14 research outputs found

    Location utility-based map reduction

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    Maps used for navigation often include a database of location descriptions for place recognition (loop closing), which permits bounded-error performance. A standard pose-graph SLAM system adds a new entry for every new pose into the location database, which grows linearly and unbounded in time and thus becomes unsustainable. To address this issue, in this paper we propose a new map-reduction approach that pre-constructs a fixed-size place-recognition database amenable to the limited storage and processing resources of the vehicle by exploiting the high-level structure of the environment as well as the vehicle motion. In particular, we introduce the concept of location utility - which encapsulates the visitation probability of a location and its spatial distribution relative to nearby locations in the database - as a measure of the value of potential loop-closure events to occur at that location. While finding the optimal reduced location database is NP-hard, we develop an efficient greedy algorithm to sort all the locations in a map based on their relative utility without access to sensor measurements or the vehicle trajectory. This enables pre-determination of a generic, limited-size place-recognition database containing the N best locations in the environment. To validate the proposed approach, we develop an open-source street-map simulator using real city-map data and show that an accurate map (pose-graph) can be attained even when using a place-recognition database with only 1% of the entries of the corresponding full database.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Fellowship

    Communication-constrained multi-AUV cooperative SLAM

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    Multi-robot deployments have the potential for completing tasks more efficiently. For example, in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), robots can better localize themselves and the map if they can share measurements of each other (direct encounters) and of commonly observed parts of the map (indirect encounters). However, performance is contingent on the quality of the communications channel. In the underwater scenario, communicating over any appreciable distance is achieved using acoustics which is low-bandwidth, slow, and unreliable, making cooperative operations very challenging. In this paper, we present a framework for cooperative SLAM (C-SLAM) for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) communicating only through acoustics. We develop a novel graph-based C-SLAM algorithm that is able to (optimally) generate communication packets whose size scales linearly with the number of observed features since the last successful transmission, constantly with the number of vehicles in the collective, and does not grow with time even the case of dropped packets, which are common. As a result, AUVs can bound their localization error without the need for pre-installed beacons or surfacing for GPS fixes during navigation, leading to significant reduction in time required to complete missions. The proposed algorithm is validated through realistic marine vehicle and acoustic communication simulations.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-13-1-0588)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS-1318392)United States. Office of Naval Research Globa

    Graph SLAM sparsification with populated topologies using factor descent optimization

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Current solutions to the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem approach it as the optimization of a graph of geometric constraints. Scalability is achieved by reducing the size of the graph, usually in two phases. First, some selected nodes in the graph are marginalized and then, the dense and non-relinearizable result is sparsified. The sparsified network has a new set of relinearizable factors and is an approximation to the original dense one. Sparsification is typically approached as a Kullback-Liebler divergence (KLD) minimization between the dense marginalization result and the new set of factors. For a simple topology of the new factors, such as a tree, there is a closed form optimal solution. However, more populated topologies can achieve a much better approximation because more information can be encoded, although in that case iterative optimization is needed to solve the KLD minimization. Iterative optimization methods proposed by the state-of-art sparsification require parameter tuning which strongly affect their convergence. In this paper, we propose factor descent and non-cyclic factor descent, two simple algorithms for SLAM sparsification that match the state-of-art methods without any parameters to be tuned. The proposed methods are compared against the state of the art with regards to accuracy and CPU time, in both synthetic and real world datasets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Near-Optimal Budgeted Data Exchange for Distributed Loop Closure Detection

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    Inter-robot loop closure detection is a core problem in collaborative SLAM (CSLAM). Establishing inter-robot loop closures is a resource-demanding process, during which robots must consume a substantial amount of mission-critical resources (e.g., battery and bandwidth) to exchange sensory data. However, even with the most resource-efficient techniques, the resources available onboard may be insufficient for verifying every potential loop closure. This work addresses this critical challenge by proposing a resource-adaptive framework for distributed loop closure detection. We seek to maximize task-oriented objectives subject to a budget constraint on total data transmission. This problem is in general NP-hard. We approach this problem from different perspectives and leverage existing results on monotone submodular maximization to provide efficient approximation algorithms with performance guarantees. The proposed approach is extensively evaluated using the KITTI odometry benchmark dataset and synthetic Manhattan-like datasets.Comment: RSS 2018 Extended Versio

