35 research outputs found


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    A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project two different multipliers are designed which are array multiplier and modified dada multiplier along with the combination of truncated multiplier. The comparison is carried out using the EDA tool XILINX ISE 12.3i by developing the RTL (Register Transfer Level) using the VERILOG HDL


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    : A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project a multiplier block has been designed through the algorithmic noise tolerance architectures (ANT) by using Wallace multiplier. A reliable low power multiplier design with the fixed width multiplier block through the reduced precision replica redundancy (RPR) and main block design with Wallace multiplier . The new architecture can meet the high accuracy, low power consumption and area efficiency when compared with previous multiplier circuit

    Optimization Algorithms For The Multiple Constant Multiplications Problem

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    (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009(PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Bu tezde, birden fazla katsayının çarpımı (MCM) problemi, bir başka deyişle, bir değişkenin birden fazla katsayı ile çarpımının minimum sayıda toplama/çıkarma işlemi kullanılarak gerçeklenmesi için tasarlanmış kesin ve yaklaşık algoritmalar sunulmaktadır. Bir kesin alt ifade eliminasyonu (CSE) algoritmasının tasarımında, MCM problemini bir 0-1 tamsayı lineer programlama problemi olarak modelleyen daha önceden önerilmiş bir algoritma temel alınmıştır. Kesin CSE algoritması içinde, alan ve gecikme ölçütlerini ele alabilmek için yeni bir kesin model önerilmektedir. Kesin CSE algoritması tarafından taranacak arama uzayını küçültmek için problem indirgeme ve model basitleştirme teknikleri sunulmaktadır. Bu tekniklerin kullanımının kesin CSE algoritmasının daha büyük örnekler üzerinde uygulanmasına olanak sağladığı gösterilmektedir. Ayrıca, bu teknikler ile donatılmış kesin CSE algoritması, katsayıları genel sayı gösteriminde ele alacak ve kesin CSE algoritmasından daha iyi sonuçlar elde edecek şekilde genişletilmektedir. Bunların yanında, gerçek boyutlu örnekler üzerinde uygulanabilen bir kesin graf tabanlı algoritma sunulmaktadır. Bu kesin algoritmalara ek olarak, minimum sonuçlara oldukça yakın çözümler bulabilen ve kesin algoritmaların ele almakta zorlandığı örneklere uygulanabilen yaklaşık CSE ve graf tabanlı algoritmalar verilmektedir. Bu tezde önerilen kesin ve yaklaşık algoritmaların daha önceden önerilmiş sezgisel yöntemlerden daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği gösterilmektedir. Bunların yanısıra, bu tezde, kesin CSE algoritması gecikme kısıtı altında alanın minimize edilmesi, kapı seviyesinde alanın minimize edilmesi ve yüksek hızlı sayısal sonlu impuls cevaplı filtrelerin tasarımında alanın optimize edilmesi problemlerine uygulanmaktadır.In this thesis, exact and approximate algorithms designed for the multiple constant multiplications (MCM) problem, i.e., the implementation of the multiplication of a variable with multiple constants using minimum number of addition/subtraction operations, are introduced. In the design of an exact common subexpression elimination (CSE) algorithm, we relied on the previously proposed algorithm that models the MCM problem as a 0-1 integer linear programming problem. To handle the area and delay parameters in the exact CSE algorithm, a new exact model is proposed. To reduce the search space to be explored by the exact algorithm, problem reduction and model simplification techniques are introduced. It is shown that the use of these techniques enable the exact CSE algorithm to be applied on larger size instances. Also, the exact CSE algorithm equipped with these techniques is extended to handle the constants under general number representation yielding better solutions than those of the exact CSE algorithm. Besides, an exact graph-based algorithm that can be applied on real size instances is introduced. In addition to the exact algorithms, approximate CSE and graph-based algorithms that find similar results with the minimum solutions and can be applied on instances that the exact algorithms cannot deal with are presented. It is shown that the exact and approximate algorithms proposed in this thesis give better solutions than those of the previously proposed heuristic algorithms. Furthermore, in this thesis, the exact CSE algorithm is applied on the minimization of area under a delay constraint, the minimization of area at gate-level, and the optimization of area in high-speed digital finite impulse response filters synthesis problems.DoktoraPh

    Techniques for Efficient Implementation of FIR and Particle Filtering

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    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform

    A Safety-First Approach to Memory Models.

