5 research outputs found

    Software Defined Application Delivery Networking

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    In this thesis we present the architecture, design, and prototype implementation details of AppFabric. AppFabric is a next generation application delivery platform for easily creating, managing and controlling massively distributed and very dynamic application deployments that may span multiple datacenters. Over the last few years, the need for more flexibility, finer control, and automatic management of large (and messy) datacenters has stimulated technologies for virtualizing the infrastructure components and placing them under software-based management and control; generically called Software-defined Infrastructure (SDI). However, current applications are not designed to leverage this dynamism and flexibility offered by SDI and they mostly depend on a mix of different techniques including manual configuration, specialized appliances (middleboxes), and (mostly) proprietary middleware solutions together with a team of extremely conscientious and talented system engineers to get their applications deployed and running. AppFabric, 1) automates the whole control and management stack of application deployment and delivery, 2) allows application architects to define logical workflows consisting of application servers, message-level middleboxes, packet-level middleboxes and network services (both, local and wide-area) composed over application-level routing policies, and 3) provides the abstraction of an application cloud that allows the application to dynamically (and automatically) expand and shrink its distributed footprint across multiple geographically distributed datacenters operated by different cloud providers. The architecture consists of a hierarchical control plane system called Lighthouse and a fully distributed data plane design (with no special hardware components such as service orchestrators, load balancers, message brokers, etc.) called OpenADN . The current implementation (under active development) consists of ~10000 lines of python and C code. AppFabric will allow applications to fully leverage the opportunities provided by modern virtualized Software-Defined Infrastructures. It will serve as the platform for deploying massively distributed, and extremely dynamic next generation application use-cases, including: Internet-of-Things/Cyber-Physical Systems: Through support for managing distributed gather-aggregate topologies common to most Internet-of-Things(IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS) use-cases. By their very nature, IoT and CPS use cases are massively distributed and have different levels of computation and storage requirements at different locations. Also, they have variable latency requirements for their different distributed sites. Some services, such as device controllers, in an Iot/CPS application workflow may need to gather, process and forward data under near-real time constraints and hence need to be as close to the device as possible. Other services may need more computation to process aggregated data to drive long term business intelligence functions. AppFabric has been designed to provide support for such very dynamic, highly diversified and massively distributed application use-cases. Network Function Virtualization: Through support for heterogeneous workflows, application-aware networking, and network-aware application deployments, AppFabric will enable new partnerships between Application Service Providers (ASPs) and Network Service Providers (NSPs). An application workflow in AppFabric may comprise of application services, packet and message-level middleboxes, and network transport services chained together over an application-level routing substrate. The Application-level routing substrate allows policy-based service chaining where the application may specify policies for routing their application traffic over different services based on application-level content or context. Virtual worlds/multiplayer games: Through support for creating, managing and controlling dynamic and distributed application clouds needed by these applications. AppFabric allows the application to easily specify policies to dynamically grow and shrink the application\u27s footprint over different geographical sites, on-demand. Mobile Apps: Through support for extremely diversified and very dynamic application contexts typical of such applications. Also, AppFabric provides support for automatically managing massively distributed service deployment and controlling application traffic based on application-level policies. This allows mobile applications to provide the best Quality-of-Experience to its users without This thesis is the first to handle and provide a complete solution for such a complex and relevant architectural problem that is expected to touch each of our lives by enabling exciting new application use-cases that are not possible today. Also, AppFabric is a non-proprietary platform that is expected to spawn lots of innovations both in the design of the platform itself and the features it provides to applications. AppFabric still needs many iterations, both in terms of design and implementation maturity. This thesis is not the end of journey for AppFabric but rather just the beginning

    Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming

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    Esta tesis se ha creado en el marco de la línea de investigación de Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP, que ha desarrollado su actividad en diferentes proyectos de investigación y en la asignatura ¿Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP¿ del programa de doctorado ¿Telecomunicaciones¿ impartido por el Departamento de Comunicaciones de la UPV y, actualmente en el Máster Universitario en Tecnologías, Sistemas y Redes de Comunicación. El crecimiento de Internet es ampliamente conocido, tanto en número de clientes como en tráfico generado. Esto permite acercar a los clientes una interfaz multimedia, donde pueden concurrir datos, voz, video, música, etc. Si bien esto representa una oportunidad de negocio desde múltiples dimensiones, se debe abordar seriamente el aspecto de la escalabilidad, que pretende que el rendimiento medio de un sistema no se vea afectado conforme aumenta el número de clientes o el volumen de información solicitada. El estudio y análisis de la distribución de contenido web y streaming empleando CDNs es el objeto de este proyecto. El enfoque se hará desde una perspectiva generalista, ignorando soluciones de capa de red como IP multicast, así como la reserva de recursos, al no estar disponibles de forma nativa en la infraestructura de Internet. Esto conduce a la introducción de la capa de aplicación como marco coordinador en la distribución de contenido. Entre estas redes, también denominadas overlay networks, se ha escogido el empleo de una Red de Distribución de Contenido (CDN, Content Delivery Network). Este tipo de redes de nivel de aplicación son altamente escalables y permiten un control total sobre los recursos y funcionalidad de todos los elementos de su arquitectura. Esto permite evaluar las prestaciones de una CDN que distribuya contenidos multimedia en términos de: ancho de banda necesario, tiempo de respuesta obtenido por los clientes, calidad percibida, mecanismos de distribución, tiempo de vida al utilizar caching, etc. Las CDNs nacieron a finales de la década de los noventa y tenían como objetivo principal la eliminación o atenuación del denominado efecto flash-crowd, originado por una afluencia masiva de clientes. Actualmente, este tipo de redes está orientando la mayor parte de sus esfuerzos a la capacidad de ofrecer streaming media sobre Internet. Para un análisis minucioso, esta tesis propone un modelo inicial de CDN simplificado, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. En el aspecto teórico se expone un modelo matemático que permite evaluar analíticamente una CDN. Este modelo introduce una complejidad considerable conforme se introducen nuevas funcionalidades, por lo que se plantea y desarrolla un modelo de simulación que permite por un lado, comprobar la validez del entorno matemático y, por otro lado, establecer un marco comparativo para la implementación práctica de la CDN, tarea que se realiza en la fase final de la tesis. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos abarcan el ámbito de la teoría, la simulación y la práctica.Molina Moreno, B. (2013). Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31637TESI

    Segurança e privacidade em terminologia de rede

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    Security and Privacy are now at the forefront of modern concerns, and drive a significant part of the debate on digital society. One particular aspect that holds significant bearing in these two topics is the naming of resources in the network, because it directly impacts how networks work, but also affects how security mechanisms are implemented and what are the privacy implications of metadata disclosure. This issue is further exacerbated by interoperability mechanisms that imply this information is increasingly available regardless of the intended scope. This work focuses on the implications of naming with regards to security and privacy in namespaces used in network protocols. In particular on the imple- mentation of solutions that provide additional security through naming policies or increase privacy. To achieve this, different techniques are used to either embed security information in existing namespaces or to minimise privacy ex- posure. The former allows bootstraping secure transport protocols on top of insecure discovery protocols, while the later introduces privacy policies as part of name assignment and resolution. The main vehicle for implementation of these solutions are general purpose protocols and services, however there is a strong parallel with ongoing re- search topics that leverage name resolution systems for interoperability such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Information Centric Networks (ICN), where these approaches are also applicable.Segurança e Privacidade são dois topicos que marcam a agenda na discus- são sobre a sociedade digital. Um aspecto particularmente subtil nesta dis- cussão é a forma como atribuímos nomes a recursos na rede, uma escolha com consequências práticas no funcionamento dos diferentes protocols de rede, na forma como se implementam diferentes mecanismos de segurança e na privacidade das várias partes envolvidas. Este problema torna-se ainda mais significativo quando se considera que, para promover a interoperabili- dade entre diferentes redes, mecanismos autónomos tornam esta informação acessível em contextos que vão para lá do que era pretendido. Esta tese foca-se nas consequências de diferentes políticas de atribuição de nomes no contexto de diferentes protocols de rede, para efeitos de segurança e privacidade. Com base no estudo deste problema, são propostas soluções que, através de diferentes políticas de atribuição de nomes, permitem introdu- zir mecanismos de segurança adicionais ou mitigar problemas de privacidade em diferentes protocolos. Isto resulta na implementação de mecanismos de segurança sobre protocolos de descoberta inseguros, assim como na intro- dução de mecanismos de atribuiçao e resolução de nomes que se focam na protecçao da privacidade. O principal veículo para a implementação destas soluções é através de ser- viços e protocolos de rede de uso geral. No entanto, a aplicabilidade destas soluções extende-se também a outros tópicos de investigação que recorrem a mecanismos de resolução de nomes para implementar soluções de intero- perabilidade, nomedamente a Internet das Coisas (IoT) e redes centradas na informação (ICN).Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Intelligent Control and Protection Methods for Modern Power Systems Based on WAMS

