57 research outputs found

    Generalized and Resource-Efficient VNet Embeddings with Migrations

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    This paper attends to the problem of embedding flexibly specified CloudNets, virtual networks connecting cloud resources (such as storage or computation). We attend to a scenario where customers can request CloudNets at short notice, and an infrastructure provider (or a potential itermediate broker or reseller) first embeds the CloudNet fast (e.g., using a simple heuristic). Later, however, long-lived CloudNets embeddings are optimized by migrating them to more suitable locations, whose precise definition depends on a given objective function. For instance, such migrations can be useful to reduce the peak resource loads in the network by spreading CloudNets across the infrastructure, to save energy by moving CloudNets together and switching off unused components, or for maintenance purposes. We present a very generic algorithm to compute optimal embeddings of CloudNets: It allows for different objective functions (such as load minimization or energy conservation), supports cost-aware migration, and can deal with all link types that arise in practice (e.g., full-duplex or even wireless or wired broadcast links with multiple endpoints). Our evaluation shows that such a rigorous optimization is even feasible in order to optimize a moderate-size CloudNet of full flexibility (e.g., a router site, a small physical infrastructure or virtual provider network)

    Analyzing challenging aspects of IPv6 over IPv4

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    The exponential expansion of the Internet has exhausted the IPv4 addresses provided by IANA. The new IP edition, i.e. IPv6 introduced by IETF with new features such as a simplified packet header, a greater address space, a different address sort, improved encryption, powerful section routing, and stronger QoS. ISPs are slowly seeking to migrate from current IPv4 physical networks to new generation IPv6 networks. ‎The move from actual IPv4 to software-based IPv6 is very sluggish, since billions of computers across the globe use IPv4 addresses. The configuration and actions of IP4 and IPv6 protocols are distinct. Direct correspondence between IPv4 and IPv6 is also not feasible. In terms of the incompatibility problems, all protocols can co-exist throughout the transformation for a few years. Compatibility, interoperability, and stability are key concerns between IP4 and IPv6 protocols. After the conversion of the network through an IPv6, the move causes several issues for ISPs. The key challenges faced by ISPs are packet traversing, routing scalability, performance reliability, and protection. Within this study, we meticulously analyzed a detailed overview of all aforementioned issues during switching into ipv6 network

    RETRACTED: Analyzing challenging aspects of IPv6 over IPv4

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    This article has been retracted by the publisher. This article has been retracted at the request of The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) report because of misconduct and plagiarism. The document and its content have been removed from the Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika, and reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article

    Analyzing challenging aspects of IPv6 over IPv4

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    The exponential expansion of the Internet has exhausted the IPv4 addresses provided by IANA. The new IP edition, i.e. IPv6 introduced by IETF with new features such as a simplified packet header, a greater address space, a different address sort, improved encryption, powerful section routing, and stronger QoS. ISPs are slowly seeking to migrate from current IPv4 physical networks to new generation IPv6 networks. ‎The move from actual IPv4 to software-based IPv6 is very sluggish, since billions of computers across the globe use IPv4 addresses. The configuration and actions of IP4 and IPv6 protocols are distinct. Direct correspondence between IPv4 and IPv6 is also not feasible. In terms of the incompatibility problems, all protocols can co-exist throughout the transformation for a few years. Compatibility, interoperability, and stability are key concerns between IP4 and IPv6 protocols. After the conversion of the network through an IPv6, the move causes several issues for ISPs. The key challenges faced by ISPs are packet traversing, routing scalability, performance reliability, and protection. Within this study, we meticulously analyzed a detailed overview of all aforementioned issues during switching into ipv6 network

    Trustworthy Knowledge Planes For Federated Distributed Systems

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    In federated distributed systems, such as the Internet and the public cloud, the constituent systems can differ in their configuration and provisioning, resulting in significant impacts on the performance, robustness, and security of applications. Yet these systems lack support for distinguishing such characteristics, resulting in uninformed service selection and poor inter-operator coordination. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a trustworthy knowledge plane that can determine such characteristics about autonomous networks on the Internet. A knowledge plane collects the state of network devices and participants. Using this state, applications infer whether a network possesses some characteristic of interest. The knowledge plane uses attestation to attribute state descriptions to the principals that generated them, thereby making the results of inference more trustworthy. Trustworthy knowledge planes enable applications to establish stronger assumptions about their network operating environment, resulting in improved robustness and reduced deployment barriers. We have prototyped the knowledge plane and associated devices. Experience with deploying analyses over production networks demonstrate that knowledge planes impose low cost and can scale to support Internet-scale networks

