252 research outputs found

    Obstructions for Matroids of Path-Width at most k and Graphs of Linear Rank-Width at most k

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    International audienceEvery minor-closed class of matroids of bounded branch-width can be characterized by a minimal list of excluded minors, but unlike graphs, this list could be infinite in general. However, for each fixed finite field F\mathbb F, the list contains only finitely many F\mathbb F-representable matroids, due to the well-quasi-ordering of F\mathbb F-representable matroids of bounded branch-width under taking matroid minors [J. F. Geelen, A. M. H. Gerards, and G. Whittle (2002)]. But this proof is non-constructive and does not provide any algorithm for computing these F\mathbb F-representable excluded minors in general. We consider the class of matroids of path-width at most kk for fixed kk. We prove that for a finite field F\mathbb F, every F\mathbb F-representable excluded minor for the class of matroids of path-width at most~kk has at most 2FO(k2)2^{|\mathbb{F}|^{O(k^2)}} elements. We can therefore compute, for any integer kk and a fixed finite field F\mathbb F, the set of F\mathbb F-representable excluded minors for the class of matroids of path-width kk, and this gives as a corollary a polynomial-time algorithm for checking whether the path-width of an F\mathbb F-represented matroid is at most kk. We also prove that every excluded pivot-minor for the class of graphs having linear rank-width at most kk has at most 22O(k2)2^{2^{O(k^2)}} vertices, which also results in a similar algorithmic consequence for linear rank-width of graphs

    Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs I. A polynomial-time algorithm

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    Linear rank-width is a linearized variation of rank-width, and it is deeply related to matroid path-width. In this paper, we show that the linear rank-width of every nn-vertex distance-hereditary graph, equivalently a graph of rank-width at most 11, can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), and a linear layout witnessing the linear rank-width can be computed with the same time complexity. As a corollary, we show that the path-width of every nn-element matroid of branch-width at most 22 can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), provided that the matroid is given by an independent set oracle. To establish this result, we present a characterization of the linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs in terms of their canonical split decompositions. This characterization is similar to the known characterization of the path-width of forests given by Ellis, Sudborough, and Turner [The vertex separation and search number of a graph. Inf. Comput., 113(1):50--79, 1994]. However, different from forests, it is non-trivial to relate substructures of the canonical split decomposition of a graph with some substructures of the given graph. We introduce a notion of `limbs' of canonical split decompositions, which correspond to certain vertex-minors of the original graph, for the right characterization.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 2 table. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of WG'1

    Finding branch-decompositions of matroids, hypergraphs, and more

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    Given nn subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over a fixed finite field F\mathcal F, we wish to find a "branch-decomposition" of these subspaces of width at most kk, that is a subcubic tree TT with nn leaves mapped bijectively to the subspaces such that for every edge ee of TT, the sum of subspaces associated with leaves in one component of TeT-e and the sum of subspaces associated with leaves in the other component have the intersection of dimension at most kk. This problem includes the problems of computing branch-width of F\mathcal F-represented matroids, rank-width of graphs, branch-width of hypergraphs, and carving-width of graphs. We present a fixed-parameter algorithm to construct such a branch-decomposition of width at most kk, if it exists, for input subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over F\mathcal F. Our algorithm is analogous to the algorithm of Bodlaender and Kloks (1996) on tree-width of graphs. To extend their framework to branch-decompositions of vector spaces, we developed highly generic tools for branch-decompositions on vector spaces. The only known previous fixed-parameter algorithm for branch-width of F\mathcal F-represented matroids was due to Hlin\v{e}n\'y and Oum (2008) that runs in time O(n3)O(n^3) where nn is the number of elements of the input F\mathcal F-represented matroid. But their method is highly indirect. Their algorithm uses the non-trivial fact by Geelen et al. (2003) that the number of forbidden minors is finite and uses the algorithm of Hlin\v{e}n\'y (2005) on checking monadic second-order formulas on F\mathcal F-represented matroids of small branch-width. Our result does not depend on such a fact and is completely self-contained, and yet matches their asymptotic running time for each fixed kk.Comment: 73 pages, 10 figure

    Finding Branch-Decompositions of Matroids, Hypergraphs, and More

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    On the Optimality of Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms for Integer Programming

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    In the classic Integer Programming (IP) problem, the objective is to decide whether, for a given m×nm \times n matrix AA and an mm-vector b=(b1,,bm)b=(b_1,\dots, b_m), there is a non-negative integer nn-vector xx such that Ax=bAx=b. Solving (IP) is an important step in numerous algorithms and it is important to obtain an understanding of the precise complexity of this problem as a function of natural parameters of the input. The classic pseudo-polynomial time algorithm of Papadimitriou [J. ACM 1981] for instances of (IP) with a constant number of constraints was only recently improved upon by Eisenbrand and Weismantel [SODA 2018] and Jansen and Rohwedder [ArXiv 2018]. We continue this line of work and show that under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH), the algorithm of Jansen and Rohwedder is nearly optimal. We also show that when the matrix AA is assumed to be non-negative, a component of Papadimitriou's original algorithm is already nearly optimal under ETH. This motivates us to pick up the line of research initiated by Cunningham and Geelen [IPCO 2007] who studied the complexity of solving (IP) with non-negative matrices in which the number of constraints may be unbounded, but the branch-width of the column-matroid corresponding to the constraint matrix is a constant. We prove a lower bound on the complexity of solving (IP) for such instances and obtain optimal results with respect to a closely related parameter, path-width. Specifically, we prove matching upper and lower bounds for (IP) when the path-width of the corresponding column-matroid is a constant.Comment: 29 pages, To appear in ESA 201

    Towards a matroid-minor structure theory

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    This paper surveys recent work that is aimed at generalising the results and techniques of the Graph Minors Project of Robertson and Seymour to matroids