20 research outputs found

    Some subsystems of constant-depth Frege with parity

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    We consider three relatively strong families of subsystems of AC0[2]-Frege proof systems, i.e., propositional proof systems using constant-depth formulas with an additional parity connective, for which exponential lower bounds on proof size are known. In order of increasing strength, the subsystems are (i) constant-depth proof systems with parity axioms and the (ii) treelike and (iii) daglike versions of systems introduced by Krajíček which we call PKcd(⊕). In a PKcd(⊕)-proof, lines are disjunctions (cedents) in which all disjuncts have depth at most d, parities can only appear as the outermost connectives of disjuncts, and all but c disjuncts contain no parity connective at all. We prove that treelike PKO(1)O(1)(⊕) is quasipolynomially but not polynomially equivalent to constant-depth systems with parity axioms. We also verify that the technique for separating parity axioms from parity connectives due to Impagliazzo and Segerlind can be adapted to give a superpolynomial separation between daglike PKO(1)O(1)(⊕) and AC0[2]-Frege; the technique is inherently unable to prove superquasipolynomial separations. We also study proof systems related to the system Res-Lin introduced by Itsykson and Sokolov. We prove that an extension of treelike Res-Lin is polynomially simulated by a system related to daglike PKO(1)O(1)(⊕), and obtain an exponential lower bound for this system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Proof complexity lower bounds from algebraic circuit complexity

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    We give upper and lower bounds on the power of subsystems of the Ideal Proof System (IPS), the algebraic proof system recently proposed by Grochow and Pitassi, where the circuits comprising the proof come from various restricted algebraic circuit classes. This mimics an established research direction in the boolean setting for subsystems of Extended Frege proofs, where proof-lines are circuits from restricted boolean circuit classes. Except one, all of the subsystems considered in this paper can simulate the well-studied Nullstellensatz proof system, and prior to this work there were no known lower bounds when measuring proof size by the algebraic complexity of the polynomials (except with respect to degree, or to sparsity). We give two general methods of converting certain algebraic lower bounds into proof complexity ones. Our methods require stronger notions of lower bounds, which lower bound a polynomial as well as an entire family of polynomials it defines. Our techniques are reminiscent of existing methods for converting boolean circuit lower bounds into related proof complexity results, such as feasible interpolation. We obtain the relevant types of lower bounds for a variety of classes (sparse polynomials, depth-3 powering formulas, read-once oblivious algebraic branching programs, and multilinear formulas), and infer the relevant proof complexity results. We complement our lower bounds by giving short refutations of the previously-studied subset-sum axiom using IPS subsystems, allowing us to conclude strict separations between some of these subsystems

    A Complexity Gap for Tree-Resolution

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    It is shown that any sequence  psi_n of tautologies which expresses thevalidity of a fixed combinatorial principle either is "easy" i.e. has polynomialsize tree-resolution proofs or is "difficult" i.e requires exponentialsize tree-resolution proofs. It is shown that the class of tautologies whichare hard (for tree-resolution) is identical to the class of tautologies whichare based on combinatorial principles which are violated for infinite sets.Actually it is shown that the gap-phenomena is valid for tautologies basedon infinite mathematical theories (i.e. not just based on a single proposition).We clarify the link between translating combinatorial principles (ormore general statements from predicate logic) and the recent idea of using the symmetrical group to generate problems of propositional logic.Finally, we show that it is undecidable whether a sequence  psi_n (of thekind we consider) has polynomial size tree-resolution proofs or requiresexponential size tree-resolution proofs. Also we show that the degree ofthe polynomial in the polynomial size (in case it exists) is non-recursive,but semi-decidable.Keywords: Logical aspects of Complexity, Propositional proof complexity,Resolution proofs.

    Proof Complexity Lower Bounds from Algebraic Circuit Complexity

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    We give upper and lower bounds on the power of subsystems of the Ideal Proof System (IPS), the algebraic proof system recently proposed by Grochow and Pitassi (J. ACM, 2018), where the circuits comprising the proof come from various restricted algebraic circuit classes. This mimics an established research direction in the Boolean setting for subsystems of Extended Frege proofs, where proof-lines are circuits from restricted Boolean circuit classes. Except one, all of the subsystems considered in this paper can simulate the well-studied Nullstellensatz proof system, and prior to this work there were no known lower bounds when measuring proof size by the algebraic complexity of the polynomials (except with respect to degree, or to sparsity). We give two general methods of converting certain algebraic circuit lower bounds into proof complexity ones. However, we need to strengthen existing lower bounds to hold for either the functional model or for multiplicities (see below). Our techniques are reminiscent of existing methods for converting Boolean circuit lower bounds into related proof complexity results, such as feasible interpolation. We obtain the relevant types of lower bounds for a variety of classes (sparse polynomials, depth-3 powering formulas, read-once oblivious algebraic branching programs, and multilinear formulas), and infer the relevant proof complexity results. We complement our lower bounds by giving short refutations of the previously studied subset-sum axiom using IPS subsystems, allowing us to conclude strict separations between some of these subsystems. Our first method is a functional lower bound, a notion due to Grigoriev and Razborov (Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput., 2000), which says that not only does a polynomial f require large algebraic circuits, but that any polynomial g agreeing with f on the Boolean cube also requires large algebraic circuits. For our classes of interest, we develop functional lower bounds where g(x¯¯¯) equals 1/p(x¯¯¯) where p is a constant-degree polynomial, which in turn yield corresponding IPS lower bounds for proving that p is nonzero over the Boolean cube. In particular, we show superpolynomial lower bounds for refuting variants of the subset-sum axiom in various IPS subsystems. Our second method is to give lower bounds for multiples, that is, to give explicit polynomials whose all (nonzero) multiples require large algebraic circuit complexity. By extending known techniques, we are able to obtain such lower bounds for our classes of interest, which we then use to derive corresponding IPS lower bounds. Such lower bounds for multiples are of independent interest, as they have tight connections with the algebraic hardness versus randomness paradigm

    Lifting with Simple Gadgets and Applications to Circuit and Proof Complexity

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    We significantly strengthen and generalize the theorem lifting Nullstellensatz degree to monotone span program size by Pitassi and Robere (2018) so that it works for any gadget with high enough rank, in particular, for useful gadgets such as equality and greater-than. We apply our generalized theorem to solve two open problems: * We present the first result that demonstrates a separation in proof power for cutting planes with unbounded versus polynomially bounded coefficients. Specifically, we exhibit CNF formulas that can be refuted in quadratic length and constant line space in cutting planes with unbounded coefficients, but for which there are no refutations in subexponential length and subpolynomial line space if coefficients are restricted to be of polynomial magnitude. * We give the first explicit separation between monotone Boolean formulas and monotone real formulas. Specifically, we give an explicit family of functions that can be computed with monotone real formulas of nearly linear size but require monotone Boolean formulas of exponential size. Previously only a non-explicit separation was known. An important technical ingredient, which may be of independent interest, is that we show that the Nullstellensatz degree of refuting the pebbling formula over a DAG G over any field coincides exactly with the reversible pebbling price of G. In particular, this implies that the standard decision tree complexity and the parity decision tree complexity of the corresponding falsified clause search problem are equal