93 research outputs found

    Autonomous Energy Grids

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    Current frameworks to monitor, control, and optimize large-scale energy systems are becoming increasingly inadequate because of significantly high penetration levels of variable generation and distributed energy resources being integrated into electric power systems; the deluge of data from pervasive metering of energy grids; and a variety of new market mechanisms, including multilevel ancillary services. This paper outlines the concept of autonomous energy grids (AEGs). These systems are supported by a scalable, reconfigurable, and self-organizing information and control infrastructure, are extremely secure and resilient (self-healing), and can self-optimize in real time to ensure economic and reliable performance while systematically integrating energy in all forms. AEGs rely on cellular building blocks that can self-optimize when isolated from a larger grid and participate in optimal operation when interconnected to a larger grid. This paper describes the key concepts and research necessary in the broad domains of optimization theory, control theory, big data analytics, and complex system theory and modeling to realize the AEG vision

    Distributed Cooperative Regulation for Multiagent Systems and Its Applications to Power Systems: A Survey

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    Cooperative regulation of multiagent systems has become an active research area in the past decade. This paper reviews some recent progress in distributed coordination control for leader-following multiagent systems and its applications in power system and mainly focuses on the cooperative tracking control in terms of consensus tracking control and containment tracking control. Next, methods on how to rank the network nodes are summarized for undirected/directed network, based on which one can determine which follower should be connected to leaders such that partial followers can perceive leaders’ information. Furthermore, we present a survey of the most relevant scientific studies investigating the regulation and optimization problems in power systems based on distributed strategies. Finally, some potential applications in the frequency tracking regulation of smart grids are discussed at the end of the paper

    Blockchain-Based Water-Energy Transactive Management with Spatial-Temporal Uncertainties

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    Water resources are vital to the energy conversion process but few efforts have been devoted to the joint optimization problem which is fundamentally critical to the water-energy nexus for small-scale or remote energy systems (e.g., energy hubs). Traditional water and energy trading mechanisms depend on centralized authorities and cannot preserve security and privacy effectively. Also, their transaction process cannot be verified and is subject to easy tampering and frequent exposures to cyberattacks, forgery, and network failures. Toward that end, water-energy hubs (WEHs) offers a promising way to analyse water-energy nexus for greater resource utilization efficiency. We propose a two-stage blockchain-based transactive management method for multiple, interconnected WEHs. Our method considers peer-topeer (P2P) trading and demand response, and leverages blockchain to create a secure trading environment. It features auditing and resource transaction record management via system aggregators enabled by a consortium blockchain, and entails spatial-temporal distributionally robust optimization (DRO) for renewable generation and load uncertainties. A spatial-temporal ambiguity set is incorporated in DRO to characterize the spatial-temporal dependencies of the uncertainties in distributed renewable generation and load demand. We conduct a simulation-based evaluation that includes robust optimization and the moment-based DRO as benchmarks. The results reveal that our method is consistently more effective than both benchmarks. Key findings include i) our method reduces conservativeness with lower WEH trading and operation costs, and achieves important performance improvements by up to 6.1%; and ii) our method is efficient and requires 18.7% less computational time than the moment-based DRO. Overall, this study contributes to the extant literature by proposing a novel two-stage blockchain-based WEH transaction method, developing a realistic spatialtemporal ambiguity set to effectively hedge against the uncertainties for distributed renewable generation and load demand, and producing empirical evidence suggesting its greater effectiveness and values than several prevalent methods.</p

    Blockchain-Based Water-Energy Transactive Management with Spatial-Temporal Uncertainties

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    Water resources are vital to the energy conversion process but few efforts have been devoted to the joint optimization problem which is fundamentally critical to the water-energy nexus for small-scale or remote energy systems (e.g., energy hubs). Traditional water and energy trading mechanisms depend on centralized authorities and cannot preserve security and privacy effectively. Also, their transaction process cannot be verified and is subject to easy tampering and frequent exposures to cyberattacks, forgery, and network failures. Toward that end, water-energy hubs (WEHs) offers a promising way to analyse water-energy nexus for greater resource utilization efficiency. We propose a two-stage blockchain-based transactive management method for multiple, interconnected WEHs. Our method considers peer-topeer (P2P) trading and demand response, and leverages blockchain to create a secure trading environment. It features auditing and resource transaction record management via system aggregators enabled by a consortium blockchain, and entails spatial-temporal distributionally robust optimization (DRO) for renewable generation and load uncertainties. A spatial-temporal ambiguity set is incorporated in DRO to characterize the spatial-temporal dependencies of the uncertainties in distributed renewable generation and load demand. We conduct a simulation-based evaluation that includes robust optimization and the moment-based DRO as benchmarks. The results reveal that our method is consistently more effective than both benchmarks. Key findings include i) our method reduces conservativeness with lower WEH trading and operation costs, and achieves important performance improvements by up to 6.1%; and ii) our method is efficient and requires 18.7% less computational time than the moment-based DRO. Overall, this study contributes to the extant literature by proposing a novel two-stage blockchain-based WEH transaction method, developing a realistic spatialtemporal ambiguity set to effectively hedge against the uncertainties for distributed renewable generation and load demand, and producing empirical evidence suggesting its greater effectiveness and values than several prevalent methods.</p

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    This work presents a real-time dynamic pricing framework for future electricity markets. Deduced by first-principles analysis of physical, economic, and communication constraints within the power system, the proposed feedback control mechanism ensures both closed-loop system stability and economic efficiency at any given time. The resulting price signals are able to incentivize competitive market participants to eliminate spatio-temporal shortages in power supply quickly and purposively

