554 research outputs found

    Particle Swarm Optimization for HW/SW Partitioning

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    Bioinspired Computing: Swarm Intelligence

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    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    Detection And Classification Of Buried Radioactive Materials

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    This dissertation develops new approaches for detection and classification of buried radioactive materials. Different spectral transformation methods are proposed to effectively suppress noise and to better distinguish signal features in the transformed space. The contributions of this dissertation are detailed as follows. 1) Propose an unsupervised method for buried radioactive material detection. In the experiments, the original Reed-Xiaoli (RX) algorithm performs similarly as the gross count (GC) method; however, the constrained energy minimization (CEM) method performs better if using feature vectors selected from the RX output. Thus, an unsupervised method is developed by combining the RX and CEM methods, which can efficiently suppress the background noise when applied to the dimensionality-reduced data from principle component analysis (PCA). 2) Propose an approach for buried target detection and classification, which applies spectral transformation followed by noisejusted PCA (NAPCA). To meet the requirement of practical survey mapping, we focus on the circumstance when sensor dwell time is very short. The results show that spectral transformation can alleviate the effects from spectral noisy variation and background clutters, while NAPCA, a better choice than PCA, can extract key features for the following detection and classification. 3) Propose a particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based system to automatically determine the optimal partition for spectral transformation. Two PSOs are incorporated in the system with the outer one being responsible for selecting the optimal number of bins and the inner one for optimal bin-widths. The experimental results demonstrate that using variable bin-widths is better than a fixed bin-width, and PSO can provide better results than the traditional Powell’s method. 4) Develop parallel implementation schemes for the PSO-based spectral partition algorithm. Both cluster and graphics processing units (GPU) implementation are designed. The computational burden of serial version has been greatly reduced. The experimental results also show that GPU algorithm has similar speedup as cluster-based algorithm

    Faster Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization via GALE, the Geometric Active Learner

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    Goal optimization has long been a topic of great interest in computer science. The literature contains many thousands of papers that discuss methods for the search of optimal solutions to complex problems. In the case of multi-objective optimization, such a search yields iteratively improved approximations to the Pareto frontier, i.e. the set of best solutions contained along a trade-off curve of competing objectives.;To approximate the Pareto frontier, one method that is ubiquitous throughout the field of optimization is stochastic search. Stochastic search engines explore solution spaces by randomly mutating candidate guesses to generate new solutions. This mutation policy is employed by the most commonly used tools (e.g. NSGA-II, SPEA2, etc.), with the goal of a) avoiding local optima, and b) expand upon diversity in the set of generated approximations. Such blind mutation policies explore many sub-optimal solutions that are discarded when better solutions are found. Hence, this approach has two problems. Firstly, stochastic search can be unnecessarily computationally expensive due to evaluating an overwhelming number of candidates. Secondly, the generated approximations to the Pareto frontier are usually very large, and can be difficult to understand.;To solve these two problems, a more-directed, less-stochastic approach than standard search tools is necessary. This thesis presents GALE (Geometric Active Learning). GALE is an active learner that finds approximations to the Pareto frontier by spectrally clustering candidates using a near-linear time recursive descent algorithm that iteratively divides candidates into halves (called leaves at the bottom level). Active learning in GALE selects a minimally most-informative subset of candidates by only evaluating the two-most different candidates during each descending split; hence, GALE only requires at most, 2Log2(N) evaluations per generation. The candidates of each leaf are thereafter non-stochastically mutated in the most promising directions along each piece. Those leafs are piece-wise approximations to the Pareto frontier.;The experiments of this thesis lead to the following conclusion: a near-linear time recursive binary division of the decision space of candidates in a multi-objective optimization algorithm can find useful directions to mutate instances and find quality solutions much faster than traditional randomization approaches. Specifically, in comparative studies with standard methods (NSGA-II and SPEA2) applied to a variety of models, GALE required orders of magnitude fewer evaluations to find solutions. As a result, GALE can perform dramatically faster than the other methods, especially for realistic models

