8 research outputs found

    Social Networking Addiction among Health Sciences Students in Oman

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    Objectives: Addiction to social networking sites (SNSs) is an international issue with numerous methods of measurement. The impact of such addictions among health science students is of particular concern. This study aimed to measure SNS addiction rates among health sciences students at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Muscat, Oman. Methods: In April 2014, an anonymous English-language six-item electronic self-reporting survey based on the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale was administered to a non-random cohort of 141 medical and laboratory science students at SQU. The survey was used to measure usage of three SNSs: Facebook (Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA), YouTube (YouTube, San Bruno, California, USA) and Twitter (Twitter Inc., San Francisco, California, USA). Two sets of criteria were used to calculate addiction rates (a score of 3 on at least four survey items or a score of 3 on all six items). Work-related SNS usage was also measured. Results: A total of 81 students completed the survey (response rate: 57.4%). Of the three SNSs, YouTube was most commonly used (100%), followed by Facebook (91.4%) and Twitter (70.4%). Usage and addiction rates varied significantly across the three SNSs. Addiction rates to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, respectively, varied according to the criteria used (14.2%, 47.2% and 33.3% versus 6.3%, 13.8% and 12.8%). However, addiction rates decreased when workrelated activity was taken into account. Conclusion: Rates of SNS addiction among this cohort indicate a need for intervention. Additionally, the results suggest that addiction to individual SNSs should be measured and that workrelated activities should be taken into account during measurement

    A longitudinal study of adolescent Internet addiction: the role of conscientiousness and classroom hostility

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    Over the last decade, research on Internet Addiction (IA) has increased. However, almost all studies in this area are cross-sectional and do not examine the context in which internet use takes place. Therefore, a longitudinal study examined the role of conscientiousness (as a personality trait) and classroom hostility (as a contextual factor) in the development of IA. The participants comprised 648 adolescents and were assessed over a two-year period (while aged 16–18 years). A three-level hierarchical linear model was carried out on the data collected. Findings revealed that: (i) lower conscientiousness was associated with IA and this did not change over time; and (ii) although being in a more hostile classroom did not initially have a significant effect, it increased girls’ IA vulnerability over time and functioned protectively for boys. Results indicated that the contribution of individual and contextual IA factors may differ across genders and over time. More specifically, although the protective effect of conscientiousness appeared to hold, the over-time effect of classroom hostility increased the risk of IA for girls. These findings are discussed in relation to the psychological literature. The study’s limitations and implications are also discussed

    Problematic smartphone use: an empirically validated model

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    Given the prominent role that smartphones have in everyday life, research in the field has proliferated. From a theoretical perspective, problematic smartphone use (PSPU) is described as a multi-faceted phenomenon entailing a variety of dysfunctional manifestations (e.g., addictive, antisocial and dangerous use). To date, however, there is still a lack of empirical evidence supporting the identification of PSPU as a potential behavioural addiction. Driven by theory, the aim of the present study was to provide an empirically validated model by testing the contribution of specific factors leading to PSPU. Relationships among individual characteristics (internalised psychopathology, impulsivity and personality traits) and PSPU uses (addictive, antisocial and dangerous) were investigated according to the updated version of the theoretical framework provided by the Pathway Model of problematic smartphone use (Billieux et al., 2015). An online survey was administered to a convenience sample (N = 511) of smartphone users in order to examine their daily engagement, problematic usage patterns and related psychological correlates. Path analysis revealed important information about different PSPU components and results are discussed in light of the available literature. Recommendations for future research are proposed to further investigate the problematic behaviour, including the study of additional variables, such as the fear of missing out (FoMO), nomophobia and excessive social media use

    Implementation and evaluation of an intervention program aimed at cyberbullying and cybervictimization prevention: Combining the ecological system theory and the threat assessment approach

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    The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tabby Improved cyberbullying and cybervictimization prevention program, developed by combining the ecological system theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1979) and the threat assessment approach (Borum et al, 1999; Fein & Vossekuil, 1998, 1999; Fein Vossekuil, & Holden, 1995). To this aim, a short-term longitudinal study was carried out involving 622 Italian students aged between 10 and 17, attending five public middle and high schools in Campania. Participants were random assigned to one of the three conditions provided by the research (experimental, control with risk profile, and control without risk profile), via their classes. All students filled in the Tabby Improved checklist (whose psychometric characteristics were analysed) prior and six months after the intervention (T1 and T2). Results showed a significant decrease in cyberbullying and in cybervictimization among students in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. In particular, the increased awareness about cyberbullying and risky online behaviours mediated the decrease in cyberbullying observed in the experimental group. Findings were discussed in the light of the related literature

