261 research outputs found

    Geometric uncertainty models for correspondence problems in digital image processing

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    Many recent advances in technology rely heavily on the correct interpretation of an enormous amount of visual information. All available sources of visual data (e.g. cameras in surveillance networks, smartphones, game consoles) must be adequately processed to retrieve the most interesting user information. Therefore, computer vision and image processing techniques gain significant interest at the moment, and will do so in the near future. Most commonly applied image processing algorithms require a reliable solution for correspondence problems. The solution involves, first, the localization of corresponding points -visualizing the same 3D point in the observed scene- in the different images of distinct sources, and second, the computation of consistent geometric transformations relating correspondences on scene objects. This PhD presents a theoretical framework for solving correspondence problems with geometric features (such as points and straight lines) representing rigid objects in image sequences of complex scenes with static and dynamic cameras. The research focuses on localization uncertainty due to errors in feature detection and measurement, and its effect on each step in the solution of a correspondence problem. Whereas most other recent methods apply statistical-based models for spatial localization uncertainty, this work considers a novel geometric approach. Localization uncertainty is modeled as a convex polygonal region in the image space. This model can be efficiently propagated throughout the correspondence finding procedure. It allows for an easy extension toward transformation uncertainty models, and to infer confidence measures to verify the reliability of the outcome in the correspondence framework. Our procedure aims at finding reliable consistent transformations in sets of few and ill-localized features, possibly containing a large fraction of false candidate correspondences. The evaluation of the proposed procedure in practical correspondence problems shows that correct consistent correspondence sets are returned in over 95% of the experiments for small sets of 10-40 features contaminated with up to 400% of false positives and 40% of false negatives. The presented techniques prove to be beneficial in typical image processing applications, such as image registration and rigid object tracking

    Analysis of parametric biological models with non-linear dynamics

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    In this paper we present recent results on parametric analysis of biological models. The underlying method is based on the algorithms for computing trajectory sets of hybrid systems with polynomial dynamics. The method is then applied to two case studies of biological systems: one is a cardiac cell model for studying the conditions for cardiac abnormalities, and the second is a model of insect nest-site choice.Comment: In Proceedings HSB 2012, arXiv:1208.315

    Approximate Decentralized Bayesian Inference

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    This paper presents an approximate method for performing Bayesian inference in models with conditional independence over a decentralized network of learning agents. The method first employs variational inference on each individual learning agent to generate a local approximate posterior, the agents transmit their local posteriors to other agents in the network, and finally each agent combines its set of received local posteriors. The key insight in this work is that, for many Bayesian models, approximate inference schemes destroy symmetry and dependencies in the model that are crucial to the correct application of Bayes' rule when combining the local posteriors. The proposed method addresses this issue by including an additional optimization step in the combination procedure that accounts for these broken dependencies. Experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate that the decentralized method provides advantages in computational performance and predictive test likelihood over previous batch and distributed methods.Comment: This paper was presented at UAI 2014. Please use the following BibTeX citation: @inproceedings{Campbell14_UAI, Author = {Trevor Campbell and Jonathan P. How}, Title = {Approximate Decentralized Bayesian Inference}, Booktitle = {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)}, Year = {2014}

    Decision algorithms for modelling, optimal control and verification of probabilistic systems

