622 research outputs found

    An Efficient Strongly Connected Components Algorithm in the Fault Tolerant Model

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    In this paper we study the problem of maintaining the strongly connected components of a graph in the presence of failures. In particular, we show that given a directed graph G=(V,E) with n=|V| and m=|E|, and an integer value kgeq 1, there is an algorithm that computes in O(2^{k}n log^2 n) time for any set F of size at most k the strongly connected components of the graph GF. The running time of our algorithm is almost optimal since the time for outputting the SCCs of GF is at least Omega(n). The algorithm uses a data structure that is computed in a preprocessing phase in polynomial time and is of size O(2^{k} n^2). Our result is obtained using a new observation on the relation between strongly connected components (SCCs) and reachability. More specifically, one of the main building blocks in our result is a restricted variant of the problem in which we only compute strongly connected components that intersect a certain path. Restricting our attention to a path allows us to implicitly compute reachability between the path vertices and the rest of the graph in time that depends logarithmically rather than linearly in the size of the path. This new observation alone, however, is not enough, since we need to find an efficient way to represent the strongly connected components using paths. For this purpose we use a mixture of old and classical techniques such as the heavy path decomposition of Sleator and Tarjan and the classical Depth-First-Search algorithm. Although, these are by now standard techniques, we are not aware of any usage of them in the context of dynamic maintenance of SCCs. Therefore, we expect that our new insights and mixture of new and old techniques will be of independent interest

    Formal Proofs of Tarjan\u27s Strongly Connected Components Algorithm in Why3, Coq and Isabelle

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    Comparing provers on a formalization of the same problem is always a valuable exercise. In this paper, we present the formal proof of correctness of a non-trivial algorithm from graph theory that was carried out in three proof assistants: Why3, Coq, and Isabelle

    Accelerated hardware video object segmentation: From foreground detection to connected components labelling

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    This is the preprint version of the Article - Copyright @ 2010 ElsevierThis paper demonstrates the use of a single-chip FPGA for the segmentation of moving objects in a video sequence. The system maintains highly accurate background models, and integrates the detection of foreground pixels with the labelling of objects using a connected components algorithm. The background models are based on 24-bit RGB values and 8-bit gray scale intensity values. A multimodal background differencing algorithm is presented, using a single FPGA chip and four blocks of RAM. The real-time connected component labelling algorithm, also designed for FPGA implementation, run-length encodes the output of the background subtraction, and performs connected component analysis on this representation. The run-length encoding, together with other parts of the algorithm, is performed in parallel; sequential operations are minimized as the number of run-lengths are typically less than the number of pixels. The two algorithms are pipelined together for maximum efficiency

    Subproblem Separation in Logic-Based Benders\u27 Decomposition for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Local Congestion

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    Subproblem separation is a common strategy for the acceleration of the logic-based Benders\u27 decomposition (LBBD). However, it has only been applied to problems with an inherently separable subproblem structure. This paper proposes a new method to separate the subproblem using the connected components algorithm. The subproblem separation is applied to the vehicle routing problem with local congestion (VRPLC). Accordingly, new Benders\u27 cuts are derived for the new subproblem formulation. The computational experiments evaluate the effectiveness of subproblem separation for different methods applying new cuts. It is shown that subproblem separation significantly benefits the LBBD scheme

    Real-Time Automatic Fetal Brain Extraction in Fetal MRI by Deep Learning

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    Brain segmentation is a fundamental first step in neuroimage analysis. In the case of fetal MRI, it is particularly challenging and important due to the arbitrary orientation of the fetus, organs that surround the fetal head, and intermittent fetal motion. Several promising methods have been proposed but are limited in their performance in challenging cases and in real-time segmentation. We aimed to develop a fully automatic segmentation method that independently segments sections of the fetal brain in 2D fetal MRI slices in real-time. To this end, we developed and evaluated a deep fully convolutional neural network based on 2D U-net and autocontext, and compared it to two alternative fast methods based on 1) a voxelwise fully convolutional network and 2) a method based on SIFT features, random forest and conditional random field. We trained the networks with manual brain masks on 250 stacks of training images, and tested on 17 stacks of normal fetal brain images as well as 18 stacks of extremely challenging cases based on extreme motion, noise, and severely abnormal brain shape. Experimental results show that our U-net approach outperformed the other methods and achieved average Dice metrics of 96.52% and 78.83% in the normal and challenging test sets, respectively. With an unprecedented performance and a test run time of about 1 second, our network can be used to segment the fetal brain in real-time while fetal MRI slices are being acquired. This can enable real-time motion tracking, motion detection, and 3D reconstruction of fetal brain MRI.Comment: This work has been submitted to ISBI 201

    Design of an FPGA-based smart camera and its application towards object tracking : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Engineering at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Smart cameras and hardware image processing are not new concepts, yet despite the fact both have existed several decades, not much literature has been presented on the design and development process of hardware based smart cameras. This thesis will examine and demonstrate the principles needed to develop a smart camera on hardware, based on the experiences from developing an FPGA-based smart camera. The smart camera is applied on a Terasic DE0 FPGA development board, using Terasic’s 5 megapixel GPIO camera. The algorithm operates at 120 frames per second at a resolution of 640x480 by utilising a modular streaming approach. Two case studies will be explored in order to demonstrate the development techniques established in this thesis. The first case study will develop the global vision system for a robot soccer implementation. The algorithm will identify and calculate the positions and orientations of each robot and the ball. Like many robot soccer implementations each robot has colour patches on top to identify each robot and aid finding its orientation. The ball is comprised of a single solid colour that is completely distinct from the colour patches. Due to the presence of uneven light levels a YUV-like colour space labelled YC1C2 is used in order to make the colour values more light invariant. The colours are then classified using a connected components algorithm to segment the colour patches. The shapes of the classified patches are then used to identify the individual robots, and a CORDIC function is used to calculate the orientation. The second case study will investigate an improved colour segmentation design. A new HSY colour space is developed by remapping the Cartesian coordinate system from the YC1C2 to a polar coordinate system. This provides improved colour segmentation results by allowing for variations in colour value caused by uneven light patterns and changing light levels

    Efficient parallel computation on multiprocessors with optical interconnection networks

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    This dissertation studies optical interconnection networks, their architecture, address schemes, and computation and communication capabilities. We focus on a simple but powerful optical interconnection network model - the Linear Array with Reconfigurable pipelined Bus System (LARPBS). We extend the LARPBS model to a simplified higher dimensional LAPRBS and provide a set of basic computation operations. We then study the following two groups of parallel computation problems on both one dimensional LARPBS\u27s as well as multi-dimensional LARPBS\u27s: parallel comparison problems, including sorting, merging, and selection; Boolean matrix multiplication, transitive closure and their applications to connected component problems. We implement an optimal sorting algorithm on an n-processor LARPBS. With this optimal sorting algorithm at disposal, we study the sorting problem for higher dimensional LARPBS\u27s and obtain the following results: • An optimal basic Columnsort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • Two optimal two-way merge sort algorithms on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal multi-way merge sorting algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 2D LARPBS. • An optimal generalized column sort algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. • An optimal 5-phase sorting algorithm on a 3D LARPBS. Results for selection problems are as follows: • A constant time maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An optimal maximum-finding algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O((log log n)2) time parallel selection algorithm on an LARPBS. • An O(k(log log n)2) time parallel multi-selection algorithm on an LARPBS. While studying the computation and communication properties of the LARPBS model, we find Boolean matrix multiplication and its applications to the graph are another set of problem that can be solved efficiently on the LARPBS. Following is a list of results we have obtained in this area. • A constant time Boolean matrix multiplication algorithm. • An O(log n)-time transitive closure algorithm. • An O(log n)-time connected components algorithm. • An O(log n)-time strongly connected components algorithm. The results provided in this dissertation show the strong computation and communication power of optical interconnection networks