6,959 research outputs found

    Towards the Integration of Value and Coordination Models - Position Paper -

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    Cross-organizational collaborations have a high complexity.\ud Modelling these collaborations can be done from di®erent perspectives.\ud For example, the value perspective represents expected value exchanges\ud in a collaboration while the coordination perspective represents the order\ud in which these exchanges occur. How to maintain consistency between\ud di®erent models during design time as well as runtime constitutes a chal-\ud lenging topic. De¯ning criteria and de¯nitions re°ecting the relation be-\ud tween these models during the entire life cycle is not straightforward.\ud Di®erent criteria are used for di®erent models since each model captures\ud a speci¯c aspect of the collaboration. In this paper we investigate the\ud challenges arising when addressing the problem of maintaining adequate\ud and consistent models of a collaboration during the entire life cycle of\ud a collaboration. We propose a framework in which we connect business\ud layer, process layer and implementation layer, presenting the direction\ud for solving this multifaceted problem. We will describe several challenges\ud we anticipate to encounter while implementing our framework

    Toward Semantics-aware Representation of Digital Business Processes

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    An extended enterprise (EE) can be described by a set of models each representing a specific aspect of the EE. Aspects can for example be the process flow or the value description. However, different models are done by different people, which may use different terminology, which prevents relating the models. Therefore, we propose a framework consisting of process flow and value aspects and in addition a static domain model with structural and relational components. Further, we outline the usage of the static domain model to enable relating the different aspects

    On Formal Consistency between Value and Coordination Models

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    In information systems (IS) engineering dierent techniques for modeling inter-organizational collaborations are applied. In particular, value models estimate the profitability for involved stakeholders, whereas coordination models are used to agree upon the inter-organizational processes before implementing them. During the execution of inter-organizational collaboration, in addition, event logs are collected by the individual organizations representing another view of the IS. The combination of the two models and the event log represent the IS and they should therefore be consistent, i.e., not contradict each other. Since these models are provided by dierent user groups during design time and the event log is collected during run-time consistency is not straight forward. Inconsistency occurs when models contain a conflicting description of the same information, i.e., there exists a conflicting overlap between the models. In this paper we introduce an abstraction of value models, coordination models and event logs which allows ensuring and maintaining alignment between models and event log. We demonstrate its use by outlining a proof of an inconsistency resolution result based on this abstraction. Thus, the introduction of abstractions allows to explore formal inter-model relations based on consistency

    From business logic to business process : designing strategy-aligned business processes

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    Het ontwerpen van strategisch gealigneerde bedrijfsprocessen vereist een coördinatie tussen de strategie en de processen binnen een onderneming. Binnen het onderzoeksgebied van het Conceptueel Modelleren kan deze coördinatie verwezenlijkt worden door het gebruik van waardemodellen. Modelleertalen voor waardemodellen brengen zowel de creatie van waarde binnen de onderneming, als de uitwisseling van waarde tussen de onderneming en haar ruimer netwerk, in kaart. Binnen dit doctoraatsonderzoek wordt het gebruik van deze modelleertalen gecombineerd met het bedrijfsmodel van de onderneming, een concept dat zijn oorsprong vindt in Strategisch Management. Het combineren van conceptuele modelleertalen met relevante raamwerken uit de management literatuur zorgt er voor dat conceptuele modellen ontwikkeld kunnen worden binnen een afgelijnde strategische context. Hierdoor worden concepten gebruikt die een duidelijke betekenis hebben voor de eindgebruikers binnen de onderneming, waardoor het eenvoudiger wordt voor hen om de uiteindelijke modellen te begrijpen. Het onderzoek binnen dit doctoraatsproefschrift is opgesplitst in drie delen. Het eerste deel (hoofdstuk 2) beschrijft de ontwikkeling van een integrerend raamwerk voor het bedrijfsmodel, zoals het gepercipieerd wordt binnen Strategisch Management. De belangrijkste reden voor dit onderzoek was het gebrek aan een gemeenschappelijke visie binnen dit onderzoeksdomein. Het raamwerk werd ontwikkeld door middel van een literatuurstudie en leidde tot de identificatie van 10 elementen en hun onderlinge relaties binnen het bedrijfsmodel. De toepasbaarheid van dit raamwerk werd geïllustreerd door het toe te passen op de Southwest Airlines gevalstudie. Het onderzoek uit hoofdstuk 3 bouwt verder op dit raamwerk aangezien het gericht is op de realisatie van IT support voor de ontwikkeling van bedrijfsmodellen. Hiervoor zijn we nagegaan welke modelleerconstructen, die gebruikt worden bij het opstellen van waardemodellen, geschikt zijn om de elementen binnen het bedrijfsmodel weer te geven. Nadien zijn deze modelleerconstructen gecombineerd tot het nieuwe business model viewpoint binnen VDML. Deze modelleertaal werd recent ontwikkeld door de Object Management Group als een standaard voor het modelleren van de waardecreatie en –uitwisseling door de onderneming. Het VDML business model viewpoint heeft als doel om het begrip van de eindgebruikers over de onderliggende bedrijfsinformatie te vergroten. Dit effect werd nagegaan door het uitvoeren van een experiment, waarvan de statistische resultaten aantonen dat het gebruik van dit nieuwe model een significante en positieve invloed heeft op het de accuraatheid en de snelheid waarmee eindgebruikers de onderliggende informatie kunnen afleiden. Het laatste deel van het onderzoek (hoofdstuk 4) is gericht op the realiseren van strategische afstemming binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur. Dit werd verwezenlijkt door de ontwikkeling van een modelleertechniek die gericht is op de creatie van business architecture heat maps. Deze techniek steunt op raamwerken uit Strategisch Management om de relevante elementen binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur te identificeren. In dit opzicht maken we hier dus ook gebruik van de onderzoeksresultaten uit hoofdstuk 2. De realisatie van de heat maps is gebaseerd op het toevoegen van een kleurencode die zowel de prestatie als het strategisch belang aanduidt van de elementen binnen de bedrijfsarchitectuur. De creatie van deze heat maps wordt ondersteund door een software programma dat ontwikkeld werd via het ADOxx platform. De voorgestelde modelleertechniek werd toegepast en geëvalueerd door middel van drie gevalstudies bij een grootschalig internationaal bedrijf dat software ontwikkelt. De resultaten van deze gevalstudies hadden tot doel om de voorgestelde modelleertechniek verder te verfijnen, waardoor een mooie balans gevonden werd tussen het bijdragen van kennis aan de betrokken onderzoeksdomeinen en het bieden van een oplossing voor een praktisch bedrijfsprobleem

    Business Process Modeling Notations Techniques: A Comparative Study Using AHP

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    The rapid evolution of information systems has triggered drastic changes in business schemes. This phenomenon has led to the rise of Business Process Management. Business Process Management consists of the concepts, methods, techniques and software tools that assist the life cycle of business processes. The implementation of BPM solutions is not an easy task due to the existence of different Business Process Modelling (BPM) techniques. Thus, organizations seek for BPM to make informed decisions about the appropriate technique that fits their needs. In this research, we proposed a new comparison model for selecting the most appropriate Modelling technique using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technique, which is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Precisely, we compare four BPM techniques: BPMN, RAD, IDEF3 and EPC in term of three main criteria which are: Direct Representation, Automation, and Open standards. The results show a ranking list of the selected techniques. According to our analysis, BPMN represents the best technique compared with the designated criteria, followed by Event-driven Process Chain, then RAD and finally IDEF3

    Towards a strategy-oriented value modeling language: identifying strategic elements of the VDML meta-model

