9 research outputs found

    Оценивание устойчивости локальных весов альтернатив решений на основе метода парных сравнений

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    ;;;;Розроблено метод оцінювання стійкості локальних ваг альтернатив рішень за якісною характеристикою на основі методу парних порівнянь RGMM, який включає оцінювання стійкості локального ранжування альтернатив рішень до змін в експертних оцінках парних порівнянь і оцінювання стійкості узгодженості множини експертних оцінок парних порівнянь до зміни окремих оцінок. Отримано розрахункові формули для інтервалів стійкості елементів матриці парних порівнянь (оцінок експертів) щодо зміни локального ранжування альтернатив рішень. Побудовано інтервали стійкості, що дозволяють знайти критичні елементи задачі, які є експертними оцінками парних порівнянь, чутливими до зміни локального ранжування альтернатив, та експертними оцінками, що характеризуються найбільшою неузгодженістю.The pairwise comparison method is used to solve poorly structured problems of decision making, for the calculation of relative weights of decision alternatives in terms of quality characteristic (decision criterion) on the basis of expert judgments of alternatives. In this paper, a method for estimating the stability of local weights of decision alternatives is developed. This method is used when local weights are calculated on the basis of the RGMM. The developed method includes: an estimation of the stability of the local ranking of decision alternatives to changes in expert pairwise comparison judgments and an estimation of the stability of consistency of expert pairwise comparison judgments to a change of a single judgment. The formulas are devised for calculating the stability intervals of expert pairwise comparison judgments as to changes of local ranking of decision alternatives. Stability intervals are proposed for finding critical elements of a decision-making problem. These critical elements are expert judgments that are sensitive to changes of a local ranking of alternatives and the most inconsistent expert judgments.Разработан метод оценивания устойчивости локальных весов альтернатив решений по качественной характеристике на основе метода парных сравнений RGMM, включающий оценивание устойчивости локального ранжирования альтернатив решений к изменениям в экспертных оценках парных сравнений и оценивание устойчивости согласованности множества экспертных оценок парных сравнений к изменению отдельных оценок. Получены расчетные формулы для интервалов устойчивости элементов матрицы парных сравнений (оценок экспертов) касательно изменения локального ранжирования альтернатив решений. Построены интервалы устойчивости, позволяющие найти критические элементы задачи, которые являются экспертными оценками парных сравнений, чувствительными к изменениям локального ранжирования альтернатив, и экспертными оценками, характеризующими наибольшей несогласованностью

    Оцінювання стійкості локальних ваг альтернатив рішень на основі методу парних порівнянь

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    Розроблено метод оцінювання стійкості локальних ваг альтернатив рішень за якісною характеристикою на основі методу парних порівнянь RGMM, який включає оцінювання стійкості локального ранжування альтернатив рішень до змін в експертних оцінках парних порівнянь і оцінювання стійкості узгодженості множини експертних оцінок парних порівнянь до зміни окремих оцінок. Отримано розрахункові формули для інтервалів стійкості елементів матриці парних порівнянь (оцінок експертів) щодо зміни локального ранжування альтернатив рішень. Побудовано інтервали стійкості, що дозволяють знайти критичні елементи задачі, які є експертними оцінками парних порівнянь, чутливими до зміни локального ранжування альтернатив, та експертними оцінками, що характеризуються найбільшою неузгодженістю.Разработан метод оценивания устойчивости локальных весов альтернатив решений по качественной характеристике на основе метода парных сравнений RGMM, включающий оценивание устойчивости локального ранжирования альтернатив решений к изменениям в экспертных оценках парных сравнений и оценивание устойчивости согласованности множества экспертных оценок парных сравнений к изменению отдельных оценок. Получены расчетные формулы для интервалов устойчивости элементов матрицы парных сравнений (оценок экспертов) касательно изменения локального ранжирования альтернатив решений. Построены интервалы устойчивости, позволяющие найти критические элементы задачи, которые являются экспертными оценками парных сравнений, чувствительными к изменениям локального ранжирования альтернатив, и экспертными оценками, характеризующими наибольшей несогласованностью.The pairwise comparison method is used to solve poorly structured problems of decision making, for the calculation of relative weights of decision alternatives in terms of quality characteristic (decision criterion) on the basis of expert judgments of alternatives. In this paper, a method for estimating the stability of local weights of decision alternatives is developed. This method is used when local weights are calculated on the basis of the RGMM. The developed method includes: an estimation of the stability of the local ranking of decision alternatives to changes in expert pairwise comparison judgments and an estimation of the stability of consistency of expert pairwise comparison judgments to a change of a single judgment. The formulas are devised for calculating the stability intervals of expert pairwise comparison judgments as to changes of local ranking of decision alternatives. Stability intervals are proposed for finding critical elements of a decision-making problem. These critical elements are expert judgments that are sensitive to changes of a local ranking of alternatives and the most inconsistent expert judgments