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    Sequential consistency (SC) is arguably the most intuitive behavior for a shared-memory multithreaded program. It is widely accepted that language-level SC could significantly improve programmability of a multiprocessor system. However, efficiently supporting end-to-end SC remains a challenge as it requires that both compiler and hardware optimizations preserve SC semantics. Current concurrent languages support a relaxed memory model that requires programmers to explicitly annotate all memory accesses that can participate in a data-race ("unsafe" accesses). This requirement allows compiler and hardware to aggressively optimize unannotated accesses, which are assumed to be data-race-free ("safe" accesses), while still preserving SC semantics. However, unannotated data races are easy for programmers to accidentally introduce and are difficult to detect, and in such cases the safety and correctness of programs are significantly compromised. This dissertation argues instead for a safety-first approach, whereby every memory operation is treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware unless it is proven otherwise. The first solution, DRFx memory model, allows many common compiler and hardware optimizations (potentially SC-violating) on unsafe accesses and uses a runtime support to detect potential SC violations arising from reordering of unsafe accesses. On detecting a potential SC violation, execution is halted before the safety property is compromised. The second solution takes a different approach and preserves SC in both compiler and hardware. Both SC-preserving compiler and hardware are also built on the safety-first approach. All memory accesses are treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware. SC-preserving hardware relies on different static and dynamic techniques to identify safe accesses. Our results indicate that supporting SC at the language level is not expensive in terms of performance and hardware complexity. The dissertation also explores an extension of this safety-first approach for data-parallel accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Significant microarchitectural differences between CPU and GPU require rethinking of efficient solutions for preserving SC in GPUs. The proposed solution based on our SC-preserving approach performs nearly on par with the baseline GPU that implements a data-race-free-0 memory model.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120794/1/ansingh_1.pd

    High level synthesis of memory architectures

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    Modeling and checking Real-Time system designs

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    Real-time systems are found in an increasing variety of application fields. Usually, they are embedded systems controlling devices that may risk lives or damage properties: they are safety critical systems. Hard Real-Time requirements (late means wrong) make the development of such kind of systems a formidable and daunting task. The need to predict temporal behavior of critical real-time systems has encouraged the development of an useful collection of models, results and tools for analyzing schedulability of applications (e.g., [log]). However, there is no general analytical support for verifying other kind of high level timing requirements on complex software architectures. On the other hand, the verification of specifications and designs of real-time systems has been considered an interesting application field for automatic analysis techniques such as model-checking. Unfortunately, there is a natural trade-off between sophistication of supported features and the practicality of formal analysis. To cope with the challenges of formal analysis real-time system designs we focus on three aspects that, we believe, are fundamental to get practical tools: model-generation, modelreduction and model-checking. Then, firstly, we extend our ideas presented in [30] and develop an automatic approach to model and verify designs of real-time systems for complex timing requirements based on scheduling theory and timed automata theory [7] (a wellknown and studied formalism to model and verify timed systems). That is, to enhance practicality of formal analysis, we focus our analysis on designs adhering to Fixed-Priority scheduling. In essence, we exploit known scheduling theory to automatically derive simple and compositional formal models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal to integrate scheduling theory into the framework of automatic formal verification. To model such systems, we present I/O Timed Components, a notion and discipline to build non-blocking live timed systems. I/O Timed Components, which are build on top of Timed Automata, provide other important methodological advantages like influence detection or compositional reasoning. Secondly, we provide a battery of automatic and rather generic abstraction techniques that, given a requirement to be analyzed, reduces the model while preserving the relevant behaviors to check it. Thus, we do not feed the verification tools with the whole model as previous formal approaches. To provide arguments about the correctness of those abstractions, we present a notion of Continuous Observational Bismulation that is weaker than strong timed bisimulation yet preserving many well-known logics for timed systems like TCTL [3]. Finally, since we choose timed automata as formal kernel, we adapt and apply their deeply studied and developed analysis theory, as well as their practical tools. Moreover, we also describe from scratch an algorithm to model-check duration properties, a feature that is not addressed by available tools. That algorithm extends the one presented in [28].Fil:Braberman, Víctor Adrián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    The design and application of an extensible operating system

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor