8 research outputs found

    An O(1)-Approximation for Minimum Spanning Tree Interdiction

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    Network interdiction problems are a natural way to study the sensitivity of a network optimization problem with respect to the removal of a limited set of edges or vertices. One of the oldest and best-studied interdiction problems is minimum spanning tree (MST) interdiction. Here, an undirected multigraph with nonnegative edge weights and positive interdiction costs on its edges is given, together with a positive budget B. The goal is to find a subset of edges R, whose total interdiction cost does not exceed B, such that removing R leads to a graph where the weight of an MST is as large as possible. Frederickson and Solis-Oba (SODA 1996) presented an O(log m)-approximation for MST interdiction, where m is the number of edges. Since then, no further progress has been made regarding approximations, and the question whether MST interdiction admits an O(1)-approximation remained open. We answer this question in the affirmative, by presenting a 14-approximation that overcomes two main hurdles that hindered further progress so far. Moreover, based on a well-known 2-approximation for the metric traveling salesman problem (TSP), we show that our O(1)-approximation for MST interdiction implies an O(1)-approximation for a natural interdiction version of metric TSP

    Randomized Contractions for Multiobjective Minimum Cuts

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    We show that Karger\u27s randomized contraction method (SODA 93) can be adapted to multiobjective global minimum cut problems with a constant number of edge or node budget constraints to give efficient algorithms. For global minimum cuts with a single edge-budget constraint, our extension of the randomized contraction method has running time tilde{O}(n^3) in an n-node graph improving upon the best-known randomized algorithm with running time tilde{O}(n^4) due to Armon and Zwick (Algorithmica 2006). Our analysis also gives a new upper bound of O(n^3) for the number of optimal solutions for a single edge-budget min cut problem. For the case of (k-1) edge-budget constraints, the extension of our algorithm saves a logarithmic factor from the best-known randomized running time of O(n^{2k} log^3 n). A main feature of our algorithms is to adaptively choose, at each step, the appropriate cost function used in the random selection of edges to be contracted. For the global min cut problem with a constant number of node budgets, we give a randomized algorithm with running time tilde{O}(n^2), improving the current best determinisitic running time of O(n^3) due to Goemans and Soto (SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2013). Our method also shows that the total number of distinct optimal solutions is bounded by O(n^2) as in the case of global min-cuts. Our algorithm extends to the node-budget constrained global min cut problem excluding a given sink with the same running time and bound on number of optimal solutions, again improving upon the best-known running time by a factor of O(n). For node-budget constrained problems, our improvements arise from incorporating the idea of merging any infeasible super-nodes that arise during the random contraction process. In contrast to cuts excluding a sink, we note that the node-cardinality constrained min-cut problem containing a given source is strongly NP-hard using a reduction from graph bisection

    Vertex Downgrading to Minimize Connectivity

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    We consider the problem of interdicting a directed graph by deleting nodes with the goal of minimizing the local edge connectivity of the remaining graph from a given source to a sink. We introduce and study a general downgrading variant of the interdiction problem where the capacity of an arc is a function of the subset of its endpoints that are downgraded, and the goal is to minimize the downgraded capacity of a minimum source-sink cut subject to a node downgrading budget. This models the case when both ends of an arc must be downgraded to remove it, for example. For this generalization, we provide a bicriteria (4,4)-approximation that downgrades nodes with total weight at most 4 times the budget and provides a solution where the downgraded connectivity from the source to the sink is at most 4 times that in an optimal solution. We accomplish this with an LP relaxation and rounding using a ball-growing algorithm based on the LP values. We further generalize the downgrading problem to one where each vertex can be downgraded to one of k levels, and the arc capacities are functions of the pairs of levels to which its ends are downgraded. We generalize our LP rounding to get a (4k,4k)-approximation for this case

    Stream sketches, sampling, and sabotage

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    Exact solutions are unattainable for important problems. The calculations are limited by the memory of our computers and the length of time that we can wait for a solution. The field of approximation algorithms has grown to address this problem; it is practically important and theoretically fascinating. We address three questions along these lines. What are the limits of streaming computation? Can we efficiently compute the likelihood of a given network of relationships? How robust are the solutions to combinatorial optimization problems? High speed network monitoring and rapid acquisition of scientific data require the development of space efficient algorithms. In these settings it is impractical or impossible to store all of the data, nonetheless the need for analyzing it persists. Typically, the goal is to compute some simple statistics on the input using sublinear, or even polylogarithmic, space. Our main contributions here are the complete classification of the space necessary for several types of statistics. Our sharpest results characterize the complexity in terms of the domain size and stream length. Furthermore, our algorithms are universal for their respective classes of statistics. A network of relationships, for example friendships or species-habitat pairings, can often be represented as a binary contingency table, which is {0,1}-matrix with given row and column sums. A natural null model for hypothesis testing here is the uniform distribution on the set of binary contingency tables with the same line sums as the observation. However, exact calculation, asymptotic approximation, and even Monte-Carlo approximation of p-values are so-far practically unattainable for many interesting examples. This thesis presents two new algorithms for sampling contingency tables. One is a hybrid algorithm that combines elements of two previously known algorithms. It is intended to exploit certain properties of the margins that are observed in some data sets. Our other algorithm samples from a larger set of tables, but it has the advantage of being fast. The robustness of a system can be assessed from optimal attack strategies. Interdiction problems ask about the worst-case impact of a limited change to an underlying optimization problem. Most interdiction problems are NP-hard, and furthermore, even designing efficient approximation algorithms that allow for estimating the order of magnitude of a worst-case impact has turned out to be very difficult. We suggest a general method to obtain pseudoapproximations for many interdiction problems

    Proceedings of the 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

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