1,337,322 research outputs found

    The minimal volume orientable hyperbolic 2-cusped 3-manifolds

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    We prove that the Whitehead link complement and the (-2, 3, 8) pretzel link complement are the minimal volume orientable hyperbolic 3-manifolds with two cusps, with volume 3.66... = 4 x Catalan's constant. We use topological arguments to establish the existence of an essential surface which provides a lower bound on volume and strong constraints on the manifolds that realize that lower bound.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, incorporated referees comments, includes hyperref link

    Volume Effects on the Glass Transition Dynamics

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    The role of jamming (steric constraints) and its relationship to the available volume is addressed by examining the effect that certain modifications of a glass-former have on the ratio of its isochoric and isobaric activation enthalpies. This ratio reflects the relative contribution of volume (density) and temperature (thermal energy) to the temperature-dependence of the relaxation times of liquids and polymers. We find that an increase in the available volume confers a stronger volume-dependence to the relaxation dynamics, a result at odds with free volume interpretations of the glass transition.Comment: 9 pages 5 figure

    Figures of merit for present and future dark energy probes

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    We compare current and forecasted constraints on dynamical dark energy models from Type Ia supernovae and the cosmic microwave background using figures of merit based on the volume of the allowed dark energy parameter space. For a two-parameter dark energy equation of state that varies linearly with the scale factor, and assuming a flat universe, the area of the error ellipse can be reduced by a factor of ~10 relative to current constraints by future space-based supernova data and CMB measurements from the Planck satellite. If the dark energy equation of state is described by a more general basis of principal components, the expected improvement in volume-based figures of merit is much greater. While the forecasted precision for any single parameter is only a factor of 2-5 smaller than current uncertainties, the constraints on dark energy models bounded by -1<w<1 improve for approximately 6 independent dark energy parameters resulting in a reduction of the total allowed volume of principal component parameter space by a factor of ~100. Typical quintessence models can be adequately described by just 2-3 of these parameters even given the precision of future data, leading to a more modest but still significant improvement. In addition to advances in supernova and CMB data, percent-level measurement of absolute distance and/or the expansion rate is required to ensure that dark energy constraints remain robust to variations in spatial curvature.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Warm DBI Inflation

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    We propose a warm inflationary model in the context of relativistic D-brane inflation in a warped throat, which has Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) kinetic term and is coupled to radiation through a dissipation term. The perturbation freezes at the sound horizon and the power spectrum is determined by a combination of the dissipative parameter and the sound speed parameter. The thermal dissipation ameliorates the {\it eta} problem and softens theoretical constraints from the extra-dimensional volume and from observational bounds on the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The warm DBI model can lead to appreciable non-Gaussianity of the equilateral type. As a phenomenological model, ignoring compactification constraints, we show that large-field warm inflation models do not necessarily yield a large tensor-to-scalar ratio.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, IPMU-10-019

    Why multi-tracer surveys beat cosmic variance

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    Galaxy surveys that map multiple species of tracers of large-scale structure can improve the constraints on some cosmological parameters far beyond the limits imposed by a simplistic interpretation of cosmic variance. This enhancement derives from comparing the relative clustering between different tracers of large-scale structure. We present a simple but fully generic expression for the Fisher information matrix of surveys with any (discrete) number of tracers, and show that the enhancement of the constraints on bias-sensitive parameters are a straightforward consequence of this multi-tracer Fisher matrix. In fact, the relative clustering amplitudes between tracers are eigenvectors of this multi-tracer Fisher matrix. The diagonalized multi-tracer Fisher matrix clearly shows that while the effective volume is bounded by the physical volume of the survey, the relational information between species is unbounded. As an application, we study the expected enhancements in the constraints of realistic surveys that aim at mapping several different types of tracers of large-scale structure. The gain obtained by combining multiple tracers is highest at low redshifts, and in one particular scenario we analyzed, the enhancement can be as large as a factor of ~3 for the accuracy in the determination of the redshift distortion parameter, and a factor ~5 for the local non-Gaussianity parameter. Radial and angular distance determinations from the baryonic features in the power spectrum may also benefit from the multi-tracer approach.Comment: New references included; 9 pages, 9 figure

    Are Small Hyperbolic Universes Observationally Detectable?

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    Using recent observational constraints on cosmological density parameters, together with recent mathematical results concerning small volume hyperbolic manifolds, we argue that, by employing pattern repetitions, the topology of nearly flat small hyperbolic universes can be observationally undetectable. This is important in view of the facts that quantum cosmology may favour hyperbolic universes with small volumes, and from the expectation coming from inflationary scenarios, that Ω0\Omega_0 is likely to be very close to one.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2e. A reference and two footnotes added. To appear in Class. Quantum Grav. 18 (2001) in the present for

    Topological gravity localization on a delta-function like Brane

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    Besides the String Theory context, the quantum General Relativity can be studied by the use of constrained topological field theories. In the celebrated Plebanski formalism, the constraints connecting topological field theories and gravity are imposed in space-times with trivial topology. In the braneworld context there are two distinct regions of the space-time, namely, the bulk and the braneworld volume. In this work we show how to construct topological gravity in a scenario containing one extra dimension and a delta-function like 3-brane which naturally emerges from a spontaneously broken discrete symmetry. Starting from a D=5 theory we obtain the action for General Relativity in the Palatini form in the bulk as well as in the braneworld volume. This result is important for future insights about quantum gravity in brane scenarios.Comment: 4 page

    Volume fluctuations and geometrical constraints in granular packs

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    Structural organization and correlations are studied in very large packings of equally sized acrylic spheres, reconstructed in three-dimensions by means of X-ray computed tomography. A novel technique, devised to analyze correlations among more than two spheres, shows that the structural organization can be conveniently studied in terms of a space-filling packing of irregular tetrahedra. The study of the volume distribution of such tetrahedra reveals an exponential decay in the region of large volumes; a behavior that is in very good quantitative agreement with theoretical prediction. I argue that the system's structure can be described as constituted of two phases: 1) an `unconstrained' phase which freely shares the volume; 2) a `constrained' phase which assumes configurations accordingly with the geometrical constraints imposed by the condition of non-overlapping between spheres and mechanical stability. The granular system exploits heterogeneity maximizing freedom and entropy while constraining mechanical stability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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