    Conservative edge sparsification for graph SLAM node removal

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    Abstract—This paper reports on optimization-based methods for producing a sparse, conservative approximation of the dense potentials induced by node marginalization in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) factor graphs. The proposed methods start with a sparse, but overconfident, Chow-Liu tree approximation of the marginalization potential and then use optimization-based methods to adjust the approximation so that it is conservative subject to minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) from the true marginalization potential. Re-sults are presented over multiple real-world SLAM graphs and show that the proposed methods enforce a conservative approxi-mation, while achieving low KLD from the true marginalization potential. I

    Generic Node Removal for Factor-Graph SLAM

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    Concurrent filtering and smoothing: A parallel architecture for real-time navigation and full smoothing

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    We present a parallelized navigation architecture that is capable of running in real-time and incorporating long-term loop closure constraints while producing the optimal Bayesian solution. This architecture splits the inference problem into a low-latency update that incorporates new measurements using just the most recent states (filter), and a high-latency update that is capable of closing long loops and smooths using all past states (smoother). This architecture employs the probabilistic graphical models of factor graphs, which allows the low-latency inference and high-latency inference to be viewed as sub-operations of a single optimization performed within a single graphical model. A specific factorization of the full joint density is employed that allows the different inference operations to be performed asynchronously while still recovering the optimal solution produced by a full batch optimization. Due to the real-time, asynchronous nature of this algorithm, updates to the state estimates from the high-latency smoother will naturally be delayed until the smoother calculations have completed. This architecture has been tested within a simulated aerial environment and on real data collected from an autonomous ground vehicle. In all cases, the concurrent architecture is shown to recover the full batch solution, even while updated state estimates are produced in real-time.United States. Air Force Research Laboratory. All Source Positioning and Navigation (ASPN) Program (Contract FA8650-11-C-7137

    Conservative Sparsification for Efficient Approximate Estimation

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    Linear Gaussian systems often exhibit sparse structures. For systems which grow as a function of time, marginalisation of past states will eventually introduce extra non-zero elements into the information matrix of the Gaussian distribution. These extra non-zeros can lead to dense problems as these systems progress through time. This thesis proposes a method that can delete elements of the information matrix while maintaining guarantees about the conservativeness of the resulting estimate with a computational complexity that is a function of the connectivity of the graph rather than the problem dimension. This sparsification can be performed iteratively and minimises the Kullback Leibler Divergence (KLD) between the original and approximate distributions. This new technique is called Conservative Sparsification (CS). For large sparse graphs employing a Junction Tree (JT) for estimation, efficiency is related to the size of the largest clique. Conservative Sparsification can be applied to clique splitting in JTs, enabling approximate and efficient estimation in JTs with the same conservative guarantees as CS for information matrices. In distributed estimation scenarios which use JTs, CS can be performed in parallel and asynchronously on JT cliques. This approach usually results in a larger KLD compared with the optimal CS approach, but an upper bound on this increased divergence can be calculated with information locally available to each clique. This work has applications in large scale distributed linear estimation problems where the size of the problem or communication overheads make optimal linear estimation difficult

    Cooperative Navigation for Low-bandwidth Mobile Acoustic Networks.

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    This thesis reports on the design and validation of estimation and planning algorithms for underwater vehicle cooperative localization. While attitude and depth are easily instrumented with bounded-error, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) have no internal sensor that directly observes XY position. The global positioning system (GPS) and other radio-based navigation techniques are not available because of the strong attenuation of electromagnetic signals in seawater. The navigation algorithms presented herein fuse local body-frame rate and attitude measurements with range observations between vehicles within a decentralized architecture. The acoustic communication channel is both unreliable and low bandwidth, precluding many state-of-the-art terrestrial cooperative navigation algorithms. We exploit the underlying structure of a post-process centralized estimator in order to derive two real-time decentralized estimation frameworks. First, the origin state method enables a client vehicle to exactly reproduce the corresponding centralized estimate within a server-to-client vehicle network. Second, a graph-based navigation framework produces an approximate reconstruction of the centralized estimate onboard each vehicle. Finally, we present a method to plan a locally optimal server path to localize a client vehicle along a desired nominal trajectory. The planning algorithm introduces a probabilistic channel model into prior Gaussian belief space planning frameworks. In summary, cooperative localization reduces XY position error growth within underwater vehicle networks. Moreover, these methods remove the reliance on static beacon networks, which do not scale to large vehicle networks and limit the range of operations. Each proposed localization algorithm was validated in full-scale AUV field trials. The planning framework was evaluated through numerical simulation.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113428/1/jmwalls_1.pd