    AHP-group decision making based on consistency

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    The Precise consistency consensus matrix (PCCM) is a consensus matrix for AHP-group decision making in which the value of each entry belongs, simultaneously, to all the individual consistency stability intervals. This new consensus matrix has shown significantly better behaviour with regards to consistency than other group consensus matrices, but it is slightly worse in terms of compatibility, understood as the discrepancy between the individual positions and the collective position that synthesises them. This paper includes an iterative algorithm for improving the compatibility of the PCCM. The sequence followed to modify the judgments of the PCCM is given by the entries that most contribute to the overall compatibility of the group. The procedure is illustrated by means of its application to a real-life situation (a local context) with three decision makers and four alternatives. The paper also offers, for the first time in the scientific literature, a detailed explanation of the process followed to solve the optimisation problem proposed for the consideration of different weights for the decision makers in the calculation of the PCCM

    Analytic hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution: a bibliometric analysis from past, present and future of AHP and TOPSIS

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    Previous review papers on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) mainly focused on the application areas and paid scant attention to the framework development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), type of scale used in AHP, modified AHP, rank reversal problem of AHP, validation of AHP, application of AHP, TOPSIS, normalization methods for TOPSIS, distance functions for TOPSIS, fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS, rank reversal problem of TOPSIS and various applications of TOPSIS to prepare a readymade reference for academician, research scholar and industry people. In this regard, research works are gathered from 1980 to 2013 (searched via ScienceDirect, IEEE etc) and out of which 61 research papers are critically assayed to depict the development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. Meaningful information and critical remarks are summarized in various tabular formats and charts to give readers easy information

    Analytic hierarchy process and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution: a bibliometric analysis from past, present and future of AHP and TOPSIS

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    Previous review papers on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) mainly focused on the application areas and paid scant attention to the framework development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), type of scale used in AHP, modified AHP, rank reversal problem of AHP, validation of AHP, application of AHP, TOPSIS, normalization methods for TOPSIS, distance functions for TOPSIS, fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS, rank reversal problem of TOPSIS and various applications of TOPSIS to prepare a readymade reference for academician, research scholar and industry people. In this regard, research works are gathered from 1980 to 2013 (searched via ScienceDirect, IEEE etc) and out of which 61 research papers are critically assayed to depict the development of AHP, TOPSIS and their hybrid methods. Meaningful information and critical remarks are summarized in various tabular formats and charts to give readers easy information