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    Towards a development strategy : the role of small towns in urbanization and rural development planning in Jizan province, Saudi Arabia

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    One of the most striking features of the spatial pattern ofdevelopment in most developing countries is the wide difference betweenwhat occurs in urban areas and rural areas, particularly in thosecountries which have made a rapid transition from a traditionalagriculturally based economy to a modern oil-based economy. Thedifferences can be seen in the high concentration of developmentservices in the larger urban centres, and the overshadowing of thelarger rural areas. Obviously, the residents of urban centres not onlyenjoy high incomes, but they also have greater opportunities to useservices and facilities than does the overwhelming majority of therural population who live in scattered villages and hamlets.Jizan province as a rural area provides a classical example as isreflected by the wide gap in the spatial pattern of development inSaudi Arabia, not only between the province and the rest of thecountry, but also between the urban centres and rural areas within theprovince. In fact, this area is characterized by rich naturalresources, particularly for agricultural development, as well as by ahigh population density. However, it is still one of the backwardareas in the country, and it is characterized by traditionalsubsistence methods of agriculture, low incomes, low standards ofliving, and a high rate of rural emigration to urban areas for betterjobs and social services.Recently, the development plans have initiated a system of urbandevelopment centres in the hope that the wide gap between regions andurban and rural areas will be reduced. Unfortunately, this strategyhas clearly proven inadequate in providing a comprehensive regionaldevelopment policy to solve the rural problems and stimulate the ruraleconomy in the province.It is important to note that agriculture is the basic andpredominant activity of the rural population in this area. Therefore,the development of this sector is not only desirable but also feasiblefor the purpose of making rural areas economically and socially moreattractive by increasing farmers' incomes, and creating workopportunities as well as improving other sectors that depend onagricultural products. However, agricultural development by itself isnot a sufficient basis for rural development that will encouragefarmers to stay in their villages. This sector should be provided withsupport services that enhance the quality of life such as education,health care, water, and electricity supplies.In order to achieve the rural development objectives, theregional development policy in the province should be broken down, byan extension of the urban settlement hierarchy, to include the role•Ssmall towns. Since the larger urban centres have not generated thedevelopment process in rural areas, the small towns may play a positive and effective role in the provision of economic and social services inremote areas as rural service centres. This indeed is the main aim ofthe study.The structure of the study is divided into three parts. Thefirst part demonstrates the theoretical framework of the developmentstrategies, and their failure in relation to rural development. Italso discusses the role of small towns as an alternative policy forrural development. Moreover, the spatial pattern of development inSaudi Arabia was also examined.The second part provides a comprehensive geographical analysis ofJizan province. Physical environment, socio-economic conditions, andrural settlement patterns are discussed in order to provide a generalperspective of information about the study area. The rural problemsthat relate to agricultural development and the provision of public andcommunity services are also examined. Indeed, these analyses show thatthe rural problems range from inadequate provision of services wherethey exist, to a complete absence of services and facilities in largerrural areas. This part also examines urbanization and the urban andrural relationship in order to see how the role of small towns couldprovide an appropriate extension of the urban hierarchy within theexisting urban system.The third part of the study deals with the policy of small townsas a planning tool for solving rural problems. Factor analysis hasbeen used for classification of small towns. This method shows thatthe rural market centres have a great potential for accelerating thedevelopment process as central places. Programmes and implementationpolicies to establish the new role of small towns are discussed at theend of this part