    Reducing the Cost of Operating a Datacenter Network

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    Datacenters are a significant capital expense for many enterprises. Yet, they are difficult to manage and are hard to design and maintain. The initial design of a datacenter network tends to follow vendor guidelines, but subsequent upgrades and expansions to it are mostly ad hoc, with equipment being upgraded piecemeal after its amortization period runs out and equipment acquisition is tied to budget cycles rather than changes in workload. These networks are also brittle and inflexible. They tend to be manually managed, and cannot perform dynamic traffic engineering. The high-level goal of this dissertation is to reduce the total cost of owning a datacenter by improving its network. To achieve this, we make the following contributions. First, we develop an automated, theoretically well-founded approach to planning cost-effective datacenter upgrades and expansions. Second, we propose a scalable traffic management framework for datacenter networks. Together, we show that these contributions can significantly reduce the cost of operating a datacenter network. To design cost-effective network topologies, especially as the network expands over time, updated equipment must coexist with legacy equipment, which makes the network heterogeneous. However, heterogeneous high-performance network designs are not well understood. Our first step, therefore, is to develop the theory of heterogeneous Clos topologies. Using our theory, we propose an optimization framework, called LEGUP, which designs a heterogeneous Clos network to implement in a new or legacy datacenter. Although effective, LEGUP imposes a certain amount of structure on the network. To deal with situations when this is infeasible, our second contribution is a framework, called REWIRE, which using optimization to design unstructured DCN topologies. Our results indicate that these unstructured topologies have up to 100-500\% more bisection bandwidth than a fat-tree for the same dollar cost. Our third contribution is two frameworks for datacenter network traffic engineering. Because of the multiplicity of end-to-end paths in DCN fabrics, such as Clos networks and the topologies designed by REWIRE, careful traffic engineering is needed to maximize throughput. This requires timely detection of elephant flows---flows that carry large amount of data---and management of those flows. Previously proposed approaches incur high monitoring overheads, consume significant switch resources, or have long detection times. We make two proposals for elephant flow detection. First, in the Mahout framework, we suggest that such flows be detected by observing the end hosts' socket buffers, which provide efficient visibility of flow behavior. Second, in the DevoFlow framework, we add efficient stats-collection mechanisms to network switches. Using simulations and experiments, we show that these frameworks reduce traffic engineering overheads by at least an order of magnitude while still providing near-optimal performance

    Trustworthy Knowledge Planes For Federated Distributed Systems

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    In federated distributed systems, such as the Internet and the public cloud, the constituent systems can differ in their configuration and provisioning, resulting in significant impacts on the performance, robustness, and security of applications. Yet these systems lack support for distinguishing such characteristics, resulting in uninformed service selection and poor inter-operator coordination. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a trustworthy knowledge plane that can determine such characteristics about autonomous networks on the Internet. A knowledge plane collects the state of network devices and participants. Using this state, applications infer whether a network possesses some characteristic of interest. The knowledge plane uses attestation to attribute state descriptions to the principals that generated them, thereby making the results of inference more trustworthy. Trustworthy knowledge planes enable applications to establish stronger assumptions about their network operating environment, resulting in improved robustness and reduced deployment barriers. We have prototyped the knowledge plane and associated devices. Experience with deploying analyses over production networks demonstrate that knowledge planes impose low cost and can scale to support Internet-scale networks

    Integração do paradigma de cloud computing com a infraestrutura de rede do operador

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaThe proliferation of Internet access allows that users have the possibility to use services available directly through the Internet, which translates in a change of the paradigm of using applications and in the way of communicating, popularizing in this way the so-called cloud computing paradigm. Cloud computing brings with it requirements at two different levels: at the cloud level, usually relying in centralized data centers, where information technology and network resources must be able to guarantee the demand of such services; and at the access level, i.e., depending on the service being consumed, different quality of service is required in the access network, which is a Network Operator (NO) domain. In summary, there is an obvious network dependency. However, the network has been playing a relatively minor role, mostly as a provider of (best-effort) connectivity within the cloud and in the access network. The work developed in this Thesis enables for the effective integration of cloud and NO domains, allowing the required network support for cloud. We propose a framework and a set of associated mechanisms for the integrated management and control of cloud computing and NO domains to provide endto- end services. Moreover, we elaborate a thorough study on the embedding of virtual resources in this integrated environment. The study focuses on maximizing the host of virtual resources on the physical infrastructure through optimal embedding strategies (considering the initial allocation of resources as well as adaptations through time), while at the same time minimizing the costs associated to energy consumption, in single and multiple domains. Furthermore, we explore how the NO can take advantage of the integrated environment to host traditional network functions. In this sense, we study how virtual network Service Functions (SFs) should be modelled and managed in a cloud environment and enhance the framework accordingly. A thorough evaluation of the proposed solutions was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing their benefits. We implemented proof of concepts to prove the added value, feasibility and easy deployment characteristics of the proposed framework. Furthermore, the embedding strategies evaluation has been performed through simulation and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solving tools, and it showed that it is possible to reduce the physical infrastructure energy consumption without jeopardizing the virtual resources acceptance. This fact can be further increased by allowing virtual resource adaptation through time. However, one should have in mind the costs associated to adaptation processes. The costs can be minimized, but the virtual resource acceptance can be also reduced. This tradeoff has also been subject of the work in this Thesis.A proliferação do acesso à Internet permite aos utilizadores usar serviços disponibilizados diretamente através da Internet, o que se traduz numa mudança de paradigma na forma de usar aplicações e na forma de comunicar, popularizando desta forma o conceito denominado de cloud computing. Cloud computing traz consigo requisitos a dois níveis: ao nível da própria cloud, geralmente dependente de centros de dados centralizados, onde as tecnologias de informação e recursos de rede têm que ser capazes de garantir as exigências destes serviços; e ao nível do acesso, ou seja, dependendo do serviço que esteja a ser consumido, são necessários diferentes níveis de qualidade de serviço na rede de acesso, um domínio do operador de rede. Em síntese, existe uma clara dependência da cloud na rede. No entanto, o papel que a rede tem vindo a desempenhar neste âmbito é reduzido, sendo principalmente um fornecedor de conectividade (best-effort) tanto no dominio da cloud como no da rede de acesso. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta Tese permite uma integração efetiva dos domínios de cloud e operador de rede, dando assim à cloud o efetivo suporte da rede. Para tal, apresentamos uma plataforma e um conjunto de mecanismos associados para gestão e controlo integrado de domínios cloud computing e operador de rede por forma a fornecer serviços fim-a-fim. Além disso, elaboramos um estudo aprofundado sobre o mapeamento de recursos virtuais neste ambiente integrado. O estudo centra-se na maximização da incorporação de recursos virtuais na infraestrutura física por meio de estratégias de mapeamento ótimas (considerando a alocação inicial de recursos, bem como adaptações ao longo do tempo), enquanto que se minimizam os custos associados ao consumo de energia. Este estudo é feito para cenários de apenas um domínio e para cenários com múltiplos domínios. Além disso, exploramos como o operador de rede pode aproveitar o referido ambiente integrado para suportar funções de rede tradicionais. Neste sentido, estudamos como as funções de rede virtualizadas devem ser modeladas e geridas num ambiente cloud e estendemos a plataforma de acordo com este conceito. No âmbito desta Tese foi feita uma avaliação extensa das soluções propostas, avaliando os seus benefícios. Implementámos provas de conceito por forma a demonstrar as mais-valias, viabilidade e fácil implantação das soluções propostas. Além disso, a avaliação das estratégias de mapeamento foi realizada através de ferramentas de simulação e de programação linear inteira, mostrando que é possível reduzir o consumo de energia da infraestrutura física, sem comprometer a aceitação de recursos virtuais. Este aspeto pode ser melhorado através da adaptação de recursos virtuais ao longo do tempo. No entanto, deve-se ter em mente os custos associados aos processos de adaptação. Os custos podem ser minimizados, mas isso implica uma redução na aceitação de recursos virtuais. Esta compensação foi também um tema abordado nesta Tese

    Traffic and Resource Management in Robust Cloud Data Center Networks

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    Cloud Computing is becoming the mainstream paradigm, as organizations, both large and small, begin to harness its benefits. Cloud computing gained its success for giving IT exactly what it needed: The ability to grow and shrink computing resources, on the go, in a cost-effective manner, without the anguish of infrastructure design and setup. The ability to adapt computing demands to market fluctuations is just one of the many benefits that cloud computing has to offer, this is why this new paradigm is rising rapidly. According to a Gartner report, the total sales of the various cloud services will be worth 204 billion dollars worldwide in 2016. With this massive growth, the performance of the underlying infrastructure is crucial to its success and sustainability. Currently, cloud computing heavily depends on data centers for its daily business needs. In fact, it is through the virtualization of data centers that the concept of "computing as a utility" emerged. However, data center virtualization is still in its infancy; and there exists a plethora of open research issues and challenges related to data center virtualization, including but not limited to, optimized topologies and protocols, embedding design methods and online algorithms, resource provisioning and allocation, data center energy efficiency, fault tolerance issues and fault tolerant design, improving service availability under failure conditions, enabling network programmability, etc. This dissertation will attempt to elaborate and address key research challenges and problems related to the design and operation of efficient virtualized data centers and data center infrastructure for cloud services. In particular, we investigate the problem of scalable traffic management and traffic engineering methods in data center networks and present a decomposition method to exactly solve the problem with considerable runtime improvement over mathematical-based formulations. To maximize the network's admissibility and increase its revenue, cloud providers must make efficient use of their's network resources. This goal is highly correlated with the employed resource allocation/placement schemes; formally known as the virtual network embedding problem. This thesis looks at multi-facets of this latter problem; in particular, we study the embedding problem for services with one-to-many communication mode; or what we denote as the multicast virtual network embedding problem. Then, we tackle the survivable virtual network embedding problem by proposing a fault-tolerance design that provides guaranteed service continuity in the event of server failure. Furthermore, we consider the embedding problem for elastic services in the event of heterogeneous node failures. Finally, in the effort to enable and support data center network programmability, we study the placement problem of softwarized network functions (e.g., load balancers, firewalls, etc.), formally known as the virtual network function assignment problem. Owing to its combinatorial complexity, we propose a novel decomposition method, and we numerically show that it is hundred times faster than mathematical formulations from recent existing literature