14 research outputs found

    Consistency of systematic chemical identifiers within and between small-molecule databases

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    Background: Correctness of structures and associated metadata within public and commercial chemical databases greatly impacts drug discovery research activities such as quantitative structure-property relationships modelling and compound novelty checking. MOL files, SMILES notations, IUPAC names, and InChI strings are ubiquitous file formats and systematic identifiers for chemical structures. While interchangeable for many cheminformatics purposes there have been no studies on the inconsistency of these structure identifiers due to various approaches for data integration, including the use of different software and different rules for structure standardisation. We have investigated the consistency of systematic identifiers of small molecules within and between some of the commonly used chemical resources, with and without structure standardisation. Results: The consistency between systematic chemical identifiers and their corresponding MOL representation varies greatly between data sources (37.2%-98.5%). We observed the lowest overall consistency for MOL-IUPAC names. Disregarding stereochemistry increases the consistency (84.8% to 99.9%). A wide variation in consistency also exists between MOL representations of compounds linked via cross-references (25.8% to 93.7%). Removing stereochemistry improved the consistency (47.6% to 95.6%). Conclusions: We have shown that considerable inconsistency exists in structural representation and systematic chemical identifiers within and between databases. This can have a great influence especially when merging data and if systematic identifiers are used as a key index for structure integration or cross-querying several databases. Regenerating systematic identifiers starting from their MOL representation and applying well-defined and documented chemistry standardisation rules to all compounds prior to creating them can dramatically increase internal consistency

    Text Mining for Chemical Compounds

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    Exploring the chemical and biological space covered by patent and journal publications is crucial in early- stage medicinal chemistry activities. The analysis provides understanding of compound prior art, novelty checking, validation of biological assays, and identification of new starting points for chemical exploration. Extracting chemical and biological entities from patents and journals through manual extraction by expert curators can take substantial amount of time and resources. Text mining methods can help to ease this process. In this book, we addressed the lack of quality measurements for assessing the correctness of structural representation within and across chemical databases; lack of resources to build text-mining systems; lack of high performance systems to extract chemical compounds from journals and patents; and lack of automated systems to identify relevant compounds in patents. The consistency and ambiguity of chemical identifiers was analyzed within and between small- molecule databases in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. In Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 we developed resources to enable the construction of chemical text-mining systems. In Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, we used community challenges (BioCreative V and BioCreative VI) and their corresponding resources to identify mentions of chemical compounds in journal abstracts and patents. In Chapter 7 we used our findings in previous chapters to extract chemical named entities from patent full text and to classify the relevancy of chemical compounds

    Annotated chemical patent corpus: A gold standard for text mining

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    Exploring the chemical and biological space covered by patent applications is crucial in early-stage medicinal chemistry activities. Patent analysis can provide understanding of compound prior art, novelty checking, validation of biological assays, and identification of new starting points for chemical exploration. Extracting chemical and biological entities from patents through manual extraction by expert curators can take substantial amount of time and resources. Text mining methods can help to ease this process. To validate the performance of such methods, a manually annotated patent corpus is essential. In this study we have produced a large gold standard chemical patent corpus. We developed annotation guidelines and selected 200 full patents from the World Intellectual Property Organization, United States Patent and Trademark Office, and European Patent Office. The patents were pre-annotated automatically and made available to four independent annotator groups each consisting of two to ten annotators. The annotators marked chemicals in different subclasses, diseases, t

    On InChI and evaluating the quality of cross-reference links

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    BACKGROUND: There are many databases of small molecules focused on different aspects of research and its applications. Some tasks may require integration of information from various databases. However, determining which entries from different databases represent the same compound is not straightforward. Integration can be based, for example, on automatically generated cross-reference links between entries. Another approach is to use the manually curated links stored directly in databases. This study employs well-established InChI identifiers to measure the consistency and completeness of the manually curated links by comparing them with the automatically generated ones. RESULTS: We used two different tools to generate InChI identifiers and observed some ambiguities in their outputs. In part, these ambiguities were caused by indistinctness in interpretation of the structural data used. InChI identifiers were used successfully to find duplicate entries in databases. We found that the InChI inconsistencies in the manually curated links are very high (28.85% in the worst case). Even using a weaker definition of consistency, the measured values were very high in general. The completeness of the manually curated links was also very poor (only 93.8% in the best case) compared with that of the automatically generated links. CONCLUSIONS: We observed several problems with the InChI tools and the files used as their inputs. There are large gaps in the consistency and completeness of manually curated links if they are measured using InChI identifiers. However, inconsistency can be caused both by errors in manually curated links and the inherent limitations of the InChI method

    Characterisation of data resources for in silico modelling: benchmark datasets for ADME properties.

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    Introduction: The cost of in vivo and in vitro screening of ADME properties of compounds has motivated efforts to develop a range of in silico models. At the heart of the development of any computational model are the data; high quality data are essential for developing robust and accurate models. The characteristics of a dataset, such as its availability, size, format and type of chemical identifiers used, influence the modelability of the data. Areas covered: This review explores the usefulness of publicly available ADME datasets for researchers to use in the development of predictive models. More than 140 ADME datasets were collated from publicly available resources and the modelability of 31selected datasets were assessed using specific criteria derived in this study. Expert opinion: Publicly available datasets differ significantly in information content and presentation. From a modelling perspective, datasets should be of adequate size, available in a user-friendly format with all chemical structures associated with one or more chemical identifiers suitable for automated processing (e.g. CAS number, SMILES string or InChIKey). Recommendations for assessing dataset suitability for modelling and publishing data in an appropriate format are discussed

    Automatic identification of relevant chemical compounds from patents

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    In commercial research and development projects, public disclosure of new chemical compounds often takes place in patents. Only a small proportion of these compounds are published in journals, usually a few years after the patent. Patent authorities make available the patents but do not provide systematic continuous chemical annotations. Content databases such as Elsevier’s Reaxys provide such services mostly based on manual excerptions, which are time-consuming and costly. Automatic text-mining approaches help overcome some of the limitations of the manual process. Different text-mining approaches exist to extract chemical entities from patents. The majority of them have been developed using sub-sections of patent documents and focus on mentions of compounds. Less attention has been given to relevancy of a compound in a patent. Relevancy of a compound to a patent is based on the patent’s context. A relevant compound plays a major role within a patent. Identification of relevant compounds reduces the size of the extracted data and improves the usefulness of patent resources (e.g. supports identifying the main compounds). Annotators of databases like Reaxys only annotate relevant compounds. In this study, we design an automated system that extracts chemical entities from patents and classifies their relevance. The goldstandard set contained 18 789 chemical entity annotations. Of these, 10% were relevant compounds, 88% were irrelevant and 2% were equivocal. Our compound recognition system was based on proprietary tools. The performance (F-score) of the system on compound recognition was 84% on the development set and 86% on the test set. The relevancy classification system had an F-score of 86% on the development set and 82% on the test set. Our system can extract chemical compounds from patents and classify their relevance with high performance. This enables the extension of the Reaxys database by means of automation

    Consistency, inconsistency, and ambiguity of metabolite names in biochemical databases used for genome-scale metabolic modelling

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    Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) are manually curated repositories describing the metabolic capabilities of an organism. GEMs have been successfully used in different research areas, ranging from systems medicine to biotechnology. However, the different naming conventions (namespaces) of databases used to build GEMs limit model reusability and prevent the integration of existing models. This problem is known in the GEM community, but its extent has not been analyzed in depth. In this study, we investigate the name ambiguity and the multiplicity of non-systematic identifiers and we highlight the (in)consistency in their use in 11 biochemical databases of biochemical reactions and the problems that arise when mapping between different namespaces and databases. We found that such inconsistencies can be as high as 83.1%, thus emphasizing the need for strategies to deal with these issues. Currently, manual verification of the mappings appears to be the only solution to remove inconsistencies when combining models. Finally, we discuss several possible approaches to facilitate (future) unambiguous mapping.</p

    Design and implementation of a platform for predicting pharmacological properties of molecules

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019O processo de descoberta e desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos prolonga-se por vários anos e implica o gasto de imensos recursos monetários. Como tal, vários métodos in silico são aplicados com o intuito de dimiuir os custos e tornar o processo mais eficiente. Estes métodos incluem triagem virtual, um processo pelo qual vastas coleções de compostos são examinadas para encontrar potencial terapêutico. QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship) é uma das tecnologias utilizada em triagem virtual e em optimização de potencial farmacológico, em que a informação estrutural de ligandos conhecidos do alvo terapêutico é utilizada para prever a actividade biológica de um novo composto para com o alvo. Vários investigadores desenvolvem modelos de aprendizagem automática de QSAR para múltiplos alvos terapêuticos. Mas o seu uso está dependente do acesso aos mesmos e da facilidade em ter os modelos funcionais, o que pode ser complexo quando existem várias dependências ou quando o ambiente de desenvolvimento difere bastante do ambiente em que é usado. A aplicação ao qual este documento se refere foi desenvolvida para lidar com esta questão. Esta é uma plataforma centralizada onde investigadores podem aceder a vários modelos de QSAR, podendo testar os seus datasets para uma multitude de alvos terapêuticos. A aplicação permite usar identificadores moleculares como SMILES e InChI, e gere a sua integração em descritores moleculares para usar como input nos modelos. A plataforma pode ser acedida através de uma aplicação web com interface gráfica desenvolvida com o pacote Shiny para R e directamente através de uma REST API desenvolvida com o pacote flask-restful para Python. Toda a aplicação está modularizada através de teconologia de “contentores”, especificamente o Docker. O objectivo desta plataforma é divulgar o acesso aos modelos criados pela comunidade, condensando-os num só local e removendo a necessidade do utilizador de instalar ou parametrizar qualquer tipo de software. Fomentando assim o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e facilitando o processo de investigação.The drug discovery and design process is expensive, time-consuming and resource-intensive. Various in silico methods are used to make the process more efficient and productive. Methods such as Virtual Screening often take advantage of QSAR machine learning models to more easily pinpoint the most promising drug candidates, from large pools of compounds. QSAR, which means Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship, is a ligand-based method where structural information of known ligands of a specific target is used to predict the biological activity of another molecule against that target. They are also used to improve upon an existing molecule’s pharmacologic potential by elucidating the structural composition with desirable properties. Several researchers create and develop QSAR machine learning models for a variety of different therapeutic targets. However, their use is limited by lack of access to said models. Beyond access, there are often difficulties in using published software given the need to manage dependencies and replicating the development environment. To address this issue, the application documented here was designed and developed. In this centralized platform, researchers can access several QSAR machine learning models and test their own datasets for interaction with various therapeutic targets. The platform allows the use of widespread molecule identifiers as input, such as SMILES and InChI, handling the necessary integration into the appropriate molecular descriptors to be used in the model. The platform can be accessed through a Web Application with a full graphical user interface developed with the R package Shiny and through a REST API developed with the Flask Restful package for Python. The complete application is packaged up in container technology, specifically Docker. The main goal of this platform is to grant widespread access to the QSAR models developed by the scientific community, by concentrating them in a single location and removing the user’s need to install or set up software unfamiliar to them. This intends to incite knowledge creation and facilitate the research process

    Consistency of systematic chemical identifiers within and between small-molecule databases

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    Background: Correctness of structures and associated metadata within public and commercial chemical databases greatly impacts drug discovery research activities such as quantitative structure-property relationships modelling and compound novelty checking. MOL files, SMILES notations, IUPAC names, and InChI strings are ubiquitous file formats and systematic identifiers for chemical structures. While interchangeable for many cheminformatics purposes there have been no studies on the inconsistency of these structure identifiers due to various approaches for data integration, including the use of different software and different rules for structure standardisation. We have investigated the consistency of systematic identifiers of small molecules within and between some of the commonly used chemical resources, with and without structure standardisation. Results: The consistency between systematic chemical identifiers and their corresponding MOL representation varies greatly between data sources (37.2%-98.5%). We observed the lowest overall consistency for MOL-IUPAC names. Disregarding stereochemistry increases the consistency (84.8% to 99.9%). A wide variation in consistency also exists between MOL representations of compounds linked via cross-references (25.8% to 93.7%). Removing stereochemistry improved the consistency (47.6% to 95.6%). Conclusions: We have shown that considerable inconsistency exists in structural representation and systematic chemical identifiers within and between databases. This can have a great influence especially when merging data and if systematic identifiers are used as a key index for structure integration or cross-querying several databases. Regenerating systematic identifiers starting from their MOL representation and applying well-defined and documented chemistry standardisation rules to all compo