    Resilience-driven planning and operation of networked microgrids featuring decentralisation and flexibility

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    High-impact and low-probability extreme events including both man-made events and natural weather events can cause severe damage to power systems. These events are typically rare but featured in long duration and large scale. Many research efforts have been conducted on the resilience enhancement of modern power systems. In recent years, microgrids (MGs) with distributed energy resources (DERs) including both conventional generation resources and renewable energy sources provide a viable solution for the resilience enhancement of such multi-energy systems during extreme events. More specifically, several islanded MGs after extreme events can be connected with each other as a cluster, which has the advantage of significantly reducing load shedding through energy sharing among them. On the other hand, mobile power sources (MPSs) such as mobile energy storage systems (MESSs), electric vehicles (EVs), and mobile emergency generators (MEGs) have been gradually deployed in current energy systems for resilience enhancement due to their significant advantages on mobility and flexibility. Given such a context, a literature review on resilience-driven planning and operation problems featuring MGs is presented in detail, while research limitations are summarised briefly. Then, this thesis investigates how to develop appropriate planning and operation models for the resilience enhancement of networked MGs via different types of DERs (e.g., MGs, ESSs, EVs, MESSs, etc.). This research is conducted in the following application scenarios: 1. This thesis proposes novel operation strategies for hybrid AC/DC MGs and networked MGs towards resilience enhancement. Three modelling approaches including centralised control, hierarchical control, and distributed control have been applied to formulate the proposed operation problems. A detailed non-linear AC OPF algorithm is employed to model each MG capturing all the network and technical constraints relating to stability properties (e.g., voltage limits, active and reactive power flow limits, and power losses), while uncertainties associated with renewable energy sources and load profiles are incorporated into the proposed models via stochastic programming. Impacts of limited generation resources, load distinction intro critical and non-critical, and severe contingencies (e.g., multiple line outages) are appropriately captured to mimic a realistic scenario. 2. This thesis introduces MPSs (e.g., EVs and MESSs) into the suggested networked MGs against the severe contingencies caused by extreme events. Specifically, time-coupled routing and scheduling characteristics of MPSs inside each MG are modelled to reduce load shedding when large damage is caused to each MG during extreme events. Both transportation networks and power networks are considered in the proposed models, while transporting time of MPSs between different transportation nodes is also appropriately captured. 3. This thesis focuses on developing realistic planning models for the optimal sizing problem of networked MGs capturing a trade-off between resilience and cost, while both internal uncertainties and external contingencies are considered in the suggested three-level planning model. Additionally, a resilience-driven planning model is developed to solve the coupled optimal sizing and pre-positioning problem of MESSs in the context of decentralised networked MGs. Internal uncertainties are captured in the model via stochastic programming, while external contingencies are included through the three-level structure. 4. This thesis investigates the application of artificial intelligence techniques to power system operations. Specifically, a model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) approach is proposed for the coordinated routing and scheduling problem of multiple MESSs towards resilience enhancement. The parameterized double deep Q-network method (P-DDQN) is employed to capture a hybrid policy including both discrete and continuous actions. A coupled power-transportation network featuring a linearised AC OPF algorithm is realised as the environment, while uncertainties associated with renewable energy sources, load profiles, line outages, and traffic volumes are incorporated into the proposed data-driven approach through the learning procedure.Open Acces

    Dynamic Incentives for Optimal Control of Competitive Power Systems

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    Technologisch herausfordernde Transformationsprozesse wie die Energiewende können durch passende Anreizsysteme entscheidend beschleunigt werden. Ziel solcher Anreize ist es hierbei, ein Umfeld idealerweise so zu schaffen, dass das Zusammenspiel aller aus Sicht der beteiligten Wettbewerber individuell optimalen Einzelhandlungen auch global optimal im Sinne eines übergeordneten Großziels ist. Die vorliegende Dissertation schafft einen regelungstechnischen Zugang zur Frage optimaler Anreizsysteme für heutige und zukünftige Stromnetze im Zieldreieck aus Systemstabilität, ökonomischer Effizienz und Netzdienlichkeit. Entscheidende Neuheit des entwickelten Ansatzes ist die Einführung zeitlich wie örtlich differenzierter Echtzeit-Preissignale, die sich aus der Lösung statischer und dynamischer Optimierungsprobleme ergeben. Der Miteinbezug lokal verfügbarer Messinformationen, die konsequente Mitmodellierung des unterlagerten physikalischen Netzes inklusive resistiver Verluste und die durchgängig zeitkontinuierliche Formulierung aller Teilsysteme ebnen den Weg von einer reinen Anreiz-Steuerung hin zu einer echten Anreiz-Regelung. Besonderes Augenmerk der Arbeit liegt in einer durch das allgemeine Unbundling-Gebot bedingten rigorosen Trennung zwischen Markt- und Netzakteuren. Nach umfangreicher Analyse des hierbei entstehenden geschlossenen Regelkreises erfolgt die beispielhafte Anwendung der Regelungsarchitektur für den Aufbau eines neuartigen Echtzeit-Engpassmanagementsystems. Weitere praktische Vorteile des entwickelten Ansatzes im Vergleich zu bestehenden Konzepten werden anhand zweier Fallstudien deutlich. Die port-basierte Systemmodellierung, der Verzicht auf zentralisierte Regeleingriffe und nicht zuletzt die Möglichkeit zur automatischen, dezentralen Selbstregulation aller Preise über das Gesamtnetz hinweg stellen schließlich die problemlose Erweiterbarkeit um zusätzliche optionale Anreizkomponenten sicher

    Self-organising multi-agent control for distribution networks with distributed energy resources

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    Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time.Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time