    Treasure hunt : a framework for cooperative, distributed parallel optimization

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Daniel WeingaertnerCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Myriam Regattieri DelgadoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/05/2019Inclui referências: p. 18-20Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho propõe um framework multinível chamado Treasure Hunt, que é capaz de distribuir algoritmos de busca independentes para um grande número de nós de processamento. Com o objetivo de obter uma convergência conjunta entre os nós, este framework propõe um mecanismo de direcionamento que controla suavemente a cooperação entre múltiplas instâncias independentes do Treasure Hunt. A topologia em árvore proposta pelo Treasure Hunt garante a rápida propagação da informação pelos nós, ao mesmo tempo em que provê simutaneamente explorações (pelos nós-pai) e intensificações (pelos nós-filho), em vários níveis de granularidade, independentemente do número de nós na árvore. O Treasure Hunt tem boa tolerância à falhas e está parcialmente preparado para uma total tolerância à falhas. Como parte dos métodos desenvolvidos durante este trabalho, um método automatizado de Particionamento Iterativo foi proposto para controlar o balanceamento entre explorações e intensificações ao longo da busca. Uma Modelagem de Estabilização de Convergência para operar em modo Online também foi proposto, com o objetivo de encontrar pontos de parada com bom custo/benefício para os algoritmos de otimização que executam dentro das instâncias do Treasure Hunt. Experimentos em benchmarks clássicos, aleatórios e de competição, de vários tamanhos e complexidades, usando os algoritmos de busca PSO, DE e CCPSO2, mostram que o Treasure Hunt melhora as características inerentes destes algoritmos de busca. O Treasure Hunt faz com que os algoritmos de baixa performance se tornem comparáveis aos de boa performance, e os algoritmos de boa performance possam estender seus limites até problemas maiores. Experimentos distribuindo instâncias do Treasure Hunt, em uma rede cooperativa de até 160 processos, demonstram a escalabilidade robusta do framework, apresentando melhoras nos resultados mesmo quando o tempo de processamento é fixado (wall-clock) para todas as instâncias distribuídas do Treasure Hunt. Resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de amostragem fornecido pelo Treasure Hunt, aliado à maior cooperação entre as múltiplas populações em evolução, reduzem a necessidade de grandes populações e de algoritmos de busca complexos. Isto é especialmente importante em problemas de mundo real que possuem funções de fitness muito custosas. Palavras-chave: Inteligência artificial. Métodos de otimização. Algoritmos distribuídos. Modelagem de convergência. Alta dimensionalidade.Abstract: This work proposes a multilevel framework called Treasure Hunt, which is capable of distributing independent search algorithms to a large number of processing nodes. Aiming to obtain joint convergences between working nodes, Treasure Hunt proposes a driving mechanism that smoothly controls the cooperation between the multiple independent Treasure Hunt instances. The tree topology proposed by Treasure Hunt ensures quick propagation of information, while providing simultaneous explorations (by parents) and exploitations (by children), on several levels of granularity, regardless the number of nodes in the tree. Treasure Hunt has good fault tolerance and is partially prepared to full fault tolerance. As part of the methods developed during this work, an automated Iterative Partitioning method is proposed to control the balance between exploration and exploitation as the search progress. A Convergence Stabilization Modeling to operate in Online mode is also proposed, aiming to find good cost/benefit stopping points for the optimization algorithms running within the Treasure Hunt instances. Experiments on classic, random and competition benchmarks of various sizes and complexities, using the search algorithms PSO, DE and CCPSO2, show that Treasure Hunt boosts the inherent characteristics of these search algorithms. Treasure Hunt makes algorithms with poor performances to become comparable to good ones, and algorithms with good performances to be capable of extending their limits to larger problems. Experiments distributing Treasure Hunt instances in a cooperative network up to 160 processes show the robust scaling of the framework, presenting improved results even when fixing a wall-clock time for the instances. Results show that the sampling mechanism provided by Treasure Hunt, allied to the increased cooperation between multiple evolving populations, reduce the need for large population sizes and complex search algorithms. This is specially important on real-world problems with time-consuming fitness functions. Keywords: Artificial intelligence. Optimization methods. Distributed algorithms. Convergence modeling. High dimensionality

    An Integrated Method Based on PSO and EDA for the Max-Cut Problem

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    The max-cut problem is NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with many real world applications. In this paper, we propose an integrated method based on particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm (PSO-EDA) for solving the max-cut problem. The integrated algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm. To enhance the performance of the PSO-EDA, a fast local search procedure is applied. In addition, a path relinking procedure is developed to intensify the search. To evaluate the performance of PSO-EDA, extensive experiments were carried out on two sets of benchmark instances with 800 to 20000 vertices from the literature. Computational results and comparisons show that PSO-EDA significantly outperforms the existing PSO-based and EDA-based algorithms for the max-cut problem. Compared with other best performing algorithms, PSO-EDA is able to find very competitive results in terms of solution quality