169 research outputs found

    О выразительности подхода к построению ПЛК-программ по LTL-спецификации

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    The article is devoted to the approach to constructing and verification of discrete PLC-programs by LTL-specification. This approach provides an ability of correctness analysis of PLC-programs by the model checking method. The linear temporal logic LTL is used as a language of specification of the program behavior. The correctness analysis of LTL-specification is automatically performed by the symbolic model checking tool Cadence SMV. The article demonstrates the consistency of the approach to constructing and verification of PLC programs by LTL-specification from the point of view of Turing power. It is proved, that in accordance with this approach for any Minsky counter machine can be built an LTL-specification, which is used for machine implementation in any PLC programming language of standard IEC 61131-3. Minsky machines equipollent Turing machines, and the considered approach also has Turing power. The proof focuses on representation of a counter machine behavior in the form of a set of LTL-formulas and matching these formulas to constructions of ST and SFC languages. SFC is interesting as a specific graphical language. ST is considered as a basic language because an implementation of a counter machine in IL, FBD/CFC and LD languages is reduced to rewriting blocks of ST-program. The idea of the proof is demonstrated by an example of a Minsky 3-counter machine, which implements a function of squaring.Статья посвящена подходу к построению и верификации «дискретных» программ логических контроллеров (ПЛК) по LTL-спецификации. Этот подход обеспечивает возможность анализа корректности программ логических контроллеров с помощью метода проверки модели (Model Checking). В рамках подхода в качестве языка спецификации программного поведения используется язык темпоральной логики LTL. Анализ корректности LTL-спецификации относительно программных свойств производится автоматически с помощью программного средства символьной проверки модели Cadence SMV. В статье демонстрируется состоятельность подхода к построению и верификации ПЛК-программ по LTL-спецификации с точки зрения тьюринговой мощности. Доказывается, что в соответствии с этим подходом для произвольной счётчиковой машины Минского может быть построена LTL-спецификация, по которой осуществляется её программная реализация на любом из языков программирования ПЛК стандарта МЭК 61131-3. Поскольку счётчиковые машины Минского равномощны машинам Тьюринга, то и рассматриваемый подход к программированию ПЛК будет обладать тьюринговой мощностью. В доказательстве основное внимание уделяется заданию поведения счётчиковой машины в виде набора LTL-формул и сопоставлению этим формулам конструкций языков ST и SFC. SFC представляет интерес с точки зрения специфики графического языка, а язык ST рассматривается в качестве базового в том смысле, что реализация счётчиковой машины на языках IL, FBD/CFC и LD сводится к переписыванию на них конструкций ST-программы. Идея доказательства демонстрируется на примере трехсчетчиковой машины Минского, реализующей функцию возведения числа в квадрат

    LTL-спецификация для разработки и верификации управляющих программ

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    This work continues the series of articles on development and verification of control programs based on the LTL-specification. The essence of the approach is to describe the behavior of programs using formulas of linear temporal logic LTL of a special form. The developed LTL-specification can be directly verified by using a model checking tool. Next, according to the LTL-specification, the program code in the imperative programming language is unambiguously built. The translation of the specification into the program is carried out using a template. The novelty of the work consists in the proposal of two LTL-specifications of a new form — declarative and imperative, as well as in a more strict formal justification for this approach to program development and verification. A transition has been made to a more modern verification tool for finite and infinite systems — nuXmv. It is proposed to describe the behavior of control programs in a declarative style. For this purpose, a declarative LTL-specification is intended, which defines a labelled transition system as a formal model of program behavior. This method of describing behavior is quite expressive — the theorem on the Turing completeness of the declarative LTL-specification is proved. Next, to construct program code in an imperative language, the declarative LTL-specification is converted into an equivalent imperative LTL-specification. An equivalence theorem is proved, which guarantees that both specifications specify the same behavior. The imperative LTL-specification is translated into imperative program code according to the presented template. The declarative LTL-specification, which is subject to verification, and the control program built on it are guaranteed to specify the same behavior in the form of a corresponding transition system. Thus, during verification, a model is used that is adequate to the real behavior of the control program.Настоящая работа продолжает цикл статей по разработке и верификации управляющих программ на основе LTL"=спецификации. Суть подхода заключается в описании поведения программ с помощью формул линейной темпоральной логики LTL специального вида. Полученная LTL"=спецификация может быть непосредственно верифицирована с помощью инструмента проверки модели. Далее по LTL"=спецификации однозначно строится код программы на императивном языке программирования. Перевод спецификации в программу осуществляется по шаблону. Новизна работы состоит в предложении двух LTL"=спецификаций нового вида — декларативной и императивной, а также в более строгом формальном обосновании данного подхода к разработке и верификации программ. Выполнен переход на более современный инструмент верификации конечных и бесконечных систем — nuXmv. Предлагается описывать поведение управляющих программ в декларативном стиле. Для этого предназначена декларативная LTL"=спецификация, которая задаёт размеченную систему переходов как формальную модель поведения программы. Данный способ описания поведения является достаточно выразительным — доказана теорема о Тьюринг"=полноте декларативной LTL"=спецификации. Далее для построения кода программы на императивном языке декларативная LTL"=спецификация преобразуется в эквивалентную императивную LTL"=спецификацию. Доказана теорема об эквивалентности, которая гарантирует, что обе спецификации задают одно и то же поведение. Императивная LTL"=спецификация транслируется в императивный код программы по представленному шаблону. Декларативная LTL"=спецификация, которая подвергается верификации, и построенная по ней управляющая программа гарантированно задают одно и то же поведение в виде соответствующей системы переходов. Таким образом, при верификации используется модель, адекватная реальному поведению управляющей программы

    Regression Verification for Programmable Logic Controller Software

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    Automated production systems are usually driven by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). These systems are long-living - yet have to adapt to changing requirements over time. This paper presents a novel method for regression verification of PLC code, which allows one to prove that a new revision of the plant\u27s software does not break existing intended behavior. Our main contribution is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a regression verification method for PLC code. We also clarify and define the notion of program equivalence for reactive PLC code. Core elements of our method are a translation of PLC code into the SMV input language for model checkers, the adaptation of the coupling invariants concept to reactive systems, and the implementation of a toolchain using a model checker supporting invariant generation. We have successfully evaluated our approach using the Pick-and-Place Unit benchmark case study

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 17. Number 1.

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    Cyberdéfense des infrastructures critiques

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    Formal Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Systems

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    Bit flips are known to be a source of strange system behavior, failures, and crashes. They can cause dramatic financial loss, security breaches, or even harm human life. Caused by energized particles arising from, e.g., cosmic rays or heat, they are hardly avoidable. Due to transistor sizes becoming smaller and smaller, modern hardware becomes more and more prone to bit flips. This yields a high scientific interest, and many techniques to make systems more resilient against bit flips are developed. Fault-tolerance techniques are techniques that detect and react to bit flips or their effects. Before using these techniques, they typically need to be configured for the particular system they shall protect, the grade of resilience that shall be achieved, and the environment. State-of-the-art configuration approaches have a high risk of being imprecise, of being affected by undesired side effects, and of yielding questionable resilience measures. In this thesis we encourage the usage of formal methods for resiliency configuration, point out advantages and investigate difficulties. We exemplarily investigate two systems that are equipped with fault-tolerance techniques, and we apply parametric variants of probabilistic model checking to obtain optimal configurations for pre-defined resilience criteria. Probabilistic model checking is an automated formal method that operates on Markov models, i.e., state-based models with probabilistic transitions, where costs or rewards can be assigned to states and transitions. Probabilistic model checking can be used to compute, e.g., the probability of having a failure, the conditional probability of detecting an error in case of bit-flip occurrence, or the overhead that arises due to error detection and correction. Parametric variants of probabilistic model checking allow parameters in the transition probabilities and in the costs and rewards. Instead of computing values for probabilities and overhead, parametric variants compute rational functions. These functions can then be analyzed for optimality. The considered fault-tolerant systems are inspired by the work of project partners. The first system is an inter-process communication protocol as it is used in the Fiasco.OC microkernel. The communication structures provided by the kernel are protected against bit flips by a fault-tolerance technique. The second system is inspired by the redo-based fault-tolerance technique \haft. This technique protects an application against bit flips by partitioning the application's instruction flow into transaction, adding redundance, and redoing single transactions in case of error detection. Driven by these examples, we study challenges when using probabilistic model checking for fault-tolerance configuration and present solutions. We show that small transition probabilities, as they arise in error models, can be a cause of previously known accuracy issues, when using numeric solver in probabilistic model checking. We argue that the use of non-iterative methods is an acceptable alternative. We debate on the usability of the rational functions for finding optimal configurations, and show that for relatively short rational functions the usage of mathematical methods is appropriate. The redo-based fault-tolerance model suffers from the well-known state-explosion problem. We present a new technique, counter-based factorization, that tackles this problem for system models that do not scale because of a counter, as it is the case for this fault-tolerance model. This technique utilizes the chain-like structure that arises from the counter, splits the model into several parts, and computes local characteristics (in terms of rational functions) for these parts. These local characteristics can then be combined to retrieve global resiliency and overhead measures. The rational functions retrieved for the redo-based fault-tolerance model are huge - for small model instances they already have the size of more than one gigabyte. We therefor can not apply precise mathematic methods to these functions. Instead, we use the short, matrix-based representation, that arises from factorization, to point-wise evaluate the functions. Using this approach, we systematically explore the design space of the redo-based fault-tolerance model and retrieve sweet-spot configurations

