568 research outputs found

    AHTR Mechanical, Structural, and Neutronic Preconceptual Design

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    This report provides an overview of the mechanical, structural, and neutronic aspects of the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR) design concept. The AHTR is a design concept for a large output Fluoride salt cooled High-temperature Reactor (FHR) that is being developed to enable evaluation of the technology hurdles remaining to be overcome prior to FHRs becoming a commercial reactor class. This report documents the incremental AHTR design maturation performed over the past year and is focused on advancing the design concept to a level of a functional, self-consistent system. The AHTR employs plate type coated particle fuel assemblies with rapid, off-line refueling. Neutronic analysis of the core has confirmed the viability of a 6-month 2-batch cycle with 9 weight-percent enriched uranium fuel. Refueling is intended to be performed automatically under visual guidance using dedicated robotic manipulators. The present design intent is for used fuel to be stored inside of containment for at least 6 months and then transferred to local dry wells for intermediate term, on-site storage. The mechanical and structural concept development effort has included an emphasis on transportation and constructability to minimize construction costs and schedule. The design intent is that all components be factory fabricated into rail transportable modules that are assembled into subsystems at an on-site workshop prior to being lifted into position using a heavy-lift crane in an open-top style construction. While detailed accident identification and response sequence analysis has yet to be performed, the design concept incorporates multiple levels of radioactive material containment including fully passive responses to all identified design basis or non-very-low frequency beyond design basis accidents. Key building design elements include: 1) below grade siting to minimize vulnerability to aircraft impact, 2) multiple natural circulation decay heat rejection chimneys, 3) seismic base isolation, and 4) decay heat powered back-up electricity generation. The report provides a preconceptual design of the manipulators, the fuel transfer system, and the salt transfer loops. The mechanical handling of the fuel and how it is accomplished without instrumentation inside the salt is described within the report. All drives for the manipulators reside outside the reactor top flange. The design has also taken into account the transportability of major components and how they will be assembled on sit

    A Review of Robots for Inspection and Maintenance of Metallic Towers of Electricity Transmission

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    Transmission towers that support electric power fines are usually inspected manually by workers that climb them and visually inspect to find oxidation points. If oxidation is seen it must be repaired to ensure the integrity of the structure. This process is slow and dangerous for the workers. Due to the possibility of electrical shocks as well as falling from the structures that are around 50 meters high. In recent years the need to substitute human workers in hostile environments by equipments and robots that bring more safety in the realization of these tasks has arisen. In this paper, a bibliographic review of papers that presented conceptions of robots that can climb transmission towers and execute its inspection, search for oxi¬dation points and even do small maintenances is done. Through the use of a patent search methodology a preliminary and a detailed search were done, with a diversity of keywords about the subject as well as its combinations [1]. The preliminary search resulted in 2901 patents, which lead to the detailed search and finally culminated in the analysis of 164 patents, from which four showed technological potential to be analysed in this review

    Solar Power Satellite Concept Evaluation. Volume 1: Summary

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    A program was developed to determine the technical feasiblity of a satellite solar power station. The space construction, maintenance, and transport systems are discussed. Environmental factors, in addition to manufacturing, natural resources, and energy were considered. Cost estimates and alternative systems are outlined

    Review of Maintenance and Repair Times for Components in Technological Facilities

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    This report is a compilation of some unique component repair time data and it also presents citations of more extensive reports where lists of repair times can be found. This collection of information should support analysts who seek to quantify maintainability and availability of high technology and nuclear energy production systems. While there are newer sources of repair time information, most, if not all, of the newer sources are proprietary and cannot be shared. This report offers data that, while older, is openly accessible and can serve as reasonable estimates of repair times, at least for initial studies. Some times were found for maintenance times in radiation environments, and some guidance for multiplicative factors to use to account for work in contamination areas

    A review on the prospects of mobile manipulators for smart maintenance of railway track

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    Inspection and repair interventions play vital roles in the asset management of railways. Autonomous mobile manipulators possess considerable potential to replace humans in many hazardous railway track maintenance tasks with high efficiency. This paper investigates the prospects of the use of mobile manipulators in track maintenance tasks. The current state of railway track inspection and repair technologies is initially reviewed, revealing that very few mobile manipulators are in the railways. Of note, the technologies are analytically scrutinized to ascertain advantages, unique capabilities, and potential use in the deployment of mobile manipulators for inspection and repair tasks across various industries. Most mobile manipulators in maintenance use ground robots, while other applications use aerial, underwater, or space robots. Power transmission lines, the nuclear industry, and space are the most extensive application areas. Clearly, the railways infrastructure managers can benefit from the adaptation of best practices from these diversified designs and their broad deployment, leading to enhanced human safety and optimized asset digitalization. A case study is presented to show the potential use of mobile manipulators in railway track maintenance tasks. Moreover, the benefits of the mobile manipulator are discussed based on previous research. Finally, challenges and requirements are reviewed to provide insights into future research

    Satellite Power System. Concept development and evaluation program, volume 6: Construction and operations

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    The construction, operation, and maintenance requirements for a solar power satellite, including the space and ground systems, are reviewed. The basic construction guidelines are explained, and construction location options are discussed. The space construction tasks, equipment, and base configurations are discussed together with the operations required to place a solar power satellite in geosynchronous orbit. A rectenna construction technique is explained, and operation with the grid is defined. Maintenance requirements are summarized for the entire system. Key technology issues required for solar power satellite construction operations are defined

    Preliminary Outline for Book: Engineering for Nuclear Reactor Fuel Reprocessing

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    This document outlines a book on the subject of reactor fuel reprocessing that is still in the planning stages, representing the authors' thinking as of the arbitrary cut-off date of October 15, 1957. The subject matter that was intended for inclusion was: special considerations in radiochemical processing; chemical processes and operations; mechanical operations; fluid flow; heat transfer operations; solvent extraction; other mass diffusion operations; instrumentation; auxiliary equipment; plant design and operation; and fuel processing economics

    Satellite Power Systems (SPS) concept definition study. Volume 5: Special emphasis studies

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    Satellite configurations based on the Satellite Power System baseline requirements were analyzed and a preferred concept selected. A satellite construction base was defined, precursor operations incident to establishment of orbital support facilities identified, and the satellite construction sequence and procedures developed. Rectenna construction requirement were also addressed. Mass flow to orbit requirements were revised and traffic models established based on construction of 60 instead of 120 satellites. Analyses were conducted to determine satellite control, resources, manufacturing, and propellant requirements. The impact of the laser beam used for space-to-Earth power transmission upon the intervening atmosphere was examined as well as the inverse effect. The significant space environments and their effects on spacecraft components were investigated to define the design and operational limits imposed by the environments on an orbit transfer vehicle. The results show that LEO altitude 300 nmi and transfer orbit duration 6 months are preferrable