afterwards the responsible at the company level tries to know which training needs should be formulated in order those effects could be the smoother possible. The training needs at the company level is not based on anticipatory studies, neither is done any long term forecast on qualification, or even employment level.employment; qualifications; Portugal; labour market; working conditions; human resources; foresight; forecasting