    Contribution à la gestion de l'évolution des processus métiers

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    La gestion de l'évolution des processus métier exige une compréhension approfondie des cause des changements, de leurs niveaux d'application ainsi que de leurs impacts sur le reste du système. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une approche de gestion et de contrôle de l'éolution des processus métier permettant d'analyser ces changements et de comprendre leurs impacts. Cela assistera les concepteurs et les chargés de l'évolution des processus métier à établir une évaluation a priori de l'impact pour réduire les risques et les coûts liés à ces changements et d'améliorer le service et la qualité des processus métier. Ce travail consiste à proposer un ensemble de contributions permettant une vérification de la cohérence et de la conformité des modèles de processus métier après chaque changement, mais aussi d'établir une éaluation a priori de l'impact structurel et qualificatif des modifications. Les différentes approches proposées sont en cours d'expérimentation et de validation à travers le développement d'une plate-forme basée sur l'environnement EclipseThe evolution management of the business processes requires an exhaustive understanding of the change. An evolution engineer needs to understand reasons of a change, its application levels, and subsequently its impact on the whole system. In this thesis, we propose an approach for an a priori change impact analysis, to better control the business process evolution. This may help the business experts and the process designers to evaluate change impact in order to reduce the associated risks and estimate the related costs. It may also help to improve the service and quality of the business processes. This work contributes an eventual improvement, in regard, to verify the coherence and the compliance of the business process models, after each change. It leads to evaluate an a priori change impact analysis in structural and qualitatie aspects. The multiple-perspectives of the proposed approach have been reviewed experimentally. The validation of the approach is evaluated by exteding the Eclipse Development Environment, with the help of a set of plug-ins, as a prototype plate-form.DUNKERQUE-SCD-Bib.electronique (591839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cooperative Communications inWireless Local Area Networks: MAC Protocol Design and Multi-layer Solutions

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    This dissertation addresses cooperative communications and proposes multi-layer solu- tions for wireless local area networks, focusing on cooperative MAC design. The coop- erative MAC design starts from CSMA/CA based wireless networks. Three key issues of cooperation from the MAC layer are dealt with: i.e., when to cooperate (opportunistic cooperation), whom to cooperate with (relay selection), and how to protect cooperative transmissions (message procedure design). In addition, a cooperative MAC protocol that addresses these three issues is proposed. The relay selection scheme is further optimized in a clustered network to solve the problem of high collision probability in a dense network. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of through- put, packet delivery rate and energy efficiency. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is verified through formal model checking using SPIN. Moreover, a cooperative code allo- cation scheme is proposed targeting at a clustered network where multiple relay nodes can transmit simultaneously. The cooperative communication design is then extended to the routing layer through cross layer routing metrics. Another part of the work aims at enabling concurrent transmissions using cooperative carrier sensing to improve the per- formance in a WLAN network with multiple access points sharing the same channel