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    The concept of value is increasingly important in organizations. This has led to the creation of value models that capture internal value creation and the external exchange of value between the company and its value network. To facilitate strategic alignment, the meta-model specification of value modeling languages should both fully reflect the strategic choices of a company and define ` what' a company must do to realize value creation. In this paper, the Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML) meta-model elements are assessed by applying these two requirements. The resulting strategy-oriented VDML metamodel perspective is obtained by applying the Design Science methodology, which also includes the use of a case example to demonstrate its utility

    Probing MHD Shocks with high-J CO observations: W28F

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    Context. Observing supernova remnants (SNRs) and modelling the shocks they are associated with is the best way to quantify the energy SNRs re-distribute back into the Interstellar Medium (ISM). Aims. We present comparisons of shock models with CO observations in the F knot of the W28 supernova remnant. These comparisons constitute a valuable tool to constrain both the shock characteristics and pre-shock conditions. Methods. New CO observations from the shocked regions with the APEX and SOFIA telescopes are presented and combined. The integrated intensities are compared to the outputs of a grid of models, which were combined from an MHD shock code that calculates the dynamical and chemical structure of these regions, and a radiative transfer module based on the 'large velocity gradient' (LVG) approximation. Results. We base our modelling method on the higher J CO transitions, which unambiguously trace the passage of a shock wave. We provide fits for the blue- and red-lobe components of the observed shocks. We find that only stationary, C-type shock models can reproduce the observed levels of CO emission. Our best models are found for a pre-shock density of 104 cm-3, with the magnetic field strength varying between 45 and 100 {\mu}G, and a higher shock velocity for the so-called blue shock (\sim25 km s-1) than for the red one (\sim20 km s-1). Our models also satisfactorily account for the pure rotational H2 emission that is observed with Spitzer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted for A&A SOFIA/GREAT Special Issu

    Bridging Business Models and Business Processes: A Systematic Review of Methods

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    Business models are increasingly recognized as a concept to support innovation in organizations. The implementation and operation of a new or altered business model involves the (re-)design of an organization\u27s business processes and their successful execution. However, we currently lack an understanding of how existing research can be used to guide organizations in systematically moving from a business model design to the implementation and operation of the business model through their underlying business processes. Therefore, this study aims at identifying and analyzing methods that relate business models and business processes. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review on methods that bridge business models and business processes. We classified the selected methods according to their characteristics and support during the business model the design, implementation, and operation of business models. The results of our systematic review provide an overview of existing methods that organizations can adopt when moving from business model design into the implementation and operation of their business model using processes. Our work also synthesizes knowledge gaps and identifies future research avenues for relating business models and business processes

    Design and integrity of deterministic system architectures.

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    Architectures represented by system construction 'building block' components and interrelationships provide the structural form. This thesis addresses processes, procedures and methods that support system design synthesis and specifically the determination of the integrity of candidate architectural structures. Particular emphasis is given to the structural representation of system architectures, their consistency and functional quantification. It is a design imperative that a hierarchically decomposed structure maintains compatibility and consistency between the functional and realisation solutions. Complex systems are normally simplified by the use of hierarchical decomposition so that lower level components are precisely defined and simpler than higher-level components. To enable such systems to be reconstructed from their components, the hierarchical construction must provide vertical intra-relationship consistency, horizontal interrelationship consistency, and inter-component functional consistency. Firstly, a modified process design model is proposed that incorporates the generic structural representation of system architectures. Secondly, a system architecture design knowledge domain is proposed that enables viewpoint evaluations to be aggregated into a coherent set of domains that are both necessary and sufficient to determine the integrity of system architectures. Thirdly, four methods of structural analysis are proposed to assure the integrity of the architecture. The first enables the structural compatibility between the 'building blocks' that provide the emergent functional properties and implementation solution properties to be determined. The second enables the compatibility of the functional causality structure and the implementation causality structure to be determined. The third method provides a graphical representation of architectural structures. The fourth method uses the graphical form of structural representation to provide a technique that enables quantitative estimation of performance estimates of emergent properties for large scale or complex architectural structures. These methods have been combined into a procedure of formal design. This is a design process that, if rigorously executed, meets the requirements for reconstructability