18 research outputs found

    Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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    Predicting the number of clock cycles a processor takes to execute a block of assembly instructions in steady state (the throughput) is important for both compiler designers and performance engineers. Building an analytical model to do so is especially complicated in modern x86-64 Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) machines with sophisticated processor microarchitectures in that it is tedious, error prone, and must be performed from scratch for each processor generation. In this paper we present Ithemal, the first tool which learns to predict the throughput of a set of instructions. Ithemal uses a hierarchical LSTM--based approach to predict throughput based on the opcodes and operands of instructions in a basic block. We show that Ithemal is more accurate than state-of-the-art hand-written tools currently used in compiler backends and static machine code analyzers. In particular, our model has less than half the error of state-of-the-art analytical models (LLVM's llvm-mca and Intel's IACA). Ithemal is also able to predict these throughput values just as fast as the aforementioned tools, and is easily ported across a variety of processor microarchitectures with minimal developer effort.Comment: Published at 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201


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    The integrated approaches for instruction scheduling and register allocation have been promising area of research for code generation and compiler optimization. In this paper we have proposed an integrated algorithm for instruction scheduling and register allocation and implemented it for compiler optimization in machine description in trimaran infrastructure for exploitation of Instruction level parallelism. Our implementation in trimaran infrastructure shows that our scheduler reduces the number of active live ranges dealt with linear scan allocator. As a result only few spills were needed and the quality of the code generated was improved. For our experiments we used 20 benchmarks available with trimaran infrastructure for HPL-PD architecture. We compare some of these results with results obtained by Haijing Tang et al (2013) performed by LLVM compiler on MIPS architecture. For our experimental work we added machine description (MDES) targeted to HL-PD architecture. The implemented algorithm is based on subgraph isomorphism. The input program is represented in the form of directed acyclic graph (DAG). The vertices of the DAG represent the instructions, input and output operands of the program, while the edges represent dependencies among the instructions

    uiCA : Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures

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    Performance models that statically predict the steady-state throughput of basic blocks on particular microarchitectures, such as IACA, Ithemal, llvm-mca, OSACA, or CQA, can guide optimizing compilers and aid manual software optimization. However, their utility heavily depends on the accuracy of their predictions. The average error of existing models compared to measurements on the actual hardware has been shown to lie between 9% and 36%. But how good is this? To answer this question, we propose an extremely simple analytical throughput model that may serve as a baseline. Surprisingly, this model is already competitive with the state of the art, indicating that there is significant potential for improvement. To explore this potential, we develop a simulation-based throughput predictor. To this end, we propose a detailed parametric pipeline model that supports all Intel Core microarchitecture generations released between 2011 and 2021. We evaluate our predictor on an improved version of the BHive benchmark suite and show that its predictions are usually within 1% of measurement results, improving upon prior models by roughly an order of magnitude. The experimental evaluation also demonstrates that several microarchitectural details considered to be rather insignificant in previous work, are in fact essential for accurate prediction. Our throughput predictor is available as open source

    uiCA : Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures

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    Performance models that statically predict the steady-state throughput of basic blocks on particular microarchitectures, such as IACA, Ithemal, llvm-mca, OSACA, or CQA, can guide optimizing compilers and aid manual software optimization. However, their utility heavily depends on the accuracy of their predictions. The average error of existing models compared to measurements on the actual hardware has been shown to lie between 9% and 36%. But how good is this? To answer this question, we propose an extremely simple analytical throughput model that may serve as a baseline. Surprisingly, this model is already competitive with the state of the art, indicating that there is significant potential for improvement. To explore this potential, we develop a simulation-based throughput predictor. To this end, we propose a detailed parametric pipeline model that supports all Intel Core microarchitecture generations released between 2011 and 2021. We evaluate our predictor on an improved version of the BHive benchmark suite and show that its predictions are usually within 1% of measurement results, improving upon prior models by roughly an order of magnitude. The experimental evaluation also demonstrates that several microarchitectural details considered to be rather insignificant in previous work, are in fact essential for accurate prediction. Our throughput predictor is available as open source

    Survey on Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling

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    Register allocation (mapping variables to processor registers or memory) and instruction scheduling (reordering instructions to increase instruction-level parallelism) are essential tasks for generating efficient assembly code in a compiler. In the last three decades, combinatorial optimization has emerged as an alternative to traditional, heuristic algorithms for these two tasks. Combinatorial optimization approaches can deliver optimal solutions according to a model, can precisely capture trade-offs between conflicting decisions, and are more flexible at the expense of increased compilation time. This paper provides an exhaustive literature review and a classification of combinatorial optimization approaches to register allocation and instruction scheduling, with a focus on the techniques that are most applied in this context: integer programming, constraint programming, partitioned Boolean quadratic programming, and enumeration. Researchers in compilers and combinatorial optimization can benefit from identifying developments, trends, and challenges in the area; compiler practitioners may discern opportunities and grasp the potential benefit of applying combinatorial optimization

    Trace-based Register Allocation in a JIT Compiler

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    State-of-the-art dynamic compilers often use global approaches, like Linear Scan or Graph Coloring, for register allocation. These algorithms consider the complete compilation unit for allocation, which increases the complexity of the implementation (e.g., support for lifetime holes in Linear Scan) and potentially also affects compilation time. We propose a novel non-global algorithm, which splits a compilation unit into traces based on profiling feedback and subsequently performs register allocation within each trace individually. Traces reduce the problem size to a single linear code segment, which simplifies the problem a register allocator needs to solve. Additionally, we can apply different register allocation algorithms to each trace. We show that this non-global approach can achieve results competitive to global register allocation. We present an implementation of Trace Register Allocation based on the Graal VM and show an evaluation for common Java benchmarks. We demonstrate that performance of this non-global approach is within 3% (on AMD64) and 1% (on SPARC) of global Linear Scan register allocation.(VLID)247065

    Processor Models For Instruction Scheduling using Constraint Programming

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    Instruction scheduling is one of the most important optimisations performed when producing code in a compiler. The problem consists of finding a minimum length schedule subject to latency and different resource constraints. This is a hard problem, classically approached by heuristic algorithms. In the last decade, research interest has shifted from heuristic to potentially optimal methods. When using optimal methods, a lot of compilation time is spent searching for an optimal solution. This makes it important that the problem definition reflects the reality of the processor. In this work, a constraint programming approach was used to study the impact that the model detail has on performance. Several models of a superscalar processor were embedded in LLVM and evaluated using SPEC CPU2000. The result shows that there is substantial performance to be gained, over 5% for some programs. The stability of the improvement is heavily dependent on the accuracy of the model

    Survey on Instruction Selection: An Extensive and Modern Literature Review

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    Instruction selection is one of three optimisation problems involved in the code generator backend of a compiler. The instruction selector is responsible of transforming an input program from its target-independent representation into a target-specific form by making best use of the available machine instructions. Hence instruction selection is a crucial part of efficient code generation. Despite on-going research since the late 1960s, the last, comprehensive survey on the field was written more than 30 years ago. As new approaches and techniques have appeared since its publication, this brings forth a need for a new, up-to-date review of the current body of literature. This report addresses that need by performing an extensive review and categorisation of existing research. The report therefore supersedes and extends the previous surveys, and also attempts to identify where future research should be directed.Comment: Major changes: - Merged simulation chapter with macro expansion chapter - Addressed misunderstandings of several approaches - Completely rewrote many parts of the chapters; strengthened the discussion of many approaches - Revised the drawing of all trees and graphs to put the root at the top instead of at the bottom - Added appendix for listing the approaches in a table See doc for more inf