434 research outputs found

    Assentication: User Deauthentication and Lunchtime Attack Mitigation with Seated Posture Biometric

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    Biometric techniques are often used as an extra security factor in authenticating human users. Numerous biometrics have been proposed and evaluated, each with its own set of benefits and pitfalls. Static biometrics (such as fingerprints) are geared for discrete operation, to identify users, which typically involves some user burden. Meanwhile, behavioral biometrics (such as keystroke dynamics) are well suited for continuous, and sometimes more unobtrusive, operation. One important application domain for biometrics is deauthentication, a means of quickly detecting absence of a previously authenticated user and immediately terminating that user's active secure sessions. Deauthentication is crucial for mitigating so called Lunchtime Attacks, whereby an insider adversary takes over (before any inactivity timeout kicks in) authenticated state of a careless user who walks away from her computer. Motivated primarily by the need for an unobtrusive and continuous biometric to support effective deauthentication, we introduce PoPa, a new hybrid biometric based on a human user's seated posture pattern. PoPa captures a unique combination of physiological and behavioral traits. We describe a low cost fully functioning prototype that involves an office chair instrumented with 16 tiny pressure sensors. We also explore (via user experiments) how PoPa can be used in a typical workplace to provide continuous authentication (and deauthentication) of users. We experimentally assess viability of PoPa in terms of uniqueness by collecting and evaluating posture patterns of a cohort of users. Results show that PoPa exhibits very low false positive, and even lower false negative, rates. In particular, users can be identified with, on average, 91.0% accuracy. Finally, we compare pros and cons of PoPa with those of several prominent biometric based deauthentication techniques

    Keystroke and Touch-dynamics Based Authentication for Desktop and Mobile Devices

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    The most commonly used system on desktop computers is a simple username and password approach which assumes that only genuine users know their own credentials. Once broken, the system will accept every authentication trial using compromised credentials until the breach is detected. Mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, have seen an explosive increase for personal computing and internet browsing. While the primary mode of interaction in such devices is through their touch screen via gestures, the authentication procedures have been inherited from keyboard-based computers, e.g. a Personal Identification Number, or a gesture based password, etc.;This work provides contributions to advance two types of behavioral biometrics applicable to desktop and mobile computers: keystroke dynamics and touch dynamics. Keystroke dynamics relies upon the manner of typing rather than what is typed to authenticate users. Similarly, a continual touch based authentication that actively authenticates the user is a more natural alternative for mobile devices.;Within the keystroke dynamics domain, habituation refers to the evolution of user typing pattern over time. This work details the significant impact of habituation on user behavior. It offers empirical evidence of the significant impact on authentication systems attempting to identify a genuine user affected by habituation, and the effect of habituation on similarities between users and impostors. It also proposes a novel effective feature for the keystroke dynamics domain called event sequences. We show empirically that unlike features from traditional keystroke dynamics literature, event sequences are independent of typing speed. This provides a unique advantage in distinguishing between users when typing complex text.;With respect to touch dynamics, an immense variety of mobile devices are available for consumers, differing in size, aspect ratio, operating systems, hardware and software specifications to name a few. An effective touch based authentication system must be able to work with one user model across a spectrum of devices and user postures. This work uses a locally collected dataset to provide empirical evidence of the significant effect of posture, device size and manufacturer on user authentication performance. Based on the results of this strand of research, we suggest strategies to improve the performance of continual touch based authentication systems

    Psychomotor Impairment Detection via Finger Interactions with a Computer Keyboard During Natural Typing

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    Modern digital devices and appliances are capable of monitoring the timing of button presses, or finger interactions in general, with a sub-millisecond accuracy. However, the massive amount of high resolution temporal information that these devices could collect is currently being discarded. Multiple studies have shown that the act of pressing a button triggers well defined brain areas which are known to be affected by motor-compromised conditions. In this study, we demonstrate that the daily interaction with a computer keyboard can be employed as means to observe and potentially quantify psychomotor impairment. We induced a psychomotor impairment via a sleep inertia paradigm in 14 healthy subjects, which is detected by our classifier with an Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) of 0.93/0.91. The detection relies on novel features derived from key-hold times acquired on standard computer keyboards during an uncontrolled typing task. These features correlate with the progression to psychomotor impairment (p < 0.001) regardless of the content and language of the text typed, and perform consistently with different keyboards. The ability to acquire longitudinal measurements of subtle motor changes from a digital device without altering its functionality may allow for early screening and follow-up of motor-compromised neurodegenerative conditions, psychological disorders or intoxication at a negligible cost in the general population.Comunidad de Madri

    Pickup usability dominates: a brief history of mobile text entry research and adoption

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    Text entry on mobile devices (e.g. phones and PDAs) has been a research challenge since devices shrank below laptop size: mobile devices are simply too small to have a traditional full-size keyboard. There has been a profusion of research into text entry techniques for smaller keyboards and touch screens: some of which have become mainstream, while others have not lived up to early expectations. As the mobile phone industry moves to mainstream touch screen interaction we will review the range of input techniques for mobiles, together with evaluations that have taken place to assess their validity: from theoretical modelling through to formal usability experiments. We also report initial results on iPhone text entry speed

    A Two-Process Model for Control of Legato Articulation Across a Wide Range of Tempos During Piano Performance

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    Prior reports indicated a non-linear increase in key overlap times (KOTs) as tempo slows for scales/arpeggios performed at internote intervals (INIs) of I00-1000 ms. Simulations illustrate that this function can be explained by a two-process model. An oscillating neural network based on dynamics of the vector-integration-to-endpoint model for central generation of voluntary actions, allows performers to compute an estimate of the time remaining before the oscillator's next cycle onset. At fixed successive threshold values of this estimate they first launch keystroke n+l and then lift keystroke n. As tempo slows, time required to pass between threshold crossings elongates, and KOT increases. If only this process prevailed, performers would produce longer than observed KOTs at the slowest tempo. The full data set is explicable if subjects lift keystroke n whenever they cross the second threshold or receive sensory feedback from stroke n+l, whichever comes earlier.Fulbright grant; Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309, N0014-95-1-0409

    Automatic Inference of Programming Performance and Experience from Typing Patterns

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    Studies on retention and success in introductory programming course have suggested that previous programming experience contributes to students' course outcomes. If such background information could be automatically distilled from students' working process, additional guidance and support mechanisms could be provided even to those, who do not wish to disclose such information. In this study, we explore methods for automatically distinguishing novice programmers from more experienced programmers using fine-grained source code snapshot data. We approach the issue by partially replicating a previous study that used students' keystroke latencies as a proxy to introductory programming course outcomes, and follow this by an exploration of machine learning methods to separate those students with little to no previous programming experience from those with more experience. Our results confirm that students' keystroke latencies can be used as a metric for measuring course outcomes. At the same time, our results show that students programming experience can be identified to some extent from keystroke latency data, which means that such data has potential as a source of information for customizing the students' learning experience.Peer reviewe

    A Study of Keystroke Data in Two Contexts : Written Language and Programming Language Influence Predictability of Learning Outcomes

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    We study programming process data from two introductory programming courses. Between the course contexts, the programming languages differ, the teaching approaches differ, and the spoken languages differ. In both courses, students' keystroke data -- timestamps and the pressed keys -- are recorded as students work on programming assignments. We study how the keystroke data differs between the contexts, and whether research on predicting course outcomes using keystroke latencies generalizes to other contexts. Our results show that there are differences between the contexts in terms of frequently used keys, which can be partially explained by the differences between the spoken languages and the programming languages. Further, our results suggest that programming process data that can be collected non-intrusive in-situ can be used for predicting course outcomes in multiple contexts. The predictive power, however, varies between contexts possibly because the frequently used keys differ between programming languages and spoken languages. Thus, context-specific fine-tuning of predictive models may be needed.Peer reviewe

    An Empirical Study Comparing Unobtrusive Physiological Sensors for Stress Detection in Computer Work.

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    Several unobtrusive sensors have been tested in studies to capture physiological reactions to stress in workplace settings. Lab studies tend to focus on assessing sensors during a specific computer task, while in situ studies tend to offer a generalized view of sensors' efficacy for workplace stress monitoring, without discriminating different tasks. Given the variation in workplace computer activities, this study investigates the efficacy of unobtrusive sensors for stress measurement across a variety of tasks. We present a comparison of five physiological measurements obtained in a lab experiment, where participants completed six different computer tasks, while we measured their stress levels using a chest-band (ECG, respiration), a wristband (PPG and EDA), and an emerging thermal imaging method (perinasal perspiration). We found that thermal imaging can detect increased stress for most participants across all tasks, while wrist and chest sensors were less generalizable across tasks and participants. We summarize the costs and benefits of each sensor stream, and show how some computer use scenarios present usability and reliability challenges for stress monitoring with certain physiological sensors. We provide recommendations for researchers and system builders for measuring stress with physiological sensors during workplace computer use

    Towards improving emotion self-report collection using self-reflection

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    In an Experience Sampling Method (ESM) based emotion self-report collection study, engaging participants for a long period is challenging due to the repetitiveness of answering self-report probes. This often impacts the self-report collection as participants dropout in between or respond with arbitrary responses. Self-reflection (or commonly known as analyzing past activities to operate more efficiently in the future) has been effectively used to engage participants in logging physical, behavioral, or psychological data for Quantified Self (QS) studies. This motivates us to apply self-reflection to improve the emotion self-report collection procedure. We design, develop, and deploy a self-reflection interface and augment it with a smartphone keyboard-based emotion self-report collection application. The interface

    Reading during the composition of multi-sentence texts: an eye-movement study

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    Writers composing multi-sentence texts have immediate access to a visual representation of what they have written. Little is known about the detail of writers’ eye movements within this text during production. We describe two experiments in which competent adult writers’ eye-movements were tracked while performing short expository writing tasks. These are contrasted with conditions in which participants read and evaluated researcher-provided texts. Writers spent a mean of around 13% of their time looking back into their text. Initiation of these look-back sequences was strongly predicted by linguistically important boundaries in their ongoing production (e.g., writers were much more likely to look back immediately prior to starting a new sentence). 36% of look-back sequences were associated with sustained reading and the remainder with less patterned forward and backward saccades between words ("hopping"). Fixation and gaze durations and the presence of word-length effects suggested lexical processing of fixated words in both reading and hopping sequences. Word frequency effects were not present when writers read their own text. Findings demonstrate the technical possibility and potential value of examining writers’ fixations within their just-written text. We suggest that these fixations do not serve solely, or even primarily, in monitoring for error, but play an important role in planning ongoing production
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