145 research outputs found

    Content-Centric Networking at Internet Scale through The Integration of Name Resolution and Routing

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    We introduce CCN-RAMP (Routing to Anchors Matching Prefixes), a new approach to content-centric networking. CCN-RAMP offers all the advantages of the Named Data Networking (NDN) and Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) but eliminates the need to either use Pending Interest Tables (PIT) or lookup large Forwarding Information Bases (FIB) listing name prefixes in order to forward Interests. CCN-RAMP uses small forwarding tables listing anonymous sources of Interests and the locations of name prefixes. Such tables are immune to Interest-flooding attacks and are smaller than the FIBs used to list IP address ranges in the Internet. We show that no forwarding loops can occur with CCN-RAMP, and that Interests flow over the same routes that NDN and CCNx would maintain using large FIBs. The results of simulation experiments comparing NDN with CCN-RAMP based on ndnSIM show that CCN-RAMP requires forwarding state that is orders of magnitude smaller than what NDN requires, and attains even better performance

    Towards Loop-Free Forwarding of Anonymous Internet Datagrams that Enforce Provenance

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    The way in which addressing and forwarding are implemented in the Internet constitutes one of its biggest privacy and security challenges. The fact that source addresses in Internet datagrams cannot be trusted makes the IP Internet inherently vulnerable to DoS and DDoS attacks. The Internet forwarding plane is open to attacks to the privacy of datagram sources, because source addresses in Internet datagrams have global scope. The fact an Internet datagrams are forwarded based solely on the destination addresses stated in datagram headers and the next hops stored in the forwarding information bases (FIB) of relaying routers allows Internet datagrams to traverse loops, which wastes resources and leaves the Internet open to further attacks. We introduce PEAR (Provenance Enforcement through Addressing and Routing), a new approach for addressing and forwarding of Internet datagrams that enables anonymous forwarding of Internet datagrams, eliminates many of the existing DDoS attacks on the IP Internet, and prevents Internet datagrams from looping, even in the presence of routing-table loops.Comment: Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2016, 4-8 December 2016, Washington, D.C., US

    ADN: An Information-Centric Networking Architecture for the Internet of Things

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    Forwarding data by name has been assumed to be a necessary aspect of an information-centric redesign of the current Internet architecture that makes content access, dissemination, and storage more efficient. The Named Data Networking (NDN) and Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) architectures are the leading examples of such an approach. However, forwarding data by name incurs storage and communication complexities that are orders of magnitude larger than solutions based on forwarding data using addresses. Furthermore, the specific algorithms used in NDN and CCNx have been shown to have a number of limitations. The Addressable Data Networking (ADN) architecture is introduced as an alternative to NDN and CCNx. ADN is particularly attractive for large-scale deployments of the Internet of Things (IoT), because it requires far less storage and processing in relaying nodes than NDN. ADN allows things and data to be denoted by names, just like NDN and CCNx do. However, instead of replacing the waist of the Internet with named-data forwarding, ADN uses an address-based forwarding plane and introduces an information plane that seamlessly maps names to addresses without the involvement of end-user applications. Simulation results illustrate the order of magnitude savings in complexity that can be attained with ADN compared to NDN.Comment: 10 page

    Security and Privacy of IP-ICN Coexistence: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Internet usage has changed from its first design. Hence, the current Internet must cope with some limitations, including performance degradation, availability of IP addresses, and multiple security and privacy issues. Nevertheless, to unsettle the current Internet's network layer i.e., Internet Protocol with ICN is a challenging, expensive task. It also requires worldwide coordination among Internet Service Providers , backbone, and Autonomous Services. Additionally, history showed that technology changes e.g., from 3G to 4G, from IPv4 to IPv6 are not immediate, and usually, the replacement includes a long coexistence period between the old and new technology. Similarly, we believe that the process of replacement of the current Internet will surely transition through the coexistence of IP and ICN. Although the tremendous amount of security and privacy issues of the current Internet taught us the importance of securely designing the architectures, only a few of the proposed architectures place the security-by-design. Therefore, this article aims to provide the first comprehensive Security and Privacy analysis of the state-of-the-art coexistence architectures. Additionally, it yields a horizontal comparison of security and privacy among three deployment approaches of IP and ICN protocol i.e., overlay, underlay, and hybrid and a vertical comparison among ten considered security and privacy features. As a result of our analysis, emerges that most of the architectures utterly fail to provide several SP features including data and traffic flow confidentiality, availability and communication anonymity. We believe this article draws a picture of the secure combination of current and future protocol stacks during the coexistence phase that the Internet will definitely walk across

    De-ossifying the Internet Transport Layer : A Survey and Future Perspectives

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    NDN, CoAP, and MQTT: A Comparative Measurement Study in the IoT

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    This paper takes a comprehensive view on the protocol stacks that are under debate for a future Internet of Things (IoT). It addresses the holistic question of which solution is beneficial for common IoT use cases. We deploy NDN and the two popular IP-based application protocols, CoAP and MQTT, in its different variants on a large-scale IoT testbed in single- and multi-hop scenarios. We analyze the use cases of scheduled periodic and unscheduled traffic under varying loads. Our findings indicate that (a) NDN admits the most resource-friendly deployment on nodes, and (b) shows superior robustness and resilience in multi-hop scenarios, while (c) the IP protocols operate at less overhead and higher speed in single-hop deployments. Most strikingly we find that NDN-based protocols are in significantly better flow balance than the UDP-based IP protocols and require less corrective actions

    Privacy-preserving spatiotemporal multicast for mobile information services

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    Mobile devices have become essential for accessing information services anywhere at any time. While the so-called geographic multicast (geocast) has been considered in detail in existing research, it only focuses on delivering messages to all mobile devices that are currently residing within a certain geographic area. This thesis extends this notion by introducing a Spatiotemporal Multicast (STM), which can informally be described as a "geocast into the past". Instead of addressing users based on their current locations, this concept relates to the challenge of sending a message to all devices that have resided within a geographic area at a certain time in the past. While a wide variety of applications can be envisioned for this concept, it presents several challenges to be solved. In order to deliver messages to all past visitors of a certain location, an STM service would have to fully track all user movements at all times. However, collecting this kind of information is not desirable considering the underlying privacy implications, i.e., users may not wish to be identified by the sender of a message as this can disclose sensitive personal information. Consequently, this thesis aims to provide a privacy-preserving notion of STM. In order to realize such a service, this work first presents a detailed overview of possible applications. Based on those, functional, non-functional, as well as security and privacy objectives are proposed. These objectives provide the foundation for an in-depth literature review of potential mechanisms for realizing an STM service. Among the suggested options, the most promising relies on Rendezvous Points (RPs) for datagram delivery. In simple terms, RPs represent "anonymous mailboxes" that are responsible for certain spatiotemporal regions. Messages are deposited at RPs so that users can retrieve them later on. Protecting the privacy of users then translates to obfuscating the responsibilities of RPs for specific spatiotemporal regions. This work proposes two realizations: CSTM, which relies on cryptographic hashing, and OSTM, which considers the use of order-preserving encryption in a CAN overlay. Both approaches are evaluated and compared in detail with respect to the given objectives. While OSTM yields superior performance-related properties, CSTM provides an increased ability of protecting the privacy of users.MobilgerĂ€te bilden heute die Grundlage allgegenwĂ€rtiger Informationsdienste. WĂ€hrend der sogenannte geografische Multicast (Geocast) hier bereits ausfĂŒhrlich erforscht worden ist, so bezieht sich dieser nur auf GerĂ€te, welche sich aktuell innerhalb einer geografischen Zielregion befinden. Diese Arbeit erweitert dieses Konzept durch einen rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Multicast, welcher sich informell als "Geocast in die Vergangenheit" beschreiben lĂ€sst. Dabei wird die Zustellung einer Nachricht an alle Nutzer betrachtet, die sich in der Vergangenheit an einem bestimmten Ort aufgehalten haben. WĂ€hrend eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen fĂŒr dieses Konzept denkbar ist, so ergeben sich hier mehrere Herausforderungen. Um Nachrichten an ehemalige Besucher eines Ortes senden zu können, mĂŒsste ein rĂ€umlich-zeitlicher Multicast-Dienst die Bewegungen aller Nutzer vollstĂ€ndig erfassen. Aus GrĂŒnden des Datenschutzes ist das zentralisierte Sammeln solch sensibler personenbezogener Daten jedoch nicht wĂŒnschenswert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich daher insbesondere mit dem Schutz der PrivatsphĂ€re von Nutzern eines solchen Dienstes. Zur Entwicklung eines rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Multicast-Dienstes erörtert diese Arbeit zunĂ€chst mögliche Anwendungen. Darauf aufbauend werden funktionale, nicht-funktionale, sowie Sicherheits- und PrivatsphĂ€re-relevante Anforderungen definiert. Diese bilden die Grundlage einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche relevanter Realisierungstechniken. Der vielversprechendste Ansatz basiert hierbei auf der Hinterlegung von Nachrichten in sogenannten Rendezvous Points. Vereinfacht betrachtet stellen diese "anonyme BriefkĂ€sten" fĂŒr bestimmte rĂ€umlich-zeitliche Regionen dar. Nachrichten werden in diesen so hinterlegt, dass legitime EmpfĂ€nger sie dort spĂ€ter abholen können. Der Schutz der Nutzer-PrivatsphĂ€re entspricht dann der Verschleierung der ZustĂ€ndigkeiten von Rendezvous Points fĂŒr verschiedene rĂ€umlich-zeitliche Regionen. Diese Arbeit schlĂ€gt zwei AnsĂ€tze vor: CSTM, welches kryptografische Hashfunktionen nutzt, sowie OSTM, welches ordnungserhaltende VerschlĂŒsselung in einem CAN Overlay einsetzt. Beide Optionen werden detailliert analytisch sowie empirisch bezĂŒglich ihrer Diensteigenschaften untersucht und verglichen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass OSTM vorteilhaftere Leistungseigenschaften besitzt, wĂ€hrend CSTM einen besseren Schutz der Nutzer-PrivatsphĂ€re bietet

    The role of non-state actors in regime formation: Case study on Internet governance.

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    Many scholars argue that the Internet is a symbol of globalization and avoidance of state control. The Internet governance negotiations, which aims to establish an international regime for the Internet, is conducted through a multi-stakeholder setting associated with extensive involvement of non-state actors. This has been viewed as an indicator for a \u27diminishing state role\u27 in international relations; particularly, formation of international regimes. This study indicates that the role of states does not diminish in regime formation. States, especially great powers, are the main actors that set international principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures. They create regimes in order to regulate international behavior as to global sectors, including the Internet. States deliberately enable certain non-state actors to participate in regime formation and governance of some global sectors, based on conscious perception of the utility and usefulness of such participation
