6 research outputs found

    Constructing Choquet integral-based operators that generalize weighted means and OWA operators

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper we introduce the semi-uninorm based ordered weighted averaging (SUOWA) operators, a new class of aggregation functions that, as WOWA operators, simultaneously generalize weighted means and OWA operators. To do this we take into account that weighted means and OWA operators are particular cases of Choquet integral. So, SUOWA operators are Choquet integral-based operators where their capacities are constructed by using semi-uninorms and the values of the capacities associated to the weighted means and the OWA operators. We also show some interesting properties of these new operators and provide examples showing that SUOWA and WOWA operators are different classes of aggregation operators.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012-32178)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA066U13

    On the relationships between some games associated with SUOWA and Semi-SUOWA operators

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    Producción CientíficaThe construction of functions that simultaneously generalize weighted means and OWA operators is an interesting topic that has received special attention in recent years. Due to the properties they satisfy, one of the most interesting generalization are SUOWA operators, which have been widely studied in the literature. In a recent paper, a new generalization has been introduced, the Semi-SUOWA operators, which have a close relationship with SUOWA operators. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the games associated with Semi-SUOWA operators. In this respect, we give conditions under which we can guarantee the monotonicity of these games. Moreover, we establish some relationships between some games associated with SUOWA and Semi-SUOWA operators and show the pointwise convergence of certain games.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación: MEC-FEDER Grant ECO2016- 77900-

    Construção de um índice de avaliação "smart city" com recurso integrado a mapas cognitivos e ao Integral de Choquet

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    A rápida urbanização, o elevado crescimento populacional, o desenvolvimento tecnológico, o impacto ambiental e o bem-estar da sociedade nas áreas urbanas tornaram-se, ao longo do tempo, preocupações cada vez mais desafiadoras. Esta tendência está relacionada com a complexidade inerente aos múltiplos fatores a serem considerados na avaliação das smart cities (i.e., cidades que promovem melhorias na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos por meio da combinação de novas tecnologias e práticas sustentáveis) e o vasto número de indicadores de performance necessários para a avaliação destas cidades, algo que dificulta o processo de tomada de decisão. Com base nos princípios da abordagem Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), o presente estudo visa integrar técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo com o Integral de Choquet (IC) para desenvolver um modelo multicritério, denominado SMART-C, que permita facilitar o processo de avaliação das smart cities. Para o efeito, a pesquisa incluiu a identificação de critérios de avaliação e das suas respetivas interações, utilizando um painel de especialistas com conhecimento especializado na temática em análise. Os resultados foram validados tanto pelos membros do painel como por um representante do Departamento de Ambiente e Energia da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, através da Associação Lisboa E-Nova, que confirmou que o sistema de avaliação desenvolvido permite distinguir as cidades de acordo com a sua smartness urbana. As vantagens e limitações decorrentes deste estudo são também objeto de análise e discussão.apid urbanization, high urban population growth, technological development, environmental impact, and human well-being in urban areas have become, over the years, increasingly challenging concerns. This trend is related to both the complexity inherent to the multiple factors to be considered when evaluating "smart" cities (i.e., cities that promote improvements in citizens’ quality of life through a combination of new technologies and environmentally sustainable practices) and the myriad evaluation indicators needed for their assessment, which hinders decision making. Based on the principles of the multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach, this study sought to integrate cognitive mapping and the Choquet integral (CI) to develop an assessment system that facilitates the evaluation of smart cities, which was coined SMART-C. The research included identifying evaluation criteria and their respective interactions using a panel of experts with specialized knowledge in the subject under analysis. The results were validated both by the panel members and a representative of the Environment and Energy Department of the Lisbon City Council, through the Lisboa E-Nova Association, who confirmed that our evaluation system allows cities to be distinguished according to how strongly they develop their “smartness”. The advantages and limitations of the proposed framework are also discussed