    Pathologische Internetnutzung - Modifizierung und Validierung eines Screening-Instruments, Erfassung differentieller Prädiktoren spezifischer Nutzungsfacetten sowie neuropsychologischer Korrelate am Beispiel des exzessiven Internet-Computerspielens

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    Die Arbeiten der vorliegenden Dissertation beschäftigen sich mit aktuellen Forschungsfragen der pathologischen Internetnutzung im Allgemeinen sowie der pathologischen Nutzung spezifischer Nutzungsfacetten, insbesondere von Internet Computerspielen. Es wurden insgesamt vier Studien durchgeführt, die das Ziel hatten 1. durch Modifizierung und Validierung eines Screening-Instruments einen Beitrag zur Diagnostik von pathologischer Internetnutzung zu leisten, 2. den Kenntnisstand zur Differenzierung des Konstrukts der pathologischen Internetnutzung hinsichtlich spezifischer Prädiktoren zu erweitern, 3. kognitive Korrelate durch ein experimentelles Paradigma anhand einer Gruppe exzessiver Internet Computerspieler zu erfassen und mit Nicht-Spielern zu vergleichen und 4. den Einfluss verschiedener Prädiktoren in Bezug auf eine exzessive Internet Computerspielnutzung zu untersuchen. In Studie 1 wurden drei unterschiedliche Datenerhebungen durchgeführt (1. N=602, 2. N=465 und 3. insgesamt N=803), um die Faktorstruktur des international weit verbreiteten Internet Addiction Test (IAT; Young, 1998) zu bestimmen, anschließend mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalyse zu validieren sowie die Konstruktvalidität zu eruieren. Insgesamt wurde ein 12 Items umfassendes Screening-Instrument entwickelt, das ökonomisch auf zwei Faktoren (1. "zeitliche Beeinträchtigung/Kontrollverlust" und 2. "soziale Belange/Craving") die Kernfacetten der pathologischen Internetnutzung erfasst und darüber hinaus eine gute Konstruktvalidität sowie gute psychometrische Kennwerte aufweist. In Studie 2 wurden aus einem Pool von N=673 verschiedene Gruppen entsprechend des Gebrauchs der jeweiligen Nutzungsfacetten gebildet. Es konnten differentielle Korrelate zwischen der pathologischen Nutzung von Internet Computerspielen und Internet Pornographie hinsichtlich verschiedener Prädiktoren gefunden werden. Ferner fand sich kein Zusammenhang zwischen der subjektiv erlebten Beeinträchtigung im Alltag durch die pathologische Nutzung von Internet Computerspielen und der subjektiv erlebten Beeinträchtigung des Alltags durch die pathologische Nutzung von Internet Pornographie, was die Forderung nach einer differentiellen Betrachtung der einzelnen Nutzungsfacetten unterstützt. In der bereits veröffentlichten Studie 3 wurde das Entscheidungsverhalten unter Risikobedingungen experimentell mit Hilfe einer neuropsychologischen Aufgabe (Game of Dice Task, GDT; Brand et al., 2005) anhand einer Gruppe exzessiver Internet Computerspieler (N=19) im Vergleich zu Nicht Computerspielern (N=19) untersucht. Exzessive Internet Computerspieler zeigten im Vergleich zu Nicht Computerspielern ein dysfunktionales Entscheidungsverhalten in der GDT, das sich durch eine Präferenz von riskanten Wahlalternativen, die eine schnelle und hohe Belohnung versprechen, trotz möglicher langfristiger negativer Folgen äußerte. Dieses Ergebnis steht im Einklang mit vergleichbaren Befunden die sich bei stoffgebundenen sowie stoffungebundenen Abhängigkeiten finden. In Studie 4 (N=58) konnte gezeigt werden, dass Impulsivität mit einer pathologischen Nutzung von Internet Computerspielen assoziiert ist. Darüber hinaus konnten noch weitere Prädiktoren (subjektiv erlebte Erregung beim Betrachten spielspezifischer Bilder, allgemeine psychologische Symptombelastung und Nutzungsdauer pro Woche) sowie moderierende Effekte auf verschiedene Zusammenhänge in Bezug auf eine pathologische Internet Computerspielnutzung identifiziert werden. Zusammenfassend wurde in der vorliegenden Dissertation ein ökonomisches Screening-Instrument entwickelt, das sich sowohl in der Validierungsstudie als auch in den Folgestudien bewährt hat. Ferner konnten erste Hinweise gefunden werden, die die Notwendigkeit einer differentiellen Betrachtung der verschiedenen Nutzungsfacetten des Internets verdeutlichen. Darüber hinaus konnten zentrale Mechanismen (Impulsivität und dysfunktionales Entscheidungsverhalten), die bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Abhängigkeiten im Allgemeinen beteiligt sind, auch bei pathologischen Internet Computerspielern identifiziert werden. Die Befunde stützen das Postulat verschiedener Autoren, die die pathologische Internet Computerspielnutzung als eigenständige Entität ansehen, welche Parallelen zu substanzbezogenen und stoffungebundenen Abhängigkeiten aufweist. Weitere Studien sind nötig, um die gefundenen Mechanismen besser zu verstehen, die der pathologischen Nutzung des Internets und den spezifischen Nutzungsfacetten zu Grunde liegen

    Il disturbo da gioco d’azzardo: un confronto tra giocatori «puri» e con dipendenza da sostanze

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    Gli aspetti distintivi del gioco d’azzardo costituiscono il fulcro di un ampio corpus di studio all’interno della letteratura sulle dipendenze. Questa parte da un forte accordo nel ritenere i vari livelli di gioco come punti di un continuum, da livelli non patologici alla manifestazione di una vera e propria dipendenza, piuttosto che come categorie indipendenti tra di loro. Nonostante le diverse classificazioni proposte dagli studi compiuti in materia, è importante sottolineare l’enorme variabilità interindividuale presente tra i giocatori, che influisce, ovviamente, tanto nella prognosi quanto nel trattamento; infatti, è fondamentale tener conto degli aspetti legati all’eziologia, alle caratteristiche di personalità, psicopatologiche e cognitive, nonché ai fattori motivazionali dei giocatori, che sembrerebbero essere alla base dello sviluppo e del mantenimento della dipendenza. Cercando di colmare un gap di letteratura, si propone questo studio, il cui intento è quello di estendere la ricerca empirica, ponendo attenzione sulle differenze che vi sono tra i giocatori “puri” (assenza di altre dipendenze) e giocatori con dipendenza da sostanze, per favorire la comprensione delle caratteristiche personologiche e psicopatologiche dei giocatori d’azzardo, nelle sue peculiarità. Data l’elevata comorbidità del disturbo da gioco d’azzardo patologico con il disturbo da uso di sostanze, indagare il primo, concentrandosi principalmente sui giocatori d’azzardo puri, potrebbe fornire una migliore comprensione dei fattori sottostanti coinvolti nello sviluppo e nel mantenimento del comportamento patologico. Inoltre, risulta importante per fornire indicazioni utili per la prevenzione del disturbo, oltre che per fornire interventi clinici efficaci su misura per le caratteristiche individuali, compatibilmente con la specificità della dipendenza. Nell’elaborato, a seguito di un inquadramento nosografico del gioco d’azzardo, a partire dalla sua nascita fino alla categorizzazione all’interno dei manuali diagnostici psichiatrici, è stato dedicato uno spazio anche agli aspetti normativi nazionali e internazionali che regolano il gioco d’azzardo, oltre ad un focus sulle motivazioni che sottendono la condotta di gioco. Successivamente ci si focalizza sul tema del gioco d’azzardo patologico e le similarità e le differenze con il disturbo da uso di sostanze, passando per i costrutti che integrano variabili di tipo clinico per arrivare ad aspetti più prettamente cognitivi. Questa panoramica teorica pone le basi per lo studio empirico, condotto al fine di indagare se vi siano elementi comuni o di distinzione tra i cosiddetti giocatori d’azzardo “puri”, giocatori in comorbidità con altre dipendenze e un gruppo di controllo. La ricerca proposta è stata condotta all’interno di due comunità residenziali di recupero. Tutti i partecipanti sono stati valutati tramite misure self-report e task comportamentali. In particolare, nell’ambito di questo studio è stato costruito un task ad hoc (Gambling Affective Task) con il fine di indagare come uno specifico mood, indotto dagli stimoli presentati, possa influire sulle scelte di gioco. Lo studio, integrando aspetti clinici e cognitivi, ha permesso di rilevare peculiarità dei giocatori d’azzardo che, se ulteriormente approfondite, potrebbero rappresentare fattori su cui porre primariamente attenzione tanto nella prevenzione quanto nella riabilitazione dei giocatori

    Incidencia y factores psicosociales y familiares vinculados a la adicción a internet y a los videojuegos online: un estudio longitudinal en población adolescente

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    La evidencia indica que el uso desadaptativo de Internet puede generar un impacto negativo, pudiendo ser causa y/o consecuencia de problemas de salud. El objetivo principal de este estudio correlacional longitudinal fue revelar los factores personales, sociales y familiares que desencadenan el inicio, persistencia y remisión de la adicción a Internet (AI) y la adicción a los videojuegos (AV) en adolescentes canarios. La muestra se constituyó por 550 estudiantes de educación secundaria de colegios tanto públicos como privados, con edades comprendidas entre 11 y 18 años (M = 13.43; D. T. = 1.23). El 51.1% fueron chicos y el resto chicas. Los participantes fueron evaluados en dos momentos diferentes, pasado un periodo de nueve meses. Se incluyeron medidas de personalidad (big five, impulsividad y hostilidad), sintomatología psicopatológica (ansiedad y depresión), habilidades sociales y adaptación familiar. Análisis preliminares de correlación revelaron asociaciones entre el género masculino y el colegio privado y ambas adicciones. Además, los análisis de correlación y la regresión logística informaron que jóvenes con problemas emocionales, impulsividad, baja cordialidad y estabilidad emocional, así como disfunciones en la adaptación familiar tienen más probabilidad de desarrollar AI que aquellos sin estas características. Así mismo, problemas emocionales, un déficit en habilidades sociales, impulsividad y disfunciones familiares predisponen a los adolescentes al inicio de la AV. Por otro lado, los participantes en remisión de la AI pasado un periodo de nueve meses mostraron mejoras en depresión, hostilidad y habilidades sociales, mientras que los participantes en remisión de la AV mostraron mejoras en habilidades sociales, estabilidad emocional y disminuyeron significativamente los niveles de ansiedad y hostilidad. Estos datos proporcionan información relevante para el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención e intervención

    Facebook addiction: an exploratory study using mixed methods.

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    In light of the global popularity and ubiquity of Facebook, this thesis presents an in-depth examination of Facebook addiction. Commonly, researchers measuring potential technological addictions adapt symptoms from more established addictive disorders. However, due to the strong social focus of Facebook, it was expected that addiction to this site would also involve unique symptoms. In order to explore this potential, an exploratory mixed methods research design was used, incorporating three research phases: a systematic review of existingi nternet addiction symptoms, a small-scale qualitative study of five self-identified problematic Facebook users, and a large-scale mixed methods study of 417 general Facebook users. Thematic analysis of the qualitative responses supported all of the core symptoms of internet addiction. In terms of additional potential indicators, it seems that boredom, disconnection, and fear of missing out may be relevant to Facebook addiction. Further statistical analyses were conducted to determine whether Facebook addiction takes different forms, and to identify predictors. Cluster analysis resulted in the identification of three types of potential Facebook addicts: those heavily engaged in social activities and browsing, those who are shallowly engaged in social activities but heavily engaged in browsing, and those who are shallowly engaged both in social activities and browsing, but moderately engaged in gaming. Regression modelling was used to identify the following predictors of Facebook addiction: age, sex, level of Facebook use, and level of concern about Facebook use. This model successfully classified 86% of potential Facebook addicts. Through consideration of the results of this thesis, it was theorised that there may be four potential pathways to Facebook addiction: online social enhancement, social monitoring, procrastination, and entertainment. It was concluded that this thesis provides a first step towards understanding Facebook addiction, but that more extensive exploratory and confirmatory research is needed to obtain construct validity