    Viabilidad integral de las rutas de transporte urbano en Zaragoza

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    [EN] Since the beginning of the 21st century special attention has been paid to the incorporation into the decisional processes of the intangible, subjective and emotional aspects associated with the fundamental element of the Knowledge Society, the human factor. In this context, in accordance with the comprehensive vision that is being followed in the field of civil engineering, the present Final Degree Project aims to incorporate these intangible and subjective aspects, mainly associated with social and environmental aspects, together with tangible, objective and rational (economic and technological) associated with the traditional scientific method, in the design of urban public transport routes. For this purpose, a multicriteria methodology will be followed that, based on the Hierarchical Analytical Process, allows: (i) to evaluate the integral viability of the routes currently existing in the reference city, Zaragoza in this case; (ii) identify the least effective routes and (iii) select among the potential improvements that which contemplates simultaneously technological, economic, social and environmental criteria is better.[CA] Des de començaments del segle XXI s'està prestant una atenció especial a la incorporació en els processos de decisió dels aspectes intangibles, subjectius i emocionals associats a l'element fonamental de la Societat del Coneixement, el factor humà. En aquest context, d'acord amb la visió integral que s'està seguint en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria civil, el present Treball Fi de Grau pretén incorporar aquests aspectes intangibles i subjectius, associats fonamentalment als aspectes socials i ambientals, al costat dels tangibles, objectius i racionals (econòmics i tecnològics) associats al mètode científic tradicional, en el disseny de rutes de transport públic urbanes. Per a això, se seguirà una metodologia multicriteri que, basada en el Procés Analític Jeràrquic, permeti: (i) avaluar la viabilitat integral de les rutes actualment existents a la ciutat de referència, Zaragoza en aquest cas; (Ii) identificar les rutes menys eficaços i (iii) seleccionar entre les potencials millores aquella que contemplant simultàniament criteris tecnològics, econòmics, socials i ambientals sigui millor.[ES] Desde comienzos del siglo XXI se está prestando una atención especial a la incorporación en los procesos decisionales de los aspectos intangibles, subjetivos y emocionales asociados al elemento fundamental de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, el factor humano. En este contexto, conforme a la visión integral que se está siguiendo en el ámbito de la ingeniería civil, el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado pretende incorporar estos aspectos intangibles y subjetivos, asociados fundamentalmente a los aspectos sociales y ambientales, junto a los tangibles, objetivos y racionales (económicos y tecnológicos) asociados al método científico tradicional, en el diseño de rutas de transporte público urbanas. Para ello, se va a seguir una metodología multicriterio que, basada en el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico, permita: (i) evaluar la viabilidad integral de las rutas actualmente existentes en la ciudad de referencia, Zaragoza en este caso; (ii) identificar las rutas menos eficaces y (iii) seleccionar entre las potenciales mejoras aquella que contemplando simultáneamente criterios tecnológicos, económicos, sociales y ambientales sea mejor.Moreno Loscertales, JM. (2018). Viabilidad integral de las rutas de transporte urbano en Zaragoza. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/114223Archivo delegad

    Development of a project complexity assessment method for energy megaprojects

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    Megaprojects are characterised by their large-scale capital expenditure, long duration and significant levels of technical and process complexity. Empirical data show that megaprojects in the energy sector experience alarming rates of failure, such as cost overruns, delays in completion and production shortfalls. One of the main causes of failure is their high level of complexity and the absence of effective tools to assess and manage it. Project complexity has received increasing attention in recent years, both in academia and the industry. However, there is still a lack of consensus on a clear definition for ‘project complexity’ or a comprehensive list of complexity indicators, specifically for energy megaprojects. Furthermore, there is also a lack of a widely accepted assessment method to measure project complexity in a quantitative manner. This study is carried out in response to these problems. First, it develops a taxonomy of project complexity indicators on the basis of a comprehensive review and synthesis of existing literature. It includes 51 internal and external Project Complexity Indicators (PCIs) in a logical hierarchical structure; these indicators specify the aspects that need to be measured when assessing project complexity. Second, weights for all indicators are established through an integrated Delphi-AHP method, with the participation of 20 international experts. Finally, the study specifies Numerical Scoring Criteria (NSCs) for all indicators based on a synthesis of existing knowledge about megaprojects. The criteria specify the scoring thresholds, on a 1-5 scale, for each indicator. These three components constitute a new Project Complexity Assessment (PCA) method, which is implemented as a spreadsheet PCA tool. The developed tool allows a project team to assess and score their project in each of the PCIs against the defined criteria. It then calculates two separate complexity indices for internal and external factors; the results indicate the complexity level of the project. Complexity profiles are also produced to illustrate the complexity scores of different categories of PCIs. The PCA method is tested using an energy megaproject case study. The results demonstrate not only that the tool can help a project team understand the complexity of their project, but also it can help the team to develop appropriate complexity management strategies by comparing the assessment results of different projects

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner