870 research outputs found

    Mapping the Climate Communication Research Landscape

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    Climate communication today seems to be at a point of reinvention. The recent rapid growth of the field and its disciplinary diversity have produced a profusion of evidence-based techniques and theories for communicating climate science and climate change, but no definitive answer on how to move the needle on climate action. A core challenge for the field at present is how to make this abundance of research accessible and usable for practitioners, so that opportunities for impact are not missed. Answering calls in the literature for synoptic perspectives on areas of science communication, I use bibliometric network analysis, topic modeling, and knowledge mapping techniques to create and analyze maps of the climate communication research landscape as represented by 2,995 publications about climate communication from Web of Science. Knowledge maps are structural and visual portraits of scholarship which are useful for identifying areas of opportunity and coordinating effort in interdisciplinary and action-oriented knowledge domains. The knowledge maps themselves reveal dense webs of connection among five distinct knowledge communities, indicating an intensely collaborative knowledge domain, and suggest new avenues for application of climate communication knowledge, in particular to support climate services and co-production. After presenting the results of the knowledge mapping study, I discuss ethical and practical challenges encountered in developing these knowledge maps and the strategies I employed to overcome them, adding to the methodological literature on this subject. Taken together, the three chapters of this dissertation represent a conversation about the structure of climate communication research and the tools required for discovering, depicting, and understanding that structure. The contribution of this work overall is to offer a fixed vantage point from which to study past and current state-of-the art climate communication, and the knowledge structure that supports it. This analysis can act as a benchmark for where climate communication is now, and a tool for recognizing when and how the field has grown beyond its current structure

    Core research areas on addiction in Spain through the Web of Science bibliographic coupling analysis (2000-2013)

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    En el presente estudio se han identificado los principales núcleos de la investigación española en el área de las adicciones a través del estudio de los enlaces bibliográficos, en las publicaciones bajo el epígrafe ‘Substance abuse’ de la Web of Science. Este procedimiento analítico determina la proximidad temático-intelectual de los documentos objeto de estudio a partir de la identificación de la bibliografía común compartida o citada simultáneamente. Se ha efectuado un análisis factorial y un análisis de redes para agrupar los documentos, representar gráficamente los núcleos de investigación existentes y analizar las interrelaciones entre los mismos. Se han identificado 30 núcleos de investigación. El alcohol constituye el objeto de atención de 17 núcleos y la cocaína tiene una destacada presencia en 6 núcleos. La heroína y los opiáceos únicamente están presentes como sustancias destacadas en 4 núcleos y el cannabis y el tabaco en otros dos núcleos para cada una de ellas. Se ha constatado la existencia de un importante grado de atomización en el área, con la existencia de numerosos núcleos de investigación pero con pocas conexiones entre sí, con un reducido número de documentos que recogen un conocimiento común compartido. Destaca también el elevado número de núcleos emergentes, reflejo de un estado incipiente de muchos de los temas de investigación. Se debe incidir en prácticas que fomenten el consenso científico y la cohesión de la disciplina, así como favorecer la consolidación de las principales líneas que den respuesta a los problemas sociales y desafíos de la investigaciónThe present study identifies the main Spanish core research areas in the area of addictions through the bibliographic coupling analysis of the publications at the Web of Science under the substance abuse heading. The bibliographic coupling methodology is the analytical procedure that determines the thematic-intellectual proximity of the documents under consideration through the identification of the shared or simultaneously cited bibliography by those documents. A factor analysis and network analysis have been carried out to cluster documents, graphically represent the existing core research areas, and analyse the interrelations between them. We have identified 30 core research areas. Alcohol is the topic of attention of 17 areas and cocaine has a strong presence in 6. Heroin and opiates are only present as prominent substances in 4 areas and cannabis and tobacco in other two for each substance. It has been found that there is a significant degree of fragmentation in the area, with the existence of numerous research foci but with few connections with each other and few documents showing shared common knowledge. Also noteworthy is the large number of emerging research areas, reflecting an incipient stage in many of the research topics. Consideration must be placed in promoting scientific consensus and cohesion of the discipline as well as to encouraging the consolidation of main lines that respond to the social problems and research challengesS

    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic and Operational Decision Making

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    openEffective decision making lies at the core of organizational success. In the era of digital transformation, businesses are increasingly adopting data-driven approaches to gain a competitive advantage. According to existing literature, Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a significant advancement in this area, with the ability to analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, make accurate predictions, and provide decision support to organizations. This study aims to explore the impact of AI technologies on different levels of organizational decision making. By separating these decisions into strategic and operational according to their properties, the study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the feasibility, current adoption rates, and barriers hindering AI implementation in organizational decision making

    Meta-Research: investigating disagreement in the scientific literature

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    Disagreement is essential to scientific progress but the extent of disagreement in science, its evolution over time, and the fields in which it happens remain poorly understood. Here we report the development of an approach based on cue phrases that can identify instances of disagreement in scientific articles. These instances are sentences in an article that cite other articles. Applying this approach to a collection of more than four million English-language articles published between 2000 and 2015 period, we determine the level of disagreement in five broad fields within the scientific literature (biomedical and health sciences; life and earth sciences; mathematics and computer science; physical sciences and engineering; and social sciences and humanities) and 817 meso-level fields. Overall, the level of disagreement is highest in the social sciences and humanities, and lowest in mathematics and computer science. However, there is considerable heterogeneity across the meso-level fields, revealing the importance of local disciplinary cultures and the epistemic characteristics of disagreement. Analysis at the level of individual articles reveals notable episodes of disagreement in science, and illustrates how methodological artifacts can confound analyses of scientific texts.Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    Meta-Research: investigating disagreement in the scientific literature

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    Disagreement is essential to scientific progress but the extent of disagreement in science, its evolution over time, and the fields in which it happens remain poorly understood. Here we report the development of an approach based on cue phrases that can identify instances of disagreement in scientific articles. These instances are sentences in an article that cite other articles. Applying this approach to a collection of more than four million English-language articles published between 2000 and 2015 period, we determine the level of disagreement in five broad fields within the scientific literature (biomedical and health sciences; life and earth sciences; mathematics and computer science; physical sciences and engineering; and social sciences and humanities) and 817 meso-level fields. Overall, the level of disagreement is highest in the social sciences and humanities, and lowest in mathematics and computer science. However, there is considerable heterogeneity across the meso-level fields, revealing the importance of local disciplinary cultures and the epistemic characteristics of disagreement. Analysis at the level of individual articles reveals notable episodes of disagreement in science, and illustrates how methodological artifacts can confound analyses of scientific texts.Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    Patent analysis as an input to strategy: case of electric vehicle industry

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    This research work examines technological developments of an emerging field from the perspective of patented innovations and major industry players. The selected domain of the study is the electric vehicle (EV) industry, which represents an emerging technological field driven by innovations. Patent-to-patent citation information and entities associated with each patent (i.e. patent holder, technology field, country) were utilized for the visualization of the relationship between patents in the form of a network. Bibliographic coupling (BC) is the methodology used to establish these relationships. From the viewpoint of companies, this relationship indicates similarities in the technological development direction and areas of R&D activities, suggesting for possible competition or cooperation. From the perspective of patented technology, the association indicates that the technologies or their applications are closely related. The focus of the study is placed on the possibilities and limitations provided by patent analysis based on BC, so to facilitate further exploration and application of this methodology as a valuable tool for the support of managers' assessment of technological environment in real time and planning of the R&D projects within an emerging field. Managers can use patent maps as an additional source of information and communication support in the strategic decision-making process. Using the bibliographic information of patents, the technological landscape and recent developments in EV sector during the recent six years were analyzed based on the statistical examination and the graph theory provided by social network analysis. Citation networks were divided into clusters, the patent assignee in each cluster were tracked, and citation networks with characteristic technology field for each cluster were analyzed. Overall structural changes of the EV industry were explored by categorizing patent assignees into four main groups, i.e. automotive OEMs, suppliers, infrastructure providers and other players, and exploring the changes in patenting activities between these groups. Analysis of patent network dynamics reveals the changes in the structure of innovation landscape within an emerging field of EVs. Expert opinion of a Finnish automaker was included in the analysis of this study. Limitations of the methodology and suggestions for further research directions are discussed

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published The need for a theory of citing - a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published "The need for a theory of citing" —a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact
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