2,382 research outputs found

    Contractions, Removals and How to Certify 3-Connectivity in Linear Time

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    It is well-known as an existence result that every 3-connected graph G=(V,E) on more than 4 vertices admits a sequence of contractions and a sequence of removal operations to K_4 such that every intermediate graph is 3-connected. We show that both sequences can be computed in optimal time, improving the previously best known running times of O(|V|^2) to O(|V|+|E|). This settles also the open question of finding a linear time 3-connectivity test that is certifying and extends to a certifying 3-edge-connectivity test in the same time. The certificates used are easy to verify in time O(|E|).Comment: preliminary versio

    A Planarity Test via Construction Sequences

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    Optimal linear-time algorithms for testing the planarity of a graph are well-known for over 35 years. However, these algorithms are quite involved and recent publications still try to give simpler linear-time tests. We give a simple reduction from planarity testing to the problem of computing a certain construction of a 3-connected graph. The approach is different from previous planarity tests; as key concept, we maintain a planar embedding that is 3-connected at each point in time. The algorithm runs in linear time and computes a planar embedding if the input graph is planar and a Kuratowski-subdivision otherwise


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    Canonical orderings and their relatives such as st-numberings have been used as a key tool in algorithmic graph theory for the last decades. Recently, a unifying concept behind all these orders has been shown: they can be described by a graph decomposition into parts that have a prescribed vertex-connectivity. Despite extensive interest in canonical orderings, no analogue of this unifying concept is known for edge-connectivity. In this paper, we establish such a concept named edge-orders and show how to compute (1,1)-edge-orders of 2-edge-connected graphs as well as (2,1)-edge-orders of 3-edge-connected graphs in linear time, respectively. While the former can be seen as the edge-variants of st-numberings, the latter are the edge-variants of Mondshein sequences and non-separating ear decompositions. The methods that we use for obtaining such edge-orders differ considerably in almost all details from the ones used for their vertex-counterparts, as different graph-theoretic constructions are used in the inductive proof and standard reductions from edge- to vertex-connectivity are bound to fail. As a first application, we consider the famous Edge-Independent Spanning Tree Conjecture, which asserts that every k-edge-connected graph contains k rooted spanning trees that are pairwise edge-independent. We illustrate the impact of the above edge-orders by deducing algorithms that construct 2- and 3-edge independent spanning trees of 2- and 3-edge-connected graphs, the latter of which improves the best known running time from O(n^2) to linear time

    Local Certification of Graph Decompositions and Applications to Minor-Free Classes

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    Local certification consists in assigning labels to the nodes of a network to certify that some given property is satisfied, in such a way that the labels can be checked locally. In the last few years, certification of graph classes received a considerable attention. The goal is to certify that a graph G belongs to a given graph class ?. Such certifications with labels of size O(log n) (where n is the size of the network) exist for trees, planar graphs and graphs embedded on surfaces. Feuilloley et al. ask if this can be extended to any class of graphs defined by a finite set of forbidden minors. In this work, we develop new decomposition tools for graph certification, and apply them to show that for every small enough minor H, H-minor-free graphs can indeed be certified with labels of size O(log n). We also show matching lower bounds using a new proof technique

    Contractions, removals and certifying 3-connectivity in linear time

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    As existence result, it is well known that every 3-connected graph G=(V,E) on more than 4 vertices admits a sequence of contractions and a sequence of removal operations to K_4 such that every intermediate graph in the sequences is 3-connected. We show that both sequences can be computed in linear time, improving the previous best known running time of O(|V|^2) to O(|V|+|E|). This settles also the open question of finding a certifying 3-connectivity test in linear time and extents to certify 3-edge-connectivity in linear time as well

    Distributed Certification for Classes of Dense Graphs

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    A proof-labeling scheme (PLS) for a boolean predicate Π\Pi on labeled graphs is a mechanism used for certifying the legality with respect to Π\Pi of global network states in a distributed manner. In a PLS, a certificate is assigned to each processing node of the network, and the nodes are in charge of checking that the collection of certificates forms a global proof that the system is in a correct state, by exchanging the certificates once, between neighbors only. The main measure of complexity is the size of the certificates. Many PLSs have been designed for certifying specific predicates, including cycle-freeness, minimum-weight spanning tree, planarity, etc. In 2021, a breakthrough has been obtained, as a meta-theorem stating that a large set of properties have compact PLSs in a large class of networks. Namely, for every MSO2\mathrm{MSO}_2 property Π\Pi on labeled graphs, there exists a PLS for Π\Pi with O(logn)O(\log n)-bit certificates for all graphs of bounded tree-depth. This result has been extended to the larger class of graphs with bounded {tree-width}, using certificates on O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) bits. We extend this result even further, to the larger class of graphs with bounded clique-width, which, as opposed to the other two aforementioned classes, includes dense graphs. We show that, for every MSO1\mathrm{MSO}_1 property Π\Pi on labeled graphs, there exists a PLS for Π\Pi with O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) bit certificates for all graphs of bounded clique-width