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    Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) constitute a mathematical framework for modelling systems featuring both probabilistic and nondeterministic behaviour. They are widely used to solve sequential decision making problems and applied successfully in operations research, arti?cial intelligence, and stochastic control theory, and have been extended conservatively to the model of probabilistic automata in the context of concurrent probabilistic systems. However, when modeling a physical system they suffer from several limitations. One of the most important is the inherent loss of precision that is introduced by measurement errors and discretization artifacts which necessarily happen due to incomplete knowledge about the system behavior. As a result, the true probability distribution for transitions is in most cases an uncertain value, determined by either external parameters or con?dence intervals. Interval Markov decision processes (IMDPs) generalize classical MDPs by having interval-valued transition probabilities. They provide a powerful modelling tool for probabilistic systems with an additional variation or uncertainty that re?ects the absence of precise knowledge concerning transition probabilities. In this dissertation, we focus on decision algorithms for modelling and performance evaluation of such probabilistic systems leveraging techniques from mathematical optimization. From a modelling viewpoint, we address probabilistic bisimulations to reduce the size of the system models while preserving the logical properties they satisfy. We also discuss the key ingredients to construct systems by composing them out of smaller components running in parallel. Furthermore, we introduce a novel stochastic model, Uncertain weighted Markov Decision Processes (UwMDPs), so as to capture quantities like preferences or priorities in a nondeterministic scenario with uncertainties. This model is close to the model of IMDPs but more convenient to work with in the context of bisimulation minimization. From a performance evaluation perspective, we consider the problem of multi-objective robust strategy synthesis for IMDPs, where the aim is to ?nd a robust strategy that guarantees the satisfaction of multiple properties at the same time in face of the transition probability uncertainty. In this respect, we discuss the computational complexity of the problem and present a value iteration-based decision algorithm to approximate the Pareto set of achievable optimal points. Moreover, we consider the problem of computing maximal/minimal reward-bounded reachability probabilities on UwMDPs, for which we present an ef?cient algorithm running in pseudo-polynomial time. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our proposed approaches by applying them to a collection of real-world case studies using several prototypical tools.Markov-Entscheidungsprozesse (MEPe) bilden den Rahmen für die Modellierung von Systemen, die sowohl stochastisches als auch nichtdeterministisches Verhalten beinhalten. Diese Modellklasse hat ein breites Anwendungsfeld in der Lösung sequentieller Entscheidungsprobleme und wird erfolgreich in der Operationsforschung, der künstlichen Intelligenz und in der stochastischen Kontrolltheorie eingesetzt. Im Bereich der nebenläu?gen probabilistischen Systeme wurde sie konservativ zu probabilistischen Automaten erweitert. Verwendet man MEPe jedoch zur Modellierung physikalischer Systeme so zeigt es sich, dass sie an einer Reihe von Einschränkungen leiden. Eines der schwerwiegendsten Probleme ist, dass das tatsächliche Verhalten des betrachteten Systems zumeist nicht vollständig bekannt ist. Durch Messfehler und Diskretisierungsartefakte ist ein Verlust an Genauigkeit unvermeidbar. Die tatsächlichen Übergangswahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen des Systems sind daher in den meisten Fällen nicht exakt bekannt, sondern hängen von äußeren Faktoren ab oder können nur durch Kon?denzintervalle erfasst werden. Intervall Markov-Entscheidungsprozesse (IMEPe) verallgemeinern klassische MEPe dadurch, dass die möglichen Übergangswahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen durch Intervalle ausgedrückt werden können. IMEPe sind daher ein mächtiges Modellierungswerkzeug für probabilistische Systeme mit unbestimmtem Verhalten, dass sich dadurch ergibt, dass das exakte Verhalten des realen Systems nicht bekannt ist. In dieser Doktorarbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf Entscheidungsverfahren für die Modellierung und die Auswertung der Eigenschaften solcher probabilistischer Systeme indem wir Methoden der mathematischen Optimierung einsetzen. Im Bereich der Modellierung betrachten wir probabilistische Bisimulation um die Größe des Systemmodells zu reduzieren während wir gleichzeitig die logischen Eigenschaften erhalten. Wir betrachten außerdem die Schlüsseltechniken um Modelle aus kleineren Komponenten, die parallel ablaufen, kompositionell zu generieren. Weiterhin führen wir eine neue Art von stochastischen Modellen ein, sogenannte Unsichere Gewichtete Markov-Entscheidungsprozesse (UgMEPe), um Eigenschaften wie Implementierungsentscheidungen und Benutzerprioritäten in einem nichtdeterministischen Szenario ausdrücken zu können. Dieses Modell ähnelt IMEPe, ist aber besser für die Minimierung bezüglich Bisimulation geeignet. Im Bereich der Auswertung von Modelleigenschaften betrachten wir das Problem, Strategien zu generieren, die in der Lage sind den Nichtdeterminismus so aufzulösen, dass mehrere gewünschte Eigenschaften gleichzeitig erfüllt werden können, wobei jede mögliche Auswahl von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen aus den Übergangsintervallen zu respektieren ist. Wir betrachten die Komplexitätsklasse dieses Problems und diskutieren einen auf Werte-Iteration beruhenden Algorithmus um die Pareto-Menge der erreichbaren optimalen Punkte anzunähern. Weiterhin betrachten wir das Problem, minimale und maximale Erreichbarkeitswahrscheinlichkeiten zu berechnen, wenn wir eine obere Grenze für dieakkumulierten Pfadkosten einhalten müssen. Für dieses Problem diskutieren wir einen ef?zienten Algorithmus mit pseudopolynomieller Zeit. Wir zeigen die Ef?zienz unserer Ansätze in der Praxis, indem wir sie prototypisch implementieren und auf eine Reihe von realistischen Fallstudien anwenden

    Fault-tolerant Stochastic Distributed Systems

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    The present doctoral thesis discusses the design of fault-tolerant distributed systems, placing emphasis in addressing the case where the actions of the nodes or their interactions are stochastic. The main objective is to detect and identify faults to improve the resilience of distributed systems to crash-type faults, as well as detecting the presence of malicious nodes in pursuit of exploiting the network. The proposed analysis considers malicious agents and computational solutions to detect faults. Crash-type faults, where the affected component ceases to perform its task, are tackled in this thesis by introducing stochastic decisions in deterministic distributed algorithms. Prime importance is placed on providing guarantees and rates of convergence for the steady-state solution. The scenarios of a social network (state-dependent example) and consensus (time- dependent example) are addressed, proving convergence. The proposed algorithms are capable of dealing with packet drops, delays, medium access competition, and, in particular, nodes failing and/or losing network connectivity. The concept of Set-Valued Observers (SVOs) is used as a tool to detect faults in a worst-case scenario, i.e., when a malicious agent can select the most unfavorable sequence of communi- cations and inject a signal of arbitrary magnitude. For other types of faults, it is introduced the concept of Stochastic Set-Valued Observers (SSVOs) which produce a confidence set where the state is known to belong with at least a pre-specified probability. It is shown how, for an algorithm of consensus, it is possible to exploit the structure of the problem to reduce the computational complexity of the solution. The main result allows discarding interactions in the model that do not contribute to the produced estimates. The main drawback of using classical SVOs for fault detection is their computational burden. By resorting to a left-coprime factorization for Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) systems, it is shown how to reduce the computational complexity. By appropriately selecting the factorization, it is possible to consider detectable systems (i.e., unobservable systems where the unobservable component is stable). Such a result plays a key role in the domain of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). These techniques are complemented with Event- and Self-triggered sampling strategies that enable fewer sensor updates. Moreover, the same triggering mechanisms can be used to make decisions of when to run the SVO routine or resort to over-approximations that temporarily compromise accuracy to gain in performance but maintaining the convergence characteristics of the set-valued estimates. A less stringent requirement for network resources that is vital to guarantee the applicability of SVO-based fault detection in the domain of Networked Control Systems (NCSs)

    Multidimensional welfare rankings

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    Social well-being is intrinsically multidimensional. Welfare indices attempting to reduce this complexity to a unique measure abound in many areas of economics and public policy. Ranking alternatives based on such measures depends, sometimes critically, on how the different dimensions of welfare are weighted. In this paper, a theoretical framework is presented that yields a set of consensus rankings in the presence of such weight imprecision. The main idea is to consider a vector of weights as an imaginary voter submitting preferences over alternatives in the form of an ordered list. With this voting construct in mind, a rule for aggregating the preferences of many plausible choices of weights, suitably weighted by the importance attached to them, is proposed. An axiomatic characterization of the rule is provided, and its computational implementation is developed. An analytic solution is derived for an interesting special case of the model corresponding to generalized weighted means and the ϵ\epsilon-contamination framework of Bayesian statistics. The model is applied to the Academic Ranking of World Universities index of Shanghai University, a popular composite index measuring academic excellence